942 resultados para Wireless ad hoc networks


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We consider the problem of how to maximize secure connectivity of multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks after deployment. Two approaches, based on graph augmentation problems with nonlinear edge costs, are formulated. The first one is based on establishing a secret key using only the links that are already secured by secret keys. This problem is in NP-hard and does not accept polynomial time approximation scheme PTAS since minimum cutsets to be augmented do not admit constant costs. The second one is based of increasing the power level between a pair of nodes that has a secret key to enable them physically connect. This problem can be formulated as the optimal key establishment problem with interference constraints with bi-objectives: (i) maximizing the concurrent key establishment flow, (ii) minimizing the cost. We show that both problems are NP-hard and MAX-SNP (i.e., it is NP-hard to approximate them within a factor of 1 + e for e > 0 ) with a reduction to MAX3SAT problem. Thus, we design and implement a fully distributed algorithm for authenticated key establishment in wireless sensor networks where each sensor knows only its one- hop neighborhood. Our witness based approaches find witnesses in multi-hop neighborhood to authenticate the key establishment between two sensor nodes which do not share a key and which are not connected through a secure path.


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We consider the problem of maximizing the secure connectivity in wireless ad hoc networks, and analyze complexity of the post-deployment key establishment process constrained by physical layer properties such as connectivity, energy consumption and interference. Two approaches, based on graph augmentation problems with nonlinear edge costs, are formulated. The first one is based on establishing a secret key using only the links that are already secured by shared keys. This problem is in NP-hard and does not accept polynomial time approximation scheme PTAS since minimum cutsets to be augmented do not admit constant costs. The second one extends the first problem by increasing the power level between a pair of nodes that has a secret key to enable them physically connect. This problem can be formulated as the optimal key establishment problem with interference constraints with bi-objectives: (i) maximizing the concurrent key establishment flow, (ii) minimizing the cost. We prove that both problems are NP-hard and MAX-SNP with a reduction to MAX3SAT problem.


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In wireless ad hoc networks, nodes communicate with far off destinations using intermediate nodes as relays. Since wireless nodes are energy constrained, it may not be in the best interest of a node to always accept relay requests. On the other hand, if all nodes decide not to expend energy in relaying, then network throughput will drop dramatically. Both these extreme scenarios (complete cooperation and complete noncooperation) are inimical to the interests of a user. In this paper, we address the issue of user cooperation in ad hoc networks. We assume that nodes are rational, i.e., their actions are strictly determined by self interest, and that each node is associated with a minimum lifetime constraint. Given these lifetime constraints and the assumption of rational behavior, we are able to determine the optimal share of service that each node should receive. We define this to be the rational Pareto optimal operating point. We then propose a distributed and scalable acceptance algorithm called Generous TIT-FOR-TAT (GTFT). The acceptance algorithm is used by the nodes to decide whether to accept or reject a relay request. We show that GTFT results in a Nash equilibrium and prove that the system converges to the rational and optimal operating point.


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In many applications of wireless ad hoc networks, wireless nodes are owned by rational and intelligent users. In this paper, we call nodes selfish if they are owned by independent users and their only objective is to maximize their individual goals. In such situations, it may not be possible to use the existing protocols for wireless ad hoc networks as these protocols assume that nodes follow the prescribed protocol without deviation. Stimulating cooperation among these nodes is an interesting and challenging problem. Providing incentives and pricing the transactions are well known approaches to stimulate cooperation. In this paper, we present a game theoretic framework for truthful broadcast protocol and strategy proof pricing mechanism called Immediate Predecessor Node Pricing Mechanism (IPNPM). The phrase strategy proof here means that truth revelation of cost is a weakly dominant-strategy (in game theoretic terms) for each node. In order to steer our mechanism-design approach towards practical implementation, we compute the payments to nodes using a distributed algorithm. We also propose a new protocol for broadcast in wireless ad hoc network with selfish nodes based on IPNPM. The features of the proposed broadcast protocol are reliability and a significantly reduced number of packet forwards compared to the number of network nodes, which in turn leads to less system-wide power consumption to broadcast a single packet. Our simulation results show the efficacy of the proposed broadcast protocol.


