71 resultados para acanthocephala
Polymorphus (Profilicollis) sphaerocephalus (Bremser in Rudolphi, 1819) Van Cleave, 1947 (Polymorphidae) cystacanths were recovered from 5 species of grapsid crabs (Paragrapsus gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1837), Paragrapsus laevis (Dana, 1852), Paragrapsus quadridentatus (Milne Edwards, 1837), Brachynotus spinosus (Milne Edwards, 1853), and Cyclograpsus granulosus (Milne Edwards, 1853)) and 1 species of portunid crab (Nectocarcinus integrifrons (Linnaeus, 1766)) from intertidal zones in southern temperate waters of Australia. Cystacanths of Corynosoma stanleyi Smales, 1986 (Polymorphidae) were also recovered from P. gaimardii, P. quadridentatus, and C. granulosus. Polymorphus (P.) sphaerocephalus was the most prevalent (100%) in C. granulosus at Flinders I. and C. stanleyi was most prevalent (59.1%) in C. granulosus at Dunally Channel, Tasmania.
During a survey of the helminth parasites of the introduced load, Bufo marinus, on O'ahu, Hawaii, an acanthocephalan corresponding to Acanthocephalus bufonis (Shipley, 1903) was found in the intestinal tract. This is a new host and locality record for A. bufonis which has only previously been recorded from amphibians in the Orient. Possible mechanisms for the introduction of A. bufonis to Hawaii, and its transmission to the toad, are discussed. Almost 98 % of toads were infected with a mean intensify of: 28.6 acanthocephalans per infected toed. There was a significant negative correlation between host length and intensity of infection with subadult toads having significantly higher infection levels than adult male and female loads. Trunk length of both male and female acanthocephalans was significantly related to host length.
Heterosentis hirsutus n. sp. is described from Cnidoglanis macrocephalo (Siluriformes: Plotosidae) from the Swan Estuary, Western Australia. It is distinguished by having 14 longitudinal rows of 6-7 hooks per row on the proboscis, a trunk armed anteriorly and posteriorly (=genital spines) with minute spines and lemnisci that may extend to the poster;or margin of the proboscis receptacle The new species also has prominent fragmented nuclei in its trunk well. New information is given for Heterosentis plotosi Yamoguti, 1935 from Plotosus lineatus (Siluriformes: Plotosidae) and H. poraplagusiarum (Nickol, 1972) Amin, 1985 from Paraplogusia guttata (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidoe), both from Queensland. A key to the species of Heterosentis Van Cleave, 1931 is provided. The Arhythmacanthidae subfamilies are reviewed: there is little utility in the recognition of these taxa because of the small number of genera involved and the validity/ of the characters on which they ore based is in doubt, particularly whether trunk spines are present or absent. Only Acanthocephaloides Meyer, 1932, Breizocanthus Golvon, 1969, Euzetocanthus Golvan & Houin, 1964, Heterosentis, Hypoechinorhynchus Yamaguti, 1939 and Paracanthocepholoides Golvan, 1969 of the Arhythmacanthidae are considered valid. A key to these genera is provided. The monotypic genus Neocanthocepholoides Cable & Quick, 1954 is considered a new synonym of Acanthocephaloides thus creating Acanthocephaloides spinicaudatus (Cable & Quick, 1954) n. comb. Arhythmocanthus Yamaguti, 1935 is maintained as a synonym of Heterosentis because the distinction between two and three hook types is made equivocal when the transition between the opical and subapical hooks is gradual.
