963 resultados para Women -- Communication


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My thesis is made up of words and images. This study investigates the way in which silence operates productively within and between the two modes of communication. I suggest that in the process of changing words into images or scripto-visual art-practice, the silence in women's lives can be articulated. I argue that women draw on the generative qualities of silence to create forms of speech that override the cultural constructions of gender which have placed them within the space of ‘mute’ silence. To gain an historical perspective of this practice by women, I consider the lives of medieval nuns within religious enclosure and their work with words and images in the illuminated manuscript. I make a comparative study of original illuminated manuscripts, focussing mainly on visual language and locating aspects of the work closest to my own art-practice: the visual treatment of the space and inter-textual components of the page or folio. This project does not include an examination of miniatures or historiated initials. Rather, its aim is to identify and compare the use of other aesthetic devices available to the medieval scribe/artist through which they might have interacted with the text. I suggest links between verbal and visual performances of language and the repetition, or copying of texts by medieval nuns, as a means of female embodiment of words and their spaces. From the outcomes of my studio investigations and my consideration of other contemporary feminist art practices, I demonstrate how women artists may ‘re-write’ the text and ‘speak’ their silence through visual language and the acts of writing, drawing and painting the words of others. Through my engagement with feminist critical theory, the work of medieval scholars, original illuminated manuscripts and my studio research, I propose that scripto-visual practice remains particularly significant for women despite the differences between the medieval period and our own. As a generative practice, it negotiates some of the societal constraints on women's speech and visibility, because its language is ‘silent and disembodied’ from the image of woman constructed by male discourse. It is a form of speech that acknowledges as it defies the social and cultural conditions that shaped its necessity, articulating an alternative voice of women in the space of words and images.


