999 resultados para ZONA GLOMERULOSA CELLS


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There is evidence that pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides other than adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) have a role in adrenal cell proliferation. We compared the activity of synthetic rat N-terminal POMC fragment 1-28 with disulfide bridges (N-POMC(w)) and without disulfide bridges (N-POMC(w/o)), with the activity of fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), a widely studied adrenal growth factor, and ACTH, in well-characterized pure cultures of both isolated adrenal Glomerulosa (G) and Fasciculata/Reticularis (F/R) cells. Three days of FGF2-treatment had a proliferative effect similar to serum, and synthetic peptide N-POMC(w) induced proliferation more efficiently than N-POMC(w/o). Moreover, both induced proliferation via the ERK1/2 pathway. In contrast, sustained ACTH treatment decreased proliferation and viability through apoptosis induction, but not necrosis, and independently of PKA and PKC pathways. Further elucidation of 1-28 POMC signal transduction is of interest, and primary cultures of adrenal cells were found to be useful for examining the trophic activity of this peptide.


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The adrenal cortex is a dynamic organ in which the cells of the outer cortex continually divide. It is well known that this cellular proliferation is dependent on constant stimulation from peptides derived from the ACTH precursor pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) because disruption of pituitary corticotroph function results in rapid atrophy of the gland. Previous results from our laboratory have suggested that the adrenal mitogen is a fragment derived from the N-terminal of POMC not containing the gamma-MSH sequence. Because such a peptide is not generated during processing of POMC in the pituitary, we proposed that the mitogen is generated from circulating pro-gamma-MSH by an adrenal protease. Using degenerate oligonucleotides, we identified a secreted serine protease expressed by the adrenal gland that we named adrenal secretory protease (ASP). In the adrenal cortex, expression of ASP is limited to the outer zona glomerulosa/fasciculata, the region where cortical cells are believed to be derived, and is significantly up-regulated during compensatory growth. Y1 adrenocortical cells transfected with a vector expressing an antisense RNA (and thus having reduced levels of endogenous ASP) were found to grow slower than sense controls while also losing their ability to utilize exogenous pro-gamma-MSH in the media supporting a role for ASP in adrenal growth. Digestion of an N-POMC peptide substrate encompassing the residues around the dibasic cleavage site at positions 49/50 with affinity-purified ASP showed cleavage not to occur at the dibasic site but two residues downstream leading us to propose the identity of the adrenal mitogen to be N-POMC (1-52).


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The identity of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived mitogen in the adrenal cortex has been historically controversial. We have used well-established in vivo models, viz., hypophysectomized (Hyp) or dexamethasone (Dex)-treated rats, to study the effect of the synthetic modified peptide N-terminal POMC (N-POMC(1-28)) on DNA synthesis in the adrenal cortex, as assessed by BrdU incorporation and compared with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). We evaluated the importance of disulfide bridges on proliferation by employing N-POMC(1-28) without disulfide bridges and with methionines replacing cysteines. Acute administration of synthetic modified N-POMC(1-28) distinctly increased DNA synthesis in the zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata, but not in the zona reticularis in Hyp rats, whereas in Dex-treated rats, this peptide was effective in all adrenal zones. ACTH administration led to an increase of BrdU-positive cells in all adrenal zones irrespective of the depletion of Hyp or Dex-POMC peptides. The use of the ACTH antagonist, ACTH(7-38), confirmed the direct participation of ACTH in proliferation. Two different approaches to measure apoptosis revealed that both peptides similarly exerted a protective effect on all adrenocortical zones, blocking the apoptotic cell death induced by hypophysectomy. Thus, ACTH(1-39) and N-POMC(1-28) have similar actions suggesting that the disulfide bridges are important but not essential. Both peptides seem to be important factors determining adrenocortical cell survival throughout the adrenal cortex, reinforcing the idea that each zone can be renewed from within itself.


