951 resultados para Wireless power transfer


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100 year old gasoline engine technology vehicles have now become one of the major contributors of greenhouse gases. Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) have been proposed to achieve environmental friendly transportation. Even though the PEV usage is currently increasing, a technology breakthrough would be required to overcome battery related drawbacks. Although battery technology is evolving, drawbacks inherited with batteries such as; cost, size, weight, slower charging characteristic and low energy density would still be dominating constrains for development of EVs. Furthermore, PEVs have not been accepted as preferred choice by many consumers due to charging related issues. To address battery related limitations, the concept of dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) enabled EVs have been proposed in which EV is being charged while it is in motion. WPT enabled infrastructure has to be employed to achieve dynamic EV charging concept. The weight of the battery pack can be reduced as the required energy storage is lower if the vehicle can be powered wirelessly while driving. Stationary WPT charging where EV is charged wirelessly when it is stopped, is simpler than dynamic WPT in terms of design complexity. However, stationary WPT does not increase vehicle range compared to wired-PEVs. State-of-art WPT technology for future transportation is discussed in this chapter. Analysis of the WPT system and its performance indices are introduced. Modelling the WPT system using different methods such as equivalent circuit theory, two port network theory and coupled mode theory is described illustrating their own merits in Sect. 2.3. Both stationary and dynamic WPT for EV applications are illustrated in Sect. 2.4. Design challenges and optimization directions are analysed in Sect. 2.5. Adaptive tuning techniques such as adaptive impedance matching and frequency tuning are also discussed. A case study for optimizing resonator design is presented in Sect. 2.6. Achievements by the research community is introduced highlighting directions for future research.


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Typical wireless power transfer systems utilize series compensation circuit which is based on magnetic coupling and resonance principles that was first developed by Tesla. However, changes in coupling caused by gap distance, alignment and orientation variations can lead to reduce power transfer efficiencies and the transferred power levels. This paper proposes impedance matched circuit to reduce frequency bifurcation effect and improve on the transferred power level, efficiency and total harmonic distortion (THD) performance of the series compensation circuit. A comprehensive mathematical analysis is performed for both series and impedance matched circuits to show the frequency bifurcation effects in terms of input impedance, variations in transferred power levels and efficiencies. Matlab/Simulink results validate the theoretical analysis and shows the circuits’ THD performance when circuits are fed with power electronic converters.


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Achieving high efficiency with improved power transfer range and misalignment tolerance is the major design challenge in realizing Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems for industrial applications. Resonant coils must be carefully designed to achieve highest possible system performance by fully utilizing the available space. High quality factor and enhanced electromagnetic coupling are key indices which determine the system performance. In this paper, design parameter extraction and quality factor optimization of multi layered helical coils are presented using finite element analysis (FEA) simulations. In addition, a novel Toroidal Shaped Spiral (TSS) coil is proposed to increase power transfer range and misalignment tolerance. The proposed shapes and recommendations can be used to design high efficiency WPT resonator in a limited space.


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Wireless power transfer is experimentally demonstrated by transmission between an AC power transmitter and receiver, both realised using thin film technology. The transmitter and receiver thin film coils are chosen to be identical in order to promote resonant coupling. Planar spiral coils are used because of the ease of fabrication and to reduce the metal layer thickness. The energy transfer efficiency as a function of transfer distance is analysed along with a comparison between the theoretical and the experimental results. © 2012 Materials Research Society.


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Nonradiative coupling between conductive coils is a candidate mechanism for wireless energy transfer applications. In this paper we propose a power relay system based on a near-field metamaterial superlens and present a thorough theoretical analysis of this system. We use time-harmonic circuit formalism to describe all interactions between two coils attached to external circuits and a slab of anisotropic medium with homogeneous permittivity and permeability. The fields of the coils are found in the point-dipole approximation using Sommerfeld integrals which are reduced to standard special functions in the long-wavelength limit. We show that, even with a realistic magnetic loss tangent of order 0.1, the power transfer efficiency with the slab can be an order of magnitude greater than free-space efficiency when the load resistance exceeds a certain threshold value. We also find that the volume occupied by the metamaterial between the coils can be greatly compressed by employing magnetic permeability with a large anisotropy ratio. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA


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The ability to wirelessly power electrical devices is becoming of greater urgency as a component of energy conservation and sustainability efforts. Due to health and safety concerns, most wireless power transfer (WPT) schemes utilize very low frequency, quasi-static, magnetic fields; power transfer occurs via magneto-inductive (MI) coupling between conducting loops serving as transmitter and receiver. At the "long range" regime - referring to distances larger than the diameter of the largest loop - WPT efficiency in free space falls off as (1/d)(6); power loss quickly approaches 100% and limits practical implementations of WPT to relatively tight distances between power source and device. A "superlens", however, can concentrate the magnetic near fields of a source. Here, we demonstrate the impact of a magnetic metamaterial (MM) superlens on long-range near-field WPT, quantitatively confirming in simulation and measurement at 13-16 MHz the conditions under which the superlens can enhance power transfer efficiency compared to the lens-less free-space system.


