984 resultados para Work absenteeism
Study Design. A multi-center assessor-blinded randomized clinical trial was conducted. Objectives. To investigate the relative effectiveness of interferential therapy and manipulative therapy for patients with acute low back pain when used as sole treatments and in combination. Summary of Background Data. Both manipulative therapy and interferential therapy are commonly used treatments for low back pain. Evidence for the effectiveness of manipulative therapy is available only for the short term. There is no evidence for interferential therapy and no study has investigated the effectiveness of interferential therapy combined with manipulative therapy. Methods. Consenting subjects (n=240) were randomly assigned to receive a copy of the Back Book and either manipulative therapy (MT; n=80), interferential therapy (IFT; n=80) or combined manipulative therapy and interferential therapy (CT; n=80). Follow-up outcome questionnaires were posted at discharge, 6 and 12 months. Results. The groups were balanced at baseline for low back pain and demographic characteristics. All interventions were found to significantly reduce functional disability and pain and increase quality of life at discharge and to maintain these improvements at 6 and 12 months. No significant differences were found between groups for reported LBP recurrence, work absenteeism, medication consumption, exercise participation and healthcare use at 12 months. Conclusions. For acute low back pain, interferential therapy whether used in isolation or in combination with manipulative therapy was as effective as manipulative therapy alone (in addition to the Back Book).
Objectives The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide continues to compromise population health and creates a wider societal cost in terms of productivity loss and premature mortality. Despite extensive international literature on the cost of overweight and obesity, findings are inconsistent between Europe and the USA, and particularly within Europe. Studies vary on issues of focus, specific costs and methods. This study aims to estimate the healthcare and productivity costs of overweight and obesity for the island of Ireland in 2009, using both top-down and bottom-up approaches.
Methods Costs were estimated across four categories: healthcare utilisation, drug costs, work absenteeism and premature mortality. Healthcare costs were estimated using Population Attributable Fractions (PAFs). PAFs were applied to national cost data for hospital care and drug prescribing. PAFs were also applied to social welfare and national mortality data to estimate productivity costs due to absenteeism and premature mortality.
Results The healthcare costs of overweight and obesity in 2009 were estimated at €437 million for the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and €127.41 million for NI. Productivity loss due to overweight and obesity was up to €865 million for ROI and €362 million for NI. The main drivers of healthcare costs are cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, colon cancer, stroke and gallbladder disease. In terms of absenteeism, low back pain is the main driver in both jurisdictions, and for productivity loss due to premature mortality the primary driver of cost is coronary heart disease.
Conclusions The costs are substantial, and urgent public health action is required in Ireland to address the problem of increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity, which if left unchecked will lead to unsustainable cost escalation within the health service and unacceptable societal costs.
RESUMO - Hoje, facilmente se poderá constatar que as doenças orais possuem uma expressiva influência perante a saúde geral, não apenas pela presença da condição por si só, mas também a nível pessoal, social e económico. O seu reflexo traduz-se em parte, no absentismo escolar e laboral, diminuição considerável de produtividade e eficiência, falta de atenção e objetividade. Pelo que é então considerado, um grave problema de saúde pública, afetando de forma mais expressiva, grupos socioeconomicamente desfavorecidos. O acompanhamento e análise do desenvolvimento de iniciativas internacionais, no que ao seguimento das recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde diz respeito, poderá ser um ótimo beneficio e impulso para a identificação e aplicação de novos planos de ação. O presente projeto, pretendeu contribuir para a identificação de duas propostas de intervenção em saúde oral ajustadas ao alcance das recomendações da OMS que simultaneamente possam sejam proveitosas para a resolução dos problemas de saúde oral nacionais. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e retrospetivo onde foram recolhidos dados acerca de 8 Sistemas de Saúde Oral europeus, previamente selecionados segundo critérios específicos, e iniciativas de saúde oral por eles desenvolvidas. Por fim, foram eleitas duas iniciativas de interesse, possíveis de aplicação futura. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a existência de diferentes iniciativas, enquadradas com as recomendações da OMS. De entre as mesmas, destaca-se uma implementada em 2009, na Suécia, que estando essencialmente assente num acessível subsidio anual fixo pago por cada indivíduo adulto, procura fundamentalmente preservar os esforços de prevenção aplicados nas últimas décadas.
