27 resultados para Wuqi paleolake


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吴起县退耕还林(草)政策经过8 a的实施取得了显著成效。项目实施区生态环境得到明显改善,农业综合生产能力得到很大的提高,农民通过退耕补助得以直接增收,为形成面对农户的生态补偿制度探索了经验。然而政策实施过程中仍然存在着诸如退耕地块分布和林分结构不合理,草畜业发展滞后,牧草资源利用率不高,退耕政策不够灵活,补偿标准缺乏弹性等问题。建议在以后退耕政策中注重加强规划指导,合理确定退耕范围,在生态补偿制度框架下优化退耕补助标准,通过深化土地产权改革,促进退耕土地合理流转和规模化经营,继续推动农业后续产业发展,巩固退耕成果。


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以延安、安塞、吴旗的人工刺槐林、柠条林为研究对象,选取同一地区的自然恢复草地和坡耕地为对照,通过对5个表征土壤抗蚀性的指标即>0.25 mm水稳性团粒含量、>0.5 mm水稳性团粒含量、平均重量直径、团聚状况和团聚度的比较分析,对人工刺槐林、人工柠条林相对于自然恢复草地和坡耕地改善土壤抗蚀性的效果进行了评价,同时分析了不同林龄人工林土壤抗蚀性的变化。研究表明,人工林地相对于坡耕地,显著提高了土壤抗蚀性,但不及自然恢复草地,尤其在安塞和吴旗表现更明显;随着林龄的增长,人工林地土壤抗蚀性能增强,并趋于稳定。并通过对样地的聚类分析,也得出与上述相似的结果。综合分析表明,封禁条件下的植被自然恢复是黄土丘陵沟壑区比较适宜的植被恢复方式和控制土壤侵蚀的有效措施。


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以陕西省吴起县为例,对三个不同退耕阶段农地资源生态服务价值进行了评估,分析了各阶段农地资源生态服务价值的变化,探讨了退耕还林(草)工程的实施对农地资源生态服务价值的影响.结果表明:退耕前、退耕初期及退耕中期吴起县农地资源的直接经济产出价值和间接生态服务价值之比分别为:1∶0.84、1∶2.63和1∶3.56.随着退耕工程的不断深入,农地资源总生态服务价值由退耕前的45 402.81万元增加到了退耕初期的81 603.81万元和退耕中期的164 925.46万元,实现了经济效益与生态效益的同步发展.


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We report a diode end-pumped continuous wave (CW) passively mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser with a homemade semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). The maximum average output power is 5.3 W at the incident pump power of 17 W, which corresponds to an optical-optical conversion efficiency of 31.2% and slope efficiency of 34.7%. The corresponding optical spectrum has a 0.2-nm full width at half maximum (FWHM), and the pulse repetition rate is 83 MHz.


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采用样带调查与TWINSPAN分类等方法,对陕北丘陵沟壑区延安、安塞和吴旗174个撂荒地样方的物种组成、出现频率与盖度、及群落类型进行了统计与分类。植被组成结构的统计结果表明:该区自然恢复的植被几乎一半是由禾本科、菊科、豆科和蔷薇科的物种组成,北温带、旧世界温带、世界与泛热带分布成分占到总物种数近75%,且以中旱生、中生和旱生的草本类植物为主,具有典型的温带地面芽植物气候特征。植被的数量分类表明:调查样方基本包括了该区自然恢复的主要植被类型,延安、安塞和吴旗的植被在1年生草本群落到多年生蒿禾类草本群落阶段,依次均以猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)、赖草(Leymussecalinus)、长芒草(Stipa bungeana)、达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)、铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmelinii)、茭蒿(Artemisia giraldii)、白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemun)等为主要优势物种构成的不同组合的植物群落,且这些物种具有较高的盖度和频度;但在植被演替后期,不同植被带及阴阳坡的演替方向却发生了明显的变化。以延安为代表的森林带,阴坡可形成黄...


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A continuous long (224m) and high-resolution core TY2 was recovered from paleo-maar-lake Tianyang, tropical South China. Based on the diatom records of the upper 130-m core, this paper focuses on exploring climate change and the lake evolution history in tropical South China during the past 240ka. The most typical and unique characteristics of the diatom assemblages is that, Aulacoseira granulata was dominant or absolutely dominant species (80-90%) during most parts of the 130-m core, while Cyclotella stelligera var. tenuis and Fragilaria construens var. venter were subdominant species in only limited parts of the lower and upper core, respectively. Time scale is always the biggest problem for the study of TY2 core, so although diatom is seldom used for establishing time scale, here we attempt this by correlating the diatom-reconstructed temperature sequence with the time scale of ODP core 806B from Equatorial Western Pacific. Verified by the few most reliable ages from TY2 core and the parallel core TYl, a rather reasonable and reliable time scale was established. 01S 7/6 falls at the depth of 100m (ca. 194kaBP), OIS 6/5 at 75m (ca. 132kaBP), OIS 5/4 at 46m (ca. 75kaBP), OIS 4-3 at 35m (ca. 60kaBP). Qualitative and quantitative environmental reconstructions are made on the basis of diatom assemblage ecotype and EDDI dataset. Correlation of diatom-reconstructed temperature and moisture changes of Core TY2 with pollen-reconstructed temperature and rainfall sequence of Core TYl proves that the results are quite consistent in most periods. Thus the reconstruction results from diatom are quite reliable, and probably have a much higher resolution than pollen results. Combined with lithological and magnetic susceptibility variations, the diatom analysis reveals that, the general climate in tropical South China during the past 240ka was warm and wet. On the time scale of glacial-interglacial, warm and wet, cool and dry are not always synchronous. It was relatively warm-wet during the penultimate interglacial, cool-dry during the penultimate glacial, warm-dry during the last interglacial, and cooler-drier during the last glacial. In contrast, on the time scale of subglacial-subinterglacial scales, warm and dry, cool and wet corresponds very obviously, showing very clear 21-23 ka precession cycle. Analysis also shows that, the water of Tianyang paleo-maar-lake was generally warm, turbulent, turbid, meso-trophic, slightly alkaline, low conductivity and fresh during the past 240 kaBP, with small variations in some parts. Tianyang paleolake experienced shallow to semi-deep lake in OIS7d, open shallow lake in OIS7c-OIS5b, shallow coastal lake in OIS5a-OIS4c, swamp in OIS4b, and then completely dried up in OIS3c. The lake evolution was mainly controlled by temperature and precipitation changes in tropical China. While temperature and precipitation changes were probably controlled by the migrations of monsoon rainband and the evaporation rate, which was in turn controlled by the evolution of East Asian monsoon. Therefore, when the summer monsoon was strongest the climate was warm-dry, when stronger the climate was warm-wet; when the winter monsoon was strongest the climate was cool-dry, stronger cool-wet. This mechanism caused the warm-dry sub interglacial and cool-wet subglacial climate in the tropical South China.