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This paper exploits an amplify-and-forward (AF) two-way relaying network (TWRN), where an energy constrained relay node harvests energy with wireless power transfer. Two bidirectional protocols, multiple access broadcast (MABC) protocol and time division broadcast (TDBC) protocol, are considered. Three wireless power transfer policies, namely, 1) dual-source (DS) power transfer; 2) single-fixed-source (SFS) power transfer; and 3) single-best-source (SBS) power transfer are proposed and well-designed based on time switching receiver architecture. We derive analytical expressions to determine the throughput both for delay-limited transmission and delay-tolerant transmission. Numerical results corroborate our analysis and show that MABC protocol achieves a higher throughput than TDBC protocol. An important observation is that SBS policy offers a good tradeoff between throughput and power.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multi-antenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the cellular base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, we propose a new power transfer policy, namely, best power beacon (BPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed policy, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact power outage probability and the asymptotic power outage probability with large antenna arrays at PBs. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS). To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new expressions for the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the BPB power transfer policies. We show that secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers because of a larger multiuser diversity gain. A pivotal conclusion is reached that BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multiantenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the primary base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, three wireless power transfer (WPT) policies are proposed: 1) co-operative power beacons (CPB) power transfer, 2) best power beacon (BPB) power transfer, and 3) nearest power beacon (NPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed three policies, we derive new expressions for the exact power outage probability. Moreover, the analysis of the power outage probability is extended to the case when PBs are equipped with large antenna arrays. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), where the receiver with the strongest channel is selected; and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS), where the nearest receiver is selected. To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability and the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the proposed WPT policies. We presented Monte carlo simulation results to corroborate our analysis and show: 1) secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers due to larger multiuser diversity gain; 2) CPB achieves better secrecy performance than BPB and NPB but consumes more power; and 3) BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead. A pivotal conclusion- is reached that with increasing number of antennas at PBs, NPB offers a comparable secrecy performance to that of BPB but with a lower complexity.


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The efficiency of a Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system is greatly dependent on both the geometry and operating frequency of the transmitting and receiving structures. By using Coupled Mode Theory (CMT), the figure of merit is calculated for resonantly-coupled loop and dipole systems. An in-depth analysis of the figure of merit is performed with respect to the key geometric parameters of the loops and dipoles, along with the resonant frequency, in order to identify the key relationships leading to high-efficiency WPT. For systems consisting of two identical single-turn loops, it is shown that the choice of both the loop radius and resonant frequency are essential in achieving high-efficiency WPT. For the dipole geometries studied, it is shown that the choice of length is largely irrelevant and that as a result of their capacitive nature, low-MHz frequency dipoles are able to produce significantly higher figures of merit than those of the loops considered. The results of the figure of merit analysis are used to propose and subsequently compare two mid-range loop and dipole WPT systems of equal size and operating frequency, where it is shown that the dipole system is able to achieve higher efficiencies than the loop system of the distance range examined.


