The urinary excretion, renal clearance, and tubular reabsorption of zinc were investigated in 30 adult healthy subjects under basal conditions and during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests. After a 12h overnight fast, each subject was submitted to renal clearance of zinc. The procedures were performed between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m., after emptying the bladder and ingestion of 4 ml deionized water/kg body weight at 8.00 a.m. The first urine sample was collected at 10.00 a.m., and the second at 12.00 a.m. A dose of 110 mg ZnSO4.7H(2)O was administered orally to each subject, diluted in 20 mi deionized water, at time 0 min. Blood samples were collected from an antecubital vein at times -30, 0, and 30 min and at 30 min intervals up to 240 min. Glucose was administered intravenously (0.5 ml 50%/kg body weight) during the first 3 min of the test, and blood samples were collected from an unconstricted, contralateral, antecubital vein at times -30, 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min. The results showed that urinary zinc excretion, and renal zinc clearance were significantly higher during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests than in the control condition. on the other hand, renal zinc clearance was more elevated during the glucose tolerance test than during the zinc tolerance test. Variations in zinc tubular reabsorption and glomerular filtration rate were not detected. The results suggest that urinary excretion and renal clearance of zinc in healthy subjects increase during acute zinc ingestion and glucose infusion. Although zinc ingestion raised urinary zinc excretion, glucose infusion was more effective in increasing renal zinc clearance. These normal parameters are important in the investigation of diabetic patients with serum and urine zinc changes.
The urinary excretion, renal clearance, and tubular reabsorption of zinc were investigated in 30 adult healthy subjects under basal conditions and during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests. After a 12h overnight fast, each subject was submitted to renal clearance of zinc. The procedures were performed between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m., after emptying the bladder and ingestion of 4 ml deionized water/kg body weight at 8.00 a.m. The first urine sample was collected at 10.00 a.m., and the second at 12.00 a.m. A dose of 110 mg ZnSO47H2O was administered orally to each subject, diluted in 20 ml deionized water, at time 0 min. Blood samples were collected from an antecubital vein at times -30, 0, and 30 min and at 30 min intervals up to 240 min. Glucose was administered intravenously (0.5 ml 50%/kg body weight) during the first 3 min of the test, and blood samples were collected from an unconstricted, contralateral, antecubital vein at times -30, 0, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min. The results showed that urinary zinc excretion, and renal zinc clearance were significantly higher during the zinc and glucose tolerance tests than in the control condition. On the other hand, renal zinc clearance was more elevated during tile glucose tolerance test than during the zinc tolerance test. Variations in zinc tubular reabsorption and glomerular filtration rate were not detected. The results suggest that urinary excretion and renal clearance of zinc in healthy subjects increase during acute zinc ingestion and glucose infusion, Although zinc ingestion raised urinary zinc excretion, glucose infusion was more effective in increasing renal zinc clearance. These normal parameters are important in the investigation of diabetic patients with serum and urine zinc changes.
