973 resultados para Workplace support
Conciliar el trabajo y la familia es una lucha cotidiana que cada persona realiza para satisfacer las exigencias de ambas dimensiones de su vida. El no tener consciencia del problema que surge en el empleado para lograr esta conciliación y la ausencia de soluciones eficaces a éste, no sólo afecta a la organización a través de la baja productividad, el absentismo, el aumento del estrés, entre otros efectos; sino también a la vida familiar, social, física y psicológica del trabajador. Es por ello, que este proyecto de grado busca a partir de la revisión de la literatura mostrar cómo la percepción que tienen los trabajadores de su equilibrio trabajo-familia, se ve influenciada por un factor organizativo, como lo son los turnos laborales; además evidenciar las soluciones que se han implementado en las diferentes empresas de manera exitósa, para finalmente plantear estrategias que se puedan aplicar en las organizaciones facilitando el equilibrio trabajo-familia de los trabajadores.
This thesis will report details of two studies conducted within the National Health Service in the UK that examined the association between HRM practices related to training and appraisal with health outcomes within NHS Trusts. Study one represents the organisational analysis of 61 NHS Trusts, and will report training and appraisal practices were significantly associated with lower patient mortality. Specifically, the research will show significantly lower patient mortality within NHS Trusts that: a) had achieved Investors in People accreditation; b) had a formal strategy document relating to training; c) had tailored training policy documents across occupational groups; d) had integrated training and appraisal practices; e) had a high percentage of staff receiving either an appraisal or updated personal development plan. There was also evidence of an additive effect where NHS Trusts that displayed more of these characteristics had significantly lower patient mortality. Study one in this thesis will also report significantly lower patient mortality within the NHS Trusts where there was broad level representation for the HR function. Study two will report details of a study conducted to examine the potential reasons why HR practices may be related to hospital performance. Details are given of the results of a staff attitudinal survey within five NHS Trusts. This study examined will show that a range of developmental activity, the favourability of the immediate work environment (in relation to social support and role stressors) and motivational outcomes are important antecedents to citizenship behaviours. Furthermore, the thesis will report that principles of the demand-control model were adopted to examine the relationship between workplace support and role stressors, and workplace support, influence, and an understanding of role expectation help mitigate against the negative effects of work demands upon motivational outcomes.
A new managerial task arises in today’s working life: to provide conditions for and influence interaction between actors and thus to enable the emergence of organizing structure in tune with a changing environment. We call this the enabling managerial task. The goal of this paper is to study whether training first line managers in the enabling managerial task could lead to changes in the work for the subordinates. This paper presents results from questionnaires answered by the subordinates of the managers before and after the training. The training was organized as a learning network and consisted of eight workshops carried out over a period of one year (September 2009–June 2010), where the managers met with each other and the researchers once a month. Each workshop consisted of three parts, during three and a half hours. The first hour was devoted to joint reflection on a task that had been undertaken since the last workshop; some results were presented from the employee pre-assessments, followed by relevant theory and illuminating practices, finally the managers created new tasks for themselves to undertake during the following month. The subordinates’ answers show positive change in all of the seventeen scales used to assess it. The improvements are significant in scales measuring the relationship between the manager and the employees, as well as in those measuring interaction between employees. It is concluded that the result was a success for all managers that had the possibility of using the training in their management work.
Supervisor support, peer support and transfer motivation have been identified as important predictors for training transfer. Transfer motivation is supposed to mediate the support–training transfer relationship. Especially after team training interventions that include all team members (i.e., intact-team training), individual perception of these factors might be shared among team members. However, an integration of the team level in the training transfer process is rare, yet still needed. Analyzing 194 employees from 34 teams in the context of intact-team training interventions, we found similar relationships and processes at both levels of analysis: Social support enhances transfer motivation at the individual and team levels. Furthermore, motivation to transfer increases training transfer and serves as a connecting mechanism in the social support–training transfer link. The results underline the importance of (1) considering multiple levels in theories and research about the training transfer process and (2) ensuring the practice of individual-directed support and a shared, supportive climate within teams.
This study examined the relationship between workplace justice afforded by the grievance system and the union outcomes of citizenship behavior and turnover intentions and the mechanisms that underpin these relationships. Respondents (N = 187) were members of a large public sector union in Singapore. Results revealed that perceived union support and union instrumentality fully mediated the relationship between the dimensions of workplace justice and citizenship behavior directed toward the union (OCBO) and citizenship behavior directed at other union members (OCBI). Union instrumentality partially mediated the procedural justice–turnover intentions relationship.
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the mediating effects of job-related negative emotions on the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes. Additionally, the moderating effects of workplace social support and intensity of workplace aggression are considered. A total 321 of working individuals participated through an online survey. The results of this thesis suggest that job-related negative emotions are a mediator of the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes, with full and partial mediation supported. Workplace social support was found to be a buffering variable in the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes, regardless of the source of aggression (supervisor or co-worker) or the source of the social support. Finally, intensity of aggression was found to be a strong moderator of the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes.
