719 resultados para Workplace relationships


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Purpose – Few research has addressed the factors that undermine people’s subjective perceptions of career success. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to further illuminate the issue of career barriers in perceptions of career success for a specific group of professionals: academics. Design/methodology/approach – This study adopts an interpretative-social constructionist methodology. Complementarily, it was employed a phenomenological method in data gathering and analysis – with the use of in-depth interviews and a theme analysis. The research was undertaken with a group of 87 Portuguese academics of both sexes and in different stages of their academic careers. Findings – The findings pinpoint the existence of multi-level barriers encountered by the academics when trying to succeed in their careers. The interviewees mentioned particularly the organizational-professional career barriers pertaining to three general themes: poor collegiality and workplace relationships; the lack of organizational support and employment precariousness; and the career progression standards and expectations. At the individual life cycle level the interviewees referred to the theme of finding balance; at the same time, the gender structure was also a theme mentioned as an important career barrier in career success, particularly by the women interviewed. Research limitations/implications – One of the limitations of this research is related to the impossibility of generalizability of its findings for the general population. Nevertheless, the researcher provides enough detail that grants the reader with the ability to judge of its similarity to other research contexts. Practical implications – This research highlights the role played by distinct career barriers for a specific professional group: academics. This has implications for higher education policy-makers and for human resources managers in higher education institutions. Originality/value – The current study extends the literature on career success by offering detailed anecdotal evidence on how negative work experiences might hinder career success. This research shows that to understand career barriers to success it is useful to consider multi-level factors: organizational-level factors (e.g. poor collegiality and workplace relationships); individual-level factors (e.g. life-cycle factors such as age/career stage); and structural-level factors (e.g. gender).


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This article conceptualises and operationalizes ‘subjective entrepreneurial success’ in a manner which reflects the criteria employed by entrepreneurs, rather than those imposed by researchers. Using two studies, a first qualitative enquiry investigated success definitions using interviews with 185 German entrepreneurs; five factors emerged from their reports: firm performance, workplace relationships, personal fulfilment, community impact, and personal financial rewards. The second study developed a questionnaire, the Subjective Entrepreneurial Success–Importance Scale (SES-IS), to measure these five factors using a sample of 184 entrepreneurs. We provide evidence for the validity of the SES-IS, including establishing systematic relationships of SES-IS with objective indicators of firm success, annual income and entrepreneur satisfaction with life and financial situation. We also provide evidence for the cross-cultural invariance of SES-IS using a sample of Polish entrepreneurs. The quintessence of our studies being that subjective entrepreneurial success is a multi-factorial construct, i.e. entrepreneurs value various indicators of success with money as only one possible option.


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The current study conceptualized observer reactions to uncivil behavior towards women as an ethical behavior and examined three factors (target reaction, actor motive, and actor-target relationship) that influence these reactions. Two vignette studies with women and men undergraduate and graduate students in western Switzerland were conducted. Study 1 (N=148) was a written vignette study that assessed how the reaction of female targets to incivility and the motives of actors influenced observer reactions. Results showed that a female target's reaction influenced observers' evaluations of the harm caused by an uncivil incident, and that an actor's motive affected observers' assessments of the necessity to intervene. Study 2 (N=81) was a video vignette study that assessed the effects of the reactions by female targets to incivility and the relationship between the target and the actor on observer reactions.We found that female targets' reactions influenced observers' evaluations of harm and the perceived necessity to intervene. Furthermore, the effect of a female target's reaction on observers' evaluations of harm was moderated by the relationship between the actor and the target: a female target who laughed at the uncivil behavior was perceived as less harmed, when she and the actor had a personal relationship than when they had a professional relationship. When the female target reacted hurt or neutrally, actor-target relationship did not affect observers' evaluations of harm. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for theory and practice.


