975 resultados para abdominal palpation


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This study was undertaken to determine the accuracy of splenic palpation for the diagnosis of splenomegaly, and to determine whether the frequency of individuals with a palpable spleen in an endemic area can be considered as an index of morbidity of schistosomiasis. For the clinical diagnosis of splenomegaly, two criteria have been tested: (A) presence of a palpable spleen and (B) presence of a palpable spleen whose border could be felt more than 4 cm below the costal margin. In an area of high prevalence of the disease (66.3%) 285 individuals aged 18 years or more have been submitted to abdominal ultrasonography and physical examination. Splenomegaly was defined as a splenic length greater than 120 mm by ultrasound and the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of criterion A were 72.2%, 90.5%, 35.1% and 97.8%. The values for criterion B were 27.8%, 98%, 50% and 95%, respectively. In an non endemic area, 517 individuals were submitted to the same protocol and 22 individuals had a palpable spleen, but no patient fulfilled criterion B for splenomegaly, and only one met the ultrasonographic criterion for splenomegaly. The authors concluded that abdominal palpation is a poor method for the diagnosis of splenomegaly.


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INTRODUCTION: Abdominal palpation and ultrasound findings among patients from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Brazil who had been followed up for 27 years were compared. METHODS: In 2004, 411 patients from Brejo do Espírito Santo, in the State of Bahia, were selected for the present investigation after giving their written informed consent. Based on clinical data, they were divided into three groups: 41 patients with evidence of liver fibrosis in 2004 (Group 1); 102 patients with evidence of liver fibrosis in the past (1976-1989) but not in 2004 (Group 2); and 268 patients without evidence of liver fibrosis at any time during the 27-year follow-up (Group 3). All of the patients underwent abdominal ultrasound in which the examiner did not know the result from the clinical examination. The data were stored in a database. RESULTS: The prevalence of periportal fibrosis on ultrasound was 82.9%, 56.9% and 13.4% in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In the presence of hard, nodular liver or prominent left lobe and a hard palpable spleen, ultrasound revealed periportal fibrosis in 70.9%. However, periportal fibrosis was diagnosed using ultrasound in 25.4% of the patients in the absence of clinical evidence of liver involvement. Thus, ultrasound diagnosed periportal fibrosis 3.1 times more frequently than clinical examination did. CONCLUSIONS: Although clinical examination is important in evaluating morbidity due to Manson's schistosomiasis in endemic areas, ultrasound is more accurate in diagnosing liver involvement and periportal fibrosis.


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Different aspects of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis are revisited here. Manson's schistosomiasis causes periportal fibrosis and portal hypertension in approximately 6% of infected subjects, usually with preservation of their hepatic function. The assessment of liver involvement is of major importance in determining the prognosis and risk of complications from schistosomiasis, such as upper digestive bleeding secondary to variceal rupture. For many years, the diagnosis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and liver fibrosis was made by abdominal palpation and the finding of liver and/or spleen enlargement. However, there is no consensus regarding the clinical parameters of the liver and spleen to be considered in this physical evaluation. For the last three decades, abdominal ultrasound (US) has become the best imaging technique to evaluate liver fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis mansoni. However, US is a subjective procedure and is therefore examiner-dependent. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings have provided valuable information in addition to ultrasound and clinical examination. The combination of a comprehensive history and physical examination, basic laboratory tests (a stool examination for Schistosoma mansoni eggs and a blood cell count), biomarkers for liver fibrosis/portal hypertension and imaging methods seem to offer the best approach for evaluating patients with this disease. In situations where research is involved or in patients with severe disease, MRI may be considered.


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A combined clinical and sonographic classification of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni to be used in field-based studies is proposed herein. Seven hundred forty one individuals out of 892 (83%), living in an area endemic for schistosomiasis in Brazil, have been ubmitted to clinical and ultrasound examinations. Based on two stool examinations the overall prevalence for schistosomiasis in this area was 73%. Abdominal palpation was performed with patients in dorsal decubit, during deep breath, by two experienced physicians and a portable ultrasound was used for the evaluation of liver fibrosis, portal collaterals and spleen size. Four groups of individuals were identified using data obtained by abdominal palpation and ultrasound examination: (1) palpable spleen and intense periportal thickening in 9 individuals (1.2%); (2) spleen not palpable and intense periportal thickening in 15 (2%); (3) palpable spleen with light to moderate periportal thickening in 32 (4.3%), and (4) palpable spleen with a normal liver on ultrasound in 30 (4%). The definition of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis in field-based studies as the finding of Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the stools in an individual with splenomegaly is not acceptable anymore. Abdominal ultrasound should be combined with clinical examination to accurately identify hepatosplenics in endemic areas for schistosomiasis.


