1000 resultados para XMM-NEWTON OBSERVATIONS
The COMPTEL unidentified source GRO J1411-64 was observed by INTEGRAL, and its central part, also by XMM-Newton. The data analysis shows no hint for new detections at hard X-rays. The upper limits in flux herein presented constrain the energy spectrum of whatever was producing GRO J1411-64, imposing, in the framework of earlier COMPTEL observations, the existence of a peak in power output located somewhere between 300-700 keV for the so-called low state. The Circinus Galaxy is the only source detected within the 4$\sigma$ location error of GRO J1411-64, but can be safely excluded as the possible counterpart: the extrapolation of the energy spectrum is well below the one for GRO J1411-64 at MeV energies. 22 significant sources (likelihood $> 10$) were extracted and analyzed from XMM-Newton data. Only one of these sources, XMMU J141255.6-635932, is spectrally compatible with GRO J1411-64 although the fact the soft X-ray observations do not cover the full extent of the COMPTEL source position uncertainty make an association hard to quantify and thus risky. The unique peak of the power output at high energies (hard X-rays and gamma-rays) resembles that found in the SED seen in blazars or microquasars. However, an analysis using a microquasar model consisting on a magnetized conical jet filled with relativistic electrons which radiate through synchrotron and inverse Compton scattering with star, disk, corona and synchrotron photons shows that it is hard to comply with all observational constrains. This and the non-detection at hard X-rays introduce an a-posteriori question mark upon the physical reality of this source, which is discussed in some detail.
We present a comprehensive analysis of the whole sample of available XMM-Newton observations of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) until August 2013, focusing on the FeKα emission line. This line is key to better understanding the physical properties of the material surrounding the X-ray source within a few stellar radii (the circumstellar medium). We collected observations from 46 HMXBs and detected FeKα in 21 of them. We used the standard classification of HMXBs to divide the sample into different groups. We find that (1) different classes of HMXBs display different qualitative behaviours in the FeKα spectral region. This is visible especially in SGXBs (showing ubiquitous Fe fluorescence but not recombination Fe lines) and in γ Cass analogues (showing both fluorescent and recombination Fe lines). (2) FeKα is centred at a mean value of 6.42 keV. Considering the instrumental and fits uncertainties, this value is compatible with ionization states that are lower than Fe xviii. (3) The flux of the continuum is well correlated with the flux of the line, as expected. Eclipse observations show that the Fe fluorescence emission comes from an extended region surrounding the X-ray source. (4) We observe an inverse correlation between the X-ray luminosity and the equivalent width of FeKα (EW). This phenomenon is known as the X-ray Baldwin effect. (5) FeKα is narrow (σline< 0.15 keV), reflecting that the reprocessing material does not move at high speeds. We attempt to explain the broadness of the line in terms of three possible broadening phenomena: line blending, Compton scattering, and Doppler shifts (with velocities of the reprocessing material V ~ 1000 km s-1). (6) The equivalent hydrogen column (NH) directly correlates to the EW of FeKα, displaying clear similarities to numerical simulations. It highlights the strong link between the absorbing and the fluorescent matter. (7) The observed NH in supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) is in general higher than in supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs). We suggest two possible explanations: different orbital configurations or a different interaction compact object – wind. (8) Finally, we analysed the sources IGR J16320-4751 and 4U 1700-37 in more detail, covering several orbital phases. The observed variation in NH between phases is compatible with the absorption produced by the wind of their optical companions. The results clearly point to a very important contribution of the donor’s wind in the FeKα emission and the absorption when the donor is a supergiant massive star.
The A1763 superstructure at z = 0.23 contains the first galaxy filament to be directly detected using mid-infrared observations. Our previous work has shown that the frequency of starbursting galaxies, as characterized by 24 mu m emission is much higher within the filament than at either the center of the rich galaxy cluster, or the field surrounding the system. New Very Large Array and XMM-Newton data are presented here. We use the radio and X-ray data to examine the fraction and location of active galaxies, both active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and starbursts (SBs). The radio far-infrared correlation, X-ray point source location, IRAC colors, and quasar positions are all used to gain an understanding of the presence of dominant AGNs. We find very few MIPS-selected galaxies that are clearly dominated by AGN activity. Most radio-selected members within the filament are SBs. Within the supercluster, three of eight spectroscopic members detected both in the radio and in the mid-infrared are radio-bright AGNs. They are found at or near the core of A1763. The five SBs are located further along the filament. We calculate the physical properties of the known wide angle tail (WAT) source which is the brightest cluster galaxy of A1763. A second double lobe source is found along the filament well outside of the virial radius of either cluster. The velocity offset of the WAT from the X-ray centroid and the bend of the WAT in the intracluster medium are both consistent with ram pressure stripping, indicative of streaming motions along the direction of the filament. We consider this as further evidence of the cluster-feeding nature of the galaxy filament.