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This study was undertaken to assess associations between age, gender, cigarette smoke and non-workplace cadmium exposure, and liver pathology and inter-individual variation in cytochrome P450 (CYP) expression in human tissues. Autopsy specimens of twenty-eight Queensland residents whose ages ranged from 3 to 89 years were analyzed for the presence of nine CYP protein isoforms by immunoblotting. All subjects were Caucasians and their liver cadmium contents ranged from 0.11 to 3.95 kg/g wet weight, while their kidney cadmium contents were in the range of 2 to 63 mug/g wet weight. CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, and CYP3A5 were detected in liver but not in kidney, and CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 were not found in liver or kidney. Lowered liver CYP2C8/19 protein contents were found to be associated with liver pathology. Importantly, we show elevated levels of CYP2C9 protein to be associated with cadmium accumulation in liver. No mechanism that explains this association is apparent, but there are two possibilities that require further study. One is that variation in CYP2C9 protein levels may be, in part, attributed to an individual's non-workplace exposure to cadmium, or an individual's CYP2C9 genotype may be a risk factor for cadmium accumulation. A positive correlation was found between liver CYP3A4 protein and subject age. Levels of liver CYPIA2 protein, but not other CYP forms, were increased in people more exposed to cigarette smoke, but there was no association between CYPIA2 protein and cadmium. CYP2A6 protein was found in all liver samples and CYP2A6 gene typing indicated the absence of CYP2A6 null allele (CYP2A6(D)) in this sample group, confirming very low prevalence of homozygous CYP2A6(D) in Caucasians. CYP2A6 gene types W/W, WIC, and CIC were not associated with variations in liver microsomal CYP2A6 protein. CYP2D6 protein was absent in all twenty-five kidney samples tested but was detectable in liver samples of all but two subjects, indicating the prevalence of the CYP2D6 null allele (CYP2D6(D)) in this sample group to be about 7%, typical of Caucasian populations. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Työyhteisön sosiaalinen pääoma ja työntekijöiden terveys Monien tutkimusten mukaan sosiaalinen pääoma vaikuttaa terveyteen. Vaikka työssä käyvä väestönosa on merkittävän osan valveillaoloajastaan työyhteisössä, siellä kertyvää sosiaalista pääomaa on toistaiseksi tutkittu vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin työyhteisön sosiaalisen pääoman ja kuntatyöntekijöiden terveyden välistä yhteyttä pitkittäisasetelmassa hyödyntäen Kuntasektorin henkilöstön seurantatutkimuksen aineistoa vuosilta 2000–2005. Yhteensä 48592 kuntatyöntekijää vastasi kyselyyn vuosina 2000–02 (vastausprosentti 68 %). Heistä 35914 (77 %) osallistui myös seurantatutkimukseen vuosina 2004–05. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin kyselyyn perustuva työyhteisön sosiaalisen pääoman mittausmenetelmä. Työntekijän omaan arvioon perustuvan sosiaalisen pääoman lisäksi mitattiin työyhteisön sosiaalista pääomaa käyttämällä samassa työyhteisössä työskentelevien muiden työntekijöiden keskimääräistä arviota sosiaalisesta pääomasta. Terveyttä mitattiin kysymyksellä koetusta terveydestä. Masennusta arvioitiin sekä kysymällä lääkärin toteamasta masennuksesta että masennuslääkeostoilla Kelan lääkerekistereistä. Analyyseihin otettiin mukaan vain ne kuntatyöntekijät, jotka olivat lähtötilanteissa terveitä eli kokivat terveytensä hyväksi tai heillä ei ollut aiempaa diagnosoitua tai lääkehoitoa vaatinutta masennusta. Tulosten analysointiin käytettiin monitasomallinnusta. Tulokset vakioitiin sosiodemografisten tekijöiden ja terveyskäyttäytymisen suhteen. Neljän vuoden seurannassa sekä jatkuvasti vähäinen että vähenevä yksilön sosiaalinen pääoma työssä lisäsi riskiä koetun terveyden heikkenemiseen niillä kuntatyöntekijöillä, jotka eivät vaihtaneet työpaikkaa seurannan aikana ja jotka seurannan alussa kokivat terveytensä hyväksi. Tulos ei selittynyt sosiodemografisilla tekijöillä tai terveyskäyttäytymisen eroilla. Tuloksen merkittävyyttä tuki havainto, että myös työtoverien arvioon perustuva sosiaalinen pääoma ennusti oman terveyden huononemista seuranta-aikana. Niillä työntekijöillä, jotka työskentelivät sellaisissa työyhteisöissä, joissa koko seurannan ajan oli vähiten sosiaalista pääomaa, oli lähes 1.3 -kertainen riski terveyden heikentymiseen. Vähäinen omaan arvioon perustuva sosiaalinen pääoma työssä ennusti myös masennuksen ilmaantuvuutta lähtötilanteessa ei-masentuneilla lähes neljän vuoden seurannassa. Matalaan sosiaaliseen pääomaan liittyi 20–50 % suurempi todennäköisyys sairastua masennukseen seurannan aikana niin itseraportoidun lääkärin totea-man masennuksen kuin masennuslääkeostojen perusteella. Tätä tulosta ei kuitenkaan pystytty toistamaan käyttämällä oman arvion sijasta työtoverien arviota työyhteisön sosiaalisesta pääomasta. Tutkimusta sosiaalisen pääoman vaikutusta masennuksen ilmaantumiseen jatkettiin selvittämällä miten sosiaalisen pääoman eri ulottuvuudet vaikuttivat masennuksen ilmaantumiseen. Tulosten mukaan sosiaalisen pääoman vertikaalinen komponentti (työntekijöiden ja esimiesten välinen luottamus, vastavuoroisuus ja jaetut arvot ja normit, jotka edesauttavat yhteistyötä) sekä horisontaalinen komponentti (työntekijöiden välisissä suhteissa yhteistyöstä, luottamuksesta ja vastavuoroisuudesta syntyvä sosiaalinen pääoma) vaikuttivat itsenäisesti masennusriskiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella korkea työyhteisön sosiaalinen pääoma saattaa vaikuttaa edullisesti työntekijöiden terveyteen. Jos näin on, olisi tärkeää edistää työyhteisöjen sosiaalista pääomaa ja kannustaa sellaiseen toimintaan, joka lisää suvaitsevaisuutta, luottamusta ja vastavuoroisuutta sekä työntekijöiden kesken että työntekijöiden ja esimiesten välillä.


