999 resultados para Wind-blown dust


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The Boltzmann equation of the sand particle velocity distribution function in wind-blown sand two-phase flow is established based on the motion equation of single particle in air. And then, the generalized balance law of particle property in single phase granular flow is extended to gas-particle two-phase flow. The velocity distribution function of particle phase is expanded into an infinite series by means of Grad's method and the Gauss distribution is used to replace Maxwell distribution. In the case of truncation at the third-order terms, a closed third-order moment dynamical equation system is constructed. The theory is further simplified according to the measurement results obtained by stroboscopic photography in wind tunnel tests.


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Essery, RLH & JW, Pomeroy, (2004). Vegetation and topographic control of wind-blown snow distributions in distributed and aggregated simulations. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5, 735-744.


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Introducing a parameterization of the interactions between wind-driven snow depth changes and melt pond evolution allows us to improve large scale models. In this paper we have implemented an explicit melt pond scheme and, for the first time, a wind dependant snow redistribution model and new snow thermophysics into a coupled ocean–sea ice model. The comparison of long-term mean statistics of melt pond fractions against observations demonstrates realistic melt pond cover on average over Arctic sea ice, but a clear underestimation of the pond coverage on the multi-year ice (MYI) of the western Arctic Ocean. The latter shortcoming originates from the concealing effect of persistent snow on forming ponds, impeding their growth. Analyzing a second simulation with intensified snow drift enables the identification of two distinct modes of sensitivity in the melt pond formation process. First, the larger proportion of wind-transported snow that is lost in leads directly curtails the late spring snow volume on sea ice and facilitates the early development of melt ponds on MYI. In contrast, a combination of higher air temperatures and thinner snow prior to the onset of melting sometimes make the snow cover switch to a regime where it melts entirely and rapidly. In the latter situation, seemingly more frequent on first-year ice (FYI), a smaller snow volume directly relates to a reduced melt pond cover. Notwithstanding, changes in snow and water accumulation on seasonal sea ice is naturally limited, which lessens the impacts of wind-blown snow redistribution on FYI, as compared to those on MYI. At the basin scale, the overall increased melt pond cover results in decreased ice volume via the ice-albedo feedback in summer, which is experienced almost exclusively by MYI.


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Atmospheric dust samples collected along a transect off the West African coast have been investigated for their physical (grain-size distribution), mineralogical, and chemical (major elements) composition. On the basis of these data the samples were grouped into sets of samples that most likely originated from the same source area. In addition, shipboard-collected atmospheric meteorological data, modeled 4-day back trajectories for each sampling day and location, and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer aerosol index data for the time period of dust collection (February-March 1998) were combined and used to reconstruct the sources of the groups of dust samples. On the basis of these data we were able to determine the provenance of the various dust samples. It appears that the bulk of the wind-blown sediments that are deposited in the proximal equatorial Atlantic Ocean are transported in the lower level (>~900 hPa) NE trade wind layer, which is a very dominant feature north of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). However, south of the surface expression of the ITCZ, down to 5°S, where surface winds are southwesterly, we still collected sediments that originated from the north and east, carried there by the NE trade wind layer, as well as by easterly winds from higher altitudes. The fact that the size of the wind-blown dust depends not only on the wind strength of the transporting agent but also on the distance to the source hampers a direct comparison of the dust's size distributions and measured wind strengths. However, a comparison between eolian dust and terrigenous sediments collected in three submarine sediment traps off the west coast of NW Africa shows that knowledge of the composition of eolian dust is a prerequisite for the interpretation of paleorecords obtained from sediment cores in the equatorial Atlantic.


