997 resultados para acceleration control


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Presents a unified and systematic assessment of ten position control strategies for a hydraulic servo system with single-ended cylinder driven by a proportional directional control valve. We aim at identifying those methods that achieve better tracking, have a low sensitivity to system uncertainties, and offer a good balance between development effort and end results. A formal approach for solving this problem relies on several practical metrics, which is introduced herein. Their choice is important, as the comparison results between controllers can vary significantly, depending on the selected criterion. Apart from the quantitative assessment, we also raise aspects which are difficult to quantify, but which must stay in attention when considering the position control problem for this class of hydraulic servo systems.


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La presente tesi riguarda lo studio di procedimenti di ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati. In particolare, i sistemi studiati sono strutture shear-type soggette ad azioni di tipo sismico impresse alla base. Per effettuare l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi in oggetto si agisce sulle rigidezze di piano e sui coefficienti di smorzamento effettuando una ridistribuzione delle quantità suddette nei piani della struttura. È interessante effettuare l’ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati nell’ottica della progettazione antisismica, in modo da ridurre la deformata della struttura e, conseguentemente, anche le sollecitazioni che agiscono su di essa. Il lavoro consta di sei capitoli nei quali vengono affrontate tre procedure numerico-analitiche per effettuare l’ottimizzazione di sistemi shear-type. Nel primo capitolo si studia l’ottimizzazione di sistemi shear-type agendo su funzioni di trasferimento opportunamente vincolate. In particolare, le variabili di progetto sono le rigidezze di piano, mentre i coefficienti di smorzamento e le masse di piano risultano quantità note e costanti durante tutto il procedimento di calcolo iterativo; per effettuare il controllo dinamico della struttura si cerca di ottenere una deformata pressoché rettilinea. Tale condizione viene raggiunta ponendo le ampiezze delle funzioni di trasferimento degli spostamenti di interpiano pari all’ampiezza della funzione di trasferimento del primo piano. Al termine della procedura si ottiene una ridistribuzione della rigidezza complessiva nei vari piani della struttura. In particolare, si evince un aumento della rigidezza nei piani più bassi che risultano essere quelli più sollecitati da una azione impressa alla base e, conseguentemente, si assiste ad una progressiva riduzione della variabile di progetto nei piani più alti. L’applicazione numerica di tale procedura viene effettuata nel secondo capitolo mediante l’ausilio di un programma di calcolo in linguaggio Matlab. In particolare, si effettua lo studio di sistemi a tre e a cinque gradi di libertà. La seconda procedura numerico-analitica viene presentata nel terzo capitolo. Essa riguarda l’ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati agendo simultaneamente sulla rigidezza e sullo smorzamento e consta di due fasi. La prima fase ricerca il progetto ottimale della struttura per uno specifico valore della rigidezza complessiva e dello smorzamento totale, mentre la seconda fase esamina una serie di progetti ottimali in funzione di diversi valori della rigidezza e dello smorzamento totale. Nella prima fase, per ottenere il controllo dinamico della struttura, viene minimizzata la somma degli scarti quadratici medi degli spostamenti di interpiano. Le variabili di progetto, aggiornate dopo ogni iterazione, sono le rigidezze di piano ed i coefficienti di smorzamento. Si pone, inoltre, un vincolo sulla quantità totale di rigidezza e di smorzamento, e i valori delle rigidezze e dei coefficienti di smorzamento di ogni piano non devono superare un limite superiore posto all’inizio della procedura. Anche in questo caso viene effettuata una ridistribuzione delle rigidezze e dei coefficienti di smorzamento nei vari piani della struttura fino ad ottenere la minimizzazione della funzione obiettivo. La prima fase riduce la deformata della struttura minimizzando la somma degli scarti quadrarici medi degli spostamenti di interpiano, ma comporta un aumento dello scarto quadratico medio dell’accelerazione assoluta dell’ultimo piano. Per mantenere quest’ultima quantità entro limiti accettabili, si passa alla seconda fase in cui si effettua una riduzione dell’accelerazione attraverso l’aumento della quantità totale di smorzamento. La procedura di ottimizzazione di sistemi smorzati agendo simultaneamente sulla rigidezza e sullo smorzamento viene applicata numericamente, mediante l’utilizzo di un programma di calcolo in linguaggio Matlab, nel capitolo quattro. La procedura viene applicata a sistemi a due e a cinque gradi di libertà. L’ultima parte della tesi ha come oggetto la generalizzazione della procedura che viene applicata per un sistema dotato di isolatori alla base. Tale parte della tesi è riportata nel quinto capitolo. Per isolamento sismico di un edificio (sistema di controllo passivo) si intende l’inserimento tra la struttura e le sue fondazioni di opportuni dispositivi molto flessibili orizzontalmente, anche se rigidi in direzione verticale. Tali dispositivi consentono di ridurre la trasmissione del moto del suolo alla struttura in elevazione disaccoppiando il moto della sovrastruttura da quello del terreno. L’inserimento degli isolatori consente di ottenere un aumento del periodo proprio di vibrare della struttura per allontanarlo dalla zona dello spettro di risposta con maggiori accelerazioni. La principale peculiarità dell’isolamento alla base è la possibilità di eliminare completamente, o quantomeno ridurre sensibilmente, i danni a tutte le parti strutturali e non strutturali degli edifici. Quest’ultimo aspetto è importantissimo per gli edifici che devono rimanere operativi dopo un violento terremoto, quali ospedali e i centri operativi per la gestione delle emergenze. Nelle strutture isolate si osserva una sostanziale riduzione degli spostamenti di interpiano e delle accelerazioni relative. La procedura di ottimizzazione viene modificata considerando l’introduzione di isolatori alla base di tipo LRB. Essi sono costituiti da strati in elastomero (aventi la funzione di dissipare, disaccoppiare il moto e mantenere spostamenti accettabili) alternati a lamine in acciaio (aventi la funzione di mantenere una buona resistenza allo schiacciamento) che ne rendono trascurabile la deformabilità in direzione verticale. Gli strati in elastomero manifestano una bassa rigidezza nei confronti degli spostamenti orizzontali. La procedura di ottimizzazione viene applicata ad un telaio shear-type ad N gradi di libertà con smorzatori viscosi aggiunti. Con l’introduzione dell’isolatore alla base si passa da un sistema ad N gradi di libertà ad un sistema a N+1 gradi di libertà, in quanto l’isolatore viene modellato alla stregua di un piano della struttura considerando una rigidezza e uno smorzamento equivalente dell’isolatore. Nel caso di sistema sheat-type isolato alla base, poiché l’isolatore agisce sia sugli spostamenti di interpiano, sia sulle accelerazioni trasmesse alla struttura, si considera una nuova funzione obiettivo che minimizza la somma incrementata degli scarti quadratici medi degli spostamenti di interpiano e delle accelerazioni. Le quantità di progetto sono i coefficienti di smorzamento e le rigidezze di piano della sovrastruttura. Al termine della procedura si otterrà una nuova ridistribuzione delle variabili di progetto nei piani della struttura. In tal caso, però, la sovrastruttura risulterà molto meno sollecitata in quanto tutte le deformazioni vengono assorbite dal sistema di isolamento. Infine, viene effettuato un controllo sull’entità dello spostamento alla base dell’isolatore perché potrebbe raggiungere valori troppo elevati. Infatti, la normativa indica come valore limite dello spostamento alla base 25cm; valori più elevati dello spostamento creano dei problemi soprattutto per la realizzazione di adeguati giunti sismici. La procedura di ottimizzazione di sistemi isolati alla base viene applicata numericamente mediante l’utilizzo di un programma di calcolo in linguaggio Matlab nel sesto capitolo. La procedura viene applicata a sistemi a tre e a cinque gradi di libertà. Inoltre si effettua il controllo degli spostamenti alla base sollecitando la struttura con il sisma di El Centro e il sisma di Northridge. I risultati hanno mostrato che la procedura di calcolo è efficace e inoltre gli spostamenti alla base sono contenuti entro il limite posto dalla normativa. Giova rilevare che il sistema di isolamento riduce sensibilmente le grandezze che interessano la sovrastruttura, la quale si comporta come un corpo rigido al di sopra dell’isolatore. In futuro si potrà studiare il comportamento di strutture isolate considerando diverse tipologie di isolatori alla base e non solo dispositivi elastomerici. Si potrà, inoltre, modellare l’isolatore alla base con un modello isteretico bilineare ed effettuare un confronto con i risultati già ottenuti per il modello lineare.