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Modified synthetic N-POMC(1-28) without disulfide bridges has been shown to act as an adrenal mitogen. Cyclins and their inhibitors are the major cell cycle controls, but in the adrenal cortex the effect of ACTH and N-POMC on the expression of these proteins remains unclear. In this work, we evaluate the effect of different synthetic N-POMC peptides on the S-phase of the cell cycle. In addition, we examine the cyclin E expression in rat adrenal cortex. Rats treated with dexamethasone were injected with ACTH and/or synthetic modified N-POMC and/or synthetic N-POMC with disulfide bridges. DNA synthesis was determined by BrdU incorporation and protein expression was analyzed by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. The results showed that similarly to modified N-POMC without disulfide bridges, administration of synthetic N-POMC with disulfide bridges and the combination of ACTH and N-POMC promoted an increase of BrdU-positive nuclei in adrenal cortex. However, the proliferative effect of N-POMC was comparable to that of ACTH only in the zona glomerulosa. An increase in cyclin E expression was observed 6 h after N-POMC treatment in the outer fraction of the adrenal cortex, in agreement with immunohistochemical findings in the zona glomerulosa. In summary, the effect of synthetic N-POMC with disulfide bridges was similar to modified synthetic N-POMC, increasing proliferation in the adrenal cortex, confirming previous evidence that disulfide bridges are not essential to the N-POMC mitogenic effect. Moreover, cyclin E appears to be involved in the N-POMC- and ACTH-stimulated proliferation in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oogenesis involves a sequense of transformations which are undergone by female germ cells. These cells change into oogonias and then into mature oocytes. Sexually mature females were collected monthly, during one year, from the Rio Sapucaí, tributary of the Rio Grande, which is part of the Furnas Reservoir system in the state of Minas Gerais. The observed material showed that oogonias were small spherical cells, had a big spherical nucleus, with a single nucleolus, and weakly stained cytoplasm with eosinophilic granules (FG stained), which indicate their protein content. The primary oocytes showed a big basophilic nucleus, with a large peripheral nucleolus, and several smaller nucleoli. They show a reduced cytoplasmic content. The previtellogenic oocytes presented voluminous cytoplasm and nucleus with several small peripheral nucleoli. The oocytes underwent vitellogenesis with the development of the zona radiata and the follicle cells. The zona radiata had two layers, the outer and the inner, which showed its protein content when stained with CM and FG techniques. TB pH 2.5 and pH 4.0 staining showed that oocytes undergoing vitellogenesis presented weakly stained cytoplasm and peripheral cytoplasmic vesicles. The follicle cells that were squamous became cuboidal. In mature oocytes, the yolk granules that filled the cytoplasm became green and blue when stained with FG and CM techniques, indicating their protein content. The perivitclline region showed rosy stained vesicles (TB pH 2.5 and pH 4.0) spread among the weakly stained peripheral vesicles, which seemed to be the cortical alveoli. The zona radiata cells, CM and FG stained, still showed two layers like the oocytes from the previous stage, but thicker.


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Adrenal aldosterone production, the major regulator of salt and water retention, is discussed with respect to hypertensive diseases. Physiological aldosterone production is tightly regulated, either stimulated or inhibited, in the adrenal zona glomerulosa by both circulating factors and/or by locally derived endothelial factors. Arterial hypertension caused by volume overload is the leading clinical symptom indicating increased mineralocorticoid hormones. Excessive aldosterone production is seen in adenomatous disease of the adrenals. The balance between stimulatory/proliferative and antagonistic signaling is disturbed by expression of altered receptor subtypes in the adenomas. Increased aldosterone production without a detectable adenoma is the most frequent form of primary aldosteronism. Both increased sensitivity to agonistic signals and activating polymorphisms within the aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) have been associated with excessive aldosterone production. 17alpha-Hydroxylase deficiency and glucocorticoidremediable aldosteronism can also cause excessive mineralocorticoid synthesis. In contrast, the severe form of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, is characterized by a compromised volume expansion in the presence of inappropriately low aldosterone levels. Initial evidence suggests that compromised CYP11B2 is causative, and that administration of NaCl lowered blood pressure in pregnant patients with low aldosterone availability due to a loss of function.