This paper examines attitudes to workplace entitlements, such as parental leave and flexible work hours. Family friendly policies such as leave to care for children have implications for feminist debates about sameness versus difference and the extent to which such policies will lead to greater equality between men and women, or alternatively, further entrench existing gender divisions of labour: Using data from a recent national survey in Australia, the paper shows that while the Australian workforce is generally in favour of workplace entitlements, women are generally more supportive of these kinds of benefits than men. Surprisingly, most respondents are more supportive of unpaid rather than paid parental leave. The results also show that the most important determinants of support for work entitlements are a combination of the extent to which one needs work entitlements and employment location. The results raise issues about whether the provision of workplace entitlements will encourage greater participation by men in domestic responsibilities, or simply ease women's double burden of paid and unpaid work.
The present study utilized a social rules approach to investigate the relative influence of gender and status on managers' self-evaluations of their effectiveness in handling a dominating subordinate. In the first study 84 White middle-class participants identified the prescriptive and proscriptive rules for socially appropriate responding to a stimulus situation involving a pushy subordinate. Four rule sets were identified for female and male managers and subordinates, respectively. Rule-sets shared a number of common rules and showed some variation according to gender roles. In the second study, 91 White middle-class participants rated the individual rules for importance and also rated their personal and managerial effectiveness when responding to the stimulus situation using gender- and status-consistent and gender-and status-inconsistent response strategies. Both men and women rated the female gender and status- consistent strategy as most effective, and rated the status-inconsistent strategy as less effective than a gender-inconsistent response. Results were interpreted as providing more support for a situational gender-related theory of workplace behavior, rather than a traditional gender role perspective.
Asurvey-based field study was conducted with 232 members and nonmembers of the National Tertiary Education Union to investigate the psychological processes underpinning union support. Drawing on value-expectancy models and social identity/self-categorisation theory, this study investigated the role that both individual and grouprelated factors play in predicting attitudinal and behavioural support for the union. Variables investigated included instrumental and ideological attitudes, perceptions of a normative climate of union-support, and perceptions of higher education being under threat. Further to support for previous findings for the role of instrumental and ideological attitudes it was found that the perceived workplace norm had the anticipated direct effect on behaviour and evaluation and also moderated the behavioural expression of ideological and instrumental attitudes. The perception of threat to employment and higher education also directly impacted on behaviour and moderated the behavioural expression of ideological beliefs. The implications of these findings for collective action research will he discussed.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate physical and psychological dimensions of adolescent labor (such as job demands, job control, and social support in the work environment), and their relation to reported body pain, work injuries, sleep duration and daily working hours. METHODS: A total of 354 adolescents attending evening classes at a public school in São Paulo, Brazil, answered questionnaires regarding their living and working conditions (Karasek's Job Content Questionnaire, 1998), and their health status. Data collection took place in April and May 2001. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine relations among variables. RESULTS: Psychological job demands were related to body pain (OR=3.3), higher risk of work injuries (OR=3.0) and reduced sleep duration in weekdays (Monday to Thursday) (p<0.01). Lower decision authority in the workplace (p=0.03) and higher job security (p=0.02) were related to longer daily working hours. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that besides physical stressors, psychological factors are to be taken into account when studying adolescent working conditions, as they may be associated with negative job conditions and health effects.
The Workplace Drugs and Alcohol Policy aims to contribute to a safe, healthy and productive work environment by: • Preventing drugs and alcohol problems through awareness raising; • Identifying problems at the earliest stage; • Offering support to those who have a problem. The policy has been developed in conjunction with our employees, their representatives and management and applies equally to all staff including all levels of management. åÊ
OBJECTIVES: To assess consequences of physical violence at work and identify their predictors. METHODS: Among the patients in a medicolegal consultation from 2007 to 2010, the subsample of workplace violence victims (n = 185) was identified and contacted again in average 30 months after the assault. Eighty-six victims (47 %) participated. Ordinal logistic regression analyses assessed the effect of 9 potential risk factors on physical, psychological and work consequences summarized in a severity score (0-9). RESULTS: Severity score distribution was as follows: 4+: 14 %; 1-3: 42 %; and 0: 44 %. Initial psychological distress resulting from the violence was a strong predictor (p < 0.001) of the severity score both on work and long-term psychological consequences. Gender and age did not reach significant levels in multivariable analyses even though female victims had overall more severe consequences. Unexpectedly, only among workers whose jobs implied high awareness of the risk of violence, first-time violence was associated with long-term psychological and physical consequences (p = 0.004). Among the factors assessed at follow-up, perceived lack of employers' support or absence of employer was associated with higher values on the severity score. The seven other assessed factors (initial physical injuries; previous experience of violence; preexisting health problems; working alone; internal violence; lack of support from colleagues; and lack of support from family or friends) were not significantly associated with the severity score. CONCLUSIONS: Being a victim of workplace violence can result in long-term consequences on health and employment, their severity increases with the seriousness of initial psychological distress. Support from the employer can help prevent negative outcomes.