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This paper presents the mathematical development of a body-centric nonlinear dynamic model of a quadrotor UAV that is suitable for the development of biologically inspired navigation strategies. Analytical approximations are used to find an initial guess of the parameters of the nonlinear model, then parameter estimation methods are used to refine the model parameters using the data obtained from onboard sensors during flight. Due to the unstable nature of the quadrotor model, the identification process is performed with the system in closed-loop control of attitude angles. The obtained model parameters are validated using real unseen experimental data. Based on the identified model, a Linear-Quadratic (LQ) optimal tracker is designed to stabilize the quadrotor and facilitate its translational control by tracking body accelerations. The LQ tracker is tested on an experimental quadrotor UAV and the obtained results are a further means to validate the quality of the estimated model. The unique formulation of the control problem in the body frame makes the controller better suited for bio-inspired navigation and guidance strategies than conventional attitude or position based control systems that can be found in the existing literature.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Control of the collective response of plasma particles to intense laser light is intrinsic to relativistic optics, the development of compact laser-driven particle and radiation sources, as well as investigations of some laboratory astrophysics phenomena. We recently demonstrated that a relativistic plasma aperture produced in an ultra-thin foil at the focus of intense laser radiation can induce diffraction, enabling polarization-based control of the collective motion of plasma electrons. Here we show that under these conditions the electron dynamics are mapped into the beam of protons accelerated via strong charge-separation-induced electrostatic fields. It is demonstrated experimentally and numerically via 3D particle-in-cell simulations that the degree of ellipticity of the laser polarization strongly influences the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of multi-MeV protons. The influence on both sheath-accelerated and radiation pressure-accelerated protons is investigated. This approach opens up a potential new route to control laser-driven ion sources.


