94 resultados para Wolves.
The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid in South America, weighing up to 30 kg, and exhibits an omnivorous diet based on fruits and small vertebrates. Maned wolves are considered to live in monogamous pairs defending a common territory, with mates living a largely solitary life, but these conclusions come from few studies with small samples. We captured maned wolves in Emas National Park, central Brazil, and monitored their use of space using radiotelemetry. Home-range size and overlap of 45 adults, and interactions between members of 5 pairs, were investigated. Home-range sizes of resident adults averaged 80.18 km(2) using the fixed kernel with 95% of the locations, and averaged 13.78 km(2) with 50% of the locations. Overlap of 95% ranges between male-male, female-female, or mixed dyads was similar, approximately 0.20, whereas 50% ranges of maned wolves showed less overlap overall but more tolerance for overlap with the opposite sex. Members of a pair were located alone more often than together, and even when located simultaneously maintained a mean distance of >0.5 km apart, independent of time of day. Results are in agreement with a spatial organization based on monogamous mating pairs with little intrapair sociality, but the latter needs to be investigated in more detail.
Dominant groups have claimed to be the targets of discrimination on several historical occasions during violent intergroup conflict and genocide.The authors argue that perceptions of ethnic victimization among members of dominant groups express social dominance motives and thus may be recruited for the enforcement of group hierarchy. They examine the antecedents of perceived ethnic victimization among dominants, following 561 college students over 3 years from freshman year to graduation year. Using longitudinal, cross-lagged structural equation modeling, the authors show that social dominance orientation (SDO) positively predicts perceived ethnic victimization among Whites but not among Latinos, whereas victimization does not predict SDO over time. In contrast, ethnic identity and victimization reciprocally predicted each other longitudinally with equal strength among White and Latino students. SDO is not merely a reflection of contextualized social identity concerns but a psychological, relational motivation that undergirds intergroup attitudes across extended periods of time and interacts with the context of group dominance.
Analysis of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites provides a powerful noninvasive tool for monitoring adrenocortical activity in wild animals. However, differences regarding the metabolism and excretion of these substances make a validation for each species and sex investigated obligatory. Although maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) are the biggest canids in South America, their behaviour and physiology are poorly known and they are at risk in the wild. Two methods for measuring glucocorticoid metabolites in maned wolves were validated: a radio- and an enzyme immunoassay. An ACTH challenge was used to demonstrate that changes in adrenal function are reflected in faecal glucocorticoid metabolites. Our results suggest that both methods enable a reliable assessment of stress hormones in maned wolves avoiding short-term rises in glucocorticoid concentrations due to handling and restraint. These methods can be used as a valuable tool in studies of stress and conservation in this wild species.
Serum hormone levels were compared between captive and free-living maned wolves and seasonal variations of sex hormones were studied. Blood samples were collected from 16 male and 26 female adult animals from Brazilian zoos, and from 30 male and 24 female free-living adults to determine serum progesterone and testosterone by radioimmunoassay. Serum testosterone concentrations varied (P < 0.05) across seasons for 16 captive males, being higher in autumn (2184.7 ± 355.1 pg/mL) than in summer (1080.7 ± 205.4 pg/mL), winter (1270.1 ± 276.6 pg/mL) and spring (963.9 ± 248.1 pg/mL), although they did not differ between summer, winter and spring. Testosterone concentration of 30 free-living males differed (P < 0.05) between autumn (824.1 ± 512.2 pg/mL), winter (14.4 ± 8.0 pg/mL) and spring (151.9 ± 90.5 pg/mL). Comparison between captive and free-living animals showed no difference in autumn (P > 0.05). Sixteen captive males showed higher testosterone concentration during winter and spring compared with 30 free-living animals (P < 0.05). Progesterone concentration varied among seasons in 26 captive females (P < 0.05), being higher in autumn (15.3 ± 3.1 ng/mL) than in summer (6.6 ± 1.5 ng/mL), winter (5.3 ± 3.1 ng/mL) and spring (4.3 ± 0.7 ng/mL). Progesterone concentration of 24 free-living females varied between autumn (17.1 ± 6.0 ng/mL) and winter (1.7 ± 0.3 ng/mL) (P < 0.05), but we could not obtain data for spring or summer. No difference in progesterone levels was observed between captive and free-living females in autumn and winter.
