849 resultados para Zung self-rating depression scale


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Introduction: Parkinson`s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with prominent motor manifestations and many other non-motor symptoms that significantly decrease quality-of-life and are frequently under-recognized, for example depression. Objective: To study the validity of a Brazilian version of the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) for the diagnosis of depression in patients with PD. Methods: We evaluated 78 consecutive non demented patients over the age of 40 with diagnosis of PD at a Movement Disorders Outpatient Clinic, who could read and understand questionnaires. They completed the SIDS and the Geriatric Depression Scale with 15 items (GDS-15). The diagnosis of depression was made after a structured clinical interview based on DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of major depression (SCID-CV). Results: The prevalence of major depression was 23.1%. Cronbach`s alpha was 0.73 and the area under the ROC curve was 0.93 for the SDS. The score index of 55 had a sensitivity of 88.9% and a specificity of 83.3% for the diagnosis of depression. The total scores of the SDS and GDS-15 were highly correlated (0.652, p < 0.0001) and correlated weakly with the scores of a motor scale. Discussion: The SIDS is a valid too] for screening depression in patients with PD since the specific SDS index of 55 is adopted. Two shortened versions could be used with good results. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Objective: To assess depressive symptoms in men deprived from freedom in a prison in a Colombian intermediate city. Material and Method: A cross sectional study was performed on a sample of three hundred and three patients in the Medium Security penitentiary and Prison Facility of the city of Manizales between April and May 2014. The information was collected through the Zung self-rating depression scale (SDS), subsequently there were established the positive results for depression screening according to the final score of the scale. Results: 303 men deprived from freedom were evaluated, mean age of 32.96 years +/- 10.8 years, 43.5% were living in cohabitation, 38% were single and 10.2% married; 33.7% had a primary education, 58% had secondary or incomplete secondary education, 5.6% reported higher studies; 38.6% (95% CI: 35.8; 41.4) reported symptoms of depression, predominating in ages between 18 to 44 years, no statistically significant differences p> 0.05 between the variables analyzed were found. Conclusions: The results of this study give rise to clinical evaluation, by specialized staff in the area of psychiatry and his intervention, given the characteristics of self-reported depression for this population.


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Little is known about the course of recovery of acute low back pain (LBP) patients as a function of depression. In a prospective study, 286 acute LBP patients were assessed at baseline and followed up over 6 months. Recovery was defined as improvement in the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Repeated-measures analysis of covariance was employed with ODI as repeated factor, age, sex, and body mass index as covariates, depression and all other potential prognostic factors as between-subject factors. Of study participants, 18% were classified as depressive (>33 points on the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale). Of 286 participants, 135 were lost to follow-up. In the longitudinal sample of 151 patients the course of recovery was slower in depressive patients. Depression was associated with LBP especially after 6 weeks and should therefore be included in screening instruments for acute LBP patients to identify those at risk of delayed recovery at an early stage.


