998 resultados para Yeast-hyphal transition
The aim of this thesis was to compare the degradation of human oral epithelial proteins by proteinases of different Candida yeast species. We focused on proteins associated with Candida invasion in the cell-to-cell junction, the basement membrane zone, the extracellular matrix, and local tissue inflammatory regulators. Another main objective was to evaluate the effect of the yeast/hyphal transition and pH on the degradative capability of Candida. The enzymatic activity of the Candida proteinases was verified by gelatin zymography. Laminins-332 (Lm-322) and -511(Lm-511) produced by human oral keratinocytes were gathered from the growth media, and E-cadherin (E-Cad) was isolated from the cell membrane of the keratinocytes by immunoprecipitation. The proteins were incubated with Candida cells and cell-free fractions, and degradation was detected by fluorography. Fibronectin degradation was visualised by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activation and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) fragmentation was detected by using the Western blot and enhanced chemoluminescence (ECL) techniques. Residual activity of TIMP-1 was evaluated by a casein degradation assay. A fluorimetric assay was used to detect and compare Candida proteinase activities with MMP-9. These studies showed that the ability of the different Candida yeast species to degrade human Lm-332, fibronectin, and E-Cad vary from strain to strain and that this degradation is pH-dependent. This indicates that local acidic pH in tissue may play a role in tissue destruction by activating Candida proteinases and aid invasion of Candida into deeper tissue. A potential correlation exists between the morphological form of the yeasts and the degradative ability; the C. albicans yeast form seems to be related to superficial infections, and hyphal forms can apparently invade deeper tissues between the epithelial cells by degradation of E-Cad. Basement membrane degradation is possible, especially in the junctional epithelium, which contains only Lm-332 as a structural component. Local tissue host inflammatory mediators, such as MMP-9, were activated, and TIMP-1 was degraded by certain Candida species, thus indicating the possibility of a weakened host tissue defence mechanism in vivo.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro anticandidal activity of a methanolic extract of Syngonanthus nitens scapes against different Candida species and clinical isolates from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), and its effect in vivo in the treatment of vaginal infection. Chemical characterization of the extract was performed by HPLC-UV analyses and showed the presence of flavones derivatives. The extract was effective against several Candida strains from our collection and species recovered from VVC patients, and was able to inhibit the yeast-hyphal transition. No cytotoxic activity against human female reproductive tract epithelial cells and no hemolytic activity against human red blood cells were observed. In the in vivo model of VVC, we evaluated the efficacy of the intravaginal treatment with a cream containing the extract at doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%. The treatment eradicated the vaginal fungal burden in infected rats after 8 days of treatment. S. nitens extract could be considered as an effective and non-toxic natural antifungal agent in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. © 2013 ISHAM.
Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are pivotal components of eukaryotic signaling cascades. Phosphorylation of tyrosine and threonine residues activates MAP kinases, but either dual-specificity or monospecificity phosphatases can inactivate them. The Candida albicans CPP1 gene, a structural member of the VH1 family of dual- specificity phosphatases, was previously cloned by its ability to block the pheromone response MAP kinase cascade in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cpp1p inactivated mammalian MAP kinases in vitro and acted as a tyrosine-specific enzyme. In C. albicans a MAP kinase cascade can trigger the transition from the budding yeast form to a more invasive filamentous form. Disruption of the CPP1 gene in C. albicans derepressed the yeast to hyphal transition at ambient temperatures, on solid surfaces. A hyphal growth rate defect under physiological conditions in vitro was also observed and could explain a reduction in virulence associated with reduced fungal burden in the kidneys seen in a systemic mouse model. A hyper-hyphal pathway may thus have some detrimental effects on C. albicans cells. Disruption of the MAP kinase homologue CEK1 suppressed the morphological effects of the CPP1 disruption in C. albicans. The results presented here demonstrate the biological importance of a tyrosine phosphatase in cell-fate decisions and virulence in C. albicans.
In Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast), the transition from G2 phase of the cell cycle to mitosis is under strict regulation. The activation of Cdc2, a cyclin dependent serine/threonine protein kinase, is the critical control step in this process. The Cdc2/Cyclin-B (Cdc13) complex is regulated by Wee1 tyrosine kinase and Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase, which work antagonistically to control progression into mitosis. Hyperactivation of the Cdc2/Cdc13 complex by phosphorylation results in premature mitosis, and as a consequence leads to genome instability. This is referred to as mitotic catastrophe, a lethal phenotype associated with chromosomal segregation abnormalities including chromosome breakage. Six mitotic catastrophe loci were found, five of which have been characterized and identified as various activators and repressors of the core mitotic control. The locus for mcs3 remains unknown. I used tetrad analysis in this study to determine the linkage distance between three genes suspected of flanking the region in which mcs3 is located. Linkage distances obtained in this study confirm that the SPBC428.10 and met17, as well as SPBC428.10 and wpl1 are tightly linked, suggesting this is an area of low recombination. Further linkage analysis should be conducted to determine the precise location of mcs3-12.
Candida albicans est une levure pathogène qui, à l’état commensal, colonise les muqueuses de la cavité orale et du tractus gastro-intestinal. De nature opportuniste, C. albicans cause de nombreuses infections, allant des candidoses superficielles (muguet buccal, vulvo-vaginite) aux candidoses systémiques sévères. C. albicans a la capacité de se développer sous diverses morphologies, telles que les formes levures, pseudohyphes et hyphes. Des stimuli environnementaux mimant les conditions retrouvées chez l’hôte (température de 37°C, pH neutre, présence de sérum) induisent la transition levure-à-hyphe (i.e. morphogenèse ou filamentation). Cette transition morphologique contribue à la pathogénicité de C. albicans, du fait que des souches présentant un défaut de filamentation sont avirulentes. Non seulement la morphogenèse est un facteur de virulence, mais elle constituerait aussi une cible pour le développement d’antifongiques. En effet, il a déjà été démontré que l’inhibition de la transition levure-à-hyphe atténuait la virulence de C. albicans lors d’infections systémiques. Par ailleurs, des études ont démontré que de nombreuses molécules pouvaient moduler la morphogenèse. Parmi ces molécules, certains acides gras, dont l’acide linoléique conjugué (CLA), inhibent la formation d’hyphes. Ainsi, le CLA posséderait des propriétés thérapeutiques, du fait qu’il interfère avec un déterminant de pathogénicité de C. albicans. Par contre, avant d’évaluer son potentiel thérapeutique dans un contexte clinique, il est essentiel d’étudier son mode d’action. Ce projet vise à caractériser l’activité anti-filamentation des acides gras et du CLA et à déterminer le mécanisme par lequel ces molécules inhibent la morphogenèse chez C. albicans. Des analyses transcriptomiques globales ont été effectuées afin d’obtenir le profil transcriptionnel de la réponse de C. albicans au CLA. L’acide gras a entraîné une baisse des niveaux d’expression de gènes encodant des protéines hyphes-spécifiques et des régulateurs de morphogenèse, dont RAS1. Ce gène code pour la GTPase Ras1p, une protéine membranaire de signalisation qui joue un rôle important dans la transition levure-à-hyphe. Des analyses de PCR quantitatif ont confirmé que le CLA inhibait l’induction de RAS1. De plus, le CLA a non seulement causé une baisse des niveaux cellulaires de Ras1p, mais a aussi entraîné sa délocalisation de la membrane plasmique. En affectant les niveaux et la localisation cellulaire de Ras1p, le CLA nuit à l’activation de la voie de signalisation Ras1p-dépendante, inhibant ainsi la morphogenèse. Il est possible que le CLA altère la structure de la membrane plasmique et affecte indirectement la localisation membranaire de Ras1p. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence le mode d’action du CLA. Le potentiel thérapeutique du CLA pourrait maintenant être évalué dans un contexte d’infection, permettant ainsi de vérifier qu’une telle approche constitue véritablement une stratégie pour le traitement des candidoses.
