944 resultados para Woman situation


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This article analyzes the short story Folha rota (1878) by Machado de Assis, taking to account the transformation process of the patriarchy, bearing in mind it's decadence within the increasing urbanization context through 19th century. From the representation of female characters and their everyday's life in the narrative, we discuss the violence experienced by free and poor women involved in the inherent power relations in that society. In this perspective, we intend to indicate an interpretation of literary work as an important device of social criticism, as much as, to give a contribution to an accurate comprehension of Machado de Assis's work, especially his short stories.


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O presente trabalho teve por finalidade investigar a posição ocupada pela mulher dita de meia-idade nos meios de comunicação social. Para tanto, foram selecionadas cerca de quinze Revistas Femininas, editadas pela Bloch e Abril Cultural, tendo sido as fotos e ilustrações apresentadas em tais veículos de comunicação, submetidas ã Análise de Conteúdo, para a qual se contou com uma equipe formada por quatorze juízes, selecionados aleatoriamente. Os estímulos apresentados foram classificados em três categorias, quais sejam, "mulher jovem", "mulher de meia-idade" e "mulher idosa", e os resultados obtidos submetidos a uma análise lógica e estatística. Efetuou-se um estudo sobre a condição da mulher, segundo as dimensões biológica, social e psicológica, considerados aspectos relativos à mítica feminina, além de um-breve histórico sobre a situação da mulher no contexto social do País. Foram, também, observados dados referentes ã Psicologia do Consumidor. A partir dos resultados obtidos constatou-se que a incidência de estímulos classificados como sendo mulheres de meia-idade não foi significativa, alcançando, a figura da mulher jovem, a quase totalidade dos estímulos apresentados em todas as revistas examinadas, mantendo-se elevada mesmo naquelas dirigidas, segundo as Editoras, primordialmente, às mulheres de mais idade. Observou-se, também, uma tendência acentuada a se classificar na categoria "jovem" figuras femininas que se apresentassem como sexualmente atraentes, fisicamente belas e, ainda, a de artistas populares - esta, mesmo naqueles casos em que, reconhecidamente, se sabia possuidoras de idade superior aos 43 anos. Desse modo, concluiu-se que a figura feminina correspondente à mulher considerada de meia-idade, inexiste como forma de apelo social, o que contribuiu, sobremaneira, para tornar ainda mais conflitivo um período já crítico em si mesmo, como o é o climatério.


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We proceeded to an extensive etiologic search in a young women with a hepatosplenomegaly and a chronic persistent fever. We discuss the differential diagnosis of this situation with a final diagnosis of sarcoidosis.


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Women remain in a small minority as business leaders in both Middle Eastern (ME) and Western European (WE) regions, and indeed, past research indicates that ME women face even greater challenges as leaders than their Western counterparts. This article explores sample findings from two separate case studies, the first of a ME woman leader and the second of a WE woman leader, each conducting a management meeting with their teams. Using interactional sociolinguistic analysis, we examine the 'contextualisation cues' that index how each woman performs leadership in their respective meetings. We found that both women utilise relational practices in order to enact leadership with their subordinates, but with varying results. Whereas the ME leader deploys a confident and commanding interactional style with her colleagues, the WE leader's style is evasive and uncertain. On the basis of these two cases, the WE leader appears to face greater challenges in a male-dominated business world than the ME leader. Whereas the ME leader can rely on long-established ties of loyalty and organisation-as-family, the Western leader, within an apparently more open, democratic context, has to negotiate overwhelming turbulence and change within her company. © 2014, equinox publishing.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Background: Viral hepatitis B, C and delta still remain a serious problem worldwide. In Colombia, data from 1980s described that HBV and HDV infection are important causes of hepatitis, but little is known about HCV infection. The aim of this study was to determine the currently frequency of HBV, HCV and HDV in four different Colombian regions. Methodology/Principal Findings: This study was conducted in 697 habitants from 4 Colombian departments: Amazonas, Choco, Magdalena and San Andres Islands. Epidemiological data were obtained from an interview applied to each individual aiming to evaluate risk factors related to HBV, HCV or HDV infections. All samples were tested for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs and anti-HCV markers. Samples that were positive to HBsAg and/or anti-HBc were tested to anti-HDV. Concerning the geographical origin of the samples, the three HBV markers showed a statistically significant difference: HBsAg (p = 0.033) and anti-HBc (p < 0.001) were more frequent in Amazonas and Magdalena departments. Isolated anti-HBs (a marker of previous vaccination) frequencies were: Choco (53.26%), Amazonas (32.88%), Magdalena (17.0%) and San Andres (15.33%) p < 0.001. Prevalence of anti-HBc increased with age; HBsAg varied from 1.97 to 8.39% (p = 0.033). Amazonas department showed the highest frequency for anti-HCV marker (5.68%), while the lowest frequency was found in San Andres Island (0.66%). Anti-HDV was found in 9 (5.20%) out of 173 anti-HBc and/or HBsAg positive samples, 8 of them from the Amazonas region and 1 from them Magdalena department. Conclusions/Significance: In conclusion, HBV, HCV and HDV infections are detected throughout Colombia in frequency levels that would place some areas as hyperendemic for HBV, especially those found in Amazonas and Magdalena departments. Novel strategies to increase HBV immunization in the rural population and to strengthen HCV surveillance are reinforced by these results.