While fewer in number than the dominant rotation-powered radio pulsar population, peculiar classes of isolated neutron stars (INSs) which include magnetars, the ROSAT-discovered "Magnificent Seven" (M7), rotating radio transients (RRATs), and central compact objects in supernova remnants (CCOs) - represent a key element in understanding the neutron star phenomenology. We report the results of an observational campaign to study the properties of the source 2XMM J104608.7-594306, a newly discovered thermally emitting INS. The evolutionary state of the neutron star is investigated by means of deep dedicated observations obtained with the XMM-Newton Observatory, the ESO Very Large Telescope, as well as publicly available gamma-ray data from the Fermi Space Telescope and the AGILE Mission. The observations confirm previous expectations and reveal a unique type of object. The source, which is likely within the Carina Nebula (N-H = 2.6x10(21) cm(-2)), has a spectrum that is both thermal and soft, with kT(infinity) = 135 eV. Non-thermal (magnetospheric) emission is not detected down to 1% (3 sigma, 0.1-12 keV) of the source luminosity. Significant deviations (absorption features) from a simple blackbody model are identified in the spectrum of the source around energies 0.6 keV and 1.35 keV. While the former deviation is likely related to a local oxygen overabundance in the Carina Nebula, the latter can only be accounted for by an additional spectral component, which is modelled as a Gaussian line in absorption with EW = 91 eV and sigma = 0.14 keV (1 sigma). Furthermore, the optical counterpart is fainter than m(V) = 27 (2 sigma) and no gamma-ray emission is significantly detected by either the Fermi or AGILE missions. Very interestingly, while these characteristics are remarkably similar to those of the M7 or the only RRAT so far detected in X-rays, which all have spin periods of a few seconds, we found intriguing evidence of very rapid rotation, P = 18.6ms, at the 4 sigma confidence level. We interpret these new results in the light of the observed properties of the currently known neutron star population, in particular those of standard rotation-powered pulsars, recycled objects, and CCOs. We find that none of these scenarios can satisfactorily explain the collective properties of 2XMM J104608.7-594306, although it may be related to the still poorly known class of Galactic anti-magnetars. Future XMM-Newton data, granted for the next cycle of observations (AO11), will help us to improve our current observational interpretation of the source, enabling us to significantly constrain the rate of pulsar spin down.
We report the results from the temporal and spectral analysis of an XMMNewton observation of Nova Centauri 1986 (V842 Cen). We detect a period at 3.51 +/- 0.4 h in the EPIC data and at 4.0 +/- 0.8 h in the Optical Monitor (OM) data. The X-ray spectrum is consistent with the emission from an absorbed thin thermal plasma with a temperature distribution given by an isobaric cooling flow. The maximum temperature of the cooling flow model is keV. Such a high temperature can be reached in a shocked region and, given the periodicity detected, most likely arises in a magnetically channelled accretion flow characteristic of intermediate polars. The pulsed fraction of the 3.51-h modulation decreases with energy as observed in the X-ray light curves of magnetic cataclysmic variables, possibly due either to occultation of the accretion column by the white dwarf body or phase-dependent to absorption. We do not find the 57-s white dwarf spin period, with a pulse amplitude of 4 mmag, reported by Woudt et al. in either the OM data, which are sensitive to pulse amplitudes ?0.03 mag, or the EPIC data, sensitive to pulse fractions p? 14 +/- 2 per cent.
We have analyzed XMM-Newton archive data for five clusters of galaxies (redshifts 0.223-0.313) covering a wide range of dynamical states, from relaxed objects to clusters undergoing several mergers. We present here temperature maps of the X-ray gas together with a preliminary interpretation of the formation history of these clusters. (c) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present analysis of 100 ks contiguous XMM-Newton data of the prototypical wind accretor Vela X-1. The observation covered eclipse egress between orbital phases 0.134 and 0.265, during which a giant flare took place, enabling us to study the spectral properties both outside and during the flare. This giant flare with a peak luminosity of 3.92+0.42-0.09 × 1037 erg s-1 allows estimates of the physical parameters of the accreted structure with a mass of ~1021 g. We have been able to model several contributions to the observed spectrum with a phenomenological model formed by three absorbed power laws plus three emission lines. After analysing the variations with orbital phase of the column density of each component, as well as those in the Fe and Ni fluorescence lines, we provide a physical interpretation for each spectral component. Meanwhile, the first two components are two aspects of the principal accretion component from the surface of the neutron star, the third component seems to be the X-ray light echo formed in the stellar wind of the companion.