Työyhteisön sosiaalinen pääoma ja työntekijöiden terveys Monien tutkimusten mukaan sosiaalinen pääoma vaikuttaa terveyteen. Vaikka työssä käyvä väestönosa on merkittävän osan valveillaoloajastaan työyhteisössä, siellä kertyvää sosiaalista pääomaa on toistaiseksi tutkittu vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin työyhteisön sosiaalisen pääoman ja kuntatyöntekijöiden terveyden välistä yhteyttä pitkittäisasetelmassa hyödyntäen Kuntasektorin henkilöstön seurantatutkimuksen aineistoa vuosilta 2000–2005. Yhteensä 48592 kuntatyöntekijää vastasi kyselyyn vuosina 2000–02 (vastausprosentti 68 %). Heistä 35914 (77 %) osallistui myös seurantatutkimukseen vuosina 2004–05. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin kyselyyn perustuva työyhteisön sosiaalisen pääoman mittausmenetelmä. Työntekijän omaan arvioon perustuvan sosiaalisen pääoman lisäksi mitattiin työyhteisön sosiaalista pääomaa käyttämällä samassa työyhteisössä työskentelevien muiden työntekijöiden keskimääräistä arviota sosiaalisesta pääomasta. Terveyttä mitattiin kysymyksellä koetusta terveydestä. Masennusta arvioitiin sekä kysymällä lääkärin toteamasta masennuksesta että masennuslääkeostoilla Kelan lääkerekistereistä. Analyyseihin otettiin mukaan vain ne kuntatyöntekijät, jotka olivat lähtötilanteissa terveitä eli kokivat terveytensä hyväksi tai heillä ei ollut aiempaa diagnosoitua tai lääkehoitoa vaatinutta masennusta. Tulosten analysointiin käytettiin monitasomallinnusta. Tulokset vakioitiin sosiodemografisten tekijöiden ja terveyskäyttäytymisen suhteen. Neljän vuoden seurannassa sekä jatkuvasti vähäinen että vähenevä yksilön sosiaalinen pääoma työssä lisäsi riskiä koetun terveyden heikkenemiseen niillä kuntatyöntekijöillä, jotka eivät vaihtaneet työpaikkaa seurannan aikana ja jotka seurannan alussa kokivat terveytensä hyväksi. Tulos ei selittynyt sosiodemografisilla tekijöillä tai terveyskäyttäytymisen eroilla. Tuloksen merkittävyyttä tuki havainto, että myös työtoverien arvioon perustuva sosiaalinen pääoma ennusti oman terveyden huononemista seuranta-aikana. Niillä työntekijöillä, jotka työskentelivät sellaisissa työyhteisöissä, joissa koko seurannan ajan oli vähiten sosiaalista pääomaa, oli lähes 1.3 -kertainen riski terveyden heikentymiseen. Vähäinen omaan arvioon perustuva sosiaalinen pääoma työssä ennusti myös masennuksen ilmaantuvuutta lähtötilanteessa ei-masentuneilla lähes neljän vuoden seurannassa. Matalaan sosiaaliseen pääomaan liittyi 20–50 % suurempi todennäköisyys sairastua masennukseen seurannan aikana niin itseraportoidun lääkärin totea-man masennuksen kuin masennuslääkeostojen perusteella. Tätä tulosta ei kuitenkaan pystytty toistamaan käyttämällä oman arvion sijasta työtoverien arviota työyhteisön sosiaalisesta pääomasta. Tutkimusta sosiaalisen pääoman vaikutusta masennuksen ilmaantumiseen jatkettiin selvittämällä miten sosiaalisen pääoman eri ulottuvuudet vaikuttivat masennuksen ilmaantumiseen. Tulosten mukaan sosiaalisen pääoman vertikaalinen komponentti (työntekijöiden ja esimiesten välinen luottamus, vastavuoroisuus ja jaetut arvot ja normit, jotka edesauttavat yhteistyötä) sekä horisontaalinen komponentti (työntekijöiden välisissä suhteissa yhteistyöstä, luottamuksesta ja vastavuoroisuudesta syntyvä sosiaalinen pääoma) vaikuttivat itsenäisesti masennusriskiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella korkea työyhteisön sosiaalinen pääoma saattaa vaikuttaa edullisesti työntekijöiden terveyteen. Jos näin on, olisi tärkeää edistää työyhteisöjen sosiaalista pääomaa ja kannustaa sellaiseen toimintaan, joka lisää suvaitsevaisuutta, luottamusta ja vastavuoroisuutta sekä työntekijöiden kesken että työntekijöiden ja esimiesten välillä.