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The surface of the Earth is continuously undergoing changes as a result of weathering-erosion, plate tectonics and volcanic processes. Continental weathering-erosion with its complex rock-water interactions is the central process of global biochemical cycling of elements, and affects the long-term ocean atmosphere budget of carbon dioxide both through the consumption of carbonic acid during silicate weathering and through changes in the weathering and burial rates of organic carbon. Rates of the weathering-erosion depend on a variety of factors, in particular rock properties and chemical composition, climate (especially rainfall), structure, and elevation. They are quite variable on a regional scale. Thus, environmental changes in a region could be indicated by the history of weathering-erosion in the region. Recent attention has focused on increased silicate weathering of tectonically uplifted areas in the India-Asia collision zone as a possible cause for falling atmospheric CO_2 levels in the Cenozoic era. The wind blown dust deposits in the Loess Plateau is derived from the arid and semiarid regions in northwestern China, in turn, where the deposits have been derived from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the high mountains around. Therefore, geochemistry of the wind blown loess-paleosol and red clay sequences may provide insight both to paleoenvironmental changes on the Loess Plateau, and to the uplift and weathering-erosion histories of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. In this paper, uranium-thorium series nuclides and cosmogenic ~(10)Be have been employed as tracers of weathering intensities and histories of the dust sediments in the Loess Plateau. Major elements, such as Na, Al, Fe etc., are also used to estimate degree of chemical alteration of the dust sediments and to rebuild the history of weathering on the Loess Plateau. First of all, using a low-level HPGe γ-ray detector, we measured U and Th series nuclides in 170 loess and paleosol samples from five sites in the Loess Plateau, going back 2.6 Ma. The results show that ~(238)U activities are disequilibrium with its daughter nuclide ~(230)Th in young loess-paleosol sequence, indicating that weathering was happened both in dust deposition site and in dust source regions. Using concentrations of ~(238)U and ~(232)Th in the samples, we estimated the amounts of ~(238)U leached out of from paleosols due to weathering. Further, based on analyses of ~(230)Th in paleosols deposited in the past ca. 140 ka, we determined when the paleosols weathered in the source regions. We conclude that most of the weathering in the dust-source regions may have occurred during the interglacials before dust deposition.


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Judged by their negative nutrient balances, low soil cover and low productivity, the predominant agro-pastoral farming systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa are highly unsustainable for crop production intensification. With kaolinite as the main clay type, the cation exchange capacity of the soils in this region, often less than 1 cmol_c kg^-1 soil, depends heavily on the organic carbon (Corg) content. However, due to low carbon sequestration and to the microbe, termite and temperature-induced rapid turnover rates of organic material in the present land-use systems, Corg contents of the topsoil are very low, ranging between 1 and 8 g kg^-1 in most soils. For sustainable food production, the availability of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) has to be increased considerably in combination with an improvement in soil physical properties. Therefore, the adoption of innovative management options that help to stop or even reverse the decline in Corg typically observed after cultivating bush or rangeland is of utmost importance. To maintain food production for a rapidly growing population, targeted applications of mineral fertilisers and the effective recycling of organic amendments as crop residues and manure are essential. Any increase in soil cover has large effects in reducing topsoil erosion by wind and water and favours the accumulation of wind-blown dust high in bases which in turn improves P availability. In the future decision support systems, based on GIS, modelling and simulation should be used to combine (i) available fertiliser response data from on-station and on-farm research, (ii) results on soil productivity restoration with the application of mineral and organic amendments and (iii) our present understanding of the cause-effect relationships governing the prevailing soil degradation processes. This will help to predict the effectiveness of regionally differentiated soil fertility management approaches to maintain or even increase soil Corg levels.


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We compared particle data from a moored video camera system with sediment trap derived fluxes at ~1100 m depth in the highly dynamic coastal upwelling system off Cape Blanc, Mauritania. Between spring 2008 and winter 2010 the trap collected settling particles in 9-day intervals, while the camera recorded in-situ particle abundance and size-distribution every third day. Particle fluxes were highly variable (40-1200 mg m**-2 d**-1) and followed distinct seasonal patterns with peaks during spring, summer and fall. The particle flux patterns from the sediment traps correlated to the total particle volume captured by the video camera, which ranged from1 to 22 mm**3 l**-1. The measured increase in total particle volume during periods of high mass flux appeared to be better related to increases in the particle concentrations, rather than to increased average particle size. We observed events that had similar particle fluxes, but showed clear differences in particle abundance and size-distribution, and vice versa. Such observations can only be explained by shifts in the composition of the settling material, with changes both in particle density and chemical composition. For example, the input of wind-blown dust from the Sahara during September 2009 led to the formation of high numbers of comparably small particles in the water column. This suggests that, besides seasonal changes, the composition of marine particles in one region underlies episodical changes. The time between the appearance of high dust concentrations in the atmosphere and the increase lithogenic flux in the 1100 m deep trap suggested an average settling rate of 200 m d**-1, indicating a close and fast coupling between dust input and sedimentation of the material.