Context. The luminous material in clusters of galaxies exists in two forms: the visible galaxies and the X-ray emitting intra-cluster medium. The hot intra-cluster gas is the major observed baryonic component of clusters, about six times more massive than the stellar component. The mass contained within visible galaxies is approximately 3% of the dynamical mass. Aims. Our aim was to analyze both baryonic components, combining X-ray and optical data of a sample of five galaxy clusters (Abell 496, 1689, 2050, 2631 and 2667), within the redshift range 0.03 < z < 0.3. We determined the contribution of stars in galaxies and the intra-cluster medium to the total baryon budget. Methods. We used public XMM-Newton data to determine the gas mass and to obtain the X-ray substructures. Using the optical counterparts from SDSS or CFHT we determined the stellar contribution. Results. We examine the relative contribution of galaxies, intra-cluster light and intra-cluster medium to baryon budget in clusters through the stellar-to-gas mass ratio, estimated with recent data. We find that the stellar-to-gas mass ratio within r(500) (the radius within which the mean cluster density exceeds the critical density by a factor of 500), is anti-correlated with the ICM temperature, which range from 24% to 6% while the temperature ranges from 4.0 to 8.3 keV. This indicates that less massive cold clusters are more prolific star forming environments than massive hot clusters.
Context. There is growing evidence that a treatment of binarity amongst OB stars is essential for a full theory of stellar evolution. However the binary properties of massive stars - frequency, mass ratio & orbital separation - are still poorly constrained. Aims. In order to address this shortcoming we have undertaken a multiepoch spectroscopic study of the stellar population of the young massive cluster Westerlund 1. In this paper we present an investigation into the nature of the dusty Wolf-Rayet star and candidate binary W239. Methods. To accomplish this we have utilised our spectroscopic data in conjunction with multi-year optical and near-IR photometric observations in order to search for binary signatures. Comparison of these data to synthetic non-LTE model atmosphere spectra were used to derive the fundamental properties of the WC9 primary. Results. We found W239 to have an orbital period of only similar to 5.05 days, making it one of the most compact WC binaries yet identified. Analysis of the long term near-IR lightcurve reveals a significant flare between 2004-6. We interpret this as evidence for a third massive stellar component in the system in a long period (> 6 yr), eccentric orbit, with dust production occuring at periastron leading to the flare. The presence of a near-IR excess characteristic of hot (similar to 1300 K) dust at every epoch is consistent with the expectation that the subset of persistent dust forming WC stars are short (< 1 yr) period binaries, although confirmation will require further observations. Non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of the spectrum reveals the physical properties of the WC9 component to be fully consistent with other Galactic examples. Conclusions. The simultaneous presence of both short period Wolf-Rayet binaries and cool hypergiants within Wd 1 provides compelling evidence for a bifurcation in the post-Main Sequence evolution of massive stars due to binarity. Short period O+OB binaries will evolve directly to the Wolf-Rayet phase, either due to an episode of binary mediated mass loss - likely via case A mass transfer or a contact configuration - or via chemically homogenous evolution. Conversely, long period binaries and single stars will instead undergo a red loop across the HR diagram via a cool hypergiant phase. Future analysis of the full spectroscopic dataset for Wd 1 will constrain the proportion of massive stars experiencing each pathway; hence quantifying the importance of binarity in massive stellar evolution up to and beyond supernova and the resultant production of relativistic remnants.
Context.LS 5039 has been observed with several X-ray instruments so far showing quite steady emission in the long term and no signatures of accretion disk. The source also presents X-ray variability at orbital timescales in flux and photon index. The system harbors an O-type main sequence star with moderate mass-loss. At present, the link between the X-rays and the stellar wind is unclear. Aims.We study the X-ray fluxes, spectra, and absorption properties of LS 5039 at apastron and periastron passages during an epoch of enhanced stellar mass-loss, and the long term evolution of the latter in connection with the X-ray fluxes. Methods.New XMM-Newton observations were performed around periastron and apastron passages in September 2005, when the stellar wind activity was apparently higher. April 2005 Chandra observations on LS 5039 were revisited. Moreover, a compilation of H EW data obtained since 1992, from which the stellar mass-loss evolution can be approximately inferred, was carried out. Results.XMM-Newton observations show higher and harder emission around apastron than around periastron. No signatures of thermal emission or a reflection iron line indicating the presence of an accretion disk are found in the spectrum, and the hydrogen column density () is compatible with being the same in both observations and consistent with the interstellar value. 2005 Chandra observations show a hard X-ray spectrum, and possibly high fluxes, although pileup effects preclude conclusive results from being obtained. The H EW shows yearly variations of 10%, and does not seem to be correlated with X-ray fluxes obtained at similar phases, unlike what is expected in the wind accretion scenario. Conclusions.2005 XMM-Newton and Chandra observations are consistent with 2003 RXTE/PCA results, namely moderate flux and spectral variability at different orbital phases. The constancy of the seems to imply that either the X-ray emitter is located at 1012 cm from the compact object, or the density in the system is 3 to 27 times smaller than that predicted by a spherical symmetric wind model. We suggest that the multiwavelength non-thermal emission of LS 5039 is related to the observed extended radio jets and is unlikely to be produced inside the binary system.
