323 resultados para Xestospongia-ingens
2D-NMR spectroscopic data is reported for the haliclonacyclamines A - D (1)-(4) and for two bismethiodide adducts (5) and (6). The structures of two new alkaloids, haliclonacyclamines C (3) and D (4), which are the 15,16-dihydro analogues of the haliclonacyclamines A (1) and B (2) are described. Revised assignments deduced by 2D-INADEQUATE spectroscopy are presented for (1) and (2). The alkene substituent in the C,, spacer group of (2) and (4) is positioned between C27-C28 by NMR, and confirmed by x-ray structural analysis for (2). Metabolite (3) has a C25-C26 double bond. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Desertas Islands (Madeira, Portugal) are the sole home of one of the largest and rarest wolf spiderspecies, Hogna ingens (Blackwall 1857) (Araneae, Lycosidae). Despite its size, it inhabits a single valleyin the North of the Deserta Grande Island, Vale da Castanheira, currently invaded by the herb Phalarisaquatica. This invasive species competes with the native flora and was subject to several eradicationexperiments, namely through fire and chemicals. The objectives of this work were to: (1) estimate thecurrent distribution and abundance of H. ingens and respective trends; (2) evaluate the impact of theinvasive plant and eradication methods on the spider population; (3) suggest future measures for therecovery of the species; and (4) evaluate its conservation status according to the IUCN criteria. The current distribution of H. ingens covers 23 ha, a recent reduction from its original 83 ha, correspond-ing to the entire Vale da Castanheira. A total of 4447 and 4086 adults and 71,832 and 24,635 juvenileswere estimated to live in the valley during 2011 and 2012, respectively. We found a significant negativeimpact of P. aquatica cover on the presence and abundance of H. ingens and that chemical treatmentspecifically directed towards the invasive plant species may be the only way to effectively recover thespider's habitat. We suggest (1) regular monitoring; (2) extend chemical treatments; (3) ex-situ conserva-tion with future reintroduction of adults. Based on the current area of occupancy (AOO) of H. ingens and itsrecent decline in both AOO and number of individuals, it was recently classified as Critically Endangeredby IUCN and we suggest its urgent inclusion in the Habitats Directive species lists.
In both species, maintained under laboratory environmental conditions, anautogeny was comproved and all females that had free access to proteic source were fertiles. We obtained the following average values for Peckiachrysostoma: 59.7 ± 15.6 and 81.8 ± 15.4 days of longevity in the respective cases of free access and no access to proteic source, 21.4 ± 4.3 days of pre-larviposition period and 35.2 ± 16.5 days of larviposition period, 5.3 ± 1.8 larvipositions female with 7.0 ± 1.1 days of periodicity, 35.7 ± 6.1 larvae per larviposition leading to a total number of 183.8 ± 69.2 viable larvae per female and 94.8% ± 5.3% of productivity. The mean number of ovarioles per female was 56.4 ± 9.8, resulting in a reproductive potential of 63.3%. For Adiscochaeta ingens, the obtained average values were: 41.3 ± 6.3 and 52 ± 13.1 days of longevity in the respective cases of free access and no access to proteic source, 15.3 ± 1.7 days of pre-larviposition period and 21.5 ± 7.5 days of larviposition period, 3 ± 0.7 larvipositions per female with 10.4 ± 0.8 days of periodicity, 30.3 ± 8.2 larvae per larviposition leading to a total number of 78.5 ± 21.7 viable larvae per female and 90.1% ± 16% of productivity. The mean number of ovarioles per female was 54.6 ± 5.2, resulting in a reproductive potential of 55.5%. Within applied parameters, the values obtained for P. chrysostoma demonstrate its superior productivity in comparison with A. ingens
Groups of 10 and 20 first instar larvae of Peckia chrysostoma (Wiedemann, 1830) were combined in a proteic source media with groups of the same number of first instar larvae of Adiscochaeta ingens (Walker, 1849) under the environmental conditions of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. P. chrysostoma and A. ingens obtained average competitive potentials of 94.0 ± 2.0% and 31.0 ± 5.0% respectively. In the second experiment, larvae of P. chrysostoma were introduced approximately 15 hr after the introduction of A. ingens larvae (whose majority had already passed to the second instar) in the media. The corresponding average competitive potential of P. chrysostoma (82.0 ± 2.0%) was decreased when compared to the first experiment, but still greater than that of A. ingens (64.5 ± 9.5%). The competitive potential of A. ingens, however, increased significatively, demonstrating the influence of its previous colonization in the media for achieving a higher viability. In both experiments the competitive potential of P. chrysostoma was greater and similar to observations cited in the literature. Control-groups of each species were observed, individually, for the comparison. The mean value obtained for P. chrysostoma was 94.0 ± 3.7% (0.0% [experiment 1] and only 12.8% [experiment 2] greater than the average competitive factor). For A. ingens the average was 86.0 ± 7.3% (64.0% [experiment 1] and 25.0% [experiment 2] greater than average competitive factor).