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Background: In 1992, Frisch et al (Psychol Assess. 1992;4:92- 10 1) developed the Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) to measure the concept of quality of life (QOL) because it has long been thought to be related to both physical and emotional well-being. However, the psychometric properties of the QOLI in clinical populations are still in debate. The present study examined the factor structure of QOLI and reported its validity and reliability in a clinical sample. Method: Two hundred seventeen patients with anxiety and depressive disorders completed the QOLI and additional questionnaires measuring symptoms (Zung Self-rating Depression Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Fear Questionnaire, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-Stress) and subjective well-being (Satisfaction With Life Scale) were also used. Results: Exploratory factor analysis via the principal components method, with oblique rotation, revealed a 2-factor structure that accounted for 42.73% of the total variance, and a subsequent confirmatory factor analysis suggested a moderate fit of the data to this model. The 2 factors appeared to describe self-oriented QOL and externally oriented QOL. The Cronbach alpha coefficients were 0.85 for the overall QOLI score, 0.81 for the first factor, and 0.75 for the second factor. Conclusion: Consistent evidence was also found to support the concurrent, discriminant, predictive, and criterion-related validity of the QOLI. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological symptoms experienced by recently widowed older men. It was hypothesized that conjugal bereavement in this group would be characterized by a mixture of depression, anxiety and loneliness. Design. Double cohort study. Setting. Suburban community population of Brisbane, Australia. Participants. Consecutive widowers (65+ years; N = 57) identified from official death records. Married men (65+ years; N = 57) identified from the electoral roll. Widowers interviewed at 6 weeks, 6 months and 13 months post-bereavement. Married men interviewed at similar intervals. Measures. Bereavement Phenomenology Questionnaire (BPQ), a 22-item self-report measure employing a four-point response scale to rate the frequency of phenomena over the previous fortnight. Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS). State component of the Spielberger State/Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS). 28-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Results. Widowers reported more state anxiety and general psychological distress, but not more depression or loneliness, than matched married men over the first 13 months post-bereavement. Widowers also reported more sleep disturbance and thoughts of death and suicide than married men. Level of state anxiety was strongly correlated with intensity of grief, but not with age, income, education, occupational prestige, cognitive function, duration of wife's final illness or expectedness of wife's death. Conclusions. The main hypothesis was not supported, as anxiety symptoms were the predominant clinical feature of recent conjugal bereavement among older men. The nature of these anxiety symptoms requires further investigation in recently widowed older persons.


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Background: Some studies show a strong association between depressive symptoms and academic achievement in the adolescent population. However, there are few Colombian publications about this topic. Objective: To establish the association between clinically important depressive symptoms and academic achievement among low socioeconomic status adolescent students. Method: A group of 13 to 17 year-aged adolescents was studied. Meaningful clinically depressive symptoms were measured with Zungself-rating depression scale (40/80). Academic achievement was evaluated according to Colombian qualitative model. Results: A total of 43.5% of students reported clinically important depressive symptoms and 30.7% accomplished a poor academic achievement, according to teacher report. The academic achievement was independent of meaningful clinically depressive symptoms, after controlling other variables. Conclusion: Meaningful clinically depressive symptoms are frequent in low socioeconomic status adolescent students. But, meaningful clinically depressive symptoms are not associated with academic performance. Further investigations are needed.


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Este trabalho investigou a qualidade de sono de mulheres com câncer de mama e suas relações com qualidade de vida e depressão. Cinqüenta mulheres com câncer de mama (grupo clínico) e cinqüenta controles responderam um questionário médico-demográfico e ao instrumento Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. O grupo clínico também respondeu aos instrumentos Quality of Life Cancer-Survivor e Brief Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Verificou-se que mulheres com câncer tinham significativamente mais queixas de nictúria, calor e despertares noturnos. O grupo clínico com má qualidade do sono apresentou comprometimento na qualidade de vida e mais sintomas de depressão. em geral, a qualidade de sono em mulheres com câncer de mama pode predizer a qualidade de vida e o bem estar psicológico.


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The present work aimed to study the relationship between epileptic condition and psychological activity. The purpose of this investigation was to identify cognitive complaints and affective disturbs, like depressive disorders, and to compare both with epileptic condition. Forty epileptic adolescents, aged from 13 to 19 years old were analyzed. These patients were a consecutive series of males and females attending the Neuroepilepsy Center from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, and from lower social-economic background. The methodological procedures included specific questionnaires (a open and a assertive kind), and the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale. Cognitive alterations like thinking slowness or memorizing complaints in many patients, and affective disorders like depressive disturbs in 82.5% were the basic findings. The results also showed association between frequency of seizures and depressive disturbs; and between chronicity of epileptic condition and depressive disturbs. The discussion of these data suggests a relationship of epileptic condition with psychological reactions. We concluded that it is necessary to elevate the self-concept of these depressive patients in order to reduce their psychic suffering.