CIC-5 is a chloride (Cl-) channel expressed in renal tubules and is critical for normal tubular function. Loss of function nonsense or missense mutations in CIC-5 are associated with Dent's disease, a condition in which patients present with low molecular weight (LMW) proteinuria (including albuminuria), hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis. Several key studies in CIC-5 knockout mice have shown that the proteinuria results from defective tubular reabsorption of proteins. CIC-5 is typically regarded as an intracellular Cl- channel and thus the defect in this receptor-mediated uptake pathway was initially attributed to the failure of the early endosomes to acidify correctly. CIC-5 was postulated to play a key role in transporting the Cl- ions required to compensate for the movement of H+ during endosomal acidification. However, more recent studies suggest additional roles for CIC-5 in the endocytosis of albumin. CIC-5 is now known to be expressed at low levels at the cell surface and appears to be a key component in the assembly of the macromolecular complex involved in protein endocytosis. Furthermore, mutations in CIC-5 affect the trafficking of v-H+-ATPase and result in decreased expression of the albumin receptor megalin/cubulin. Thus, the expression of CIC-5 at the cell surface as well as its presence in endosomes appears to be essential for normal protein uptake by the renal proximal tubule. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) affecte 13 % de la population américaine et son incidence ne cesse d’augmenter. Malgré un ajustement des doses de médicaments administrés en fonction du taux de filtration glomérulaire du patient urémique, près de 40 % des patients reçoivent une dose trop élevée en raison de modifications de l’élimination extrarénale des médicaments chez ces patients. Il est connu que l’IRC affecte l’élimination métabolique des médicaments par les cytochromes P450 et les enzymes de biotransformation de phase II. Nous avons aussi démontré, chez le rat, que l’IRC affecte l’expression et l’activité de transporteurs de médicaments intestinaux entraînant une augmentation de la biodisponibilité de certains médicaments. On retrouve des transporteurs de médicaments dans de nombreux organes comme le foie, les reins et la barrière hématoencéphalique (BHE) où ils jouent des rôles importants dans les éliminations biliaire et rénale et la pénétration des médicaments au cerveau. Le but de ce travail était de mesurer, chez des rats néphrectomisés, les impacts de l’IRC sur l’expression protéique et génique et l’activité des transporteurs de médicaments hépatiques, rénaux et cérébraux. Les transporteurs étudiés sont de la famille des transporteurs ABC (P-glycoprotéine, multidrug-resistance related protein, breast cancer resistance protein) ou des solute carriers (organic anion transporter, organic anion transporting protein). Aussi, une étude réalisée chez l’humain visait à évaluer la pharmacocinétique de deux médicaments : la fexofénadine, un médicament majoritairement transporté, et le midazolam, un substrat du cytochrome P450 3A4, chez des sujets dialysés. Nos résultats montrent que, chez le rat, l’IRC entraîne des modulations de l’expression des transporteurs d’influx et d’efflux hépatiques pouvant entraîner des diminutions du métabolisme hépatique et de l’excrétion biliaire des médicaments. Dans le rein, nous avons démontré des modulations de l’expression des transporteurs de médicaments. Nous avons aussi démontré que l’IRC diminue l’élimination urinaire de la rhodamine 123 et favorise l’accumulation intrarénale de médicaments transportés comme la benzylpénicilline et la digoxine. À la BHE, nous avons démontré des diminutions de l’expression des transporteurs de médicaments. Toutefois, nous n’avons pas observé d’accumulation intracérébrale de trois substrats utilisés (digoxine, doxorubicine et vérapamil) et même une diminution de l’accumulation intracérébrale de la benzylpénicilline. Il semble donc que, malgré les modulations de l’expression des différents transporteurs de médicaments, l’intégrité et la fonction de la BHE soient conservées en IRC. Chez l’humain, nous avons démontré une augmentation de la surface sous la courbe de la fexofénadine chez les sujets dialysés, comparativement aux témoins, suggérant une altération des mécanismes de transport des médicaments chez ces patients. Nous n’avons, toutefois, pas observé de modification de la pharmacocinétique du midazolam chez les patients dialysés, suggérant une activité métabolique normale chez ces patients. Un ou des facteurs s’accumulant dans le sérum des sujets urémiques semblent responsables des modulations de l’expression et de l’activité des transporteurs de médicaments observées chez le rat et l’humain. Ces travaux mettent en évidence une nouvelle problématique chez les sujets urémiques. Nous devons maintenant identifier les mécanismes impliqués afin d’éventuellement développer des stratégies pour prévenir la toxicité et la morbidité chez ces patients.