gamma Cas is the prototypical classical Be star and is recently best known for its variable hard X-ray emission. To elucidate the reasons for this emission, we mounted a multiwavelength campaign in 2010 centered around four XMM-Newton observations. The observational techniques included long baseline optical interferometry (LBOI) from two instruments at CHARA, photometry carried out by an automated photometric telescope and H alpha observations. Because gamma Cas is also known to be in a binary, we measured radial velocities from the H alpha line and redetermined its period as 203.55 +/- 0.20 days and its eccentricity as near zero. The LBOI observations suggest that the star's decretion disk was axisymmetric in 2010, has an system inclination angle near 45 degrees, and a larger radius than previously reported. In addition, the Be star began an "outburst" at the beginning of our campaign, made visible by a brightening and reddening of the disk during our campaign and beyond. Our analyses of the new high resolution spectra disclosed many attributes also found from spectra obtained in 2001 (Chandra) and 2004 (XMM-Newton). As well as a dominant hot (approximate to 14 keV) thermal component, the familiar attributes included: (i) a fluorescent feature of Fe K even stronger than observed at previous times; (ii) strong lines of N VII and Ne XI lines indicative of overabundances; and (iii) a subsolar Fe abundance from K-shell lines but a solar abundance from L-shell ions. We also found that two absorption columns are required to fit the continuum. While the first one maintained its historical average of 1 x 10(21) cm(-2), the second was very large and doubled to 7.4 x 10(23) cm(-2) during our X-ray observations. Although we found no clear relation between this column density and orbital phase, it correlates well with the disk brightening and reddening both in the 2010 and earlier observations. Thus, the inference from this study is that much (perhaps all?) of the X-ray emission from this source originates behind matter ejected by gamma Cas into our line of sight.
Extended cluster radio galaxies show different morphologies com- pared to those found isolated in the field. Indeed, symmetric double radio galaxies are only a small percentage of the total content of ra- dio loud cluster galaxies, which show mainly tailed morphologies (e.g. O’Dea & Owen, 1985). Moreover, cluster mergers can deeply affect the statistical properties of their radio activity. In order to better understand the morphological and radio activity differences of the radio galaxies in major mergeing and non/tidal-merging clusters, we performed a multifrequency study of extended radio galax- ies inside two cluster complexes, A3528 and A3558. They belong to the innermost region of the Shapley Concentration, the most massive con- centration of galaxy clusters (termed supercluster) in the local Universe, at average redshift z ≈ 0.043. We analysed low frequency radio data performed at 235 and 610 MHz with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and we combined them with proprietary and literature observations, in order to have a wide frequency range (150 MHz to 8.4 GHz) to perform the spectral analysis. The low frequency images allowed us to carry out a detailed study of the radio tails and diffuse emission found in some cases. The results in the radio band were also qualitatively compared with the X-ray information coming from XMM-Newton observations, in order to test the interaction between radio galaxies and cluster weather. We found that the brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in the A3528 cluster complex are powerful and present substantial emission from old relativistic plasma characterized by a steep spectrum (α > 2). In the light of observational pieces of evidence, we suggest they are possible re-started radio galaxies. On the other hand, the tailed radio galaxies trace the host galaxy motion with respect to the ICM, and our find- ings is consistent with the dynamical interpretation of a tidal interaction (Gastaldello et al. 2003). On the contrary, the BCGs in the A3558 clus- ter complex are either quiet or very faint radio galaxies, supporting the hypothesis that clusters mergers quench the radio emission from AGN.