La historia trata sobre la falta de comunicación entre los distintos miembros de la familia. Es la historia de Lucy, que oye ruidos procedentes de detrás del papel pintado y está convencida de que hay lobos en las paredes de su casa. Su familia no cree ella. Su madre coloca la mermelada, el padre toca la tuba y el hermano juega con los videojuegos y piensan que los ruidos son realmente de los ratones, ratas o murciélagos. Lucy está segura de que hay lobos que viven en las paredes de su casa. Entonces un día, los lobos salen. Como toda buena historia de miedo, hay un giro inesperado al final.
So the question that animates this paper is this: what happens when a state's education policy seeks to make popular social and religious values a central part of its education standards in direct confrontation with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? I will try to answer that question in three ways. First, I will examine the tactics used in the manipulation of curricula to reflect social and religious values, with special focus on the Kansas case. Second, I will try to ascertain the determinants of success in these efforts; under what conditions are movements to impose creation science on public school curricula likely to succeed, and when to fail? Third, I will try to place these struggles over educational curricula, and between religion and science, in broader context, focusing on what they tell us about the nature of public policy making in the contemporary United States.
The eastern timber wolf (Canis lupus lycaon) once inhabited Maine, as well as the rest of the eastern United States and southern Canada. As a result of human land use and widespread extermination campaigns, wolf numbers dramatically decreased, and by the early twentieth century, no wolves remained in Maine. As large carnivorous and territorial mammals, wolves require contiguous undeveloped areas with abundant prey. This project is a feasibility study that identifies the areas in Maine that are suitable for the reintroduction of wolves. We used GIS modeling to identify contiguous forested areas over 1,000 km2, calculate road and population density, and map the presence or absence of prey throughout the state. These variables were combined in a habitat suitability model to determine the location and amount of suitable wolf habitat in Maine. The northwestern part of the state appears most suitable for wolf reintroduction as it is relatively undeveloped with low road and population densities. There is also a smaller isolated area in Washington County that might be suitable, but further investigation is required.
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of antibodies against T gondii and N. caninum in captive maned wolves from Brazil, considering that little information is available at the literature about infections by these parasites in this wild animal. Serum samples were obtained from 59 maned wolves originated from six zoos and from one ecological reserve of the southeastern and midwestern regions of Brazil. To detect IgG antibodies against T gondii, an ELISA protocol was used and the results were expressed as ELISA reactivity indexes (131). Serology for N. caninum was carried out by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and cut-off titers were established at 1:25 dilution. From the total of the analyzed samples, 44 (74.6%) were seropositive for T gondii and only 5 (8.5%) for N. caninum. Seropositivity for T gondii ranged from 0 to 100% in the seven different origin locals, with rates over 50% among the six zoos, whereas no positivity was found in the samples from ecological reserve. For N. caninum, seroprevalence varied from 0 to 50% in the different locals, with the highest rates also detected in zoos. Seroprevalence for T gondii was strongly related with age, with rates significantly higher among adult wolves (91.7%) when compared to newborn or young animals. Seropositive samples for N. caninum were found predominantly in adult wolves. For both parasites, seroprevalence did not show a significant distinction in relation to gender. Although seroprevalence for T gondii was significantly higher when compared to N. caninum in the Brazilian captive maned wolves tested, these findings reflect the great exposure of this species to T gondii and, in lower extension, to N. caninum. Also, the present study demonstrated for the first time the presence of antibodies to N. caninum in wild life from South America. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Use of serological tests in the diagnosis of infectious diseases in wild animals has several limitations, primarily the difficulty of obtaining species-specific reagents. Wild canids, such as maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), are highly predisposed to infection by Toxoplasma gondii and, to a lesser extent, to Neospora caninum. The aim of the present study was to evaluate homologous, heterologous, and affinity conjugates in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and indirect fluorescent antibody tests (IFATs) for detecting immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies against T. gondii and N. caninum in maned wolves. Serum samples were obtained from 59 captive animals in Brazil and tested by ELISA for T. gondii serology and IFAT for N. caninum serology using 3 different enzymatic and fluorescent conjugates: homologous (guinea pig anti-maned wolf IgG-peroxidase and -fluorescein isothiocyanate [FITC]), heterologous (rabbit anti-dog IgG-peroxidase and -FITC), and affinity (protein A-peroxidase and -FITC). Seropositivity to T. gondii was comparable among the homologous (69.5%), heterologous (74.6%), and affinity (71.2%) enzymatic conjugates. A significant positive correlation was found between the antibody levels determined by the 3 enzymatic conjugates. The highest mean antibody levels (ELISA index = 4.5) were observed with the protein A-peroxidase conjugate. The same seropositivity to N. caninum (8.5%) was found with the homologous and heterologous fluorescent conjugates, but protein A-FITC was not able to detect or confirm any positive samples with homologous or heterologous conjugates. Our results demonstrate that homologous, heterologous, and affinity conjugates might be used in ELISA for serological assays of T. gondii in wild canids, whereas for N. caninum infection, only the homologous or heterologous fluorescent conjugates have been shown to be useful. © American Society of Parasitologists 2005.
The maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus, is an endangered Neotropical canid that survives at low population densities. Diseases are a potential threat for its conservation but to date have been poorly studied. We performed clinical evaluations and investigated the presence of infectious diseases through serology and coprologic tests on maned wolves from Galheiro Natural Private Reserve, Perdizes City, Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. Fifteen wolves were captured between 2003 and 2008. We found high prevalences of antibody to canine distemper virus (CDV; 13/14), canine parvovirus (CPV; 4/14), canine adenovirus type 2 (13/14), canine coronavirus (5/11), canine parainfluenza virus (5/5), and Toxoplasma gondii (6/8), along with Ancylostomidae eggs in all feces samples. Antibodies against Leishmania sp. were found in one of 10 maned wolves, and all samples were negative for Neospora caniman. Evidence of high exposure to these viral agents was also observed in unvaccinated domestic clogs from neighboring farms. High prevalence of viral agents and parasites such as CDV, CPV, and Ancylostomidae indicates that this population faces considerable risk of outbreaks and chronic debilitating parasites. This is the first report of exposure to canine parainfluenza virus in Neotropical free-ranging wild canids. Our findings highlight that canine pathogens pose a serious hazard to the viability of maned wolves and other wild carnivore populations in the area and emphasize the need for monitoring and protecting wildlife health in remaining fragments of the Cerrado biome.
Contrafreeloading occurs when animals spend time and effort to obtain food in the presence of freely available food. There are several interpretations for such an apparent contradiction to optimal foraging models, with an emphasis either on the need to gather and update information about the environment or on the value of performing species-typical responses. Evidence suggests that both gathering information about the environment and the expression of species-typical behaviour are important for the welfare of captive animals. The aim of the present study was to assess the existence of contrafreeloading in maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), in a situation where animals could get food directly from a "free" source and/or search and handle hidden food items, an alternative that requires more effort and is probably more similar to natural foraging conditions. Eight captive, pair-housed maned wolves were given weekly choice tests in which they could obtain food either by approaching the usual food tray in one section of the enclosure (Tray), and/or by searching for food at variable sites amongst the vegetation in the other section of the enclosure (Scattered). Results indicate that maned wolves spent more time in the Scattered than in the Tray section of the enclosure (P = 0.02) and that they obtained about half of the food from that section (48.54% +/- SE 0.69). Our results, the first to demonstrate contrafreeloading in maned wolves, have implications for the husbandry and welfare of this endangered species. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.