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The voltage-dependent K+ channel responsible for the slowly activating delayed K+ current IKs is composed of pore-forming KCNQ1 and regulatory KCNE1 subunits, which are mutated in familial forms of cardiac long QT syndrome. Because KCNQ1 and KCNE1 genes also are expressed in epithelial tissues, such as the kidneys and the intestine, we have investigated the adaptation of KCNE1-deficient mice to different K+ and Na+ intakes. On a normal K+ diet, homozygous kcne1−/− mice exhibit signs of chronic volume depletion associated with fecal Na+ and K+ wasting and have lower plasma K+ concentration and higher levels of aldosterone than wild-type mice. Although plasma aldosterone can be suppressed by low K+ diets or stimulated by low Na+ diets, a high K+ diet provokes a tremendous increase of plasma aldosterone levels in kcne1−/− mice as compared with wild-type mice (7.1-fold vs. 1.8-fold) despite lower plasma K+ in kcne1−/− mice. This exacerbated aldosterone production in kcne1−/− mice is accompanied by an abnormally high plasma renin concentration, which could partly explain the hyperaldosteronism. In addition, we found that KCNE1 and KCNQ1 mRNAs are expressed in the zona glomerulosa of adrenal glands where IKs may directly participate in the control of aldosterone production by plasma K+. These results, which show that KCNE1 and IKs are involved in K+ homeostasis, might have important implications for patients with IKs-related long QT syndrome, because hypokalemia is a well known risk factor for the occurrence of torsades de pointes ventricular arrhythmia.


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The synthesis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2], the immediate precursor of intracellular signals generated by calcium-mobilizing hormones and growth factors, is initiated by the conversion of phosphatidylinositol to phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate [PtdIns(4)P] by phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PtdIns 4-kinase). Although cells contain several PtdIns 4-kinases, the enzyme responsible for regulating the synthesis of hormone-sensitive PtdIns(4,5)P2 pools has not been identified. In this report we describe the inhibitory effect of micromolar concentrations of wortmannin (WT) on the synthesis of hormone-sensitive PtdIns(4)P and PtdIns(4,5)P2 pools in intact adrenal glomerulosa cells, and the presence of a WT-sensitive PtdIns 4-kinase in adrenocortical extracts. In addition to its sensitivity to the PtdIns 3-kinase inhibitor WT, this enzyme is distinguished from the recognized membrane-bound PtdIns 4-kinases by its molecular size and weak membrane association. Inhibition of this PtdIns 4-kinase by WT results in rapid loss of the hormone-sensitive PtdIns(4,5)P2 pool in angiotensin II-stimulated glomerulosa cells. Consequently, WT treatment inhibits the sustained but not the initial increases in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and cytoplasmic [Ca2+] in a variety of agonist-stimulated cells, including adrenal glomerulosa cells, NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, and Jurkat lymphoblasts. These results indicate that a specific WT-sensitive PtdIns 4-kinase is critical for the maintenance of the agonist-sensitive polyphosphoinositide pool in several cell types.


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Objective - To evaluate the effect of in vitro culture on zona pellucida resistance in mouse oocytes and embryos. Method-Zona pellucida resistance was assessed by comparing duration of zona lysis in the presence of alpha- chymotrypsin. The effects of artificial or physiological conditions of development were evaluated by comparing embryos in vitro with those left to reach the same stage of development in vivo. Results - The time required for zona lysis of oocytes increased after 2, 9.4, and 48 hours in vitro (P < .001). The same observation holds true for oocytes left in vivo during 24 hours. Fertilization both in vivo and in vitro induced a major increase in zona resistance. At the two-cell stage, in vitro culture did not harden the zona pellucida. At the morula stage and beyond, enzymatic lysis was slightly longer in vitro as compared to that of similar stages recovered from the genital tract. Conclusions - Our data indicate that in vitro culture conditions do not modify zona hardening in oocytes and only slightly increased zona resistance from the morula stage on.