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Background: Aim of the study was to test lagged reciprocal effects of depressive symptoms and acute low back pain (LBP) across the first weeks of primary care. Methods: In a prospective inception cohort study, 221 primary care patients with acute or subacute LBP were assessed at the time of initial consultation and then followed up at three and six weeks. Key measures were depressive symptoms (modified Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale) and LBP (sensory pain, present pain index and visual analogue scale of the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire). Results: When only cross-lagged effects of six weeks were tested, a reciprocal positive relationship between LBP and depressive symptoms was shown in a cross-lagged structural equation model (β = .15 and .17, p < .01). When lagged reciprocal paths at three- and six-week follow-up were tested, depressive symptoms at the time of consultation predicted higher LBP severity after three weeks (β = .23, p < .01). LBP after three weeks had in turn a positive cross-lagged effect on depression after six weeks (β = .27, p < .001). Conclusions: Reciprocal effects of depressive symptoms and LBP seem to depend on time under medical treatment. Health practitioners should screen for and treat depressive symptoms at the first consultation to improve the LBP treatment.


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Introducción: La dismenorrea se presenta como una patología cada vez más frecuente en mujeres de 16-30 años. Dentro de los factores asociados a su presentación, el consumo de tabaco ha revelado resultados contradictorios. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la asociación entre el consumo de cigarrillo y la presentación de dismenorrea, y determinar si los trastornos del ánimo y la depresión, alteran dicha asociación. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de prevalencia analítica en mujeres de la Universidad del Rosario matriculadas en pregrado durante el primer semestre de 2013, para determinar la asociación entre el consumo de tabaco y la presentación de dismenorrea. En el estudio se tuvieron en cuenta variables tradicionalmente relacionadas con dismenorrea, incluyendo las variables ansiedad y depresión como potenciales variables de confusión. Los registros fueron analizados en el programa Estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics Versión 20.0. Resultados: Se realizaron 538 cuestionarios en total. La edad promedio fue 19.92±2.0 años. La prevalencia de dismenorrea se estimó en 89.3%, la prevalencia de tabaquismo 11.7%. No se encontró una asociación entre dismenorrea y tabaquismo (OR 3.197; IC95% 0.694-14.724). Dentro de las variables analizadas, la depresión y la ansiedad constituyen factores de riesgo independientes para la presentación de dismenorrea con una asociación estadísticamente significativa p=0.026 y p=0.024 respectivamente. El análisis multivariado encuentra como factor determinante en la presentación de dismenorrea, la interacción de depresión y ansiedad controlando por las variables tradicionales p<0.0001. Sin embargo, esta asociación se pierde cuando se analiza en la categoría de dismenorrea severa y gana relevancia el uso de métodos de anticoncepción diferentes a los hormonales, mientras que el hecho de haber iniciado la vida sexual presenta una tendencia limítrofe de riesgo. Conclusiones: No se puede demostrar que el tabaco es un factor asociado a la presentación de dismenorrea. Los trastornos del ánimo y la ansiedad constituyen factores determinantes a la presentación de dismenorrea independientemente de la presencia de otros concomitantes. Las variables de asociación se modifican cuando la variable dependiente se categoriza en su estado más severo. Se necesitan estudios más amplios y detallados para establecer dicha asociación.


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Objective: This study aims to evaluate the association of depression with menopausal status and some menopause symptoms (vasomotor symptoms and poor sleep). Methods: A total of 743 participants aged 40-60 years were recruited. Depression status was evaluated by using Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS). Sleep quality and vasomotor symptoms were evaluated by specific symptoms questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of depression among participants was 11.4%. Depression was found more likely to occur in participants with poor sleep (OR, 6.02; 95%CI, 3.61, 10.03) or with vasomotor symptoms (VMS) (OR, 2.03; 95%CI, 1.20, 3.44) after controlling for age, education level, marital status, menopause status, monthly family income and chronic diseases. Menopause status was not associated with depression. Stratification analysis showed a significant association between poor sleep and depression across different menopause stages, while VMS were associated with depression only in premenopausal status. Conclusion: The majority of Chinese rural midlife women do not experience depression. The relationship between depression, VMS and sleep disturbances tends to change with menopausal status in Chinese rural midlife women.