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Background: Community-acquired pneumonia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. New, rapid methods are needed to improve the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia in clinical practice. The increasing incidence of parapneumonic empyema in children accentuates the importance of the identification of the causative agent and clinical predictors of empyema. Aims and methods: Two prospective studies were conducted to find feasible diagnostic methods for the detection of causative agents of pneumonia. The usefulness of pneumolysin-targeted real-time PCR in the diagnosis of pneumococcal disease was studied in children with pneumonia and empyema, and the clinical utility of induced sputum analysis in the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia was investigated in children with pneumonia. In addition, two retrospective clinical studies were performed to describe the frequency and clinical profile of influenza pneumonia in children and the frequency, clinical profile and clinical predictors of empyema in children. Results: Pneumolysin-PCR in pleural fluid significantly improved the microbiologic diagnosis of empyema by increasing the detection rate of pneumococcus almost tenfold to that of pleural fluid culture (75 % vs. 8 %). In whole blood samples, PCR detected pneumococcus in only one child with pneumonia and one child with pneumococcal empyema. Sputum induction provided good-quality sputum specimens with high microbiologic yield. Streptococcus pneumoniae (46 %) and rhinovirus (29 %) were the most common microbes detected. The quantification results of the paired sputum and nasopharyngeal aspirate specimens provided support that the majority of the bacteria (79 %) and viruses (55 %) found in sputum originated from the lower airways. Pneumonia was detected in 14 % of children with influenza infection. A history of prolonged duration of fever, tachypnea, and pain on abdominal palpation were found to be independently significant predictors of empyema. Conclusions: Pneumolysin-targeted real-time PCR is a useful and rapid method for the diagnosis of pneumococcal empyema in children. Induced sputum analysis with paired nasopharyngeal aspirate analysis can be of clinical value in the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia. Influenza pneumonia is an infrequent and generally benign disease in children with rare fatalities. Repeat chest radiograph and ultrasound imaging are recommended in children with pneumonia presenting with clinical predictors of empyema and in children with persistent fever and high CRP levels during hospitalization.


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A 21-year-old girl presents with a 15-day history of epigastric pain and vomiting. Ten days later, constipation and abdominal distension followed. The patient reported similar epigastric pain and vomiting for 6 days last year. A painless epigastric 12-by-8-centimeter tumor was observed on abdominal palpation, and rectal examination revealed an extrinsic tumor compressing anterior rectal wall. Upper digestive endoscopy showed a trichobezoar. Upon laparotomy, one gastric and one duodenal trichobezoar were removed through an anterior gastrotomy. Another one was found 40 centimeters proximal to the ileo-cecal valve and removed through a proximal ileotomy. Trichobezoar is an unspecific disease, which diagnosis is made upon suspicion. Early recognition of bezoars is important because morbidity and mortality rise considerably once complications occur. We illustrate this case to emphasize the need for early recognition and surgical management in order to reduce morbimortality.


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Sodium fluoroacetate (SFAC) or Compound 1080 is a potent rodenticide, largely used after 1946 for rodent and home pest control. The toxic effects of SFAC are caused by fluorocitrate action, a toxic metabolite, which has a competitive action with aconitase enzyme, leading to citrate accumulation and resulting in interference in energy production by Krebs cycle blockade. In the present study, domestic cats were intoxicated with oral doses of fluoroacetate (0.45 mg/kg). The intoxicated animals presented emesis, diarrhea with abdominal pain posture and an abdominal palpation, tachypnea, bilateral midriasis, hypothermia, hyperexcitability and convulsions. Blood gas analysis indicated decreased pH and bicarbonate levels. Serum ionized calcium was also decreased. ECG showed non-specific changes in ventricular repolarization and ventricular arrhythmias. The survival rate was 75% in the treated group with calcium gluconate and sodium succinate and 37.5% in the non-treated group.


