211 resultados para Zweischleifenrechnungen, LEP, ILC


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde, basierend auf der Parallel-/Orthogonalraum-Methode, eine neue Methode zur Berechnung von allgemeinen massiven Zweischleifen-Dreipunkt-Tensorintegralen mit planarer und gedrehter reduzierter planarer Topologie entwickelt. Die Ausarbeitung und Implementation einer Tensorreduktion fuer Integrale, welche eine allgemeine Tensorstruktur im Minkowski-Raum besitzen koennen, wurde durchgefuehrt. Die Entwicklung und Implementation eines Algorithmus zur semi-analytischen Berechnung der schwierigsten Integrale, die nach der Tensorreduktion verbleiben, konnte vollendet werden. (Fuer die anderen Basisintegrale koennen wohlbekannte Methoden verwendet werden.) Die Implementation ist bezueglich der UV-endlichen Anteile der Masterintegrale, die auch nach Tensorreduktion noch die zuvor erwaehnten Topologien besitzen, abgeschlossen. Die numerischen Integrationen haben sich als stabil erwiesen. Fuer die verbleibenden Teile des Projektes koennen wohlbekannte Methoden verwendet werden. In weiten Teilen muessen lediglich noch Links zu existierenden Programmen geschrieben werden. Fuer diejenigen wenigen verbleibenden speziellen Topologien, welche noch zu implementieren sind, sind (wohlbekannte) Methoden zu implementieren. Die Computerprogramme, die im Rahmen dieses Projektes entstanden, werden auch fuer allgemeinere Prozesse in das xloops-Projekt einfliessen. Deswegen wurde sie soweit moeglich fuer allgemeine Prozesse entwickelt und implementiert. Der oben erwaehnte Algorithmus wurde insbesondere fuer die Evaluation der fermionischen NNLO-Korrekturen zum leptonischen schwachen Mischungswinkel sowie zu aehnlichen Prozessen entwickelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde ein Grossteil der fuer die fermionischen NNLO-Korrekturen zu den effektiven Kopplungskonstanten des Z-Zerfalls (und damit fuer den schachen Mischungswinkel) notwendigen Arbeit durchgefuehrt.


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In 2001 the International Law Commission finally adopted on second reading the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts with commentaries, bringing to an end nearly 50 years of ILC work on the subject. This article reviews the final group of changes to the text, focusing on the definitions of ‘injury’ and ‘damage’, assurances of non‐repetition in the light of the LaGrand case, procedural aspects of countermeasures and the controversy over measures taken in response to a breach by states which are not individually injured. The focus of debate now turns to the UNGA Sixth Committee, which will have to decide what to make of the Draft Articles. The ILC itself recommended an initial resolution taking note of the Articles, with subsequent consideration (after a period of years) of a possible diplomatic conference with a view to concluding a convention. This modest proposal allows for further reflection on the text and may help to avoid possibly divisive and inconclusive debate in the Sixth Committee. At the same time it allows time for better understanding of the many changes made as compared with the first reading text (1996).


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Cat's claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati, a major environmental weed in coastal and sub-coastal areas of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia is a target for classical biological control. Host specificity of Hypocosmia pyrochroma Jones (Lep., Pyralidae), as a potential biological control agent was evaluated on the basis of no-choice and choice larval feeding and survival, and adult oviposition preference tests, involving 38 plant species in 10 families. In no-choice tests, larval feeding and development occurred only on cat's claw creeper. In choice tests, oviposition and larval development was evident only on cat's claw creeper. The results support the host-specificity tests conducted in South Africa, and suggest that H. pyrochroma is a highly specific biological control agent that does not pose any risk to non-target plants tested in Australia. This agent has been approved for field release by relevant regulatory authorities in Australia.


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In supersymmetric theories with R-parity violation, squarks and sleptons can mediate Standard Model fermion–fermion scattering processes. These scalar exchanges in e+e− initiated reactions can give new signals at future linear colliders. We explore use of transverse beam polarization in the study of these signals in the process View the MathML source. We highlight certain asymmetries, which can be constructed due to the existence of the transverse beam polarization, which offer discrimination from the Standard Model (SM) background and provide increased sensitivity to the R-parity violating couplings.


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We study the possibility of using W pair production and leptonic decay of one of the W's at the ILC with polarized beams as a probe of the Littlest Higgs Model. We consider cross-sections, polarization fractions of the W's, leptonic decay energy and angular distributions, and left-right polarization asymmetry as probes of the model. With parameter values allowed by present experimental constraints detectable effects on these observables at typical ILC energies of 500 GeV and 800 GeV will be present. Beam polarization is further found to enhance the sensitivity.