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The paper presents a detailed analysis on the collective dynamics and delayed state feedback control of a three-dimensional delayed small-world network. The trivial equilibrium of the model is first investigated, showing that the uncontrolled model exhibits complicated unbounded behavior. Then three control strategies, namely a position feedback control, a velocity feedback control, and a hybrid control combined velocity with acceleration feedback, are then introduced to stabilize this unstable system. It is shown in these three control schemes that only the hybrid control can easily stabilize the 3-D network system. And with properly chosen delay and gain in the delayed feedback path, the hybrid controlled model may have stable equilibrium, or periodic solutions resulting from the Hopf bifurcation, or complex stranger attractor from the period-doubling bifurcation. Moreover, the direction of Hopf bifurcation and stability of the bifurcation periodic solutions are analyzed. The results are further extended to any "d" dimensional network. It shows that to stabilize a "d" dimensional delayed small-world network, at least a "d – 1" order completed differential feedback is needed. This work provides a constructive suggestion for the high dimensional delayed systems.


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Two simple and effective control strategies for a multi-axle heavy truck, modified skyhook damping (MSD) control and proportional-integration-derivative (PID) control, were implemented into functional virtual prototype (FVP) model and compared in terms of road friendliness and ride comfort. A four-axle heavy truck-road coupling system model was established using FVP technology and validated through a ride comfort test. Then appropriate passive air suspensions were chosen to replace the rear tandem suspensions of the original truck model for preliminary optimization. The mechanical properties and time lag of dampers were taken into account in simulations of MSD and PID semi-active dampers implemented using MATLAB/Simulink. Through co-simulations with Adams and MATLAB, the effects of semi-active MSD and PID control were analyzed and compared, and control parameters which afforded the best comprehensive performance for each control strategy were chosen. Simulation results indicate that compared with the passive air suspension truck, semi-active MSD control improves both ride comfort and road-friendliness markedly, with optimization ratios of RMS vertical acceleration and RMS tyre force ranging from 10.1% to 44.8%. However, semi-active PID control only reduces vertical vibration of the driver’s seat by 11.1%, 11.1% and 10.9% on A, B and C level roads respectively. Both strategies are robust to the variation of road level.


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A novel method of matching stiffness and continuous variable damping of an ECAS (electronically controlled air suspension) based on LQG (linear quadratic Gaussian) control was proposed to simultaneously improve the road-friendliness and ride comfort of a two-axle school bus. Taking account of the suspension nonlinearities and target-height-dependent variation in suspension characteristics, a stiffness model of the ECAS mounted on the drive axle of the bus was developed based on thermodynamics and the key parameters were obtained through field tests. By determining the proper range of the target height for the ECAS of the fully-loaded bus based on the design requirements of vehicle body bounce frequency, the control algorithm of the target suspension height (i.e., stiffness) was derived according to driving speed and road roughness. Taking account of the nonlinearities of a continuous variable semi-active damper, the damping force was obtained through the subtraction of the air spring force from the optimum integrated suspension force, which was calculated based on LQG control. Finally, a GA (genetic algorithm)-based matching method between stepped variable damping and stiffness was employed as a benchmark to evaluate the effectiveness of the LQG-based matching method. Simulation results indicate that compared with the GA-based matching method, both dynamic tire force and vehicle body vertical acceleration responses are markedly reduced around the vehicle body bounce frequency employing the LQG-based matching method, with peak values of the dynamic tire force PSD (power spectral density) decreased by 73.6%, 60.8% and 71.9% in the three cases, and corresponding reduction are 71.3%, 59.4% and 68.2% for the vehicle body vertical acceleration. A strong robustness to variation of driving speed and road roughness is also observed for the LQG-based matching method.