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Five dogs with rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani that had been treated by surgical correction of the malformations were studied retrospectively. Ages at presentation varied from 1 to 3 months and weight from 350 g to 7.5 kg. The histories included voiding of feces through the vulva, with or without tenesmus, usually observed after weaning. Artesia ani, presence of feces in the vaginal canal, abdominal distention, and discomfort on abdominal palpation were observed during clinical examination. Also, 3 dogs had partial tail agenesis. In all dogs, the rectovaginal fistula was isolated and transected, the vulvar and rectal defects were closed separately, and the atresia ani was repaired. Normal defecation was restored, but 1 dog had fecal incontinence that subsequently resolved. One dog died 2.5 months postoperatively, and follow-up was done on the others for periods ranging from 1.6 year to 7.7 years. Surgical correction in dogs with rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani may result in a favorable outcome, if it is done early.


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As crianças, assim como os adultos, são susceptíveis em adquirir malária, apresentando manifestações clínicas de intensidade variável na dependência do seu grau de imunidade e da espécie de plasmódio causadora da infecção. Com o objetivo de traçar o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e laboratorial da malária por P. vivax foram avaliadas 100 crianças entre 0 - 14 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico positivo para P. vivax (gota espessa), no Ambulatório do Programa de Malária do Instituto Evandro Chagas, Belém - Pará, no período de janeiro de 1995 a novembro de 1996. Em relação à faixa etária, os adolescentes foram os mais acometidos pela doença (37,0%). Os casos autóctones representaram 34,0% da casuística, evidenciando a presença do paludismo nos núcleos urbanos da Região Amazônica. A febre, em 88,0% das crianças se constituiu na principal manifestação clínica inicial da doença. No 1º dia de atendimento (D0), a febre, o calafrio e a cefaléia (tríade malárica) ocorreram respectivamente em 97,0%, 91,0% e 85,0%, enquanto que a hepatomegalia em 29,0% e a esplenomegalia em 46,0% das crianças. Entre palidez e anemia, avaliada pela taxa de hemoglobina, houve uma correlação significativa (p < 0,05), verificando-se que entre as crianças pálidas, 89,2% eram anêmicas. A hemólise parece ter sido a causa básica da anemia, tendo também contribuído para sua instalação o retardo no diagnóstico (média de 12,5 dias) e o parasitismo intestinal por ancilostomídeos. Neste estudo, a desnutrição parece não ter exercido qualquer influencia sobre a anemia. Com a terapêutica, observou-se um declínio tanto no percentual de crianças com tríade malárica como no percentual de crianças com parasitemia assexuada, sendo este declínio de maior intensidade na tríade malárica. Outros sinais e sintomas (palidez, astenia, artralgia, cefaléia, colúria) ocorreram por um período de tempo maior do que o da tríade malárica, em geral, persistindo até 14 dias. As complicações presentes durante ou imediatamente após o tratamento, em 5,0% das crianças, foram pneumonia, broncopneumonia, impetigo generalizado, gastroenterite e exantema de etiologia não definida. Em relação à metodologia empregada para avaliação da hepatoesplenomegalia, a ultrassonografia abdominal mostrou-se mais sensível do que a palpação abdominal. Com o tratamento instituído, as taxas de : hemoglobina, os reticulócitos e o volume corpuscular médio (VCM) tiveram um aumento significativo de D0 (primeiro dia de terapêutica) para D7 (oitavo dia de terapêutica). Entretanto, em relação à concentração da hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM) houve uma diminuição significativa nos valores encontrados em D7 quando comparados aos valores de D0, possilvemente às custas de uma menor oferta de ferro para a medula óssea.


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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This study describes the occurrence of iatrogenic hydronephrosis in left kidney with compression of the abdominal aorta in persian cat and paralysis of hind limbs. The animal had slight dehydration, pale mucous membranes, cold extremities and cyanotic, absence of bilateral femoral artery pulse, and absence of superficial and deep pain, and presence of a mass of firm consistency with six centimeters in diameter, on abdominal palpation. Performed exploratory celiotomy, there was increased left kidney compressing the abdominal aorta and dilation of the cranial left ureter attached to the uterine horn by means of ligation with nonabsorbable. After nephrectomy, it was observed the restoration of local circulation. The animal died after eight hours.