L'absentéisme parmi le personnel soignant prend de plus en plus d'ampleur dans les institutions sanitaires publiques au Cameroun. Il représente à l'heure actuelle l'une des principales causes de l'effondrement du système de soins de santé. Ce phénomène se doit d'être réduit à des proportions raisonnables; cependant, les informations nationales sur les niveaux d’absentéisme parmi ce personnel, les coûts associés, ainsi que sur les facteurs qui le déterminent restent encore très faibles. Cette recherche avait pour objectifs de mesurer le niveau d’absentéisme parmi les prestataires de soins de santé des hôpitaux publics du Cameroun ; de déterminer l’influence des caractéristiques personnelles et des facteurs occupationnels sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels ; et d’évaluer les répercussions économiques de l’absentéisme en termes de coûts associés à la perte de productivité pour les employeurs. Elle portait sur du personnel soignant, notamment les médecins, les infirmiers et les aides-soignants exerçant dans les formations sanitaires publiques (hôpitaux) du Cameroun au mois d’octobre 2008. L’absentéisme était mesuré par le nombre d’heures et d’épisodes (fréquence) d’absences et concernait les retards et les absences de trois jours consécutifs et moins. Les facteurs personnels et occupationnels étudiés étaient l’âge, le sexe, le statut civil, les responsabilités familiales (nombre d’enfants), le niveau d’éducation, l’unité de soins, le type d’emploi, le régime d’emploi, l’horaire de travail, le temps supplémentaire, l’ancienneté dans l’hôpital, la taille de l’hôpital et le revenu de l’employé. Les données ont été recueillies dans 15 formations sanitaires publiques réparties dans six régions du Cameroun, sur la période allant du 1er au 31 octobre 2008, à partir des documents officiels émanant du gouvernement et des hôpitaux. Les analyses statistiques comportaient des analyses descriptives, des analyses bivariées et des analyses multivariées. Le taux de participation moyen des employés a été de 50,7%. Sur les 516 personnes qui composaient l’échantillon, 93,4% avaient eu au moins une absence au travail au mois d’octobre 2008. Le taux d’absentéisme global était de 7,2%, et variait entre 2% et 37% dans les hôpitaux. Chaque participant avait en moyenne 12 épisodes d’absences pendant cette période et la durée moyenne d’absences par participant était d’environ 13 heures et 21 minutes. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait de travailler dans un hôpital régional, de travailler selon un horaire fixe, d’être un personnel PPTE et de ne pas effectuer du temps supplémentaire, sont associés significativement à une plus grande fréquence des absences. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait d’être médecin, de travailler dans un service d’accueil et des urgences, de travailler selon un horaire fixe et d’être une femme, ont un lien significativement positif avec la durée des absences. Cet absentéisme a absorbé environ 8% de la masse salariale d’octobre 2008. On estime à environ 4 088 568 dollars US courants (2008), les dépenses consacrées par le secteur public de la santé du Cameroun à cet absentéisme en 2008, ce qui représentait approximativement 2,1% des dépenses publiques de santé. La réduction de l’absentéisme de courte durée parmi les professionnels de la santé du secteur public au Cameroun passe par l’amélioration du style de gestion des hôpitaux et l’approfondissement des recherches sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels.
L’absentéisme au travail en raison de santé représente un enjeu important dans la société actuelle puisqu’il est en constante croissante. Il engendre plusieurs conséquences négatives pour les entreprises québécoises. Nous nous intéressons à l’absentéisme au travail en raison de santé, abordé sous un angle juridique. Le but de notre recherche consiste à identifier, à partir d’un échantillon de soixante-dix-sept décisions jurisprudentielles, les manquements fautifs et non fautifs qui constituent une cause juste et suffisante de congédiement dans les cas d’absence au travail en raison de santé. En ce qui concerne les manquements fautifs, nos résultats démontrent qu’occuper un second emploi durant une absence du travail, effectuer des activités incompatibles avec l’état de santé déclaré, faire des fausses déclarations, falsifier des documents médicaux, le défaut d’aviser lors d’une absence du travail sans autorisation, le défaut d’aviser lors d’une absence du travail en présence d’une convention collective, le refus de retourner au travail à la suite d’une directive de l’employeur et le refus de fournir les informations médicales nécessaires ne constituent pas indéniablement une cause juste et suffisante de congédiement. Pour les manquements non fautifs, notre analyse montre que les manquements reliés à l’assiduité au travail en présence et en l’absence d’une convention collective et les manquements reliés à la capacité de reprendre le travail en l’absence et en présence de limitations fonctionnelles psychologiques et physiques et en tenant compte du risque pour sa santé et sa sécurité ou risque pour celles des autres ne sont pas dans tous les cas une cause juste et suffisante de congédiement. Il appert, dans les décisions analysées en fonction des critères de Wohl c. Joly, que l’employeur doit démontrer les trois éléments pour qu’ils constituent une cause juste et suffisante de congédiement.
