5 resultados para Youtubers
This article aims to discuss the role humour plays in politics, particularly in a media environment overflowing with user-generated video. We start with a genealogy of political satire, from classical to Internet times, followed by a general description of “the Downfall meme,” a series of videos on YouTube featuring footage from the film Der Untergang and nonsensical subtitles. Amid video-games, celebrities, and the Internet itself, politicians and politics are the target of such twenty-first century caricatures. By analysing these videos we hope to elucidate how the manipulation of images is embedded in everyday practices and may be of political consequence, namely by deflating politicians' constructed media image. The realm of image, at the centre of the Internet's technological culture, is connected with decisive aspects of today's social structure of knowledge and play. It is timely to understand which part of “playing” is in fact an expressive practice with political significance.
Dissertação de mestrado em Design de Comunicação de Moda
YouTube está convirtiéndose en una amenaza real para la televisión tradicional, respecto al público mas juvenil, y ellos son los culpables: los youtubers. Jóvenes autónomos que se ganan la vida gracias a la monetización de los vídeos que comparten a través de esta la plataforma on-line. Los más exitosos en España, se dedican principalmente a los video blogs, humor y videojuegos, una temática que la televisión había olvidado. Su contenido único y sin filtros, la cercanía con la que tratan a sus fans y que gracias a los youtubers sus seguidores se sienten parte de algo más grande, son una de las claves de su éxito. Este trabajo analiza la influencia de estos nuevos protagonistas del mundo audiovisual y su método de trabajo, por qué tienen tanto éxito y cuál es su modus operandi.
Some of the current discussions in the teaching of Portuguese Language (LP) pertain to how the school should deal with the phenomenon of language variation in the classroom. In 2010, for example, an explosion of talk took over the academic corridors: a book, entitled "Por uma vida melhor", the collection "Viver, Aprender", published by the MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) to students EJA (Youth and Adults) brought notions regarding linguistic variation, even in their first chapter. In it is clear the notion that it is possible to make use of structures as "pretty boy", instead of "pretty boys", depending on the context in which such use is insert. Therefore, the discussions focused around the notions of variety cultivated, standard and popular measuring them to the possibilities of linguistic appropriateness. The community was surprised by the defense of the "power" to use, since it would be the school space to teach a standard "default", and not the possibility of legitimate use of grammatical patterns that clashed with those recommended in traditional grammars. The television media has been responsible for a major blaze that MEC had endorsed the use in schools of a book that legitimized such linguistic patterns. The quarrel was released on Youtube and in that space, netizens expressed themselves for or against the proposal of LD often directing the discussion to questions of a purely political. We observed that, on one side, loomed arguments related to Sociolinguistics (BAGNO , 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009; BAGNO, M.; STUBBS, M., Gagne, G., 2006; Bortoni - RICARDO, S.M., 2008; Tarallo, F., 1982; U. Weinreich, MARVIN I. HERZOG, Labov, W., 1968, Labov 1972, etc.); another, arguments concentrated on defending the school is the area of language teaching standard, and not fit to bring certain discussions within an LD. It was from these words, that this research was born. Interested in the particular way that the community media, which seemed to have no training in linguistics, understand the concepts of right, wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, so intimate in academic circles. Our thoughts take as reference the theoretical studies on the question of sociolinguistic variation and education, official documents that guide the "work" with the Portuguese language in the classroom, like the NCP (National Curriculum) and Curriculum Proposal for Education Youth and Adult (PCEJA). In our analysis, we found that LD" For a better life "makes no apology for teaching the "error", but it raises discussions about the possibility of "change", linked to factors and different order. We realize how significant it is to observe how speakers of a language are positioned in relation to language teaching which they are not speakers and scholars. Our study showed that certain issues regarding the teaching of the Portuguese language, as is the case of linguistic variation, points are far from being resolved, either for linguists and/or grammarians, whether for language speakers.
Esposti alle leggi del consumo, alla pubblicità e a un marketing sempre più invasivo, i bambini sono oggi il fulcro di un mercato in costante crescita e target irrinunciabile per le aziende che ne intercettano la possibilità di definirsi come consumatori primari, secondari, futuri e d’influenza sulle abitudini di consumo della famiglia. Il presente lavoro dedica una prima parte alla ricostruzione storica, culturale e sociale dell’evoluzione del children’s market e del contemporaneo definirsi dell’idea del kid as consumer, per poi passare, nel secondo capitolo, ad affrontare da vicino il potere del marketing e le strategie che le industrie culturali elaborano per sedurre e fidelizzare i bambini. Il target preso in esame è quello prescolare, individuandone esigenze e bisogni alla luce del riconfigurarsi delle abitudini di consumo delle nuove generazioni. Affrontando, nella seconda parte, due casi di studio tra loro lontani, il libro Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls e gli youtubers Me contro Te, si è indagata la capacità del marketing di rinegoziare costantemente le sue logiche per adattarsi ai cambiamenti sociali e tecnologici nel tentativo di intercettare, assecondare e indurre le risposte di consumo dei bambini. Si è scelto dunque di affrontare da un lato il gender marketing e i tentativi del mercato di scardinare gli stereotipi di genere rivolti all’infanzia, e dall’altro il sistema produttivo e di marketing di uno degli strumenti dominanti l’entertainment infantile oggi, ovvero YouTube. Alla luce di un mercato rivolto all’infanzia fortemente connesso, in cui i mondi proposti dai media agiscono da collante dell’intero sistema, si sono dunque approfondite le logiche produttive e le strategie comunicative con cui le aziende riescono a parlare ai bambini e a costruire una realtà sempre più brandizzata, in cui tutto, dietro la seduzione del gioco, può diventare marketing.