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This study focused on obtaining a deeper understanding of the perceived learning of female professionals during workplace transition. The women's lived experiences were explored through a feminist interpretive lens (Bloom, 1998). The study also drew upon concepts from adult learning such as barriers and facilitating factors to learning, resistance, transformative learning, and multiple ways of knowing. Five women participated in a 1 -hour interview and a focus group activity. The findings are presented under the 2 broad themes of perceived learning and factors affecting learning. The most common theme of perceived learning was participants' experience of increased self-knowledge. Additionally, while learning was thought of as a struggle, it provided either an opportunity for a reexamination of goals or a reexamination of self. Reflection by participants seemed to follow two orientations and other types of perceived learning included experiential, formal, and informal learning. In the broad theme of factors affecting learning, contradictions and conflict emerged through the examination of participants' multiple subjectivities, and within their naming of many factors as both facilitating factors and barriers to learning. The factors affecting learning themes included personal relationships, professional communities, selfesteem, attitude and emotion, the gendered experience of transition, time, and finances. The final theme explored participants' view of work and their orientations to the future. A proposed model of learning during workplace transition is presented (Figure 1 ) and the findings discussed within this proposed model's framework. Additional developmental theories of women (Josselson, 1987; Levinson & Levinson, 1996), communities of practice theories (Wenger, 1998), and career resilience theories (Pulley, 1995) are discussed within the context of the proposed model. Implications to practice for career counsellors, people going through workplace transition, human resource managers and career coaches were explored. Additionally implications to theory and future areas of research are also discussed.


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In the current economic climate, employees are expected to upgrade their skills in order to remain productive and competitive in the workplace, and many women with learning disabilities! may feel doubly challenged when dealing with such expectations. Although the number of people with reported learning disabilities who enter the workforce is expected to increase, a dearth of research focuses on work-related experiences of women with learning disabilities; consequently, employers and educators often are unaware ofthe obstacles and demands facing such individuals. This qualitative narrative study sheds light on the work experiences of women with diagnosed or suspected learning disabilities. The study used semistructured interviews to explore their perspectives and reflections on learnlng in order to: (a) raise awareness of the needs of women with learning disabilities, (b) enhance their opportunities to learn in the workplace, and (c) draw attention to the need for improvement of inclusiveness in the workplace, especially for hidden disabilities. Study findings reveal that participants' learning was influenced by work relationships, the learning environments, self-determination, and taking personal responsibility. Moreover, the main accommodation requested was to have supportive and understanding work relationships and environments. Recommendations are made for future research and workplace improvements, most notably that no employees should be left behind through an employee-centered approach.