Bothrops insularis venom contains a variety of substances presumably responsible for several pharmacological effects. We investigated the biochemical and biological effects of phospholipase A(2) protein isolated from B. insularis venom and the chromatographic profile showed 7 main fractions and the main phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) enzymatic activity was detected in fractions IV and V. Fraction IV was submitted to a new chromatographic procedure on ion exchange chromatography, which allowed the elution of 5 main fractions designated as lV-1 to IV-5, from which lV-4 constituted the main fraction. The molecular homogeneity of this fraction was characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and demonstrated by mass spectrometry (MS), which showed a molecular mass of 13984.20 Da; its N-terminal sequence presented a high amino acid identity (up to 95%) with the PLA(2) of Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops asper. Phospholipase A(2) isolated from B. insularis (Bi PLA(2)) venom (10 mu g/mL) was also studied as to its effect on the renal function of isolated perfused kidneys of Wistar rats (n = 6). Bi PLA(2) increased perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistance (RVR), urinary flow (UF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Sodium (%TNa+) and chloride tubular reabsorption (%TCl-) decreased at 120 min, without alteration in potassium transport. In conclusion, PLA(2) isolated from B. insularis venom promoted renal alterations in the isolated perfused rat kidney. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The venom of Bothrops insidaris snake, known in Brazil as jararaca ilhoa, contains a variety of proteolytic enzymes such as a thrombin-like substance that is responsible for various pharmacological effects. B. insularis venom chromatography profile showed an elution of seven main fractions. The thrombin-like activity was detected in fractions I and 111, the latter being subjected to two other chromatographic procedures, so to say DEAE and Hi Trap Benzamidine. The purity degree of this fraction was confirmed by analytical reverse phase HPLC, which displayed only one main fraction confirmed by SDS-PAGE constituting fraction III. About 5 mu g of fraction III protein potentiated the secretion of insulin induced by 2.8mM of glucose in rats isolated pancreatic beta-cells treated; the increase being around 3-fold higher than its respective control. B. insidaris lectin (BiLec; 10 mu g/mL) was also studied as to its effect on the renal function of isolated perfused rat kidneys with the use of six Wistar rats. BiLec increased perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistence (RVR), urinary flow (UF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Sodium (%TNa+) and chloride tubular reabsorption (%TCl-) decreased at 120 min, without alteration in potassium transport. In conclusion, the thrombin-like substance isolated from B. insularis venom induced an increase in insulin secretion, in vitro, and transiently altered vascular, glomerular and tubular parameters in the isolated rat kidney. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A/J and 129P3/J mouse strains have different susceptibilities to dental fluorosis due to their genetic backgrounds. They also differ with respect to several features of fluoride (F) metabolism and metabolic handling of water. This study was done to determine whether differences in F metabolism could be explained by diversities in the profile of protein expression in kidneys. Weanling, male A/J mice (susceptible to dental fluorosis, n = 18) and 129P3/J mice (resistant, n = 18) were housed in pairs and assigned to three groups given low-F food and drinking water containing 0, 10 or 50 ppm [F] for 7 weeks. Renal proteome profiles were examined using 2D-PAGE and LC-MS/MS. Quantitative intensity analysis detected between A/J and 129P3/J strains 122, 126 and 134 spots differentially expressed in the groups receiving 0, 10 and 50 ppmF, respectively. From these, 25, 30 and 32, respectively, were successfully identified. Most of the proteins were related to metabolic and cellular processes, followed by response to stimuli, development and regulation of cellular processes. In F-treated groups, PDZK-1, a protein involved in the regulation of renal tubular reabsorption capacity was down-modulated in the kidney of 129P3/J mice. A/J and 129P3/J mice exhibited 11 and 3 exclusive proteins, respectively, regardless of F exposure. In conclusion, proteomic analysis was able to identify proteins potentially involved in metabolic handling of F and water that are differentially expressed or even not expressed in the strains evaluated. This can contribute to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic susceptibility to dental fluorosis, by indicating key-proteins that should be better addressed in future studies