Hypoechinorhynchus robustus sp. n. is described from Notolabrus parilus (Richardson) (Labridae) from Pt Peron, Western Australia. It has a proboscis with 30 hooks arranged in ten longitudinal rows: 5 rows of a small apical spine, a large anterior hook and a small posterior spine, 5 rows of a large anterior hook, a middle spine and a posterior spine. The new species is distinguished from other species of the genus by having a set of 5 small apical spines anterior to the large hooks on the proboscis, by having lemnisci that barely extend beyond the proboscis receptacle and testes which are more adjacent than tandem. H. robustus also has robust trunk spines anteriorly. Re-examination of Hypoechinorhynchus alaeopis Yamaguti, 1939 (type species) revealed trunk spines that had been overlooked previously. The Hypoechinorhynchidae is made a junior synonym of Arhythmacanthidae because there is considerable overlap between the two family diagnoses, particularly in that both families have a proboscis armature that changes abruptly from small basal spines to large apical (or subapical if present) hooks. The genus Hypoechinorhynchus is placed in the subfamily Arhythmacanthinae because it has trunk spines and a spherical proboscis with few hooks (relative to other arhythmacanthid genera). It is also proposed that Heterosentis magellanicus (Szidat, 1950) be returned to the genus Hypoechinorhynchus since it was transferred to Heterosentis primarily because it had trunk spines. The other hypoechinorhynchid genus contained only Bolborhynchoides exiguus (Achmerov et Dombrowskaja-Achmerova, 1941) Achmerov, 1959 and is relegated to incertae sedis.
Several heteracanthocephalid specimens were recovered from the flatfish Rhombosolea leporina (Gunther), a host of Heteracanthocephalus peltorhamphi (Baylis, 1944) Petrochenko, 1956 from New Zealand. Unlike H. peltorhamphi, these new specimens have trunk spines. Measurements and proboscis armament of the new specimens are consistent with the worms being Aspersentis minor Edmonds & Smales, 1992 originally described from the Australian flounder Rhombosolea tapirina Gunther. A review of the family Heteracanthocephalidae Petrochenko, 1956 was undertaken to assess the validity of its four genera and eight species. The validity of Aspersentis megarhynchus (Linstow, 1892) Golvan, 1960 (syn. Echinorhynchus megarhynchus Linstow, 1892) is questioned. E. megarhynchus is not considered to be an heteracanthocephalid and is relegated to a species inquirenda. A. megarhynchus (Linstow, 1892) of Golvan (1960) nec E. megarhynchus Linstow, 1892 is considered a synonym of A. austrinus Van Cleave, 1929. The monotypic genus Heteracanthocephalus Petrochenko, 1956 is proposed as a synonym of Aspersentis Van Cleave, 1929 because there appear to be insufficient morphological differences between them. Aspersentis peltorhamphi n. comb. is proposed for Heteracanthocephalus peltorhamphi. The monotypic genus Sachalinorhynchus Krotov & Petrochenko in Petrochenko, 1956 is considered valid, but the other heteracanthocephalid genus, Bullockrhynchus Chandra, Rao & Shyamasundari, 1985, also monotypic, is not. B. indicus Chandra, Rao & Shyamasundari, 1985 possesses more features resembling rhadinorhynchids than heteracanthocephalids but only females are known, and therefore the genus and species cannot be placed. There are currently four valid species of Aspersentis and one of Sachalinorhynchus.
The status and composition of the Diplosentidae Tubangui et Masilungan, 1937 are reviewed. The type species of the type genus, Diplosentis amphacanthi Tubangui et Masilungan, 1937 from Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797) in the Philippines, is concluded to have been described inaccurately,in supposedly possessing, only two cement glands and lemnisci enclosed in a membranous sac. The species is almost certainly very close to species of Neorhadinorhynchus yamaguti, 1939 and Sclerocollum Schmidt of Paperna, 1978 which have also been reported from siganids from the tropical Indo-Pacific. Species of these genera have four cement glands and unexceptional lemnisci. As a result, Diplosentis Tubangui et Masilungan, 1937 is best considered to have affinities with the Cavisomidae Meyer, 1932. The Cavisomidae has priority over the Diplosentidae; thus the Diplosentidae becomes a synonym of the Cavisomidae. Neorhadinorhynchus and Sclerocollum are considered synonyms of Diplosentis. The affinities of the other species and genera formerly included in the Diplosentidae (other species of Diplosentis, Allorhadinorhynchus Yamaguti, 1959, Amapacanthus Salgado-Maldonado et Santos, 2000, Pararhadinorhynchus Johnston et Edmonds, 1947, Golvanorhynchus Noronha, do Fabio et Pinto, 1978 and Slendrorhynchus Amin et Soy, 1996) are discussed. It is concluded that all but Pararhadinorhynchus, two species of Diplosentis and Amapacanthus can be accommodated elsewhere satisfactorily. A new family, Transvenidae, is proposed for a small group of acanthocephalans that genuinely possess only two cement glands. Transvena annulospinosa gen. n., sp. n. is described from the labrids Anampses neoguinaicus Bleeker, 1878 (type host), A. geographicus Valenciennes, 1840, A. caeruleopunctatus Ruppell, 1829, Hemigymnus fasciatus (Bloch, 1792), and H. melapterus (Bloch, 1791) from the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. Transvena gen. n. is distinguished from all other acanthocephalan genera by having a combination of a single ring of small spines on its trunk near or at the junction between the neck and trunk, two cement glands, a double-walled proboscis receptacle and hooks which decrease in length from the apex to the base of the proboscis. A second new genus within the Transvenidae, Trajectura, is proposed for T. perinsolens sp. n. from Anampses neoguinaicus, also from the Great Barrier Reef. Trajectura gen. n. is distinguished by the possession of only two cement glands and an anterior conical projection (function unknown) on the females. Diplosentis ikedai Machida, 1992 shares these characters and is recombined as Trajectura ikedai comb. n. Pararhadinorhynchus is transferred to the Transvenidae and Diplosentis manteri Gupta et Fatma, 1979 is recombined as Pararhadinorhynchus manteri comb. n.
Neoechinorhynchus ningalooensis sp. nov, is described from Scarus ghobban Forsskal, 1775 and S. psittacus Forsskal, 1775 (Scaridae) from Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. The new species is distinguished by having a combination of the Following: three circles of six hooks on the proboscis; anterior hooks equal in size (66-68 (Im long), middle hooks (50-58 mum long), 79% smaller than anterior hooks, posterior hooks (40-44 mum long) smallest; lemnisci equal in length and extending beyond the proboscis receptacle but not to ovoid testes; terminal papilla absent. This report is the first published account of an acanthocephalan from parrotfish (Scaridae) and the first record of an eoacanthocephalan from the western coast of Australia.
Dans le travail présent, Serrasentis sagittifer est redécrit et la validité du nom et des espèces qui lui sont assimilées est discutée.
No presente trabalho é feita a revisão da subfamília Atactorhynchinae Petrostschenko, 1956. Para o gênero Floridosentis Ward, 1953, o estudo é baseado em exemplares do material tipo, além de outros encontrados parasitnando três peixes do gênero Mugil (Parati), provenientes de Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro. Quanto ao gênero Atactorhynchus Chandler, 1935, o nosso estudo foi baseado na descrição original de Chandler e do trabalho de Golvan sobre a classe dos Eoacanthocephala (Van Cleave, 1936).
Basándose en el estudio de los helmintos larvales parásitos del cangrejo Cyrtograpsus angulatus Dana, 1851 (Microphallus szidati Martorelli, 1986 (Digenea; Microphallidae) y Falsifilicollis chasmagnathi Holcman-Spector et al., 1977 (Acathocephala; Fillicollidae) conjuntamente con el análisis de sus ciclos biológicos y el estudio de la prevalencia, intensidad y de los índices de asociación (comparados entre los hospedadores intermediarios y definitivos) se pudo concluir que: a) C. angulatus parece ser un excelente hospedador intermediario en los ciclos de vida de los helmintos estudiados; b) el tamaño de los cangrejos y la ocurrencia de amputaciones naturales en las hembras de mayor tamaño Spivak & Politis (en prensa) aparecen correlacionadas con la prevalencia; c) en los cangrejos estudiados la prevalencia para F. chasmagnathi fue mayor en los machos que en las hembras; d) la intensidad no apareció correlacionada con el tamño y el sexo de los hospedadores intermediarios; e) M. szidati y F. chasmagnathi estan fuertemente asociados en el hospedador intermediario; f) C. angulatus e Himantopus melanurus Vieilot, 1817 (Aves; Recurvirostridae) son citados como nuevos hospedadores, intermediario y denitivo respectivamente, para F. chasmagnathi; g) Chasmagnathus granulata Dana, 1851 es citado como un nuevo hospedador intermediario para M. szidati.