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Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird den Fragen nachgegangen, inwiefern der Konsum von Öko-Lebensmitteln in Familien mit Kindern im zeitlichen Verlauf Veränderungen unterliegt und worin Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien mit Kindern begründet sind. Aus den hierzu gewonnenen Erkenntnissen werden Schlussfolgerungen für die Konsumentenforschung und das Marketing von Öko-Produkten gezogen. Theoretische Grundlage stellen der Familienzyklus sowie Forschungsergebnisse zum Konsumentenverhalten in Familien und zum Konsum von Öko-Lebensmitteln in Familien dar. Für die empirische Bearbeitung der Forschungsfragen wurde ein qualitatives Forschungsdesign gewählt. Der Forschungsprozess gliederte sich in drei Wellen der Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Im Rahmen dessen wurden Eltern mithilfe problemzentrierter Interviews zur Entwicklung des Öko-Konsums in ihren Familien befragt. Die Interviews wurden computergestützt und in Anlehnung an die Kodierprozeduren offenes und axiales Kodieren der Grounded Theory ausgewertet. Ergebnis der Datenanalyse sind drei Zusammenhangsmodelle, die zu einer Erklärung von Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum von Familien beitragen. Veränderungen können demnach erstens in einer Erhöhung der Konsumintensität während einer Schwangerschaft bestehen. Als Bedingungen hierfür konnten ein verstärktes Bewusstsein für Öko-Produkte, die körperliche Konstitution der Mutter sowie die Unterstützung durch die soziale Umwelt identifiziert werden. Weitere Bedingungen stellen Lebensmittelskandale sowie eine gute Verfügbarkeit von Öko-Produkten dar. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern beziehen sich auf das Wohlergehen des noch ungeborenen Kindes (Förderung der Gesundheit, Erhalten der zukünftigen Lebenswelt, Orientierung für die spätere Ernährung des Kindes) sowie auf das Wohlergehen der werdenden Mutter (Förderung der Gesundheit, Förderung des Wohlbefindens, Umgang mit schwangerschaftsbedingten Beschwerden). Zweitens können Veränderungen des Öko-Lebensmittelkonsums in einer Erhöhung der Konsumintensität ab dem Zeitpunkt der Umstellung der Ernährung eines Kindes auf eine Beikosternährung bestehen. Bedingungen hierfür sind eine verstärkte Beachtung von Öko-Produkten, die körperliche Konstitution des Kindes, die Abstimmung von Familien- und Baby-Kost, der Austausch mit und die Unterstützung durch die soziale Umwelt sowie der Wunsch von Eltern, einen Beitrag zum Öko-Landbau zu liefern. Bedingungen können außerdem eine gute Verfügbarkeit von Öko-Produkten sowie der Einfluss von Medien darstellen. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern beziehen sich auf die Ernährung des Kindes (Förderung der Gesundheit, Förderung der Geschmackssozialisation) und auf die Ernährung der restlichen Familie (effiziente Beschaffung und Verwendung von Lebensmitteln, Förderung des Wohlbefindens der Eltern). Drittens können Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien in einem Rückgang der Konsumintensität während des Übergangs von Kindern ins Jugendalter bestehen. Bedingungen hierfür bestehen in der Konsequenz, mit der Eltern konventionellen Lebensmittelwünschen ihrer Kinder nachgeben, in der Beurteilung von Lebensmitteln durch die Eltern sowie in der Intensität, mit der Kinder ihre Wünsche einfordern. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern sind darauf ausgerichtet Kindern einen Wunsch zu erfüllen, sich gegenüber diesen liberal zu verhalten, Konflikte mit Kindern zu vermeiden oder diese ihre eigenen Erfahrungen sammeln zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse tragen zu einer theoretischen Fundierung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Familienzyklus und dem Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien bei und zeigen, dass dieser ein sinnvolles theoretisches Bezugssystem für Veränderungen der Konsumintensität von Öko-Produkten darstellt. Für die Konsumentenforschung tragen die Ergebnisse zu einem differenzierten Verständnis von Ober- und Untergrenzen von Familienzyklusstadien bei. Es zeigt sich weiterhin, dass Veränderungen des Öko-Konsums unter anderem unter dem Einfluss der sozialen Umwelt stehen. Im Hinblick auf das Marketing kann insbesondere geschlussfolgert werden, dass bei bestimmten Produktkategorien die Bedürfnisse jugendlicher Zielgruppen verstärkt berücksichtigt werden sollten. Zur Bindung junger Familien ist darauf hinzuwirken, einen Mehraufwand bei der Beschaffung von Öko-Produkten auszuschließen. Für die Ansprache der Zielgruppe Schwangere erscheinen Kommunikationsbotschaften geeignet, die sich auf das Wohlbefinden von Kind und Mutter und auf Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte beziehen. Eltern mit Kindern im Übergang zu einer Beikosternährung könnten gezielt durch Kommunikationsbotschaften angesprochen werden, die in Zusammenhang mit der Förderung der Gesundheit und der Geschmacksozialisation von Kindern stehen.


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This study evaluated (i) frequencies of aggression in maritally distressed problem drinking (DP) women relative to controls, (ii) aggression, marital satisfaction, and partner drinking in predicting female drinking, and (iii) discrepant within-couple drinking in predicting marital distress. The sample included 27 DP women, 24 maritally distressed nonproblem drinking women (DNP women), and 24 women with neither problem (NDNP women). DP women reported frequencies of physical aggression similar to DNP women, but less male verbal aggression than DNP women. Predictors of female drinking were marital satisfaction and male drinking, but aggression did not predict female drinking. Female marital satisfaction was predicted by interspousal discrepancies in drinking after accounting for verbal aggression.


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Participatory research methodologies and interactive communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly seen as offering ways of enhancing women’s empowerment and rural community development. However, some researchers suggest the need for caution about such claims. This book details findings from an evaluation of a feminist action research project that explored the impacts of ICTs for rural women in Queensland, Australia, in terms of personal, business and community development. Using praxis and poststructuralist feminist theories and methodologies, this innovative study presents a rigorous analysis and critique of women's empowerment and participation. This study demonstrates the value of adopting a critical yet pragmatic approach that takes diversity and difference, power-knowledge relations, and the contradictory effects of participation into account. This is argued to enable the development of more effective strategies for women’s empowerment, participation and inclusion. This book should be of particular interest to researchers, postgraduate students, and others working in the fields of communication, gender, and rural development, and feminist evaluation and ethnography.


