998 resultados para White Coat Hypertension
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of white-coat normortension, white-coat hypertension, and white-coat effect. METHODS: We assessed 670 medical records of patients from the League of Hypertension of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo. White-coat hypertension (blood pressure at the medical office: mean of 3 measurements with the oscillometric device ³140 or ³90 mmHg, or both, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring mean during wakefulness < 135/85) and white-coat normotension (office blood pressure < 140/90 and blood pressure during wakefulness on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ³ 135/85) were analyzed in 183 patients taking no medication. The white-coat effect (difference between office and ambulatory blood pressure > 20 mmHg for systolic and 10 mmHg for diastolic) was analyzed in 487 patients on treatment, 374 of whom underwent multivariate analysis to identify the variables that better explain the white-coat effect. RESULTS: Prevalence of white-coat normotension was 12%, prevalence of white-coat hypertension was 20%, and prevalence of the white-coat effect was 27%. A significant correlation (p<0.05) was observed between white-coat hypertension and familial history of hypertension, and between the white-coat effect and sex, severity of the office diastolic blood pressure, and thickness of left ventricular posterior wall. CONCLUSION: White-coat hypertension, white-coat normotension, and white-coat effect should be considered in the diagnosis of hypertension.
Background and Objectives: Few population-based data on the prevalences of masked and white-coat hypertension exist. We collected 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (BP) and urine in a random subset of participants to the population-based CoLaus study. Methods: Clinic BP was measured using an Omron HEM 907 device and ambulatory BP (ABP) using a Diasys Integra device. Masked hypertension (MH) was defined as clinic BP < 140/90mm Hg and 24-hour ABP >¼135/85mmHg. White coat hypertension (WCH) was defined as clinic BP >¼ 140/90mm Hg and ABP <135/85mm Hg. Microalbuminuria was defined as present if urinary albumin excretion was > 20mg/min. Results: The 198 men and 213 women were aged (mean_SD) 56.2_10.7 and 57.2_10.3 years and had mean urinary excretion of 148_65 and 122_52 mmol/24 h for sodium and 70_24 and 5721 mmol/24 h for potassium, respectively. In men and women, the prevalences were 34.9% and 31.0% for clinic hypertension, 42.9% and 32.9% for ambulatory hypertension, 12.6% and 5.6% for MH, and 4.5% and 3.8% for WCH, respectively. The higher prevalence of MH in men was explained, in part, by higher alcohol consumption and smoking. Participants with MH tended to have higher microalbuminuria (13.5% vs 5.8%, P¼0.067). Participants with WCH had no microalbuminuria. Conclusions: In the Lausanne population aged 38 to 78 years, the prevalence of hypertension based on ABP was high, despite moderate dietary salt intake. Men had higher prevalence of MH then women. The prevalence of WCH was low and similar in men and women. MH tended to be associated with early kidney damage.
OBJECTIVE: We investigated factors associated with masked and white-coat hypertension in a Swiss population-based sample. METHODS: The Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension is a family-based cross-sectional study. Office and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure were measured using validated devices. Masked hypertension was defined as office blood pressure<140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure≥135/85 mmHg. White-coat hypertension was defined as office blood pressure≥140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure<135/85 mmHg. Mixed-effect logistic regression was used to examine the relationship of masked and white-coat hypertension with associated factors, while taking familial correlations into account. High-normal office blood pressure was defined as systolic/diastolic blood pressure within the 130-139/85-89 mmHg range. RESULTS: Among the 652 participants included in this analysis, 51% were female. Mean age (±SD) was 48 (±18) years. The proportion of participants with masked and white coat hypertension was respectively 15.8% and 2.6%. Masked hypertension was associated with age (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02, p = 0.012), high-normal office blood pressure (OR = 6.68, p<0.001), and obesity (OR = 3.63, p = 0.001). White-coat hypertension was significantly associated with age (OR = 1.07, p<0.001) but not with education, family history of hypertension, or physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that physicians should consider ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for older individuals with high-normal office blood pressure and/or who are obese.