INTRODUÇÃO: Tumores indutores de osteomalácia (TIOs) são raros, geralmente apresentam origem mesenquimal, têm produção excessiva de fosfatoninas sendo a mais comum o FGF23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) que, em níveis elevados, provoca osteomalácia hipofosfatêmica. A cura dos TIOs envolve a remoção completa do tumor, o que torna essencial sua localização. OBJETIVOS: (1) caracterizar nove pacientes com TIO ao diagnóstico e avaliá-los evolutivamente em longo prazo; (2) avaliar a eficácia da cintilografia com Octreotida (Octreoscan®) e a da cintilografia de corpo inteiro com Mibi (MIBI) na detecção dos TIOs. MÉTODOS: O acompanhamento dos pacientes consistiu na avaliação clínica, na avaliação laboratorial com ênfase no metabolismo ósseo e na realização de exames de imagem para caracterização das deformidades esqueléticas. Para a localização dos TIOs, os pacientes foram submetidos a exames de Octreoscan®, MIBI, ressonância magnética (RM) e tomografia computadorizada (TC). RESULTADOS: O período de observação dos pacientes variou de dois a 25 anos. Ao diagnóstico, todos exibiam fraqueza muscular, dores ósseas e fraturas de fragilidade. Em relação à avaliação laboratorial, apresentavam: hipofosfatemia com taxa de reabsorção tubular de fosfato reduzida, fosfatase alcalina aumentada e níveis elevados de FGF23. O Octreoscan® permitiu a identificação dos TIOs nos nove pacientes e o MIBI possibilitou a localização dos TIOs em seis pacientes, sendo que ambos os exames foram concordantes entre si e com os exames topográficos (RM ou TC). Os achados histopatológicos das lesões dos nove pacientes confirmaram tratar-se de oito tumores mesenquimais fosfatúricos (PMTs) benignos e um PMT maligno. Após a primeira intervenção cirúrgica para a remoção dos TIOs, quatro pacientes encontram-se em remissão da doença e cinco evoluíram com persistência tumoral. Dos cinco, quatro foram reoperados e um aguarda nova cirurgia. Dos que foram reoperados, um paciente se mantém em remissão da doença, um foi a óbito por complicações clínicas, uma teve doença metastática e o último apresentou recidiva tumoral três anos após a segunda cirurgia. Deformidades ósseas graves foram observadas nos pacientes cujo diagnóstico e/ou tratamento clínico foram tardios. O tratamento da osteomalácia foi iniciado com fosfato e perdurou até a ressecção tumoral, tendo sido reintroduzido nos casos de persistência/recidiva tumoral. Quatro pacientes que fizerem uso regular desse medicamento por mais de seis anos evoluíram com hiperparatireoidismo terciário (HPT). CONCLUSÕES: O estudo revelou que tanto o Octreoscan® como o MIBI foram capazes de localizar os TIOs. Por isso, incentivamos a realização do MIBI nos locais onde o Octreoscan® não for disponível. Uma equipe experiente é indispensável para o sucesso cirúrgico visto que os tumores, embora benignos, costumam ser infiltrativos. Recomendamos o seguimento por tempo indeterminado em função do risco de recidiva tumoral. Assim como o FGF23, consideramos o fósforo um excelente marcador de remissão, persistência e recidiva dos TIOs. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoce são fundamentais para a melhora dos sintomas podendo minimizar as deformidades esqueléticas e as sequelas ósseas. O uso prolongado do fosfato no tratamento da osteomalácia hipofosfatêmica foi associado ao desenvolvimento do HPT
Drugs and metabolites are eliminated from the body by metabolism and excretion. The kidney makes the major contribution to excretion of unchanged drug and also to excretion of metabolites. Net renal excretion is a combination of three processes - glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Renal function has traditionally been determined by measuring plasma creatinine and estimating creatinine clearance. However, estimated creatinine clearance measures only glomerular filtration with a small contribution from active secretion. There is accumulating evidence of poor correlation between estimated creatinine clearance and renal drug clearance in different clinical settings, challenging the 'intact nephron hypothesis' and suggesting that renal drug handling pathways may not decline in parallel. Furthermore, it is evident that renal drug handling is altered to a clinically significant extent in a number of disease states, necessitating dosage adjustment not just based on filtration. These observations suggest that a re-evaluation of markers of renal function is required. Methods that measure all renal handling pathways would allow informed dosage individualisation using an understanding of renal excretion pathways and patient characteristics. Methodologies have been described to determine individually each of the renal elimination pathways. However, their simultaneous assessment has only recently been investigated. A cocktail of markers to measure simultaneously the individual renal handling pathways have now been developed, and evaluated in healthy volunteers. This review outlines the different renal elimination pathways and the possible markers that can be used for their measurement. Diseases and other physiological conditions causing altered renal drug elimination are presented, and the potential application of a cocktail of markers for the simultaneous measurement of drug handling is evaluated. Further investigation of the effects of disease processes on renal drug handling should include people with HIV infection, transplant recipients (renal and liver) and people with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, changes in renal function in the elderly, the effect of sex on renal function, assessment of living kidney donors prior to transplantation and the investigation of renal drug interactions would also be potential applications. Once renal drug handling pathways are characterised in a patient population, the implications for accurate dosage individualisation can be assessed. The simultaneous measurement of renal function elimination pathways of drugs and metabolites has the potential to assist in understanding how renal function changes with different disease states or physiological conditions. In addition, it will further our understanding of fundamental aspects of the renal elimination of drugs.