With access to a proteic source in the diet the mean longevity and lethal time (MLT) of Peckia chrysostoma was 52.6 ± 5.5 and 30.3 ± 5.9 days, respectively. With an isolated protein source, the mean longevity was 49.1 ± 2.6 days and the MLT was 28.5 ± 0.8 days. Without a proteic source the mean longevity and the MLT lowered to 37.4 ± 4.0 and 18.1 ± 1.3 days, respectively. For Adiscochaeta ingens the mean longevity with access to a proteic source in the diet was 29.0 ± 6.0 days and the MLT was 16.7 ± 2.7 days. The figures with an isolated proteic source were 26.9 ± 4.8 and 14.9 ± 2.0 days, and without a proteic source were 24.7 ± 4.2 and 13.3 ± 1.4 days, respectively. These results show that in P. chrysostoma the longevity is higher than in A. ingens and that the access to the proteic source increase the longevity in both species.
Peckia chrysostoma obtained mean viability of 97.0±2.4% for larvae and of 96.9±2.5% for pupae (total viability of 94.0±3.7%). Adiscochaeta ingens obtained mean viability of 93.0±7.5% for larvae and of 92.8±7.6% for pupae (total viability of 86.0±7.3%). P. chrysostoma obtained mean larval period of 185±4 hr at 18ºC, of 94±2 hr at 27ºC and of 88±2 hr at room temperature (range of 23ºC and 29ºC). A. ingens obtained mean larval period of 169±1 hr at 18ºC, of 77±1 hr at 27ºC and of 84±2hr at room temperature. P. chrysostoma obtained mean pupal period of 23.5±1.3 days at 18ºC, of 12.5±0.7 days at 27ºC and of 15.5±0.7 days at room temperature. A. ingens obtained mean pupal period of 33.0±2.2 days at 18ºC, of 16.0±1.0 days at 27ºC and of 19.0±1.0 days at room temperature.
A species' mating system depends on its spatial distribution and temporal availability of mating opportunities, as well as on the resources that create these opportunities. In addition, for many species, courtship is driven by specific behaviors that precede and follow copulation. Although Sphex ingens is a taxonomically well known species of digger wasp, its ecology and behavior remain poorly known. Hence, we analyzed patterns and trends of sexual behavior, in order to understand whether courtship can persist in a polygamous mating system. We monitored by video wasp populations in Ilha Grande, southeastern Brazil. Based on the observed behaviors, we calculated stochastic probabilities with a Markov chain to infer on behavioral trends. We recorded four behavioral phases based on 19,196 behavioral acts observed in 224 copulation attempts. There were no significant differences in common behavioral acts between males and females. The copulation patterns, conflicts, and trends observed in S. ingens clearly show the influence of sexual selection in its promiscuous mating system.
Actinocyclus ingens var, nodus Baldauf, n, var., is a morphologically distinct variety of the Miocene diatom A. ingens Ranray. The last occurrence of this new taxon approximates the top of the lower Middle Miocene Denticula Iauta Zone in the circum-North Pacific. Its first occurrence appears to be in the lower part of the D. fauta zone and possibly lies close to the Lower Miocene-Middle Miocene boundary.
Von Maurice Deselle
With this is bound the author's Ad veritatem hermeticae medicinae ... adversus cujusdam anonymi phantasmata responsio. Francofurti, 1605.