Un enregistrement de la tension artérielle ambulatoire (couvrant 24 heures) ainsi que plusieurs mesures en cabinet ont permis de classer chaque participant dans 4 catégories : normotension (tension artérielle normale au cabinet et en ambulatoire), hypertension artérielle soutenue (tension artérielle élevée au cabinet et en ambulatoire), hypertension de la blouse blanche (tension artérielle élevée au cabinet mais normale en ambulatoire) et hypertension artérielle masquée (tension artérielle élevée en ambulatoire mais normale au cabinet). Dans la littérature, la prévalence de l'hypertension artérielle masquée varie entre 8% et 48% selon la méthodologie utilisée et la population étudiée. Les personnes présentant une hypertension artérielle masquée ou une hypertension de la blouse blanche pourraient avoir un risque cardiovasculaire plus élevé que des personnes normotendues. Il est utile de déterminer les facteurs cliniques associés à l'hypertension artérielle masquée et à l'hypertension de la blouse blanche afin d'identifier les personnes à risque de développer ces conditions. Peu d'études ont examiné la proportion et les facteurs associés à l'hypertension artérielle masquée et à l'hypertension de la blouse blanche en Suisse, et aucune étude n'a été faite au niveau populationnel. Dans cette étude, nous investiguons les facteurs associés à l'hypertension masquée et à l'hypertension de la blouse blanche dans une étude populationnelle Suisse. Le Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension (SKIPOGH) est une étude familiale transversale. La tension artérielle au cabinet et la tension artérielle ambulatoire sont mesurées par des appareils validés. Dans cette étude, nous avons défini l'hypertension artérielle masquée comme une tension artérielle au cabinet < 140/90 mmHg et une tension ambulatoire (jour) s 135/85 mmHg ; l'hypertension de la blouse blanche comme une tension artérielle au cabinet s 140/90 mmHg et une tension ambulatoire < 135/85 mmHg ; et enfin la tension artérielle à la limite supérieure de la norme au cabinet comme une tension systolique entre 130 et 139 mmHg et/ou une tension artérielle diastolique entre 85 et 89 mmHg lors de la mesure au cabinet. Nous avons utilisé une régression logistique multiple pour examiner la relation entre l'hypertension masquée et l'hypertension de la blouse blanche, d'une part, et les facteurs associés, d'autre part, en prenant en compte les corrélations familiales. Parmi les 652 participants inclus dans cette analyse, 51% sont des femmes. L'âge moyen (± écart type) est de 48 ans (± 18 ans). Les proportions de participants avec une hypertension masquée et une hypertension de la blouse blanche sont de 15.8% et de 2.6% respectivement. L'hypertension masquée est associée à l'âge (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02, p = 0.012), à une tension artérielle au cabinet à la limite supérieure de la norme (OR = 6.68, p, 0.001) et à l'obésité (OR = 3.63, p = 0.001). L'hypertension de la blouse blanche est associée à l'âge (OR = 1.07, p, 0.001) mais pas au niveau d'éducation, à l'anamnése familiale d'hypertension ou à l'activité physique. Nos données suggèrent que les médecins doivent envisager d'effectuer un enregistrement de la tension artérielle ambulatoire chez les personnes âgées avec une tension au cabinet à la limite supérieure de la norme et/ou chez les patients obèses afin de déterminer si ces individus présentent une hypertension artérielle en ambulatoire.
Objective We investigated factors associated with masked and white-coat hypertension in a Swiss population-based sample. Methods The Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension is a family-based cross-sectional study. Office and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure were measured using validated devices. Masked hypertension was defined as office blood pressure<140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure≥135/85 mmHg. White-coat hypertension was defined as office blood pressure≥140/90 mmHg and daytime ambulatory blood pressure<135/85 mmHg. Mixed-effect logistic regression was used to examine the relationship of masked and white-coat hypertension with associated factors, while taking familial correlations into account. High-normal office blood pressure was defined as systolic/diastolic blood pressure within the 130–139/85–89 mmHg range. Results Among the 652 participants included in this analysis, 51% were female. Mean age (±SD) was 48 (±18) years. The proportion of participants with masked and white coat hypertension was respectively 15.8% and 2.6%. Masked hypertension was associated with age (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02, p = 0.012), high-normal office blood pressure (OR = 6.68, p<0.001), and obesity (OR = 3.63, p = 0.001). White-coat hypertension was significantly associated with age (OR = 1.07, p<0.001) but not with education, family history of hypertension, or physical activity. Conclusions Our findings suggest that physicians should consider ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for older individuals with high-normal office blood pressure and/or who are obese.