Disturbances of cation homeostasis, particularly hypomagnesaemia, are a frequent consequence of treatment with aminoglycoside antibiotics. These disturbances are thought to result from renal wasting of cations and administration of gentamicin to rats has been shown to produce hypercalciuria and hypermagnesiuria. The aims of this study were to attempt to elucidate these responses in anaesthetised rats infused with gentamicin and to use this model to investigate the mechanisms of these effects. Fischer 344 rats were anaesthetised and surgically prepared for clearance experiments. Infusion of gentamicin in isotonic saline increased urinary output of calcium and magnesium while sodium and potassium output were unaffected. These elevations in calcium and magnesium excretion were explained by reduced tubular reabsorption of these cations. Both the hypercalciuric and hypermagnesiuric responses to gentamicin were extremely rapid and were sustained during drug infusion; when gentamicin infusion ceased both responses were rapidly reversible. Infusion of another aminoglycoside, tobramycin, produced very similar effects to gentamicin. The hypercalciuria and hypermagnesiuria caused by gentimicin infusion were unaffected by parathyroidectomy. The peak increases in calcium and magnesium output brought about by infusion of gentamicin with frusemide were not significantly different to the increases produced by frusemide alone. The site at which gentamicin interferes with calcium and magnesium reabsorption cannot be firmly deduced from these results. However, the known close association between calcium and sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule implies that gentamicin is unlikely to change proximal calcium reabsorption without a similar change in proximal sodium reabsorption. The similarity between the hypercalciuric and hypermagnesiuric effects of frusemide alone and the effects of frusemide infused simultaneously with gentamicin suggests that gentamicin may act at the same site as the diuretic, the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle.
Bothrops insularis venom contains a variety of substances presumably responsible for several pharmacological effects. We investigated the biochemical and biological effects of phospholipase A(2) protein isolated from B. insularis venom and the chromatographic profile showed 7 main fractions and the main phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) enzymatic activity was detected in fractions IV and V. Fraction IV was submitted to a new chromatographic procedure on ion exchange chromatography, which allowed the elution of 5 main fractions designated as lV-1 to IV-5, from which lV-4 constituted the main fraction. The molecular homogeneity of this fraction was characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and demonstrated by mass spectrometry (MS), which showed a molecular mass of 13984.20 Da; its N-terminal sequence presented a high amino acid identity (up to 95%) with the PLA(2) of Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops asper. Phospholipase A(2) isolated from B. insularis (Bi PLA(2)) venom (10 mu g/mL) was also studied as to its effect on the renal function of isolated perfused kidneys of Wistar rats (n = 6). Bi PLA(2) increased perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistance (RVR), urinary flow (UF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Sodium (%TNa+) and chloride tubular reabsorption (%TCl-) decreased at 120 min, without alteration in potassium transport. In conclusion, PLA(2) isolated from B. insularis venom promoted renal alterations in the isolated perfused rat kidney. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Transformations of the layered zinc phosphates of the compositions [C6N4H22](0.5) [Zn-2 (HPO4)(3)], I, [C3N2H12][Zn-2 (HPO4)(3)], II and [C3N2OH12][Zn-2 (HPO4)(3)], III, containing triethylenetetramine, 1,3-diaminopropane, and 1,3-diamino-2-hydroxypropane, respectively, have been investigated under different conditions. On heating in water, I transforms to a one-dimensional (1-D) ladder and a three-dimensional (3-D) structure, while II gives rise to only a two-dimensional (2-D) layered structure. In the transformation reaction of I with zinc acetate, the same ladder and 3-D structures are obtained along with a tubular layer. Under similar conditions II gives a layered structure formed by the joining of two ladder motifs. III, on the other hand, is essentially unreactive when heated with water and zinc acetate, probably because the presence of the hydroxy group in the amine which hydrogen bonds to the framework. In the presence of piperazine, I, II and III give rise to a four-membered, corner-shared linear chain which is likely to be formed via the ladder structure. In addition, 2-D and 3-D structures derived from the 1-D linear chain or ladder structures are also formed. The primary result from the study is that the layers produce 1-D ladders, which then undergo other transformations. It is noteworthy that in the various transformations carried out, most of the products are single-crystalline.