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Aims: The aims were to create clinically feasible reference intervals for thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) and to analyze associations between thyroid function and self-rated health, neuropsychiatric symptoms, depression and dementia in the elderly. The second aim was also to establish reference intervals for sex hormones and to analyze associations between sex hormone levels and self-rated health, symptoms, depression and dementia in elderly men. Subjects and methods: The study population comprised 1252 subjects aged 65 years or over, living in the municipality of Lieto, south-western Finland. Self-rated health, life satisfaction, symptoms, depression, and dementia were assessed with specific questions, clinical examination and tools such as the Zung Self-report Depression Scale and the Mini-Mental State Examination. Independent variables were dichotomized, and associations of these variables with TSH, FT4 or sex hormone levels were assessed. Levels of TSH and FT4 in thyroid disease–free women and women treated with thyroxine were also compared. Results: Elevated concentrations of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) or thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) were found to have a marked effect on the upper reference limit for TSH among women, who were thyroid antibody positive more higher than suggested in several recent guidelines. After age adjustment, there were no associations between TSH levels and self-rated health, life satisfaction, or most neuropsychiatric symptoms in the thyroid disease-free population. Although women with thyroxine treatment for primary hypothyroidism had far higher TSH levels than thyroid disease-free women, there were no differences between thyroid-disease free women and women with stable thyroxine treatment regarding self-rated health, life satisfaction or symptoms. Age had a significant positive association with luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle 2 practice, one range in men aged 65 years or over can be used for T, E2 and FSH measured with the AutoDelfia method, but two separate reference intervals should be used for fT, LH and SHBG. After adjustment for age, higher levels of T and fT were associated with better self-rated health (SRH) in the reference population. After adjustment for age and body mass index (BMI), there were no associations between sex hormone concentrations and self-rated health, life satisfaction or most symptoms in concentration. Conclusion: Age-specific reference intervals were derived for thyroid function and sex hormones based on comprehensive data from a community-dwelling population with a high participation rate. The results do not support the need to decrease the upper reference limit for TSH or to lower the optimal TSH target in levothyroxine treatment in older adults, as recommended in recent guidelines. Older age or being overweight symptoms among elderly men. The associations of single symptoms with T levels were inconsistent among elderly men, although the association of low T level with diagnosed depression might be clinically significant.


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A Figura Complexa de Rey-Osterrieth (FCR-O) é um teste de avaliação neuropsicológica realizado em três momentos, que avalia a habilidade visuoespacial, organização percetiva, aptidão visuoespacial construtiva, memória visual, atenção, planificação e função motora. Esta investigação tem como objetivo avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da FCR-O, numa amostra de adultos da população portuguesa. O protocolo de investigação incluiu uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos: Figura Complexa de Rey (FCR-O), Teste do Desenho do Relógio (TDR), Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (FAB), Rey 15 Item, Matrizes Progressivas de Raven (MPR) e a Escala de Auto-Avaliação da Ansiedade de Zung. A amostra deste estudo abrangeu 453 sujeitos, 192 homens e 261 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 90 anos (M = 40,44; DP = 19,78). Os resultados principais deste estudo indicam que a FCR-O é influenciada por diversas variáveis, tais como a idade, sexo, escolaridade, profissão, residência e regiões, apresentando uma validade convergente adequada, com correlações positivas com o TDR, FAB e MPR. A título conclusivo, verificámos que a FCR-O tem caraterísticas psicométricas satisfatórias, especificamente da consistência interna, concordância entre juízes e estabilidade temporal, sugerindo a sua utilização em populações não clínicas. / The Rey–Osterrieth complex figure (ROCF) is a neuropsychological test which was conducted in three phases to assess visuospatial ability, perceptive organization, constructive visuospatial ability, visual memory, attention, planning and motor function. This investigations aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of ROCF, in an adult sample of the Portuguese population. The investigation protocol includes a battery of neuropsychological tests: Complex Figure of Rey, Clock Drawing Test, Frontal Assessment Battery, Rey Item 15, Raven Progressive Matrices and the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. The sample of this study consisted of 453 subjects, 192 men and 261 women, aged between 18 and 90 years old (M = 40.44, SD = 19.78). The result of this study indicate that the ROCF is influenced by several variables, such as age, sex, education, profession, residence and regions. It also has adequate convergent validity, with positive correlations with TDR, FAB and MPR. In conclusion, we verified that the ROCF is a useful instrument to early detect some neuropsychological deficits. It revealed satisfactory psychometric characteristics, specifically in internal consistency, agreement between judges and temporal stability, suggesting its usage in no clinical populations.