Objectives: To assess the relation between white coat hypertension and alterations of left ventricular structure and function.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of the environment and the observer on the measurement of blood pressure (BP) as well as to compare home BP (HBP) and ambulatory BP (ABP) measurements in the diagnosis of white coat hypertension (WCH) and masked hypertension (MH) in children and adolescents with hypertension (HT). METHODS BP of 40 patients with HT (75% of which had secondary HT and were on antihypertensive medication), mean age 12.1 years was evaluated through casual measurements at the clinic and at the HT unit, HBP for 14 days with the OMRON HEM 705 CP monitor (Omron, Tokyo, Japan) and ABP performed with SPACELABS 90207 (Spacelabs, Redmond, WA), for 24 h. RESULTS HT was diagnosed at the doctor`s office by ABP and HBP in 30/40, 27/40, and 31/40 patients, respectively. Based on office BP and ABP, 60% of patients were normotensive, 17.5% HT, 7.5% had WCH, and 15% had MH, whereas based on office BP and HBP 65, 12.5, 10, and 12.5% of patients were classified according to these diagnoses, respectively. There was considerable diagnostic agreement of HT by ABP and HBP (McNemar test, P < 0.01) (kappa = 0.56). CONCLUSION In hypertensive children and adolescents, HBP and ABP present comparable results. HBP appears to be a useful diagnostic test for the detection of MH and WCH in pediatric patients.
Adults with ambulatory hypertension or white coat hypertension (WCH) display abnormal cardiovascular rhythms. We studied cardiovascular rhythms by Fourier analysis of 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) measurement profiles in 129 hypertensive children, 54 children with WCH, and 146 age-, height-, and gender-matched healthy subjects. The day/night mean arterial pressure ratio was lower in hypertensive and patients with WCH compared with controls (1.13 versus 1.16 versus 1.21, respectively; p < 0.0001). Eighty-five percent of controls were dippers compared with 74% of WCH (n.s.) and 64% of patients with ambulatory hypertension (p < 0.0001). The prevalence of 24-h rhythms was similar among the groups, but prevalence of 12-h BP rhythms was increased in hypertensive (67%) and WCH (72%) compared with controls (51%, p < 0.0001). The amplitudes of the 24-, 8-, and 6-h BP rhythms were reduced in hypertensive and WCH compared with controls (p < 0.05). Hypertensive and patients with WCH displayed delayed 24-, 12-, 8-, 6-h acrophases in comparison with controls (p < 0.05). In conclusion, hypertensive children exhibit abnormal cardiovascular rhythmicity compared with controls, especially a higher prevalence of nondipping compared with normotensive children. Abnormalities in patients with WCH are intermediate between healthy children and patients with ambulatory hypertension.
In this study, we assessed whether the white-coat effect (difference between office and daytime blood pressure (BP)) is associated with nondipping (absence of BP decrease at night). Data were available in 371 individuals of African descent from 74 families selected from a population-based hypertension register in the Seychelles Islands and in 295 Caucasian individuals randomly selected from a population-based study in Switzerland. We used standard multiple linear regression in the Swiss data and generalized estimating equations to account for familial correlations in the Seychelles data. The prevalence of systolic and diastolic nondipping (<10% nocturnal BP decrease) and white-coat hypertension (WCH) was respectively 51, 46, and 4% in blacks and 33, 37, and 7% in whites. When white coat effect and nocturnal dipping were taken as continuous variables (mm Hg), systolic (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) dipping were associated inversely and independently with white-coat effect (P < 0.05) in both populations. Analogously, the difference between office and daytime heart rate was inversely associated with the difference between daytime and night-time heart rate in the two populations. These results did not change after adjustment for potential confounders. The white-coat effect is associated with BP nondipping. The similar associations between office-daytime values and daytime-night-time values for both BP and heart rate suggest that the sympathetic nervous system might play a role. Our findings also further stress the interest, for clinicians, of assessing the presence of a white-coat effect as a means to further identify patients at increased cardiovascular risk and guide treatment accordingly.