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The Nihewan Basin is a key area for research into human occupation at high northern latitudes in northeast Asia after the initial expansion of early humans out of Africa. Well-developed late Cenozoic lacustrine deposit sequence in this basin offers a unique opportunity to address this issue. In this thesis, detailed magnetostratigraphic investigation coupled with mineral magnetism was conducted on the Donggutuo and Cenjiawan sections in the eastern basin, where lacustrine deposits sequences containing the Donggutuo, Maliang and Cenjiawan Paleolithic sites are well developed. The sequences are mainly composed of grayish-white clays, grayish-green clayey silts, grayish-yellow silts and fine-grained brown sands, which have recorded reliable polarity variations of geomagnetic field.Characteristics of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility show that the sediments have preserved typical original magnetic fabric for sediments, indicating that the strata were developed in a low-energy lake environment and were never perturbed by tectonic stress since deposition. High-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements (x-T) of representative specimens and demagnetization experiments indicate that the dominant magnetic mineral and remanent carrier at the two sections is magnetite. In addition, hematite and possibly minor maghemite exists in some portions of the sequences. The majority of the samples have relatively simple demagnetization behaviors. After removal of soft magnetic components, the stable characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRMs) are isolated, which can represent the original remanences.The Donggutuo section mainly records the Brunhes chron, the Matuyama chron and the Jaramillo subchron. The Maliang stone artifact layer occurs just below the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary; and the Donggutuo artifact layer, just below the Jaramillo onset. Accordingly, the Maliang and Donggutuo sites can be dated at about 0.78 Ma and 1.1 Ma, respectively. The Cenjiawan section has recorded a portion of the Matuyama chron. After correlations with the magnetic polarity sequence of the Majuangou section adjacent to this section, the Cenjiawan stone artifact layer is determined below the Jaramillo onset, with an estimated age of 1.1 Ma.To establish the magnetic stratigraphy framework for the lacustrine sediments in the eastern Nihewan Basin, this thesis draws on the magnetic polarity sequences of the Donggutuo and Cenjiawan sections as well as previously obtained results from the Majuangou, Haojiatai, Xiaochangliang and Donggou sections for magnetostratigraphic correlations. The accumulation of the lacustrine sequences at the east margin of the basin commenced from about 2.0 Ma. These sequences record not only the coarse magnetostratigraphy of the Brunhes normal chron and the middle to late Matuyama reverse chron (that is, the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchrons) but also some of the fine structure (that is, the Kamikatsura, Santa Rosa, Punaruu and Cobb Mountain geomagnetic events). The development of the Nihewan paleolake experienced at least twice large expansion periods, split by a large-scale shrinking event in the middle period of the paleolake development. The accumulation of the lacustrine strata was controlled by fault activities.After temporal control for the Donggutuo, Maliang and Cenjiawan Paleolithic sites were established, the three sites along with other well-dated Paleolithic/hominin sites of the Early Pleistocene in North China were combined to construct a chronological sequence of early human occupation in northeastern Asia. Furthermore, after incorporation of paleoclimate changes retrieved from Chinese loess/paleosol sequences and marine sediments, it could be possibly proposed that human groups of the Early Pleistocene in North China might have survived repeated warm/humid interglacials and cold/dry glacials, which were paced by earth orbital variations of the Eastern paleomonsoon.


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We present a high-resolution and independently dated multiproxy lake sediment record from the paleolake at Les Echets in southeastern France that displays synchronous changes in independent limnic and terrestrial ecosystem proxies, in concert with millennial-scale climate oscillations during the last glacial period. Distinct lake-level fluctuations, low lake organic productivity, and open, treeless vegetation indicate cold and dry conditions in response to Heinrich events. Alternating phases of higher and low lake organic productivity, stratified surface waters and long-lasting lake ice cover, decreased or increased catchment erosion, and tree-dominated or herb-dominated vegetation resemble Dansgaard-Oeschger interstadial-stadial variability. Transitions between different ecological states occurred in as little as 40-230 yr and seem to have been controlled by the position of the Polar Front. Ecosystem response after 30 ka suggests that local climate conditions became more important. Our results demonstrate that all parts of the terrestrial system responded to the abrupt and dramatic climatic changes associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich events, and that regional factors modulated ecosystem response.