The TCP transcription factors control important aspects of plant development. Members of class I TCP proteins promote cell cycle by regulating genes directly involved in cell proliferation. In contrast, members of class II TCP proteins repress cell division. While it has been postulated that class II proteins induce differentiation signal, their exact role on cell cycle has not been studied. Here, we report that TCP4, a class II TCP protein from Arabidopsis that repress cell proliferation in developing leaves, inhibits cell division by blocking G1 -> S transition in budding yeast. Cells expressing TCP4 protein with increased transcriptional activity fail to progress beyond G1 phase. By analyzing global transcriptional status of these cells, we show that expression of a number of cell cycle genes is altered. The possible mechanism of G1 -> S arrest is discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a dimorphic fungus that causes paracoccidioidomycosis, the most prevalent human deep mycosis in Latin America. The dimorphic transition from mycelium to yeast (M-Y) is triggered by a temperature shift from 25°C to 37°C and is critical for pathogenicity. Intracellular Ca 2+ levels increased in hyphae immediately after temperature-induced dimorphism. The chelation of Ca 2+ with extracellular (EGTA) or intracellular (BAPTA) calcium chelators inhibited temperature-induced dimorphism, whereas the addition of extracellular Ca 2+ accelerated dimorphism. The calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine A (CsA), but not tacrolimus (FK506), effectively decreased cell growth, halted the M-Y transition that is associated with virulence, and caused aberrant growth morphologies for all forms of P. brasiliensis. The difference between CsA and FK506 was ascribed by the higher levels of cyclophilins contrasted to FKBPs, the intracellular drug targets required for calcineurin suppression. Chronic exposure to CsA abolished intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis and decreased mRNA transcription of the CCH1 gene for the plasma membrane Ca 2+ channel in yeast-form cells. CsA had no detectable effect on multidrug resistance efflux pumps, while the effect of FK506 on rhodamine excretion was not correlated with the transition to yeast form. In this study, we present evidence that Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin controls hyphal and yeast morphology, M-Y dimorphism, growth, and Ca 2+ homeostasis in P. brasiliensis and that CsA is an effective chemical block for thermodimorphism in this organism. The effects of calcineurin inhibitors on P. brasiliensis reinforce the therapeutic potential of these drugs in a combinatory approach with antifungal drugs to treat endemic paracoccidioidomycosis. Copyright © 2008, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
In higher eukaryotic cells, the spindle forms along with chromosome condensation in mitotic prophase. In metaphase, chromosomes are aligned on the spindle with sister kinetochores facing toward the opposite poles. In anaphase A, sister chromatids separate from each other without spindle extension, whereas spindle elongation takes place during anaphase B. We have critically examined whether such mitotic stages also occur in a lower eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the green fluorescent protein tagging technique, early mitotic to late anaphase events were observed in living fission yeast cells. S. pombe has three phases in spindle dynamics, spindle formation (phase 1), constant spindle length (phase 2), and spindle extension (phase 3). Sister centromere separation (anaphase A) rapidly occurred at the end of phase 2. The centromere showed dynamic movements throughout phase 2 as it moved back and forth and was transiently split in two before its separation, suggesting that the centromere was positioned in a bioriented manner toward the poles at metaphase. Microtubule-associating Dis1 was required for the occurrence of constant spindle length and centromere movement in phase 2. Normal transition from phase 2 to 3 needed DNA topoisomerase II and Cut1 but not Cut14. The duration of each phase was highly dependent on temperature.
We study the origin of robustness of yeast cell cycle cellular network through uncovering its underlying energy landscape. This is realized from the information of the steady-state probabilities by solving a discrete set of kinetic master equations for the network. We discovered that the potential landscape of yeast cell cycle network is funneled toward the global minimum, G1 state. The ratio of the energy gap between G1 and average versus roughness of the landscape termed as robustness ratio ( RR) becomes a quantitative measure of the robustness and stability for the network. The funneled landscape is quite robust against random perturbations from the inherent wiring or connections of the network. There exists a global phase transition between the more sensitive response or less self-degradation phase leading to underlying funneled global landscape with large RR, and insensitive response or more self-degradation phase leading to shallower underlying landscape of the network with small RR. Furthermore, we show that the more robust landscape also leads to less dissipation cost of the network. Least dissipation and robust landscape might be a realization of Darwinian principle of natural selection at cellular network level. It may provide an optimal criterion for network wiring connections and design.
