856 resultados para White Clover


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A major challenge faced by today's white clover breeder is how to manage resources within a breeding program. It is essential to utilise these resources with sufficient flexibility to build on past progress from conventional breeding strategies, but also take advantage of emerging opportunities from molecular breeding tools such as molecular markers and transformation. It is timely to review white clover breeding strategies. This background can then be used as a foundation for considering how to continue conventional plant improvement activities and complement them with molecular breeding opportunities. In this review, conventional white clover breeding strategies relevant to the Australian dryland target population environments are considered. Attention is given to: (i) availability of genetic variation, (ii) characterisation of germplasm collections, (iii) quantitative models for estimation of heritability, (iv) the role of multi-environment trials to accommodate genotype-by-environment interactions, (v) interdisciplinary research to understand adaptation to dryland environments, (vi) breeding and selection strategies, and (vii) cultivar structure. Current achievements in biotechnology with specific reference to white clover breeding in Australia are considered, and computer modelling of breeding programs is discussed as a useful integrative tool for the joint evaluation of conventional and molecular breeding strategies and optimisation of resource use in breeding programs. Four areas are identified as future research priorities: (i) capturing the potential genetic diversity among introduced accessions and ecotypes that are adapted to key constraints such as summer moisture stress and the use of molecular markers to assess the genetic diversity, (ii) understanding the underlying physiological/morphological root and shoot mechanisms involved in water use efficiency of white clover, with the objective of identifying appropriate selection criteria, (iii) estimation of quantitative genetic parameters of important morphological/physiological attributes to enable prediction of response to selection in target environments, and (iv) modelling white clover breeding strategies to evaluate the opportunities for integration of molecular breeding strategies with conventional breeding programs.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of pasture composition and regrowth age on the relationship between feeding behavior and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass with or without white clover. The experiment was carried out in a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with two sward types and two ages of regrowth. Swards of perennial ryegrass sown alone (PRG) and of perennial ryegrass mixed with white clover (GC) were evaluated. Twelve late-lactation Holstein cows, fistulated at the rumen, were distributed in a 4x4 latin square experimental design with four 12-day periods. Daily distribution of grazing was similar in the PRG and the GC swards, but the concentration of rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA) was higher and the proportion of propionate was lower on mixed swards during the day. Daily distribution of grazing was similar in pastures of different ages. However, in the oldest swards, rumen fluid pH increased and VFA concentration decreased after evening milking. Time spent grazing does not influence ruminal fermentation, which depends on the changes that occur as different sward layers are grazed.


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ABSTRACTWhite clover is tolerant to many herbicides, making difficult a chemical control of this species during soybean crop establishments. The objective of this research was to select herbicides applied postemergence to control white clover in soybean and know the effects of this control on soybean yield. Seven herbicides were assessed, applied postemergence, with or without sequential application of glyphosate, and two control treatments (no control and total control of white clover). Glyphosate (with two sequential applications), fomesafen (with a sequential application of glyphosate), chlorimuron-ethyl and lactofen have shown a satisfactory control of white clover (above 80%). The lower control efficiency has resulted in lower production of soybeans.


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White clover (Trifolium repens) is an important pasture legume but is often difficult to sustain in a mixed sward because, among other things, of the damage to roots caused by the soil-dwelling larval stages of S. lepidus. Locating the root nodules on the white clover roots is crucial for the survival of the newly hatched larvae. This paper presents a numerical model to simulate the movement of newly hatched S. lepidus larvae towards the root nodules, guided by a chemical signal released by the nodules. The model is based on the diffusion-chemotaxis equation. Experimental observations showed that the average speed of the larvae remained approximately constant, so the diffusion-chernotaxis model was modified so that the larvae respond only to the gradient direction of the chemical signal but not its magnitude. An individual-based lattice Boltzmann method was used to simulate the movement of individual larvae, and the parameters required for the model were estimated from the measurement of larval movement towards nodules in soil scanned using X-ray microtomography. The model was used to investigate the effects of nodule density, the rate of release of chemical signal, the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal, and the random foraging of the larvae on the movement and subsequent survival of the larvae. The simulations showed that the most significant factors for larval survival were nodule density and the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal. The dependence of larval survival rate on nodule density was well fitted by the Michealis-Menten kinetics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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An understanding of the primary pathways of plant uptake of organic pollutants is important to enable the risks from crops grown on contaminated soils to be assessed. A series of experiments were undertaken to quantify the importance of the pathways of contamination and the Subsequent transport within the plant using white clover plants grown in solution culture. Root uptake was primarily an absorption process, but a component of the contamination was a result of the transpiration flux to the shoot for higher Solubility compounds. The root contamination can be easily predicted using a simple relationship with K-OW, although if a composition model was used based on lipid content, a significant under prediction of the contamination was observed. Shoot uptake was driven by the transpiration stream flux which was related to the solubility of the individual PAH rather than the K-OW. However, the experiment was over a short duration, 6 days, and models based on K-OW may be better for crops grown in the field where the vegetation will approach equilibrium and transpiration cannot easily be measured, A significant fraction of the shoot contamination resulted from aerial deposition derived from volatilized PAH. This pathway was more significant for compounds approaching log K-OA > 9 and log K-AW < -3. The shoot uptake pathways need further investigation to enable them to be modeled separately, There was no evidence of significant systemic transport of the PAR so transfer outside the transpiration stream is likely to be limited.