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Physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the International e(+)e(-) Linear Collider (ILC) will be complementary in many respects, as has been demonstrated at previous generations of hadron and lepton colliders. This report addresses the possible interplay between the LHC and ILC in testing the Standard Model and in discovering and determining the origin of new physics. Mutual benefits for the physics programme at both machines can occur both at the level of a combined interpretation of Hadron Collider and Linear Collider data and at the level of combined analyses of the data, where results obtained at one machine can directly influence the way analyses are carried out at the other machine. Topics under study comprise the physics of weak and strong electroweak symmetry breaking, supersymmetric models, new gauge theories, models with extra dimensions, and electroweak and QCD precision physics. The status of the work that has been carried out within the LHC/ILC Study Group so far is summarized in this report. Possible topics for future studies are outlined.


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We consider the possibility of fingerprinting the presence of heavy additional Z' bosons that arise naturally in extensions of the standard model such as E-6 models and left-right symmetric models, through their mixing with the standard model Z boson. By considering a class of observables including total cross sections, energy distributions and angular distributions of decay leptons we find significant deviation from the standard model predictions for these quantities with right-handed electrons and left-handed positrons at root s= 800GeV. The deviations being less pronounced at smaller centre of mass energies as the models are already tightly constrained. Our work suggests that the ILC should have a strong beam polarization physics program particularly with these configurations. On the other hand, a forward backward asymmetry and lepton fraction in the backward direction are more sensitive to new physics with realistic polarization due to interesting interplay with the neutrino t-channel diagram. This process complements the study of fermion pair production processes that have been considered for discrimination between these models.


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We have made a detailed study of the signals expected at CERN LEP 2 from charged scalar bosons whose dominant decay channels are into four fermions. The event rates as well as kinematics of the final states are discussed when such scalars are either pair produced or are generated through a tree-level interaction involving a charged scalar, the W, and the Z. The backgrounds in both cases are discussed. We also suggest the possibility of reconstructing the mass of such a scalar at LEP 2.


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We study the possibility of finger printing a strongly interacting W boson sector which is consistent with present day LHC searches at the ILC with longitudinal as well as transversely polarized electron and positron beams. We account for the final state interaction using a suitable Omnes formalism in terms of a plausible resonance description, and carry out thorough analyses of cross sections, asymmetries and angular distributions of the W's. We carry out a comparison with other extensions of the Standard Model, where heavy additional Z' bosons arise naturally. We also consider the effect of the strong final state interaction on a correlation that depends on (phi(-) -phi(+)),where the phi-(+) are the azimuthal angles of decay leptons, and find that it is a useful discriminant.


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One of the most-studied signals for physics beyond the standard model in the production of gauge bosons in electron-positron collisions is due to the anomalous triple gauge boson couplings in the Z(gamma) final state. In this work, we study the implications of this at the ILC with polarized beams for signals that go beyond traditional anomalous triple neutral gauge boson couplings. Here we report a dimension-8 CP-conserving Z(gamma)Z vertex that has not found mention in the literature. We carry out a systematic study of the anomalous couplings in general terms and arrive at a classification. We then obtain linear-order distributions with and without CP violation. Furthermore, we place the study in the context of general BSM interactions represented by e(+)e(-)Z(gamma) contact interactions. We set up a correspondence between the triple gauge boson couplings and the four-point contact interactions. We also present sensitivities on these anomalous couplings, which will be achievable at the ILC with realistic polarization and luminosity.