Candida albicans, le pathogène opportuniste le plus commun, peut subir des transitions morphologiques entre la forme levure et la forme hyphe, jouant un rôle dans la formation de biofilm. Le farnésol, un lipide endogène produit par C. albicans, est une molécule de quorum sensing qui inhibe cette transition morphologique. Certaines souches ne répondent pas au farnésol et nous avons vérifié les hypothèses que : 1) l’isolat clinique SC5314, la souche la mieux caractérisée, est un répondeur au farnésol; 2) la germination, la croissance et la formation de biofilm des non répondeurs diffèrent des répondeurs; 3) l’absence de la réponse au farnésol se manifeste en dehors de conditions de culture précises; 4) le farnésol agit via un récepteur nucléaire qui présente des altérations chez les non répondeurs; 5) la différence de la réponse au farnésol entre les souches s’explique par des variations au niveau transcriptionnel de certains gènes (CHK1, HST7, CPH1, GAP1, RAM2 et DPP3). Les non répondeurs produisent un plus grand nombre d’hyphes, forment 60% plus de biofilm et croissent 50% moins vite que les répondeurs. La souche SC5314 se comporte comme un répondeur. L’absence de la réponse au farnésol se manifeste indépendamment des conditions de culture. Cependant, elle ne s’explique pas par une différence dans le niveau d’expression des gènes proposés, excepté pour DPP3 qui est surexprimé chez le non répondeur ATTC® 36802, suggérant ainsi une surproduction de farnésol chez cette souche. De plus, si le farnésol agit via un récepteur nucléaire, il sera d’un type non décrit précédemment.
Les protéines sont les produits finaux de la machinerie génétique. Elles jouent des rôles essentiels dans la définition de la structure, de l'intégrité et de la dynamique de la cellule afin de promouvoir les diverses transformations chimiques requises dans le métabolisme et dans la transmission des signaux biochimique. Nous savons que la doctrine centrale de la biologie moléculaire: un gène = un ARN messager = une protéine, est une simplification grossière du système biologique. En effet, plusieurs ARN messagers peuvent provenir d’un seul gène grâce à l’épissage alternatif. De plus, une protéine peut adopter plusieurs fonctions au courant de sa vie selon son état de modification post-traductionelle, sa conformation et son interaction avec d’autres protéines. La formation de complexes protéiques peut, en elle-même, être déterminée par l’état de modifications des protéines influencées par le contexte génétique, les compartiments subcellulaires, les conditions environmentales ou être intrinsèque à la croissance et la division cellulaire. Les complexes protéiques impliqués dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire sont particulièrement difficiles à disséquer car ils ne se forment qu’au cours de phases spécifiques du cycle cellulaire, ils sont fortement régulés par les modifications post-traductionnelles et peuvent se produire dans tous les compartiments subcellulaires. À ce jour, aucune méthode générale n’a été développée pour permettre une dissection fine de ces complexes macromoléculaires. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'établir et de démontrer une nouvelle stratégie pour disséquer les complexes protéines formés lors du cycle cellulaire de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae). Dans cette thèse, je décris le développement et l'optimisation d'une stratégie simple de sélection basée sur un essai de complémentation de fragments protéiques en utilisant la cytosine déaminase de la levure comme sonde (PCA OyCD). En outre, je décris une série d'études de validation du PCA OyCD afin de l’utiliser pour disséquer les mécanismes d'activation des facteurs de transcription et des interactions protéine-protéines (IPPs) entre les régulateurs du cycle cellulaire. Une caractéristique clé du PCA OyCD est qu'il peut être utilisé pour détecter à la fois la formation et la dissociation des IPPs et émettre un signal détectable (la croissance des cellules) pour les deux types de sélections. J'ai appliqué le PCA OyCD pour disséquer les interactions entre SBF et MBF, deux facteurs de transcription clés régulant la transition de la phase G1 à la phase S. SBF et MBF sont deux facteurs de transcription hétérodimériques composés de deux sous-unités : une protéine qui peut lier directement l’ADN (Swi4 ou Mbp1, respectivement) et une protéine commune contenant un domain d’activation de la transcription appelée Swi6. J'ai appliqué le PCA OyCD afin de générer un mutant de Swi6 qui restreint ses activités transcriptionnelles à SBF, abolissant l’activité MBF. Nous avons isolé des souches portant des mutations dans le domaine C-terminal de Swi6, préalablement identifié comme responsable dans la formation de l’interaction avec Swi4 et Mbp1, et également important pour les activités de SBF et MBF. Nos résultats appuient un modèle où Swi6 subit un changement conformationnel lors de la liaison à Swi4 ou Mbp1. De plus, ce mutant de Swi6 a été utilisé pour disséquer le mécanisme de régulation de l’entrée de la cellule dans un nouveau cycle de division cellulaire appelé « START ». Nous avons constaté que le répresseur de SBF et MBF nommé Whi5 se lie directement au domaine C-terminal de Swi6. Finalement, j'ai appliqué le PCA OyCD afin de disséquer les complexes protéiques de la kinase cycline-dépendante de la levure nommé Cdk1. Cdk1 est la kinase essentielle qui régule la progression du cycle cellulaire et peut phosphoryler un grand nombre de substrats différents en s'associant à l'une des neuf protéines cycline régulatrice (Cln1-3, Clb1-6). Je décris une stratégie à haut débit, voir à une échelle génomique, visant à identifier les partenaires d'interaction de Cdk1 et d’y associer la cycline appropriée(s) requise(s) à l’observation d’une interaction en utilisant le PCA OyCD et des souches délétées pour chacune des cyclines. Mes résultats nous permettent d’identifier la phase(s) du cycle cellulaire où Cdk1 peut phosphoryler un substrat particulier et la fonction potentielle ou connue de Cdk1 pendant cette phase. Par exemple, nous avons identifié que l’interaction entre Cdk1 et la γ-tubuline (Tub4) est dépendante de Clb3. Ce résultat est conforme au rôle de Tub4 dans la nucléation et la croissance des faisceaux mitotiques émanant des centromères. Cette stratégie peut également être appliquée à l’étude d'autres IPPs qui sont contrôlées par des sous-unités régulatrices.