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The occurrence of chronic myeloid leukemia in pregnancy is rare and its management poses a clinical challenge for physicians treating these patients. We report a 30-year-old woman with chronic myeloid leukemia who became pregnant twice successfully. Philadelphia-positive CML in its chronic phase was diagnosed at 16 weeks of her first gestation. At that time, she received no treatment throughout her pregnancy. At 38 weeks of gestation, a normal infant was delivered by cesarean section. At six weeks postpartum, the patient underwent imatinib mesylate therapy but she could not tolerate the treatment. The treatment was then changed to nilotinib at 400 mg orally b.i.d. Two years later, she became pregnant again while she was on nilotinib 200 mg b.i.d. The unplanned pregnancy was identified during her 7.4 weeks of gestation. Because the patient elected to continue her pregnancy, nilotinib was stopped immediately, and no further treatment was given until delivery. Neither obstetrical complications nor structural malformations in neonates in both pregnancies were observed. Both babies' growth and development have been normal. Although this experience is limited to a single patient, the success of this patient demonstrates that the management of chronic myeloid leukemia in pregnant women may be individualized based on the relative risks and benefits of the patient and fetus.


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Using a dynamic systems model specifically developed for Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundia River Water Basins (BH-PCJ) as a tool to help to analyze water resources management alternatives for policy makers and decision takers, five simulations for 50 years timeframe were performed. The model estimates water supply and demand, as well as wastewater generation from the consumers at BH-PCJ. A run was performed using mean precipitation value constant, and keeping the actual water supply and demand rates, the business as usual scenario. Under these considerations, it is expected an increment of about similar to 76% on water demand, that similar to 39% of available water volume will come from wastewater reuse, and that waste load increases to similar to 91%. Falkenmark Index will change from 1,403 m(3) person(-1) year(-1) in 2004, to 734 m(3) P(-1) year(-1) by 2054, and the Sustainability Index from 0.44 to 0.20. Another four simulations were performed by affecting the annual precipitation by 90 and 110%; considering an ecological flow equal to 30% of the mean daily flow; and keeping the same rates for all other factors except for ecological flow and household water consumption. All of them showed a tendency to a water crisis in the near future at BH-PCJ.


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Woman with sash in sportscar during May Day procession, 1967, Queen Street, Brisbane, Australia. Onlookers stand outside a Queenslander house.


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When Lyn Jordan married an engineer, and moved to the bush, she began writing as a freelance journalist. Like other young wives on construction sites, however, and despite having all modern conveniences, she finds herself immersed in child-rearing and domesticity. This entralling collection of writings, selected by her daughter, paints women's lives from the 1950s - an insider's view. Lyn Jordan discovers that being surrounded by young children in the bush, then the suburbs of Melbourne, leads to a different journey of the spirit.


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The aim of the study was to test a revised conceptualization of the role of coping in adjustment to a low-control stressor-women's adjustment to a failed in vitro fertilization (NF) attempt. Data were collected prior to the IVF treatment (Time I) and twice after the failed NF attempt (1 to 2 weeks after finding out the results, n = 171, and fi weeks later, n = 139). Initial adjustment was assessed at Time I, whereas measures of coping and both self-report and partner ratings of adjustment were obtained at Times ? and 3. As predicted, escapist strategies and problem-management strategies (mainly at Time ?) were associated with poor adjustment, whereas problem-appraisal coping was associated with better adjustment., There was also support for the proposed positive relationship between adjustment and emotional approach coping (on self-report adjustment).


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Objective: To describe a new FOXL2 gene mutation in a woman with sporadic blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Design: Case report. Setting: University medical center. Patient(s): A 28-year-old woman. Intervention(s): Clinical evaluation, hormone assays, gene mutation research. Main Outcome Measure(s): FOXL2 gene mutation. Result(s): The patient with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism was diagnosed with BPES due to a new FOXL2 gene mutation. Conclusion(s): Blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome is a rare disorder associated with premature ovarian failure (POF). The syndrome is an autosomal dominant trait that causes eyelid malformations and POF in affected women. Mutations in FOXL2 gene, located in chromosome 3, are related to the development of BPES with POF (BPES type I) or without POF (BPES type II). This report demonstrates a previously undescribed de novo mutation in the FOXL2 gene-a thymidine deletion, c. 627delT (g. 864delT)-in a woman with a sporadic case of BPES and POF. This mutation leads to truncated protein production that is related to a BPES type I phenotype. This report shows the importance of family history and genetic analysis in the evaluation of patients with POF and corroborates the relationship between mutations on the FOXL2 gene and ovarian insufficiency. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 93: 1006.e3-e6. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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Background. A 33-year-old woman presented to an endocrinology clinic with a 5-year history of secondary amenorrhea. 2 years before presentation, she had noticed progressively worsening signs of virilization. Investigations. Measurement of levels of serum free and total testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and gonadotropins; transvaginal ultrasonography, abdominal and pelvic MRI and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET imaging. Diagnosis. Virilization secondary to an ovarian Leydig cell tumor. Management. The patient underwent a left salpingo-oophorectomy that confirmed the diagnosis of a unilateral Leydig cell tumor. Complete normalization of androgens and gonadotropin levels was achieved after surgery.