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Geochemical analyses have been carried out on the samples taken from the last 250 ka wind-blown loess-paleosol sequences at Huanxian, Xifeng, Changwu, and Lantian in central Chinese Loess Plateau. The result shows: 1) that major changes in chemical composition of the loess-paleoso! sequences are due to leaching and reprecipitation of carbonates, and resulted from dust grain size changes rather than chemical weathering of silicates; 2) that Si/Ti, Si/AI, and Si/Fe ratios can be used as a proxy of dust deposition intensity, and Na/AI ratio can also be used as indicator of climatic changes in genera! rather than of the summer monsoon intensity. Our results show that chemical composition was controlled by dust deposition and weathering, and imply changes of climate and environment in the Loess Plateau during last 250,000 years.


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The reconstruction of low-latitude ocean-atmosphere interactions is one of the major issues of (paleo-)environmental studies. The trade winds, extending over 20° to 30° of latitude in both hemispheres, between the subtropical highs and the intertropical convergence zone, are major components of the atmospheric circulation and little is known about their long-term variability on geological time-scales, in particular in the Pacific sector. We present the modern spatial pattern of eolian-derived marine sediments in the eastern equatorial and subtropical Pacific (10°N to 25°S) as a reference data set for the interpretation of SE Pacific paleo-dust records. The terrigenous silt and clay fractions of 75 surface sediment samples have been investigated for their grain-size distribution and clay-mineral compositions, respectively, to identify their provenances and transport agents. Dust delivered to the southeast Pacific from the semi- to hyper-arid areas of Peru and Chile is rather fine-grained (4-8 µm) due to low-level transport within the southeast trade winds. Nevertheless, wind is the dominant transport agent and eolian material is the dominant terrigenous component west of the Peru-Chile Trench south of ~ 5°S. Grain-size distributions alone are insufficient to identify the eolian signal in marine sediments due to authigenic particle formation on the sub-oceanic ridges and abundant volcanic glass around the Galapagos Islands. Together with the clay-mineral compositions of the clay fraction, we have identified the dust lobe extending from the coasts of Peru and Chile onto Galapagos Rise as well as across the equator into the doldrums. Illite is a very useful parameter to identify source areas of dust in this smectite-dominated study area.


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The provenance of eolian dust supplied to deep-sea sediments has the potential to offer insights into changes in past atmospheric circulation. Specifically, measuring temporal changes in dust provenance can shed light on changes in the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a region acting as a barrier separating wind-blown material derived from northern versus southern hemisphere sources. Here we have analyzed Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios in the operationally-defined detrital component extracted from deep-sea sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) along a meridional transect at 110°W from 3°S to 7°N (ODP Leg 138, sites 848-853). Sr isotope results show that barite Sr has a significant influence on 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of samples in the upwelling zone of the EEP. However, sites located >3° or more away from the equator (sites 852 and 853) are believed to not be affected by barite Sr and provide useful detrital Sr signals. 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios in all cores fall into the Pb-isotope space of five potential dust sources (Asia, North and Central/South America, Sahara, and Australia), with no distinct isotopic fingerprinting of the dominant source(s). epsilon-Nd values were most valuable for discerning detrital source provenance, and their values at all sites, ranging from ~5.46 to ~3.25, were more unradiogenic for sediments deposited during the last glacial than for those deposited during the Holocene. There are distinct latitudinal trends in the epsilon-Nd values, with more radiogenic values further south and less radiogenic values further north, excluding site 848. This distinction holds true for both Holocene and last glacial periods. For the most southerly site, 848, we invoke, for the first time, a distinct southern hemisphere Australian source as being responsible for the unradiogenic Nd isotope ratios. Both average last glacial and Holocene epsilon-Nd values show similar sharp gradients along the transect between 5.29°N and 2.77°N, suggesting little movement of the glacial ITCZ in the EEP. However, during the deglacial, this gradient is stronger and shifted further north between 5.29°N and 7.21°N, suggesting a more northerly, possibly stronger, deglacial ITCZ.