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015


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Danusertib (Danu) is a pan-inhibitor of Aurora kinases and a third-generation breakpoint cluster region-Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1 (Bcr-Abl) tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but its antitumor effect and underlying mechanisms in the treatment of human breast cancer remain elusive. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Danu on the growth, apoptosis, autophagy, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the molecular mechanisms in human breast cancer MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. The results demonstrated that Danu remarkably inhibited cell proliferation, induced apoptosis and autophagy, and suppressed EMT in both breast cancer cell lines. Danu arrested MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells in G2/M phase, accompanied by the downregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 and cyclin B1 and upregulation of p21 Waf1/Cip1, p27 Kip1, and p53. Danu significantly decreased the expression of B-cell lymphoma-extra-large (Bcl-xl) and B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), but increased the expression of Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) and p53-upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA), and promoted the cleavage of caspases 3 and 9. Furthermore, Danu significantly increased the expression levels of the membrane-bound microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3 (LC3-II) and beclin 1 in breast cancer cells, two markers for autophagy. Danu induced the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (Erk1/2) and inhibited the activation of protein kinase B (Akt)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathways in breast cancer cells. Treatment with wortmannin (a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor) markedly inhibited Danu-induced activation of p38 MAPK and conversion of cytosolic LC3-I to membrane-bound LC3-II. Pharmacological inhibition and small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of p38 MAPK suppressed Akt activation, resulting in LC3-II accumulation and enhanced autophagy. Pharmacological inhibition and small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of Erk1/2 also remarkably increased the level of LC3-II in MCF7 cells. Moreover, Danu inhibited EMT in both MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells with upregulated E-cadherin and zona occludens protein 1 (ZO-1) but downregulated N-cadherin, zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 1 (TCF8/ZEB1), snail, slug, vimentin, and β-catenin. Notably, Danu showed lower cytotoxicity toward normal breast epithelial MCF10A cells. These findings indicate that Danu promotes cellular apoptosis and autophagy but inhibits EMT in human breast cancer cells via modulation of p38 MAPK/Erk1/2/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways. Danu may represent a promising anticancer agent for breast cancer treatment. More studies are warranted to fully delineate the underlying mechanisms, efficacy, and safety of Danu in breast cancer therapy.