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An instrumental case study was conducted to explore the perspective of recent graduates from a Greater Toronto Area community college experience in relation to Workplace Essential Skills (WES). Five participants who graduated from a business school within the last 4 years were interviewed twice over a 4-month period to gain a deeper understanding of this relationship. This qualitative approach used semi-structured interviews to elicit stories about their experiences, their relationships in school, and the development of skills that were useful in the workplace. The analysis of data involved the 3-step coding process of open, axial, and selective coding consistent with the approach used by Neuman (2006). The analysis revealed that the overall experience of attending college contributed to the learning that took place. The participants gave greater significance to the life experience in learning WES and the networks associated with learning than the formal aspects of education. It is also important to acknowledge that the research identified a significant opportunity for educators’ to positively impact the learning experience.


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Drawing on attitude theory, this study investigates the drivers of employees' expression of favorable opinions about their workplace. Despite its theoretical and managerial importance, the marketing literature largely ignores the topic. This study advances prior research by developing, and empirically testing, a conceptual framework of the relationship between workgroup support and favorable external representation of the workplace, mediated by emotional responses to this support. The present research investigates four new relationships: between workgroup support and emotional exhaustion, workgroup support and organizational commitment, workgroup support and job satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion and external representation of the workplace. Based on a sample of over 700 frontline service employees, this study finds that workgroup support affects favorable external representation of the workplace through various emotional responses (i.e., emotional exhaustion, organizational commitment and job satisfaction). In addition, the results identify employees' organizational commitment as the most important determinant of favorable external representation of the workplace, followed by job satisfaction and reduced emotional exhaustion. These results suggest that companies should develop practices that encourage workgroup support and organizational commitment to achieve favorable external representation of the workplace.


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Includes bibliography.


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Expressing emotions has social functions; it provides information, affects social interactions, and shapes relationships with others. Expressing positive emotions could be a strategic tool for improving goal attainment during social interactions at work. Such effects have been found in research on social contagion, impression management, and emotion work. However, expressing emotions one does not feel entails the risk of being perceived as inauthentic. This risk may well be worth taking when the emotions felt are negative, as expressing negative emotions usually has negative effects. When experiencing positive emotions, however, expressing them authentically promises benefits, and the advantage of amplifying them is not so obvious. We postulated that expressing, and amplifying, positive emotions would foster goal attainment in social interactions at work, particularly when dealing with superiors. Analyses are based on 494 interactions involving the pursuit of a goal by 113 employes. Multilevel analyses, including polynomial analyses, show that authentic display of positive emotions supported goal attainment throughout. However, amplifying felt positive emotions promoted goal attainment only in interactions with superiors, but not with colleagues. Results are discussed with regard to the importance of hierarchy for detecting, and interpreting, signs of strategic display of positive emotions.


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Supervisor support, peer support and transfer motivation have been identified as important predictors for training transfer. Transfer motivation is supposed to mediate the support–training transfer relationship. Especially after team training interventions that include all team members (i.e., intact-team training), individual perception of these factors might be shared among team members. However, an integration of the team level in the training transfer process is rare, yet still needed. Analyzing 194 employees from 34 teams in the context of intact-team training interventions, we found similar relationships and processes at both levels of analysis: Social support enhances transfer motivation at the individual and team levels. Furthermore, motivation to transfer increases training transfer and serves as a connecting mechanism in the social support–training transfer link. The results underline the importance of (1) considering multiple levels in theories and research about the training transfer process and (2) ensuring the practice of individual-directed support and a shared, supportive climate within teams.


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While previous research has mainly emphasised the importance of leader–member exchange (LMX) to job satisfaction, there is a lack of research on reciprocal relationships between job satisfaction and LMX. In this study, we not only suggest that good LMX increases job satisfaction, but that job satisfaction can also enhance high-quality supervisor–employee relationships. A full cross-lagged panel analysis was used to test reciprocal relationships between LMX and job satisfaction. Employees (N= 279) of a large information technology company filled out questionnaires at two times, with a time lag of 3 months. In line with our predictions, findings revealed a positive relationship between LMX and job satisfaction both at Time 1 and Time 2. Moreover, LMX at Time 1 predicted the increase of job satisfaction at Time 2, and job satisfaction at Time 1 predicted the increase of LMX at Time 2. The results demonstrate the need to consider reciprocal relationships between job satisfaction and LMX when explaining employees' workplace outcomes. Our findings are discussed in terms of positive psychology theory.