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White clover (Trifolium repens) is an important pasture legume but is often difficult to sustain in a mixed sward because, among other things, of the damage to roots caused by the soil-dwelling larval stages of S. lepidus. Locating the root nodules on the white clover roots is crucial for the survival of the newly hatched larvae. This paper presents a numerical model to simulate the movement of newly hatched S. lepidus larvae towards the root nodules, guided by a chemical signal released by the nodules. The model is based on the diffusion-chemotaxis equation. Experimental observations showed that the average speed of the larvae remained approximately constant, so the diffusion-chernotaxis model was modified so that the larvae respond only to the gradient direction of the chemical signal but not its magnitude. An individual-based lattice Boltzmann method was used to simulate the movement of individual larvae, and the parameters required for the model were estimated from the measurement of larval movement towards nodules in soil scanned using X-ray microtomography. The model was used to investigate the effects of nodule density, the rate of release of chemical signal, the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal, and the random foraging of the larvae on the movement and subsequent survival of the larvae. The simulations showed that the most significant factors for larval survival were nodule density and the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal. The dependence of larval survival rate on nodule density was well fitted by the Michealis-Menten kinetics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Two experiments were conducted with 30 dairy cows each, to study the preference for fresh (Experiment 1) and ensiled (Experiment 2) ryegrass, white and red clover. Both experiments consisted of three choice diets with white or red clover or both, offered with ryegrass, and two diets with ryegrass mixed with white or red clover (40% clover). Cows consumed diets with 37.7% fresh white and 45.9% red clover, and no preference was observed when the cows were offered all three forages. By contrast, cows preferred white and red clover silage (73.0 and 69.2%, respectively) over ryegrass silage (of lower nutritive quality). When offered three forages, cows preferred white (59.8%) over red clover (17.5%) and ryegrass (22.7%). Choice diets resulted in diets similar (fresh forages) or higher in nutrient content and digestibility (silages). Treatments did not affect feed intake and performance. Choices compared to mixed diets with red clover silage were preferable regarding the fatty acid composition of the milk fat. Obviously, only large differences in nutrient and energy concentration facilitate preferences for clovers over ryegrass, which could, depending on clover type, be beneficial in terms of the milk's fatty acid composition.


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Red (Trifolium pratense L., cv. “Start”) and white clover varieties (Trifolium repens L., cv. “Debut” and cv. “Haifa”) were waterlogged for 14 days and subsequently recovered for the period of 21 days. Physiological and biochemical responses of the clover varieties were distinctive, which suggested different sensitivity toward flooding. The comparative study of morphological and biochemical parameters such as stem length, leaflet area, dry weight, protein content, protein pattern and proteolytic degradation revealed prominent changes under waterlogging conditions. Protease activity in the stressed plants increased significantly, especially in red clover cv. “Start”, which exhibited eightfold higher azocaseinolytic activity compared to the control. Changes in the protein profiles were detected by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The specific response of some proteins (Rubisco, Rubisco-binding protein, Rubisco activase, ClpA and ClpP protease subunits) toward the applied stress was assessed by immunoblotting. The results characterized the red clover cultivar “Start” as the most sensitive toward waterlogging, expressing reduced levels of Rubisco large and small subunits, high content of ClpP protease subunits and increased activity of protease isoforms.