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The accumulation of wind blown (eolian) dust in deep-sea sediments reflects the aridity/humidity conditions of the continental region supplying the dust, as well as the "gustiness" of the climate system. Detailed studies of Pleistocene glacial-interglacial dust fluxes suggest changes in accumulation rates corresponding to orbital variations in solar insolation (Milankovitch cycles). While the orbital cycles found in sedimentary archives of the Pleistocene are intricately related to glacial growth and decay, similar global orbital signals recognized in deep-sea sediments of early Paleogene age, the last major greenhouse interval ~65-45 million years ago, could not have been linked to the waxing and waning of large ice sheets. Thus orbital signals recorded in early Paleogene sediments must reflect some other climate response to changes in solar insolation. To explore the potential connection between orbital forcing and the climate processes that control dust accumulation, we generated a high-resolution dust record for ~58 Myr old sediments from Shatsky Rise (ODP Site 1209, paleolatitude ~15°N-20°N). The dust accumulation data provide the first evidence of a correlation between dust flux to the deep sea and orbital cyclicity during the early Paleogene, indicating dust supply responded to insolation forcing during the last major interval of greenhouse climate. Furthermore, the relative amplitude of the dust flux response during the early Paleogene greenhouse was comparable to that during icehouse climates. Thus, subtle variations in solar insolation driven by changes in Earth's orbit about the Sun may have had a similar impact on climate during intervals of overall warmth as they did during glacial-interglacial states.


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La emisión de polvo por efecto del viento desde depósitos de residuos mineros o industriales y el paso de vehículos en vías no pavimentadas, es un problema que afecta las actividades productivas; el ambiente y la salud de las personas que permanecen en el área contaminada. En Chile, en los últimos años la sensibilidad social y las exigencias ambientales han aumentado, así como la oferta de diferentes supresores y tecnologías de aplicación. Se han revisado las causas que provocan emisión de polvo y las tecnologías disponibles en Chile para la supresión de polvo, además de las metodologías y normativa para evaluar el desempeño de los materiales tratados con diferentes supresores. En algunos casos no es posible comparar propiedades de desempeño, como durabilidad, dosis a aplicar y frecuencia de las aplicaciones, entre otros aspectos. Los procedimientos descritos en la norma NCh3266-2012 permiten evaluar la erosión eólica en depósitos de residuos, sitios eriazos y caminos no pavimentados, entre otros, junto con evaluar el desempeño de diferentes tipos de supresores de polvo a partir de datos objetivos comparables. Esto permite seleccionar el supresor más adecuado, mejorar la eficiencia de los tratamientos, optimizar los costos y mejorar los procesos productivos. Palabras clave: Erosión-eólica, supresor de polvo, residuos-mineros, caminos-no pavimentados. Dust emissions by wind effect from mining deposits or industrial waste and passing vehicles on unpaved roads, is a problem that affects the productive activities; the environment and the health of those who remain in the contaminated area. The social sensitivity and environmental requirements on this issue in Chile have increased, as well as offering different suppressors and application technologies. Have been reviewed the causes of dust emission and technologies available in Chile for dust suppression, plus methodologies and standards for assessing the performance of the treated materials with different suppressors. In some cases it is not possible to compare performance properties such as durability, application dose and frequency of applications, among others aspects. The procedures described in the NCh 3266-2012 standard allows the assessment of wind erosion in waste deposits, vacant lots and unpaved roads, among others, along with evaluating the performance of different types of dust suppressants from comparable objective data. This allows selecting the most suitable suppressor, improve efficiency of treatments, optimize costs and improve production processes. Keywords: Wind-erosion, dust-suppressor, mining-waste, unpavedroads


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Results from 2 years of dust deposition monitoring in a 10-year-old Pinus nigra plantation near Lake Tekapo are presented. They show that recently established plantations significantly enhance dust deposition rates. This could reverse a cycle of soil loss and enhance vertical accretion of soil, which would provide more options for future land use. However, observations indicate that even under such enhanced conditions for soil formation, it would take several thousand years to replace the soil lost to erosion since European farming practices were first introduced to the northern section of the Mackenzie Basin.