The paper presents a process of cellulose thermal degradation with bio-hydrogen generation and zinc nanostructures synthesis. Production of zinc nanowires and zinc nanoflowers was performed by a novel processes based on cellulose pyrolysis, volatiles reforming and direct reduction of ZnO. The bio-hydrogen generated in situ promoted the ZnO reduction with Zn nanostructures formation by vapor–solid (VS) route. The cellulose and cellulose/ZnO samples were characterized by thermal analyses (TG/DTG/DTA) and the gases evolved were analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy (TG/FTIR). The hydrogen was detected by TPR (Temperature Programmed Reaction) tests. The results showed that in the presence of ZnO the cellulose thermal degradation produced larger amounts of H2 when compared to pure cellulose. The process was also carried out in a tubular furnace with N2 atmosphere, at temperatures up to 900 °C, and different heating rates. The nanostructures growth was catalyst-free, without pressure reduction, at temperatures lower than those required in the carbothermal reduction of ZnO with fossil carbon. The nanostructures were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The optical properties were investigated by photoluminescence (PL). One mechanism was presented in an attempt to explain the synthesis of zinc nanostructures that are crystalline, were obtained without significant re-oxidation and whose morphologies are dependent on the heating rates of the process. This route presents a potential use as an industrial process taking into account the simple operational conditions, the low costs of cellulose and the importance of bio-hydrogen and nanostructured zinc.
The preparation of nanometer-sized structures of zinc oxide (ZnO) from zinc acetate and urea as raw materials was performed using conventional water bath heating and a microwave hydrothermal (MH) method in an aqueous solution. The oxide formation is controlled by decomposition of the added urea in the sealed autoclave. The influence of urea and the synthesis method on the final product formation are discussed. Broadband photoluminescence (PL) behavior in visible-range spectra was observed with a maximum peak centered in the green region which was attributed to different defects and the structural changes involved with ZnO crystals which were produced during the nucleation process.
TRPV5 and TRPV6 are two major calcium transport pathways in the human body maintaining calcium homeostasis. TRPV5 is mainly expressed in the distal convoluted and connecting tubule where it is the major, regulated pathway for calcium reabsorption. TRPV6 serves as an important calcium entry pathway in the duodenum and the placenta. Previously, we showed that human TRPV6 (hTRPV6) transports several heavy metals. In this study we tested whether human TRPV5 (hTRPV5) also transports cadmium and zinc, and whether hTRPV5 together with hTRPV6 are involved in cadmium and zinc toxicity. The hTRPV5 mRNA and protein were expressed in HEK293 cells transiently transfected with pTagRFP-C1-hTRPV5. The overexpression of the hTRPV5 protein at the plasma membrane was revealed by cell surface biotinylation and immunofluorescence techniques. We observed that both cadmium and zinc permeate hTRPV5 in ion imaging experiments using Fura-2 or Newport Green DCF. Our results were further confirmed using whole-cell patch clamp technique. Transient overexpression of hTRPV5 or hTRPV6 sensitized cells to cadmium and zinc. Toxicity curves of cadmium and zinc were also shifted in hTRPV6 expressing HEK293 cells clones. Our results suggest that TRPV5 and TRPV6 are crucial gates controlling cadmium and zinc levels in the human body especially under low calcium dietary conditions, when these channels are maximally upregulated.