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Objetivo: Estudar as propriedades psicométricas e os dados normativos da Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven numa amostra da comunidade da população portuguesa. Método: A amostra é constituída por 697 pessoas (314 homens e 383 mulheres), com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 90 anos. Todos os participantes preencheram uma declaração de consentimento informado e uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos, incluindo a Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven (FG-MPR), Teste de Memória de 15-Item de Rey, Escala de Autoavaliação de Ansiedade de Zung, Bateria de Avaliação Frontal e Figura Complexa de Rey. Resultados: A média na FG-MPR foi de 44,47 (DP = 10,78). Os resultados demonstraram que todas as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, sexo, escolaridade, profissão, regiões e tipologia de áreas urbanas), exceto o estado civil, apresentaram ter influência significativa nas pontuações da FG-MPR. A confiabilidade e a estabilidade temporal da FG-MPR revelaram-se adequadas. A análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória mostrou que o modelo para um fator não é adequado. Um modelo a quatro fatores continua a não ser adequado. Conclusão: Os dados do presente estudo sugerem que se trata de um instrumento com potencialidades na sua utilização junto da população portuguesa. / Purpose: To study the psychometric properties and date normative of the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices in a Portuguese community sample. Method: The sample consists of 697 people (314 men and 383 women), aged between 12 and 90 years. All participants filled an informed consent form and a battery of neuropsychological tests, which included Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM), Rey 15-Item Memory Test, Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Frontal Assessment Battery, and Rey Complex Figure Test. Results: The average in RSPM was 44.47 (SD = 10.78). The results showed that all of the sociodemographic variables (age, sex, education, profession, region, and typology of urban areas), with the exception of civil status, showed significant influence on RSPM scores. The reliability and temporal stability of RSPM were adequate. Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model is not better explained by one factor. A two-factor model was not also suitable. Conclusion: The data from this study suggest that it is an instrument with potential for its use among the Portuguese population.


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Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease for which there is no known cure. Proxy evaluation is relevant for HD as its manifestation might limit the ability of persons to report their health-related quality of life (HrQoL). This study explored patient–proxy ratings of HrQoL of persons at different stages of HD, and examined factors that may affect proxy ratings. A total of 105 patient–proxy pairs completed the Huntington’s disease health-related quality of life questionnaire (HDQoL) and other established HrQoL measures (EQ-5D and SF-12v2). Proxy–patient agreement was assessed in terms of absolute level (mean ratings) and intraclass correlation. Proxies’ ratings were at a similar level to patients’ self-ratings on an overall Summary Score and on most of the six Specific Scales of the HDQoL. On the Specific Hopes and Worries Scale, proxies on average rated HrQoL as better than patients’ self-ratings, while on both the Specific Cognitive Scale and Specific Physical and Functional Scale proxies tended to rate HrQoL more poorly than patients themselves. The patient’s disease stage and mental wellbeing (SF-12 Mental Component scale) were the two factors that primarily affected proxy assessment. Proxy scores were strongly correlated with patients’ self-ratings of HrQoL, on the Summary Scale and all Specific Scales. The patient–proxy correlation was lower for patients at moderate stages of HD compared to patients at early and advanced stages. The proxy report version of the HDQoL is a useful complementary tool to self-assessment, and a promising alternative when individual patients with advanced HD are unable to self-report.