Introducción: El ausentismo es considerado una problemática de interés en el entorno laboral, debido a sus consecuencias en el ámbito personal, productivo, competitivo, organizacional y social. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del ausentismo laboral en una institución de salud de Floridablanca (Colombia) en el año 2014 y los factores laborales y de satisfacción asociados. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se realizó un muestreo por conveniencia, se aplicó una encuesta auto-administrada que evaluaba factores personales, laborales, satisfacción laboral y ausentismo en 169 trabajadores de una entidad de salud de segundo nivel de Floridablanca (Colombia). Se calculó la prevalencia del ausentismo y el promedio de días de duración; también, se realizó un análisis bivariado mediante la prueba de Chi2 y la prueba de T de Student para identificar asociaciones. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia de ausentismo laboral en los trabajadores del área asistencial de 15.7%, con una duración promedio de 5 días; asimismo, las principales alteraciones de salud que ocasionaron ausentismo fueron las enfermedades respiratorias, virosis y enfermedades gastrointestinales (15%, 20% y 15%, respectivamente). Se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el área de desempeño, el estrato económico y el nivel académico con el ausentismo laboral; sin embargo, no se encontró asociación con la satisfacción laboral. Conclusiones: A pesar de que los hallazgos del presente estudio deben ser interpretados con precaución debido al tipo de muestreo, éstos permiten identificar las posibles asociaciones con el ausentismo laboral en trabajadores de entidades de salud; además, se sugiere evaluar el ausentismo con las variables inmersas en la satisfacción laboral.
Introduction: The current Brazilian legislation states that health services must be performed by the Specialized Service of Safety Engineering and Labor Medicine (SESMT). Objective: To analyze the dental and medical reasons for absenteeism, checking the interference of factors such as age, gender and position of the worker, and most of the reasons that led the employee to miss work. Material and methods: The research appears as a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The dental and medical certificates and statements of attendance were analyzed, duly approved, lodged in a acrylic industry in the city of Araçatuba-SP, from January to July 2011. Results: Of the total number of certificates (n = 1841), only 103 (5.6%) were for dental reasons. Predominance of the age group of 20-29 years, males and with non-administrative function. The reasons most dental and medical certificates stated that led the workers to miss working days were "inclusive and impacted teeth" and "diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin", respectively. As to factors related to absenteeism, there was a severity index of 2.83, 1.33 frequency and average duration of absences of 2.12. Conclusions: It is concluded that dental reasons had little weight on total absences due to illness that caused the temporary leave of the worker for a shorter period. The age and function variables influence the occurrence of work absenteeism.
Zavanela, PM, Crewther, BT, Lodo, L, Florindo, AA, Miyabara, EH, and Aoki, MS. Health and fitness benefits of a resistance training intervention performed in the workplace. J Strength Cond Res 26(3): 811-817, 2012-This study examined the effects of a workplace-based resistance training intervention on different health-, fitness-, and work-related measures in untrained men (bus drivers). The subjects were recruited from a bus company and divided into a training (n = 48) and control (n = 48) groups after initial prescreening. The training group performed a 24-week resistance training program, whereas the control group maintained their normal daily activities. Each group was assessed for body composition, blood pressure (BP), pain incidence, muscular endurance, and flexibility before and after the 24-week period. Work absenteeism was also recorded during this period and after a 12-week follow-up phase. In general, no body composition changes were identified in either group. In the training group, a significant reduction in BP and pain incidence, along with improvements in muscle endurance and flexibility were seen after 24 weeks (p < 0.05). There were no changes in these parameters in the control group, and the between-group differences were all significant (p < 0.05). A reduction in worker absenteeism rate was also noted in the training (vs. control) group during both the interventional and follow-up periods (p < 0.05). In conclusion, it was found that a periodized resistance training intervention performed within the workplace improved different aspects of health and fitness in untrained men, thereby potentially providing other work-related benefits. Thus, both employers and employees may benefit from the setup, promotion, and support of a work-based physical activity program involving resistance training.
Abstract Background Low back pain is a relevant public health problem, being an important cause of work absenteeism worldwide, as well as affecting the quality of life of sufferers and their individual functional performances. Supervised active physical routines and of cognitive-behavioral therapies are recommended for the treatment of chronic Low back pain, although evidence to support the effectiveness of different techniques is missing. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to contrast the effectiveness of two types of exercises, graded activity or supervised, in decreasing symptoms of chronic low back pain. Methods/design Sample will consist of 66 patients, blindly allocated into one of two groups: 1) Graded activity which, based on an operant approach, will use time-contingent methods aiming to increase participants’ activity levels; 2) Supervised exercise, where participants will be trained for strengthening, stretching, and motor control targeting different muscle groups. Interventions will last one hour, and will happen twice a week for 6 weeks. Outcomes (pain, disability, quality of life, global perceived effect, return to work, physical activity, physical capacity, and kinesiophobia) will be assessed at baseline, at treatment end, and three and six months after treatment end. Data collection will be conducted by an investigator blinded to treatment allocation. Discussion This project describes the randomisation method that will be used to compare the effectiveness of two different treatments for chronic low back pain: graded activity and supervised exercises. Since optimal approach for patients with chronic back pain have yet not been defined based on evidence, good quality studies on the subject are necessary. Trial registration NCT01719276