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Based on the perception that “individual bonds to one another is the essence of society” (Fischer, 1982a, p. 2), this paper examines contemporary networks of friends: friendworks, of adult women in an Australian sea change community. Communication patterns are examined drawing on findings from a case study of 26 women aged 35-76 years. Among the case study participants, many have undertaken a ‘sea change’ as adults, which in most cases has led to a significant reconstruction of their friendworks. Location and lifestyle are identified as impacting factors on communication patterns with friends; face-to-face interactions are by far the most frequent and preferred method of communication among the participants. The landline telephone and internet are the main communication methods used to maintain friendships with distant loved ones, while the mobile phone is reported as the communication method employed the least. The infrequency of mobile phone use can be attributed to cost issues, highlighting a discrepancy between these women’s social and communication needs and the current Australian mobile phone policy.


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Research indicates significant health disparities for individuals with autism. Insight into characteristic sensory, cognitive, communication, social, emotional, and behavioural challenges that may influence health communication for patients with autism is vital to address potential disparities. Women with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have specific healthcare needs, and are likely to independently represent themselves and others in healthcare. A pilot study compared perceptions of healthcare experiences for women with and without ASD using on-line survey based on characteristics of ASD likely to influence healthcare. Fifty-eight adult female participants (32 with ASD diagnosis, 26 without ASD diagnosis) were recruited on-line from autism support organisations. Perceptions measured included self-reporting of pain and symptoms, healthcare seeking behaviours, the influence of emotional distress, sensory and social anxiety, maternity experiences, and the influence of autistic status disclosure. Results partially support the hypothesis that ASD women experience greater healthcare challenges. Women with ASD reported greater challenges in healthcare anxiety, communication under emotional distress, anxiety relating to waiting rooms, support during pregnancy, and communication during childbirth. Self-disclosure of diagnostic status and lack of ASD awareness by healthcare providers rated as highly problematic. Results offer detailed insight into healthcare communication and disparities for women with ASD.


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In this study, 3531 Queensland women, who had recently given birth, completed a questionnaire that included questions about their participation in decision making during pregnancy, their ratings of client centred care and perceived quality of care. These data tested a version of Street’s (2001) linguistic model of patient participation in care (LMOPPC), adapted to the maternity context. We investigated how age and education influenced women’s perceptions of their participation and quality of care. Hierarchical multiple regressions revealed that women’s perceived ability to make decisions, and the extent of client-centred communication with maternity care providers were the most influential predictors of participation and perceived quality of care. Participation in care predicted perceived quality of care, but the influence of client-centred communication by a care provider and a woman’s confidence in decision making were stronger predictors of perceived quality of care. Age and education level were not important predictors. These findings extend and support the use of LMOPPC in the maternity context.


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Aims and objectives. The aim of the current study was to explore and describe the strategies young women with Type 1 diabetes used to manage transitions in their lives. This paper will describe one aspect of the findings of how women with Type 1 diabetes used the Internet to interact with other people with diabetes and create stability in their lives.

Background. Individuals living with diabetes develop a range of different strategies to create stability in their lives and enhance their well-being. Changing social and emotional conditions during life transitions have a major impact on diabetes management. Although the literature indicates that strategies enabling the individuals to cope with transitions are important, they remain under-researched.

Design. Using grounded theory, interviews were conducted with 20 women with Type 1 diabetes. Constant comparative data analysis was used to analyse the data and develop an understanding of how young women with Type 1 diabetes used the Internet to create stability in their lives.

Findings. The findings revealed that the women valued their autonomy and being in control of when and to whom they reveal their diabetic status, especially during life transitions and at times of uncertainty. However, during these times they also required health and social information and interacting with other people. One of the women's main strategies in managing transitions was to use Internet chat lines as a way of obtaining information and communicating with others. This strategy gave women a sense of autonomy, enabled them to maintain their anonymity and interact with other people on their own terms.

Conclusions. Having meaningful personal interactions, social support and being able to connect with others were fundamental to the women's well being. Most importantly, preserving autonomy and anonymity during such interactions were integral to the way the women with Type 1 diabetes managed life transitions.

Relevance to clinical practice. Health professionals need to explore and incorporate Internet communication process or anonymous help lines into their practice as a way to assist people manage their diabetes.