982 resultados para X-ray, electron beam, phase contrast


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We present what we believe is a novel technique based on the moire effect for fully diagnosing the beam quality of an x-ray laser. Using Fresnel diffraction theory, we investigated the intensity profile of the moire pattern when a general paraxial beam illuminates a pair of Ronchi gratings in the quasi-far field. Two formulas were derived to determine the beam quality factor M-2 and the effective radius of curvature R-e from the moire pattern. On the basis of the results, the far-field divergence, the waist location, and the radius can be calculated further. Finally, we verified the approach by use of numerical simulation. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America [S0740-3232(99)01502-1].


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A saturated nickel-like samarium x-ray laser beam at 7 nanometers has been demonstrated with an output energy of 0.3 millijoule in 50-picosecond pulses, demonstrating that saturated operation of a laser at wavelengths shorter than 10 nanometers can be achieved. The narrow divergence, short wavelength, short pulse duration, high efficiency, and high brightness of this samarium laser make it an ideal candidate for many x-ray laser applications.


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Multipulse irradiation with 100 ps pulses of stripe Germanium targets is shown to enhance by up to several orders-of-magnitude the output of Ne-like Ge lasing on the J = 0-1 line at 196 Angstrom compared to single pulse pumping. Various pre-pulse and multipulse configurations have been experimentally investigated for irradiances of approximate to 4 x 10(13) W/cm(2) with a 1.06 mu m wavelength pumping laser. The ionisation balance measured by a KeV crystal spectrometer (KAP crystal) has been found to not affect the X-ray laser output. Good agreement between the experimental results and a fluid code incorporating atomic physics, gain and X-ray beam ray tracing is obtained. The code results show that the enhanced X-ray laser output is produced by multipulse irradiation reducing the electron density gradients in the gain region and simultaneously increasing the gain region spatial size. These changes reduce the effect of refraction on the X-ray laser beam propagation.


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This work focuses on the construction and application of coded apertures to compressive X-ray tomography. Coded apertures can be made in a number of ways, each method having an impact on system background and signal contrast. Methods of constructing coded apertures for structuring X-ray illumination and scatter are compared and analyzed. Apertures can create structured X-ray bundles that investigate specific sets of object voxels. The tailored bundles of rays form a code (or pattern) and are later estimated through computational inversion. Structured illumination can be used to subsample object voxels and make inversion feasible for low dose computed tomography (CT) systems, or it can be used to reduce background in limited angle CT systems.

On the detection side, coded apertures modulate X-ray scatter signals to determine the position and radiance of scatter points. By forming object dependent projections in measurement space, coded apertures multiplex modulated scatter signals onto a detector. The multiplexed signals can be inverted with knowledge of the code pattern and system geometry. This work shows two systems capable of determining object position and type in a 2D plane, by illuminating objects with an X-ray `fan beam,' using coded apertures and compressive measurements. Scatter tomography can help identify materials in security and medicine that may be ambiguous with transmission tomography alone.


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Recent progress using the VULCAN laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to pump X-ray lasing in nickel-like ions is reviewed. Double pulse pumping with similar to 100 ps pulses has been shown to produce significantly greater X-ray laser output than single pulses of duration 0.1-1 ns. With double pulse pumping, the main pumping pulse interacts with a pre-formed plasma created by a pre-pulse. The efficiency of lasing increases as there is a reduced effect of refraction of the X-ray laser beam due to smaller density gradients and larger gain volumes, which enable propagation of the X-ray laser beam along the full length of the target. The record shortest wavelength saturated laser at 5.9 nm has been achieved in Ni-like dysprosium using double pulse pumping of 75 ps duration from the VULCAN laser. A variant of the double pulse pumping using a single similar to 100 ps laser pulse and a superimposed short similar to 1 ps pulse has been found to further increase the efficiency of lasing by reducing the effects of over-ionisation during the gain period. The record shortest wavelength saturated laser pumped by a short similar to 1 ps pulse has been achieved in Ni-like samarium using the VULCAN laser operating in chirped pulse amplified (CPA) mode. Ni-like samarium lases at 7.3 nm. (C) 2000 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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We have tested soft X-ray lasing in neon-like germanium with cylindrical targets where wave guiding and plasma confinement may affect lasing. An intense soft X-ray laser beam of 0.05 MW peak power and a narrow beam divergence (8 mrad) was produced at 23.6 nm with a 4 cm long straight cylindrical target of 0.72 mm inner diameter. Bending the cylindrical target to form a toroidal shape increased the lasing intensity by a factor of 3 accompanied with reduction of the beam divergence from 8 to 6 mrad.


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Coupling of a soft X-ray laser beam with a relaying concave mirror in a sequentially pumped amplifier geometry using the Ne-like Ge system has been studied experimentally. Preliminary observations indicate an increase in the spatial coherence of the amplified relayed beam. In addition, near-field imaging of one of the amplifier plasmas shows a double-lobed intensity pattern of the emergent beam indicating refractive guiding of the amplified beam with components both normal and tangential to the target surface.


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From measurements of spatial coherence and beam divergence of Ge soft x-ray laser at a far field, the x-ray laser beam has been characterized as a partially coherent Gaussian beam. Double-pass amplification will improve spatial and temporal coherence, spectral brightness and efficiency. Close to 100% geometrical coupling efficiency has been obtained in double pass amplification in Ge. Transient loss of feedback is attributed to mirror structure damage within the build-up time of the x-ray laser. Prospect for generation of coherent x-ray laser beam is discussed.


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This study describes the use of micro synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (µSR-XRF) to investigate citrus greening disease in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) plants. An experiment using healthy plants as control and plants of the same variety infected with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) was performed to verify variations of the mineral composition of citrus leaves. A µSR-XRF system using the D09B X-ray fluorescence beam line at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source (LNLS, Campinas, São Paulo State) was employed for this purpose. The data were analyzed using a chemometric tool called soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA). The promising results from SIMCA models reinforce the evidence that plants infected by citrus greening (both asymptomatic and symptomatic) undergo alterations in their micro- and macronutrient compositions.


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Pure alpha-Al2O3 exhibits a very high degree of thermodynamical stability among all metal oxides and forms an inert oxide scale in a range of structural alloys at high temperatures. We report that amorphous Al2O3 thin films sputter deposited over crystalline Si instead show a surprisingly active interface. On annealing, crystallization begins with nuclei of a phase closely resembling gamma-Alumina forming almost randomly in an amorphous matrix, and with increasing frequency near the substrate/film interface. This nucleation is marked by the signature appearance of sharp (400) and (440) reflections and the formation of a diffuse diffraction halo with an outer maximal radius of approximate to 0.23 nm enveloping the direct beam. The microstructure then evolves by a cluster-coalescence growth mechanism suggestive of swift nucleation and sluggish diffusional kinetics, while locally the Al ions redistribute slowly from chemisorbed and tetrahedral sites to higher anion coordinated sites. Chemical state plots constructed from XPS data and simple calculations of the diffraction patterns from hypothetically distorted lattices suggest that the true origins of the diffuse diffraction halo are probably related to a complex change in the electronic structure spurred by the a-gamma transformation rather than pure structural disorder. Concurrent to crystallization within the film, a substantially thick interfacial reaction zone also builds up at the film/substrate interface with the excess Al acting as a cationic source. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.