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Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto “Health aware enhanced range wireless power transfer systems”, conocido por el acrónimo de ETHER. Los grupos investigadores que forman parte de ETHER involucran a dos instituciones, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). En este caso, el trabajo ha sido llevado a cabo en el marco del Centro de Electrónica Industrial(CEI) de la UPM. Además, este trabajo es el tercero en una sucesión de estudios realizados por el CEI con el objetivo de lograr implementar un sistema de carga inalámbrica en un marcapasos. Los trabajos previos al desarrollado son los realizados por Miguel Gifford y María Gonzalez. Otros trabajos del CEI han servido de guía. El principal objetivo de la aplicación, es evitar las operaciones que se llevan a cabo actualmente para la sustitución de la batería de los marcapasos implantados en pacientes. Este periodo de sustitución es del orden de cuatro años, lo que depende del tipo de marcapasos y las circunstancias en las que se vea envuelto el paciente. Se pretende lograr la carga del dispositivo causando la menor molestia posible al paciente sin afectar a su salud. El sistema de carga inalámrica o WPT1, está basado en inducción magnética resonante, conocida como RIC2. Esta tecnología se fundamenta en el uso de bobinas acopladas como elemento transmisor de energía. A su vez, la impedancia de estas bobinas, es compensada mediante el uso de condensadores, obteniendo circuitos resonantes. Mediante el uso de RIC se logran mejores características técnicas para la transmisión de energía en el rango medio. Esto permite salvar la distancia entre el elemento generador y la batería del marcapasos, incluso ante la existencia de tejido orgánico entre las dos bobinas. Se han considerado dos posibilidades de configuraci´on del sistema. Dos etapas: se dispone de dos bobinas, emisora y receptora. Esta configuración supone trabajar a altas frecuencias para conseguir transferencia de energías efectivas teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones del marcapasos. Tres etapas: se dispone de tres bobinas, emisora, intermedia y receptora. Se mejora el alcance, permitiendo trabajar a menores frecuencias, pero complicando el control y la implementación del sistema. Sin embargo, el foco de los esfuerzos invertidos en este trabajo, es el estudio del sistema de optimización que se introduce en las configuraciones anteriormente descritas. La optimización se centra en conseguir máxima transferencia de potencia, quedando relegado a un segundo plano el rendimiento. Esto se justifica por las características de la aplicación donde la principal limitación es la viabilidad del sistema. Asímismo, la viabilidad viene impuesta por la potencia que consume el marcapasos y la que es capaz de suministrar el sistema. Este sistema de optimización se basa en la regulación en frecuencia y en la adaptación de la impedancia de carga. Este último método es estudiado, y se basa en lograr una impedancia de carga igual al complejo conjugado de la impedancia de salida, logrando máxima transferencia de potencia. El sistema de optimización hace uso de varias estructuras de control de electrónica de potencia. Inversor: Se sitúa en la etapa emisora y permite controlar la frecuencia de trabajo del sistema. Rectificador activo: Se sitúa en la etapa receptora y controla el desfase entre intensidad y tensión. Convertidor CC-CC: Se sitúa en la etapa receptora, tras el rectificador. Controla la amplitud de la tensión.Mediante el uso conjunto del rectificador y el convertidor es posible controlar la impedancia de la carga. Se ha realizado un análisis teórico para determinar el punto de funcionamiento óptimo del sistema, y posteriormente, se han validado estos resultados mediante simulaciones. Se demuestra que la potencia transferida por el sistema WTP se multiplica por cinco respecto de la solución original, es decir, en ausencia del sistema de optimización. Además se logra mayor robustez, ya que el control activo del sistema proporciona mayor adaptabilidad ante condiciones alejadas de las de diseño. El trabajo realizado se ha prolongado durante un periodo de doscientos días efectivos con una dedicación de 360 horas de trabajo. El coste total asignado al desempeño del trabajo es de 16.678,94 euros.


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A wide range of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for the monitoring the health of concrete structure has been studied for several years. The recent rapid evolution of wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies has resulted in the development of sensing elements that can be embedded in concrete, to monitor the health of infrastructure, collect and report valuable related data. The monitoring system can potentially decrease the high installation time and reduce maintenance cost associated with wired monitoring systems. The monitoring sensors need to operate for a long period of time, but sensors batteries have a finite life span. Hence, novel wireless powering methods must be devised. The optimization of wireless power transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) to sensors embedded in concrete is studied here. First, we analytically derive the optimal geometric parameters for transmission of power in the air. This specifically leads to the identification of the local and global optimization parameters and conditions, it was validated through electromagnetic simulations. Second, the optimum conditions were employed in the model for propagation of energy through plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity conditions, and frequencies with extended Debye's model. This analysis leads to the conclusion that SCMR can be used to efficiently power sensors in plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity levels and depth, also validated through electromagnetic simulations. The optimization of wireless power transmission via SMCR to Wearable and Implantable Medical Device (WIMD) are also explored. The optimum conditions from the analytics were used in the model for propagation of energy through different human tissues. This analysis shows that SCMR can be used to efficiently transfer power to sensors in human tissue without overheating through electromagnetic simulations, as excessive power might result in overheating of the tissue. Standard SCMR is sensitive to misalignment; both 2-loops and 3-loops SCMR with misalignment-insensitive performances are presented. The power transfer efficiencies above 50% was achieved over the complete misalignment range of 0°-90° and dramatically better than typical SCMR with efficiencies less than 10% in extreme misalignment topologies.


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In this paper, we investigate the secrecy performance of an energy harvesting relay system, where a legitimate source communicates with a legitimate destination via the assistance of multiple trusted relays. In the considered system, the source and relays deploy the time-switching-based radio frequency energy harvesting technique to harvest energy from a multi-antenna beacon. Different antenna selection and relay selection schemes are applied to enhance the security of the system. Specifically, two relay selection schemes based on the partial and full knowledge of channel state information, i.e., optimal relay selection and partial relay selection, and two antenna selection schemes for harvesting energy at source and relays, i.e., maximizing energy harvesting channel for the source and maximizing energy harvesting channel for the selected relay, are proposed. The exact and asymptotic expressions of secrecy outage probability in these schemes are derived. We demonstrate that applying relay selection approaches in the considered energy harvesting system can enhance the security performance. In particular, optimal relay selection scheme outperforms partial relay selection scheme and achieves full secrecy diversity order, regardless of energy harvesting scenarios.