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Mammalian oocytes can undergo spontaneous meiotic maturation when they are liberated from their follicles and cultured in vitro; however, the zona pellucida (ZP) becomes resistant to chymotrypsin digestion, or hardens, when spontaneous maturation occurs in serum-free medium. Schroeder et al. [Biol. Reprod. 43 (1990) 891] described that fetuin, a component of fetal calf serum (FCS), inhibits ZP hardening during oocyte maturation. The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of the presence of cumulus cells and addition of hormones to maturation media on bovine zona hardening and embryo development in medium with and without fetuin. In Experiment 1, different concentrations of fetuin were added to the maturation medium. The time necessary for digestion of 50% of the ZP (d50) was not different when oocytes were matured in presence of 10% FCS, 1 mg/ml polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), or 4, 1 and 0.25 mg/ml of fetuin; cleavage rates were also similar. However, significantly more blastocysts (P < 0.05) were formed when FCS was used compared to PVA and 0.25 mg/ml of fetuin. In Experiment 11, we examined the influence of the presence of cumulus cells and hormones during the maturation of oocytes in media with PVA, BSA, FCS and fetuin. The d50 was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when oocytes were matured in presence of cumulus cells. The cleavage rate of cumulus-intact oocytes was similar for all groups. However, when oocytes were partially stripped before maturation, the cleavage rate was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when FCS or fetuin was used. In both stripped and non-stripped groups, significantly more blastocysts (P < 0.05) were formed when oocytes were matured with FCS compared to BSA and PVA. These results indicate that zona hardening, as described for mouse and human oocytes, does not have a large effect on bovine cumulus-intact oocytes. Apparently fetuin can be used as a substitute for FCS during bovine oocyte maturation, since it leads to similar developmental rates as FCS in intact and partially stripped oocytes. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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La diagnosi di linfoma non Hodgkin B della zona marginale si basa su criteri morfologici e sulla sostanziale negatività per marcatori immunoistochimici espressi in altri sottotipi di linfoma B. L’ obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato, quindi, quello di ricercare una molecola specifica associata ai linfomi della zona marginale. Materiali e Metodi. Sono stati esaminati 2.104 linfomi periferici di entità nosologia eterogenea mediante un anticorpo monoclonale, diretto contro la molecola IRTA1, che riconosce la zona marginale nei tessuti linfoidi umani. Risultati. Si è riscontrata espressione di IRTA1 nel 93% dei linfomi della zona marginale ad insorgenza extranodale e nel 74% di quelli primitivi linfonodali suggerendo la possibilità che questi linfomi possano originare dalle cellule perifollicolari o monocitoidi IRTA1+ riscontrabili nei linfonodi reattivi. La valutazione immunoistochimica mediante doppia colorazione (IRTA1/bcl6), ha inoltre dimostrato come vi sia una modulazione fenotipica nelle cellule marginali neoplastiche nel momento in cui esse colonizzano i follicoli linfoidi e durante la loro circolazione nei centri germinativi. Le cellule marginali neoplastiche che differenziano in senso plasmacellulare perdono l’ espressione di IRTA1 Discussione. In conclusione, tali evidenze hanno permesso di ampliare la conoscenza sulla biologia dei linfomi marginali e sottolineano come IRTA1 sia il primo marcatore diagnostico positivo per queste neoplasie.


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The human adrenal cortex produces mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens in a species-specific, hormonally regulated, zone-specific, and developmentally characteristic fashion. Most molecular studies of adrenal steroidogenesis use human adrenocortical NCI-H295A and NCI-H295R cells as a model because appropriate animal models do not exist. NCI-H295A and NCI-H295R cells originate from the same adrenocortical carcinoma which produced predominantly androgens but also smaller amounts of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. Research data obtained from either NCI-H295A or NCI-H295R cells are generally compared, although for the same experiments no direct comparison between the two cell lines has been performed. Therefore, we compared the steroid profile and the expression pattern of important genes involved in steroidogenesis in both cell lines. We found that steroidogenesis differs profoundly. NCI-H295A cells produce more mineralocorticoids, whereas NCI-H295R cells produce more androgens. Expression of the 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B2), cytochrome b5, and sulfonyltransferase genes is higher in NCI-H295A cells, whereas expression of the cytochrome P450c17 (CYP17), 21-hydroxylase (CYP21), and P450 oxidoreductase genes does not differ between the cell lines. We found lower 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 but higher 17,20-lyase activity in NCI-H295R cells explaining the 'androgenic' steroid profile for these cells and resembling the zona reticularis of the human adrenal cortex. Both cell lines were found to express the ACTH receptor at low levels consistent with low stimulation by ACTH. By contrast, both cell lines were readily stimulated by 8Br-cAMP. The angiotensin type 1 receptor was highly expressed in NCI-H295R than NCI-H295A cells and angiotensin II stimulated steroidogenesis in NCI-H295R but not NCI-H295A cells. Our data suggest that comparative studies between NCI-H295A and NCI-H295R cells may help find important regulators of mineralocorticoid or androgen biosynthesis.