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Background: Spinal signs found in association with atypical chest and abdominal pain may suggest the pain is referred from the thoracic spine. However, the prevalence of such signs in these conditions has rarely been compared with that in those without pain. In this study, the prevalence of spinal signs and dysfunction in patients with back, chest and abdominal pain is compared with that in pain free controls. The aim of the study is to determine the significance of spinal findings in patients with such pain. Methods: A general practitioner blinded to the patients' histories performed a cervical and thoracic spinal examination on general practice patients with back, chest and/or abdominal pain and on controls without pain. Thoracic intervertebral dysfunction was diagnosed on the basis of movement and palpation findings. Results: Seventy three study patients plus 24 controls, were examined. For cervical spinal signs, pain in the back, chest and/or abdomen was associated with pain with active movements and overpressure at end range and with loss of movement range. For thoracic spinal signs, this association held for pain with active movements and overpressure, but not with loss of movement range. The prevalence of thoracic intervertebral dysfunction was 25.0% in controls, 65.5% with chest/abdominal pain, 72.0% with back pain and 79.0% with back pain with chest/abdominal pain. This prevalence was higher with chest pain than with abdominal pain. Conclusions: The results show an association, but not a causal link between thoracic intervertebral dysfunction and atypical chest/abdominal pain. A spinal examination should be performed routinely assessing these conditions. The minimum examination for the detection of intervertebral dysfunction is testing for pain with spinal movements and palpation for tenderness. The interpretation of positive signs requires knowledge of their prevalence in pain free controls and in patients with visceral disease


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The objective of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-examiner reliability of pain pressure threshold algometry at various points of the abdominal wall of healthy women. Twenty-one healthy women in menacme with a mean age of 28 ± 5.4 years (range: 19-39 years) were included. All volunteers had regular menstrual cycles (27-33 days) and were right-handed and, to the best of our knowledge, none were taking medications at the time of testing. Women with a diagnosis of depression, anxiety or other mood disturbances were excluded. Women with previous abdominal surgery, any pain condition or any evidence of inflammation, hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, or inflammatory disease were also excluded. Pain perception thresholds were assessed with a pressure algometer with digital traction and compression and a measuring capacity for 5 kg. All points were localized by palpation and marked with a felt-tipped pen and each individual was evaluated over a period of 2 days in two consecutive sessions, each session consisting of a set of 14 point measurements repeated twice by two examiners in random sequence. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean pain threshold obtained by the two examiners on 2 diferent days (examiner A: P = 1.00; examiner B: P = 0.75; Wilcoxon matched pairs test). There was excellent/good agreement between examiners for all days and all points. Our results have established baseline values to which future researchers will be able to refer. They show that pressure algometry is a reliable measure for pain perception in the abdominal wall of healthy women.


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The objective of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-examiner reliability of pain pressure threshold algometry at various points of the abdominal wall of healthy women. Twenty-one healthy women in menacme with a mean age of 28 +/- 5.4 years (range: 19-39 years) were included. All volunteers had regular menstrual cycles (27-33 days) and were right-handed and, to the best of our knowledge, none were taking medications at the time of testing. Women with a diagnosis of depression, anxiety or other mood disturbances were excluded. Women with previous abdominal surgery, any pain condition or any evidence of inflammation, hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, or inflammatory disease were also excluded. Pain perception thresholds were assessed with a pressure algometer with digital traction and compression and a measuring capacity for 5 kg. All points were localized by palpation and marked with a felt-tipped pen and each individual was evaluated over a period of 2 days in two consecutive sessions, each session consisting of a set of 14 point measurements repeated twice by two examiners in random sequence. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean pain threshold obtained by the two examiners on 2 diferent days (examiner A: P = 1.00; examiner B: P = 0.75; Wilcoxon matched pairs test). There was excellent/good agreement between examiners for all days and all points. Our results have established baseline values to which future researchers will be able to refer. They show that pressure algometry is a reliable measure for pain perception in the abdominal wall of healthy women.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física