OBJECTIVE: White coat hypertensive is a pre-hypertensive state that has been associated with increased sympathetic drive. The objective of the study was to compare the exposure of the kidney to sympathetic nerve activity using urinary normetanephrine (UNMN) as a marker of renal sympathetic exposure in white coat hypertensive (WCH) and healthy normotensive (HN) participants. DESIGN AND METHOD: This was a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover study. WCH were included if office blood pressure was >140/80 mmHg and ambulatory blood pressure <135/85 mmHg and HN if OBP was <140/90 mmHg and ABP <135/85 mmHg Participants were randomized to receive either 16 mg of candesartan or a matched placebo for one week before study day. On the study day systemic and renal hemodynamics as well as plasma norepinephrine and urinary excretion of normetanephrine (measured by LC/MS-MS were measured after one hour of baseline, one hour of lower body negative pressure and one hour of recovery period. Excretion of UNMN was expressed as the total of UNMN excreted during these three hours (cumUNMN). Paired or unpaired t-test were used for comparison. RESULTS: 25 HN and 12 WCH participants were included in the study. Mean age (±standard deviation), BMI were respectively 31.0±10.5 years and 22.0 ± 2.2 Kg/m2 in HN and 40.7±17.8 years and 26.7 ± 6.3 Kg/m2 in WCH.Table 1 Baseline mean blood pressure, plasma noradrenaline and cumulated UNMN during placebo and candesartan(Figure is included in full-text article.)Mean blood pressure was higher during placebo and candesartan in WCH compared to HN. Cumulated UNMN was higher in both groups after candesartan treatment. Cumulated UNMN was higher in WCH than in HN only after candesartan treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary excretion of normetanephrine is increased in WCH compared to HN when treated with candesartan. The increased excretion of uNMN when the renin angiotensin system is blocked might reflect an increased sensitivity of WCH to stress conditions such as orthostatic stress.
Obstructive sleep apnea and hypertension are common conditions that frequently coexist. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) reduces blood pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and sustained hypertension. However, the impact of CPAP on patients with obstructive sleep apnea and prehypertension and masked hypertension, conditions associated with increased cardiovascular risk, is unknown. Thirty-six male patients (age, 43 +/- 7 years; body mass index, 28.8 +/- 3.0 kg/m(2)) with untreated severe obstructive sleep apnea (apnea-hypopnea index, 56 +/- 22 events/hr on polysomnography) with diagnostic criteria for prehypertension and/or masked hypertension, based on office and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, respectively, were studied. The patients randomized to no treatment (control; n=18) or CPAP (n=18) for 3 months had similar frequency of prehypertension and masked hypertension at study entry. There were no significant changes in blood pressure in patients randomized to the control group. In contrast, patients randomized to CPAP presented significant reduction in office systolic (from 126 +/- 5 to 121 +/- 7 mm Hg; P=0.001) and a trend for diastolic blood pressure (from 75 +/- 7 to 73 +/- 8 mm Hg; P=0.08) as well as a significant decrease in daytime and nighttime systolic and diastolic blood pressure (P < 0.05 for each comparison). There was a significant reduction in the frequency of prehypertension (from 94% to 55%; P=0.02) and masked hypertension (from 39% to 5%; P=0.04) only in the CPAP group. In conclusion, effective CPAP therapy promotes significant reduction in the frequency of prehypertension and masked hypertension by promoting significant blood pressure reductions in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea. (Hypertension. 2011;57[part 2]:549-555.)
Treatment-resistant hypertension is still common despite the availability of several types of antihypertensive agents acting by different mechanisms. The existence of refractory hypertension should lead to rule out "white-coat hypertension", poor adherence to prescribed drugs as well as classical causes of secondary hypertension such as renal artery stenosis, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and renal disease. It is also important to consider the possible existence of obstructive sleep apnea or the regular intake of vasopressive drugs or substances.
Treatment-resistant hypertension is still common despite the availability of several types of antihypertensive agents acting by different mechanisms. The existence of refractory hypertension should lead to rule out "white-coat hypertension", poor adherence to prescribed drugs as well as classical causes of secondary hypertension such as renal artery stenosis, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and renal disease. It is also important to consider the possible existence of obstructive sleep apnea or the regular intake of vasopressive drugs or substances.