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Different medium access control (MAC) layer protocols, for example, IEEE 802.11 series and others are used in wireless local area networks. They have limitation in handling bulk data transfer applications, like video-on-demand, videoconference, etc. To avoid this problem a cooperative MAC protocol environment has been introduced, which enables the MAC protocol of a node to use its nearby nodes MAC protocol as and when required. We have found on various occasions that specified cooperative MAC establishes cooperative transmissions to send the specified data to the destination. In this paper we propose cooperative MAC priority (CoopMACPri) protocol which exploits the advantages of priority value given by the upper layers for selection of different paths to nodes running heterogeneous applications in a wireless ad hoc network environment. The CoopMACPri protocol improves the system throughput and minimizes energy consumption. Using a Markov chain model, we developed a model to analyse the performance of CoopMACPri protocol; and also derived closed-form expression of saturated system throughput and energy consumption. Performance evaluations validate the accuracy of the theoretical analysis, and also show that the performance of CoopMACPri protocol varies with the number of nodes. We observed that the simulation results and analysis reflects the effectiveness of the proposed protocol as per the specifications.


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Within a recently developed low-power ad hoc network system, we present a transport protocol (JTP) whose goal is to reduce power consumption without trading off delivery requirements of applications. JTP has the following features: it is lightweight whereby end-nodes control in-network actions by encoding delivery requirements in packet headers; JTP enables applications to specify a range of reliability requirements, thus allocating the right energy budget to packets; JTP minimizes feedback control traffic from the destination by varying its frequency based on delivery requirements and stability of the network; JTP minimizes energy consumption by implementing in-network caching and increasing the chances that data retransmission requests from destinations "hit" these caches, thus avoiding costly source retransmissions; and JTP fairly allocates bandwidth among flows by backing off the sending rate of a source to account for in-network retransmissions on its behalf. Analysis and extensive simulations demonstrate the energy gains of JTP over one-size-fits-all transport protocols.


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In the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer protocol, there are different trade-off points between the number of nodes competing for the medium and the network capacity provided to them. There is also a trade-off between the wireless channel condition during the transmission period and the energy consumption of the nodes. Current approaches at modeling energy consumption in 802.11 based networks do not consider the influence of the channel condition on all types of frames (control and data) in the WLAN. Nor do they consider the effect on the different MAC and PHY schemes that can occur in 802.11 networks. In this paper, we investigate energy consumption corresponding to the number of competing nodes in IEEE 802.11's MAC and PHY layers in error-prone wireless channel conditions, and present a new energy consumption model. Analysis of the power consumed by each type of MAC and PHY over different bit error rates shows that the parameters in these layers play a critical role in determining the overall energy consumption of the ad-hoc network. The goal of this research is not only to compare the energy consumption using exact formulae in saturated IEEE 802.11-based DCF networks under varying numbers of competing nodes, but also, as the results show, to demonstrate that channel errors have a significant impact on the energy consumption.


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In this paper we propose an enhanced relay-enabled distributed coordination function (rDCF) for wireless ad hoc networks. The idea of rDCF is to use high data rate nodes to work as relays for the low data rate nodes. The relay helps to increase the throughput and lower overall blocking time of nodes due to faster dual-hop transmission. rDCF achieves higher throughput over IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF). The protocol is further enhanced for higher throughput and reduced energy. These enhancements result from the use of a dynamic preamble (i.e. using short preamble for the relay transmission) and also by reducing unnecessary overhearing (by other nodes not involved in transmission). We have modeled the energy consumption of rDCF, showing that rDCF provides an energy efficiency of 21.7% at 50 nodes over 802.11 DCF. Compared with the existing rDCF, the enhanced rDCF (ErDCF) scheme proposed in this paper yields a throughput improvement of 16.54% (at the packet length of 1000 bytes) and an energy saving of 53% at 50 nodes.


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In this paper we studied several virtual routing structures (ring, ring-tree, cord, and mesh) which are scalable, independent on addresses, based on local information and partial global information for routing packets. These virtual routing structures are built on the top of the backbone nodes which are selected by considering power, connections, and immobility metrics.Our experimental results on the ns2 simulator and both TelosBand MicaZ sensor nodes tested platform prove that the virtual backbone structures are superior to the existing routing schemes and the different virtual structures fit in with the different physical scenarios.