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The nonlinear problem of steady free-surface flow past a submerged source is considered as a case study for three-dimensional ship wave problems. Of particular interest is the distinctive wedge-shaped wave pattern that forms on the surface of the fluid. By reformulating the governing equations with a standard boundary-integral method, we derive a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that enforce a singular integro-differential equation at each midpoint on a two-dimensional mesh. Our contribution is to solve the system of equations with a Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov method together with a banded preconditioner that is carefully constructed with entries taken from the Jacobian of the linearised problem. Further, we are able to utilise graphics processing unit acceleration to significantly increase the grid refinement and decrease the run-time of our solutions in comparison to schemes that are presently employed in the literature. Our approach provides opportunities to explore the nonlinear features of three-dimensional ship wave patterns, such as the shape of steep waves close to their limiting configuration, in a manner that has been possible in the two-dimensional analogue for some time.


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A new technique named as model predictive spread acceleration guidance (MPSAG) is proposed in this paper. It combines nonlinear model predictive control and spread acceleration guidance philosophies. This technique is then used to design a nonlinear suboptimal guidance law for a constant speed missile against stationary target with impact angle constraint. MPSAG technique can be applied to a class of nonlinear problems, which leads to a closed form solution of the lateral acceleration (latax) history update. Guidance command assumed is the lateral acceleration (latax), applied normal to the velocity vector. The new guidance law is validated by considering the nonlinear kinematics with both lag-free as well as first order autopilot delay. The simulation results show that the proposed technique is quite promising to come up with a nonlinear guidance law that leads to both very small miss distance as well as the desired impact angle.


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A new technique named as model predictive spread acceleration guidance (MPSAG) is proposed in this paper. It combines nonlinear model predictive control and spread acceleration guidance philosophies. This technique is then used to design a nonlinear suboptimal guidance law for a constant speed missile against stationary target with impact angle constraint. MPSAG technique can be applied to a class of nonlinear problems, which leads to a closed form solution of the lateral acceleration (latax) history update. Guidance command assumed is the lateral acceleration (latax), applied normal to the velocity vector. The new guidance law is validated by considering the nonlinear kinematics with both lag-free as well as first order autopilot delay. The simulation results show that the proposed technique is quite promising to come up with a nonlinear guidance law that leads to both very small miss distance as well as the desired impact angle.


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Based on dynamic inversion, a relatively straightforward approach is presented in this paper for nonlinear flight control design of high performance aircrafts, which does not require the normal and lateral acceleration commands to be first transferred to body rates before computing the required control inputs. This leads to substantial improvement of the tracking response. Promising results are obtained from six degree-offreedom simulation studies of F-16 aircraft, which are found to be superior as compared to an existing approach (which is also based on dynamic inversion). The new approach has two potential benefits, namely reduced oscillatory response (including elimination of non-minimum phase behavior) and reduced control magnitude. Next, a model-following neuron-adaptive design is augmented the nominal design in order to assure robust performance in the presence of parameter inaccuracies in the model. Note that in the approach the model update takes place adaptively online and hence it is philosophically similar to indirect adaptive control. However, unlike a typical indirect adaptive control approach, there is no need to update the individual parameters explicitly. Instead the inaccuracy in the system output dynamics is captured directly and then used in modifying the control. This leads to faster adaptation, which helps in stabilizing the unstable plant quicker. The robustness study from a large number of simulations shows that the adaptive design has good amount of robustness with respect to the expected parameter inaccuracies in the model.


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Fuzzy logic control (FLC) systems have been applied as an effective control system in various fields, including vibration control of structures. The advantage of this approach is its inherent robustness and ability to handle non‐linearities and uncertainties in structural behavior and loading. The study evaluates the three‐dimensional benchmark control problem for a seismically excited highway bridge using an ANFIS driven hydraulic actuators. An ANN based training strategy that considers both velocity and acceleration feedback together with a fuzzy logic rule base is developed. Present study needs only 4 accelerometers and 4 fuzzy rule bases to determine the control force, instead of 8 accelerometers and 4 displacement transducers used in the benchmark study problem. The results obtained are better than that obtained from the benchmark control algorithm.


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In this paper, sliding-mode-control-based guidance laws to intercept stationary, constant-velocity, and maneuvering targets at a desired impact angle are proposed. The desired impact angle, which is defined in terms of a desired line-of-sight angle, is achieved in finite time by selecting the missile's lateral acceleration to enforce terminal sliding mode on a switching surface designed using nonlinear engagement dynamics. The conditions for capturability are also presented. In addition, by considering a three-degree-of-freedom linear-interceptor dynamic model and by following the procedure used to design a dynamic sliding-mode controller, the interceptor autopilot is designed as a simple static controller to track the lateral acceleration generated by the guidance law. Numerical simulation results are presented to validate the proposed guidance laws and the autopilot design for different initial engagement geometries and impact angles.