Three new amino alcohols presumably deriving from L-alanine were isolated from the tropical marine sponge Haliclona n. sp. and characterized by 2D NMR, while a fourth amino alcohol was characterized as an acetamide derivative. Relative stereochemistry was deduced from the NMR characteristics of oxazolidinone derivatives and absolute stereochemistry secured by preparation and analysis of an MPA ester. The amino alcohol fraction from Haliclona n. sp, acts as an antifungal agent and inhibits the development of larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata.
Espécies do gênero Neotropical Alongatepyris Azevedo são raramente coletadas. O gênero é reconhecido dentre os Sclerodermini por possuir o corpo extremamente achatado e a célula submediana da asa anterior pequena e completamente fechada. É descrita e ilustrada uma segunda espécie, Alongatepyris ingens sp. nov. da Colômbia. Esta espécie é caracterizada por não possuir a nervura radial da asa anterior. É apresentada uma diagnose de A. platunissimus Azevedo, 1992. É apresentada uma chave para as espécies do gênero.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 31 de Janeiro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
A fragmentação do ambiente é intensa na amazônia matogrossense e é esperado como consequência, além do desaparecimento da vegetação original, que a flora dos fragmentos seja transicional, com elementos de floresta amazônica e de cerrado e que já apresentem elevada presença de famílias e espécies pioneiras. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a composição florística e obter parâmetros fitossociológicos de componentes arbóreos presentes em um fragmento urbano no município de Sinop, Mato Grosso com vistas a confirmar sua classificação como vegetação de transição e detectar indícios de perturbação pela fragmentação. A vegetação foi amostrada pela instalação de 25 parcelas permanentes de 20 x 20m, onde foram amostrados os indivíduos com CAP igual ou superior a 15 cm à altura de 1,30m do solo. A densidade total da área foi de 1555 ind./ha, distribuídos em 37 famílias botânicas, 81 gêneros e 113 espécies. A família mais representativa foi Leguminosae com 14 espécies. As espécies que mais contribuíram em abundância e apresentaram maior frequência foram: Cecropia sciadophylla, Cecropia sp., Bellucia grossularioides e Vismia guianensis. O índice de Shannon (H') foi de 3,55, considerado alto para uma floresta de transição. A equabilidade de Pielou foi de 0,75, sugerindo grande dominância de poucas espécies. As espécies que mais se destacaram em ordem decrescente de VI (%) foram Cecropia sp., Bellucia grossularioides, Qualea ingens, Cecropia sciadophylla, Vismia guianensis, Miconia prasina, Trattinickia burserifolia, Unonopsis guatterioides e Schefflera vinosa. O remanescente apresenta uma flora mista amazônica e de cerrado, confirmando ser ecótono e a abundância de pioneiras sugere distúrbios. Esta floresta protege espécies madeireiras e frutíferas com grande potencial para uso múltiplo, podendo ser um espaço educativo com vistas a conservação e manejo sustentável.
Los ambientes someros presentan un gran número de especies de peces, muchas de ellas de importancia para la pesca artesanal y posibles alternativas durante años con fenómeno «El Niño» (EN); sin embargo, existe muy poca información acerca del impacto de este fenómeno sobre dichos ambientes. En el presente trabajo se compara la distribución, abundancia y contenido estomacal de la ictiofauna durante un período anterior a EN y durante EN. Se seleccionó en la Bahía de Ancón un área de 1,2 km de longitud de playa, hasta los tres metros de profundidad, donde se realizaron pescas quincenales desde junio de 1981 a junio de 1982 y mensuales de febrero a junio de 1983. En el período anterior a EN la ictiofauna estuvo constituida por cuarenta especies, de las cuales trece fueron residentes, diez estacionales y diecisiete ocasionales. Durante EN se observó una marcada disminución en la diversidad de especies, pero no relacionada con la temperatura. El análisis mostró diversas especies de peces foráneas al área ( Scamberamarus maculatus sierra , Brevaartia maculata chilcae, Scamber japanicus peruanus, Hippacampus ingens) ; la desaparición de algunas especies antes residentes ( Rhinabatas planiceps, Syngnathus acicularis ) ; un significativo incremento en la abundancia de algunas especies ( Trachinatus paiten sis, Sciaena gilberti ) , y una disminución en otras ( Stellifer minar , Sciaena fasciata, Galeichthys peruvia nus, Dasyatis brevis). En el aspecto trófico, destaca un incremento en el porcentaje de bentófagos de fondo blando y planctófagos.