Four unsaturated aminopyranosides have been prepared as possible transition-state mimics targeted towards carbohydrate processing enzymes. The conformations of the protonated aminosugars have been investigated by molecular modelling and their ability to inhibit alpha- and beta-glucosidases and an a-mannosidase have been probed. Two targets proved moderate inhibitors of alpha-glucosidases from Brewer's yeast and Bacillus stearothennophilus.
Pkc1 acts through Zds1 and Gic1 to suppress growth and cell polarity defects of a yeast eIF5A mutant
eIF5A is a highly conserved putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor that has been implicated in translation initiation, nucleocytoplasmic transport, mRNA decay, and cell proliferation, but with no precise function assigned so far. We have previously shown that high-copy PKCI suppresses the phenotype of tif51A-1, a temperature-sensitive mutant of eIF5A in S. cerevisiae. Here, in an attempt to further understand how Pkc1 functionally interacts with eIF-5A, it was determined that PKCI suppression of tif51A-1 is independent of the cell integrity MAP kinase cascade. Furthermore, two new suppressor genes, ZDS1 and GIC1, were identified. We demonstrated that ZDS1 and ZDS2 are necessary for PKC1, but not for GIC1 suppression. Moreover, high-copy GIC1 also suppresses the growth defect of a PKCI mutant (stt1), suggesting the existence of a Pkc1-Zds1-Gic1 pathway. Consistent with the function of Gic1 in actin organization, the tif51A-1 strain shows an actin polarity defect that is partially recovered by overexpression of Pkc1 and Zds1 as well as Gic1. Additionally, PCL1 and BNI1, important regulators of yeast cell polarity, also suppress tif51A-1 temperature sensitiviiy Taken together, these data strongly Support the correlated involvement of Pkc1 and eIF5A in establishing actin polarity, which is essential for bud formation and G1/S transition in S. cerevisiae.
The yeasts are microorganisms with great potential for biotechnological applications in diverse areas. The biological control of phytopathogens by yeasts has showed satisfactory results under laboratory conditions, and it has already produced commercial formulations. With this as focus, this work aims to perform in vitro and in vivo evaluations of the action of a Torulaspora globosa yeast strain (1S112), isolated from sugarcane rhizosphere, against the phytopathogenic mold Colletotrichum sublineolum, the causative agent of anthracnose in sorghum. In vitro experiments included the antagonism test in Petri dishes with morphological hyphal evaluation; yeast killer activity; siderophore, volatile compound and hydrolytic enzyme production. In vivo experiments were conducted in greenhouse conditions with a sorghum variety susceptible to C. sublineolum by evaluating the anthracnose disease for 6 weeks. The results indicated that the yeast strain significantly controlled the fungal growth, either in vitro or in vivo. The strain of T. globosa exhibited killer activity against two sensitive strains, which is a novel capacity for this species. The yeast did not produce siderophores, volatile compounds or hydrolytic enzymes, although it has reduced the mycelial growth, resulting in hyphal deformities but not cell death. The yeast controlled the anthracnose disease in sorghum, either inoculated before or after the fungal spores, suggesting that the competition for space and nutrients to dominate the mold and killer toxin production, altering the hyphal morphology, are mechanisms utilized by the yeast in the biocontrol.
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