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De los granos básicos en Nicaragua, el Maíz representa el 45% del área sembrada y es por así decirlo uno de los principales alimentos de la dieta alimenticia de lo9s Nicaragüenses. Sin embargo la producción aún no evoluciona paralela en el orden de los 4 500.000 quintales al año. Esta situación motiva importaciones que en 1983 fueron de 40.000 toneladas métricas (%0) situación debida a que la siembra continua en forma tradicional en altos porcentajes, ò sometida a manejo inadecuado por parte de los productores pero en especial al daño que nos causan las enfermedades y plagas especialmente el cogollero /Spodoptera Frugiperda)) obteniéndose en la mayoría de los casos rendimientos por debajo del punto de equilibrio para conseguir rentabilidad (20). El gusano cogollero (spodoptera frugiperda) es la principal plaga del maíz, la larva desarrollada de alimenta de las hojas dentro del cogollo causando una disminución en el gran foliar de la planta y afectando así la producción hasta en un 52% (23). El daño causado por spodoptera frugiperda se puede acentuar más por el mal uso de producto químico ya que con excesiva aplicaciones inducimos resistencia a la plaga, esto incide a una intoxicación del medio ambiente, afectación del agro ecosistema, los costó de producción se elevan ya que son productos caros y tienen que ser importado. Cuando se hacen estas aplicaciones no se toma en cuenta que con ello eliminamos la fauna benéfica la cual nos ayudaría a ejercer un control sobre la plaga si los químicos fueran aplicados de una forma más racional y se pudiera conservar dicha fauna benéfica, actuando ambos en combinación. Las condiciones excesivas aplicaciones no siempre han proporcionados el control duradero de plagas que se esperaba y frecuentemente han conducido al aumento en el uso de los pesticidas y el incremento de los problema de residuos en los producto y en el suelo. Estos resultados junto con el alarmante desarrollo de resistencia de las plagas a los productos químicos, han estimulado el interés en el diseño de programa en que los pesticidas trabajan en forma armónica con los agentes biológicos que intervienen en la disminución del incremento de las plagas. Mediante la combinación de las características ventajosas de los métodos de control químico y biológico por ejemplo, se reduce la plaga, causando el mínimo disturbio de la actividad del enemigo natural, por lo que puede lograrse una mayor permanencia en la superficie de la plaga (5) Muchos de los experimento iniciales para promover un balance favorable entre las plagas y sus enemigos naturales después del uso del pesticida, han sido llevados a cabo por entomólogos con intereses parciales en el control biológicos . el exitoso desarrollo de los programa de control químico y de control biológico integrados demandan la conciliación de esos puntos de vista, tanto como se requiera la combinación del conocimiento de la evaluación del enemigo natural y la toxicidad del pesticida. A pesar de que el control integral es muchos más que la unión de las técnicas biológicas y químicos para combate de las plagas , la mayor parte de los proyectos de este tipo tienen que estructuraras tomando muy en cuenta la acción de los plaguicidas , que se vayan a emplear, ya que este es el elemento de los programa fitosanitarios que más trastorno crea al agraecosistema. (3,27) Con este estudio se pretende tratar de comprobar la hipótesis de que aplicaciones de insecticidas quimico ( chilorpyrifos lorsban) afectan a poblaciones de parásitos y depredadores de cogollero( spodoptera frugiperda). De esta forma se puede contribuir a la reafirmación de la necesidad del uso del control biológico y disminuir así el uso indiscriminado de esto producto, para no afectar en gran medida al control ejercido por la fauna benéfica. Sustracción y formulación de hipótesis 1) parásitos Aplicaciones de chierpyricos (lograban) en diferente periodo no tienen ningún efecto sobre parasito de cogollero (spodoptera frugiperda). _ aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos (lograban) en diferente periodo de cogollero (spodoptera frugiperda). 2) depredadores - aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos (lograban) en diferente parásitos no tienen ningún efecto sobre depredadores de cogollero (spedeprera frugiperda) - aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos (lograban) en diferente periodos tienen efecto sobre depredadores de cogollero (spedeprera frugiperda).


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In this thesis I present a study of W pair production in e+e- annihilation using fully hadronic W+W- events. Data collected by the L3 detector at LEP in 1996-1998, at collision center-of-mass energies between 161 and 189 GeV, was used in my analysis.

Analysis of the total and differential W+W- cross sections with the resulting sample of 1,932 W+W- → qqqq event candidates allowed me to make precision measurements of a number of properties of the W boson. I combined my measurements with those using other W+W- final states to obtain stringent constraints on the W boson's couplings to fermions, other gauge bosons, and scalar Higgs field by measuring the total e+e- → W+W- cross section and its energy dependence

σ(e+e- → W+W-) =

{2.68+0.98-0.67(stat.)± 0.14(syst.) pb, √s = 161.34 GeV

{12.04+1.38-1.29(stat.)± 0.23(syst.) pb, √s = 172.13 GeV

{16.45 ± 0.67(stat.) ± 0.26(syst.) pb, √s = 182.68 GeV

{16.28 ± 0.38(stat.) ± 0.26(syst.) pb, √s = 188.64 GeV

the fraction of W bosons decaying into hadrons

BR(W →qq') = 68.72 ± 0.69(stat.) ± 0.38(syst.) %,

invisible non-SM width of the W boson

ΓinvisibleW less than MeV at 95% C.L.,

the mass of the W boson

MW = 80.44 ± 0.08(stat.)± 0.06(syst.) GeV,

the total width of the W boson

ΓW = 2.18 ± 0.20(stat.)± 0.11(syst.) GeV,

the anomalous triple gauge boson couplings of the W

ΔgZ1 = 0.16+0.13-0.20(stat.) ± 0.11(syst.)

Δkγ = 0.26+0.24-0.33(stat.) ± 0.16(syst.)

λγ = 0.18+0.13-0.20(stat.) ± 0.11(syst.)

No significant deviations from Standard Model predictions were found in any of the measurements.