We report on the long-term X-ray monitoring of the outburst decay of the low magnetic field magnetar SGR 0418+5729 using all the available X-ray data obtained with RXTE, Swift, Chandra, and XMM-Newton observations from the discovery of the source in 2009 June up to 2012 August. The timing analysis allowed us to obtain the first measurement of the period derivative of SGR 0418+5729: ˙ P = 4(1) × 10−15 s s−1, significant at a ∼3.5σ confidence level. This leads to a surface dipolar magnetic field of Bdip 6 × 1012 G. This measurement confirms SGR 0418+5729 as the lowest magnetic field magnetar. Following the flux and spectral evolution from the beginning of the outburst up to ∼1200 days, we observe a gradual cooling of the tiny hot spot responsible for the X-ray emission, from a temperature of ∼0.9 to 0.3 keV. Simultaneously, the X-ray flux decreased by about three orders of magnitude: from about 1.4 × 10−11 to 1.2 × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2. Deep radio, millimeter, optical, and gamma-ray observations did not detect the source counterpart, implying stringent limits on its multi-band emission, as well as constraints on the presence of a fossil disk. By modeling the magneto-thermal secular evolution of SGR 0418+5729, we infer a realistic age of ∼550 kyr, and a dipolar magnetic field at birth of ∼1014 G. The outburst characteristics suggest the presence of a thin twisted bundle with a small heated spot at its base. The bundle untwisted in the first few months following the outburst, while the hot spot decreases in temperature and size. We estimate the outburst rate of low magnetic field magnetars to be about one per year per galaxy, and we briefly discuss the consequences of such a result in several other astrophysical contexts.
We study the outburst of the newly discovered X-ray transient 3XMMJ185246.6+003317, re-analyzing all available XMM-Newton observations of the source to perform a phase-coherent timing analysis, and derive updated values of the period and period derivative. We find the source rotating at P = 11.55871346(6) s (90% confidence level; at epoch MJD 54728.7) but no evidence for a period derivative in the seven months of outburst decay spanned by the observations. This translates to a 3σ upper limit for the period derivative of ˙ P <1.4×10−13 s s−1, which, assuming the classical magneto-dipolar braking model, gives a limit on the dipolar magnetic field of Bdip < 4.1×1013 G. The X-ray outburst and spectral characteristics of 3XMM J185246.6+003317 confirm its identification as a magnetar, but the magnetic field upper limit we derive defines it as the third “low-B” magnetar discovered in the past 3 yr, after SGR 0418+5729 and Swift J1822.3−1606. We have also obtained an upper limit to the quiescent luminosity (<4×1033 erg s−1), in line with the expectations for an old magnetar. The discovery of this new low field magnetar reaffirms the prediction of about one outburst per year from the hidden population of aged magnetars.
Context. Cluster properties can be more distinctly studied in pairs of clusters, where we expect the effects of interactions to be strong. Aims. We here discuss the properties of the double cluster Abell 1758 at a redshift z similar to 0.279. These clusters show strong evidence for merging. Methods. We analyse the optical properties of the North and South cluster of Abell 1758 based on deep imaging obtained with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) archive Megaprime/Megacam camera in the g' and r' bands, covering a total region of about 1.05 x 1.16 deg(2), or 16.1 x 17.6 Mpc(2). Our X-ray analysis is based on archive XMM-Newton images. Numerical simulations were performed using an N-body algorithm to treat the dark-matter component, a semi-analytical galaxy-formation model for the evolution of the galaxies and a grid-based hydrodynamic code with a parts per million (PPM) scheme for the dynamics of the intra-cluster medium. We computed galaxy luminosity functions (GLFs) and 2D temperature and metallicity maps of the X-ray gas, which we then compared to the results of our numerical simulations. Results. The GLFs of Abell 1758 North are well fit by Schechter functions in the g' and r' bands, but with a small excess of bright galaxies, particularly in the r' band; their faint-end slopes are similar in both bands. In contrast, the GLFs of Abell 1758 South are not well fit by Schechter functions: excesses of bright galaxies are seen in both bands; the faint-end of the GLF is not very well defined in g'. The GLF computed from our numerical simulations assuming a halo mass-luminosity relation agrees with those derived from the observations. From the X-ray analysis, the most striking features are structures in the metal distribution. We found two elongated regions of high metallicity in Abell 1758 North with two peaks towards the centre. In contrast, Abell 1758 South shows a deficit of metals in its central regions. Comparing observational results to those derived from numerical simulations, we could mimic the most prominent features present in the metallicity map and propose an explanation for the dynamical history of the cluster. We found in particular that in the metal-rich elongated regions of the North cluster, winds had been more efficient than ram-pressure stripping in transporting metal-enriched gas to the outskirts. Conclusions. We confirm the merging structure of the North and South clusters, both at optical and X-ray wavelengths.