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El trabajo que ha dado lugar a esta Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en la invesitagación en células solares de banda intermedia (IBSCs, por sus siglas en inglés). Se trata de un nuevo concepto de célula solar que ofrece la posibilidad de alcanzar altas eficiencias de conversión fotovoltaica. Hasta ahora, se han demostrado de manera experimental los fundamentos de operación de las IBSCs; sin embargo, esto tan sólo has sido posible en condicines de baja temperatura. El concepto de banda intermedia (IB, por sus siglas en inglés) exige que haya desacoplamiento térmico entre la IB y las bandas de valencia y conducción (VB and CB, respectivamente, por sus siglas en inglés). Los materiales de IB actuales presentan un acoplamiento térmico demasiado fuerte entre la IB y una de las otras dos bandas, lo cual impide el correcto funcionamiento de las IBSCs a temperatura ambiente. En el caso particular de las IBSCs fabricadas con puntos cuánticos (QDs, por sus siglas en inglés) de InAs/GaAs - a día de hoy, la tecnología de IBSC más estudiada - , se produce un rápido intercambio de portadores entre la IB y la CB, por dos motivos: (1) una banda prohibida estrecha (< 0.2 eV) entre la IB y la CB, E^, y (2) la existencia de niveles electrónicos entre ellas. El motivo (1) implica, a su vez, que la máxima eficiencia alcanzable en estos dispositivos es inferior al límite teórico de la IBSC ideal, en la cual E^ = 0.71 eV. En este contexto, nuestro trabajo se centra en el estudio de IBSCs de alto gap (o banda prohibida) fabricadsas con QDs, o lo que es lo mismo, QD-IBSCs de alto gap. Hemos fabricado e investigado experimentalmente los primeros prototipos de QD-IBSC en los que se utiliza AlGaAs o InGaP para albergar QDs de InAs. En ellos demostramos une distribución de gaps mejorada con respecto al caso de InAs/GaAs. En concreto, hemos medido valores de E^ mayores que 0.4 eV. En los prototipos de InAs/AlGaAs, este incremento de E^ viene acompaado de un incremento, en más de 100 meV, de la energía de activación del escape térmico. Además, nuestros dispositivos de InAs/AlGaAs demuestran conversión a la alza de tensión; es decir, la producción de una tensión de circuito abierto mayor que la energía de los fotones (dividida por la carga del electrón) de un haz monocromático incidente, así como la preservación del voltaje a temperaura ambiente bajo iluminación de luz blanca concentrada. Asimismo, analizamos el potencial para detección infrarroja de los materiales de IB. Presentamos un nuevo concepto de fotodetector de infrarrojos, basado en la IB, que hemos llamado: fotodetector de infrarrojos activado ópticamente (OTIP, por sus siglas en inglés). Nuestro novedoso dispositivo se basa en un nuevo pricipio físico que permite que la detección de luz infrarroja sea conmutable (ON y OFF) mediante iluminación externa. Hemos fabricado un OTIP basado en QDs de InAs/AlGaAs con el que demostramos fotodetección, bajo incidencia normal, en el rango 2-6/xm, activada ópticamente por un diodoe emisor de luz de 590 nm. El estudio teórico del mecanismo de detección asistido por la IB en el OTIP nos lleva a poner en cuestión la asunción de quasi-niveles de Fermi planos en la zona de carga del espacio de una célula solar. Apoyados por simuaciones a nivel de dispositivo, demostramos y explicamos por qué esta asunción no es válida en condiciones de corto-circuito e iluminación. También llevamos a cabo estudios experimentales en QD-IBSCs de InAs/AlGaAs con la finalidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre algunos aspectos de estos dispositivos que no han sido tratados aun. En particular, analizamos el impacto que tiene el uso de capas de disminución de campo (FDLs, por sus siglas en inglés), demostrando su eficiencia para evitar el escape por túnel de portadores desde el QD al material anfitrión. Analizamos la relación existente entre el escape por túnel y la preservación del voltaje, y proponemos las medidas de eficiencia cuántica en función de la tensión como una herramienta útil para evaluar la limitación del voltaje relacionada con el túnel en QD-IBSCs. Además, realizamos medidas de luminiscencia en función de la temperatura en muestras de InAs/GaAs y verificamos que los resltados obtenidos están en coherencia con la separación de los quasi-niveles de Fermi de la IB y la CB a baja temperatura. Con objeto de contribuir a la capacidad de fabricación y caracterización del Instituto de