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Cold acclimation is important for crop survival in environments undergoing seasonal low temperatures. It involves the induction of defensive mechanisms including the accumulation of different cryoprotective molecules among which are dehydrins (DHN). Recently several sequences coding for dehydrins were identified in white clover (Trifolium repens). This work aimed to select the most responsive to cold stress DHN analogues in search for cold stress diagnostic markers. The assessment of dehydrin transcript accumulation via RT-PCR and immunodetection performed with three antibodies against the conserved K-, Y-, and S-segment allowed to outline different dehydrin types presented in the tested samples. Both analyses confirmed that YnKn dehydrins were underrepresented in the controls but exposure to low temperature specifically induced their accumulation. Strong immunosignals corresponding to 37–40 kDa with antibodies against Y- and K-segment were revealed in cold-stressed leaves. Another ‘cold-specific’ band at position 52–55 kDa was documented on membranes probed with antibodies against K-segment. Real time RT-qPCR confirmed that low temperatures induced the accumulation of SKn and YnSKn transcripts in leaves and reduced their expression in roots. Results suggest that a YnKn dehydrin transcript with GenBank ID: KC247805 and the immunosignal at 37–40 kDa, obtained with antibodies against Y- and K-segment are reliable markers for cold stress in white clover. The assessment of SKn (GenBank ID: EU846208) and YnSKn (GenBank ID: KC247804) transcript levels in leaves could serve as additional diagnostic tools.


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A monogenic dominant mutant of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), designated Mortal, which is defective in the formation of adventitious nodal roots, is described. Mortal plants grown at temperatures ranging from 10 to 25°C do not initiate nodal root primordium development. However, all other aspects of plant development are normal, including the formation of lateral roots and wound-induced adventitious roots. In some genetic backgrounds, the Mortal mutation has a temperature-sensitive conditional phenotype. Mortal plants shifted from growing conditions of 20 to 30°C for 2 to 3 d form nodal root meristems. However, new nodes that develop after plants are returned to 20°C exhibit the mutant phenotype. The capacity to form nodal roots on cuttings placed in water is also influenced by the genetic background of the Mortal mutation. Genetic analysis established that the physiological reversion of Mortal to nodal root formation is controlled by at least two separate dominant genetic loci, one for Nodal water response (Now) and one for Nodal temperature response (Not); the Now locus has a dominant epistatic interaction with the Not locus. The conditional nature of Mortal should provide opportunities for the identification of genetic and physiological mechanisms that influence the development of nodal roots.


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This study investigated the ability of neonatal larvae of the root-feeding weevil, Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal, to locate white clover Trifolium repens L. (Fabaceae) roots growing in soil and to distinguish them from the roots of other species of clover and a co-occurring grass species. Choice experiments used a combination of invasive techniques and the novel technique of high resolution X-ray microtomography to non-invasively track larval movement in the soil towards plant roots. Burrowing distances towards roots of different plant species were also examined. Newly hatched S. lepidus recognized T. repens roots and moved preferentially towards them when given a choice of roots of subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum L. (Fabaceae), strawberry clover Trifolium fragiferum L. (Fabaceae), or perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. (Poaceae). Larvae recognized T. repens roots, whether released in groups of five or singly, when released 25 mm (meso-scale recognition) or 60 mm (macro-scale recognition) away from plant roots. There was no statistically significant difference in movement rates of larvae.


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The respiratory emission of CO2 from roots is frequently proposed as an attractant that allows soil-dwelling insects to locate host plant roots, but this role has recently become less certain. CO2 is emitted from many sources other than roots, so does not necessarily indicate the presence of host plants, and because of the high density of roots in the upper soil layers, spatial gradients may not always be perceptible by soil-dwelling insects. The role of CO2 in host location was investigated using the clover root weevil Sitona lepidus Gyllenhall and its host plant white clover (Trifolium repens L.) as a model system. Rhizochamber experiments showed that CO2 concentrations were approximately 1000 ppm around the roots of white clover, but significantly decreased with increasing distance from roots. In behavioural experiments, no evidence was found for any attraction by S. lepidus larvae to point emissions of CO2, regardless of emission rates. Fewer than 15% of larvae were attracted to point emissions of CO2, compared with a control response of 17%. However, fractal analysis of movement paths in constant CO2 concentrations demonstrated that searching by S. lepidus larvae significantly intensified when they experienced CO2 concentrations similar to those found around the roots of white clover (i.e. 1000 ppm). It is suggested that respiratory emissions of CO2 may act as a 'search trigger' for S. lepidus, whereby it induces larvae to search a smaller area more intensively, in order to detect location cues that are more specific to their host plant.