Energía Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), hemos participado en la instalación y puesta en marcha de un reactor de epitaxia de haz molecular (MBE, por sus siglas en inglés) y el desarrollo de un equipo de caracterización de foto y electroluminiscencia. Utilizando dicho reactor MBE, hemos crecido, y posteriormente caracterizado, la primera QD-IBSC enteramente fabricada en el IES-UPM. ABSTRACT The constituent work of this Thesis is framed in the research on intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs). This concept offers the possibility of achieving devices with high photovoltaic-conversion efficiency. Up to now, the fundamentals of operation of IBSCs have been demonstrated experimentally; however, this has only been possible at low temperatures. The intermediate band (IB) concept demands thermal decoupling between the IB and the valence and conduction bands. Stateof- the-art IB materials exhibit a too strong thermal coupling between the IB and one of the other two bands, which prevents the proper operation of IBSCs at room temperature. In the particular case of InAs/GaAs quantum-dot (QD) IBSCs - as of today, the most widely studied IBSC technology - , there exist fast thermal carrier exchange between the IB and the conduction band (CB), for two reasons: (1) a narrow (< 0.2 eV) energy gap between the IB and the CB, EL, and (2) the existence of multiple electronic levels between them. Reason (1) also implies that maximum achievable efficiency is below the theoretical limit for the ideal IBSC, in which EL = 0.71 eV. In this context, our work focuses on the study of wide-bandgap QD-IBSCs. We have fabricated and experimentally investigated the first QD-IBSC prototypes in which AlGaAs or InGaP is the host material for the InAs QDs. We demonstrate an improved bandgap distribution, compared to the InAs/GaAs case, in our wide-bandgap devices. In particular, we have measured values of EL higher than 0.4 eV. In the case of the AlGaAs prototypes, the increase in EL comes with an increase of more than 100 meV of the activation energy of the thermal carrier escape. In addition, in our InAs/AlGaAs devices, we demonstrate voltage up-conversion; i. e., the production of an open-circuit voltage larger than the photon energy (divided by the electron charge) of the incident monochromatic beam, and the achievement of voltage preservation at room temperature under concentrated white-light illumination. We also analyze the potential of an IB material for infrared detection. We present a IB-based new concept of infrared photodetector that we have called the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). Our novel device is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. We have fabricated an OTIP based on InAs/AlGaAs QDs with which we demonstrate normal incidence photodetection in the 2-6 /xm range optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. The theoretical study of the IB-assisted detection mechanism in the OTIP leads us to questioning the assumption of flat quasi-Fermi levels in the space-charge region of a solar cell. Based on device simulations, we prove and explain why this assumption is not valid under short-circuit and illumination conditions. We perform new experimental studies on InAs/GaAs QD-IBSC prototypes in order to gain knowledge on yet unexplored aspects of the performance of these devices. Specifically, we analyze the impact of the use of field-damping layers, and demonstrate this technique to be efficient for avoiding tunnel carrier escape from the QDs to the host material. We analyze the relationship between tunnel escape and voltage preservation, and propose voltage-dependent quantum efficiency measurements as an useful technique for assessing the tunneling-related limitation to the voltage preservation of QD-IBSC prototypes. Moreover, we perform temperature-dependent luminescence studies on InAs/GaAs samples and verify that the results are consistent with a split of the quasi-Fermi levels for the CB and the IB at low temperature. In order to contribute to the fabrication and characterization capabilities of the Solar Energy Institute of the Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), we have participated in the installation and start-up of an molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) reactor and the development of a photo and electroluminescence characterization set-up. Using the MBE reactor, we have manufactured and characterized the first QD-IBSC fully fabricated at the IES-UPM.