845 resultados para Weight loss--Psychological aspects.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between physical activity and healthy eating behaviour with the participant's motives and goals for each health behaviour. Methods: Participants (N 121; 93.2% female) enrolled in commercial weightloss programs at the time of data collection, completed self-reported instruments using a web-based interface that were in accordance with Deci and Ryan's (2002) Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Results: Multiple linear regression models revealed that motivation and goals collectively accounted for between 0.21 to 0.29 percent and 0.03 to 0.16 percent of the variance in physical and healthy eating behaviours in this sample. In general, goals regarding either behaviour did not appear to have strong predictive relationships with each health behaviour beyond the contributions of motives. Discussion: Overall, findings from this study suggest that motives seem to mattermore than goals for both physical activity and healthy eating behaviour in clientele of commercial weight-loss programs. Therefore commercial weight-loss program implementers may want to consider placing more attention on motives I than goals for their clientele when designing weight-loss and weight-maintenance initiatives.


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Abstract Background The present article briefly reviews the weight loss processes in combat sports. We aimed to discuss the most relevant aspects of rapid weight loss (RWL) in combat sports. Methods This review was performed in the databases MedLine, Lilacs, PubMed and SciELO, and organized into sub-topics: (1) prevalence, magnitude and procedures, (2) psychological, physiological and performance effects, (3) possible strategies to avoid decreased performance (4) organizational strategies to avoid such practices. Results There was a high prevalence (50%) of RWL, regardless the specific combat discipline. Methods used are harmful to performance and health, such as laxatives, diuretics, use of plastic or rubber suits, and sauna. RWL affects physical and cognitive capacities, and may increase the risk of death. Conclusion Recommendations during different training phases, educational and organizational approaches are presented to deal with or to avoid RWL.


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Objective. The aim of this study is to analyse associations between eating behaviour and psychological dysfunctions in treatment-seeking obese patients and identify parameters for the development of diagnostic tools with regard to eating and psychological disorders. Design and Methods. Cross-sectional data were analysed from 138 obese women. Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh and Eating Disorder Inventory-2 assessed eating behaviours. Beck Depression Inventory II, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, form Y, Rathus Assertiveness Schedule, and Marks and Mathews Fear Questionnaire assessed psychological profile. Results. 61% of patients showed moderate or major depressive symptoms and 77% showed symptoms of anxiety. Half of the participants presented with a low degree of assertiveness. No correlation was found between psychological profile and age or anthropometric measurements. The prevalence and severity of depression, anxiety, and assertiveness increased with the degree of eating disorders. The feeling of ineffectiveness explained a large degree of score variance. It explained 30 to 50% of the variability of assertiveness, phobias, anxiety, and depression. Conclusion. Psychological dysfunctions had a high prevalence and their severity is correlated with degree of eating disorders. The feeling of ineffectiveness constitutes the major predictor of the psychological profile and could open new ways to develop screening tools.


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The carcass fast freezing is one of the aspects of great prominence to the final quality of pork. In order to reduce weight loss, two experiments were performed, in which the carcasses were monitored during 20 hours to evaluate the main variables involved during two different freezing processes (standard and proposed) as follows: microbiological quality, storage temperature, relative humidity (RH) and air velocity. In experiment I, the carcasses were submitted to a system using heat shock (2 hours in static tunnel at - 25 °C) and subsequently sent to the equalization chamber. In experiment II, the carcasses were submitted to the heat shock and stored in a chamber with RH between 80-85%. The chambers used in both experiments showed no change in the variables studied (internal temperature of 5 °C and air velocity of approximately 0.3 m/s). However, the relative humidity in the three chambers was evaluated and significant differences were found; as a consequence, high levels of weight loss were observed in both chambers In experiment II there was an increase of RH, which reduced the weight loss of the carcasses.


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Orlistat is an effective weight-loss medicine, which will soon be available for purchase in pharmacies. We used a factorial experiment and found that informing people about the availability for purchase of this medicinal product previously only available on prescription resulted in higher ratings of perceived value and effectiveness compared to a natural health supplement even though we used the same statement about effectiveness. This positive perception of orlistat was not impaired by the provision of side-effect information. Orlistat will soon be available in pharmacies. Health professionals must act to prevent its misuse by those not overweight.


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Introducción. La obesidad puede definirse como una enfermedad metabólica crónica de origen multifactorial, lo que provoca trastornos o problemas físicos y psicológicos a la persona, con patologías asociadas que limitan la esperanza de vida y deterioran la calidad de la misma, siendo determinante para sus áreas sociales y laborales. Este trastorno metabólico crónico se caracteriza por una acumulación excesiva de energía en el cuerpo en forma de grasa, lo que lleva a un aumento de peso con respecto al valor esperado por sexo, edad y altura. La gestión y el tratamiento de la obesidad tienen objetivos más amplios que la pérdida de peso e incluyen la reducción del riesgo y la mejora de la salud. Estos pueden ser alcanzados por la pérdida modesta de peso (es decir, 10.5% del peso corporal inicial), la mejora del contenido nutricional de la dieta y un modesto incremento en la actividad física y condición física. La dieta es uno de los métodos más populares para perder peso corporal. El ejercicio es otra alternativa para perder peso corporal. El aumento de ejercicio provoca un desequilibrio cuando se mantiene la ingesta calórica. También tiene ventajas, como la mejora del tono muscular, la capacidad cardiovascular, fuerza y flexibilidad, aumenta el metabolismo basal y mejora el sistema inmunológico. Objetivos. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir en un estudio de intervención para aclarar la evolución del peso corporal durante una intervención de dieta y ejercicio. Para ello, se evaluaron los efectos de la edad, sexo, índice de masa corporal inicial y el tipo de tratamiento en las tendencias de pérdida de peso. Otro objetivo de la tesis era crear un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple capaz de predecir la pérdida de peso corporal después del periodo de intervención. Y, por último, determinar el efecto sobre la composición corporal (peso corporal, índice de masa corporal, la masa grasa, y la masa libre de grasa) de las diferentes intervenciones basadas en ejercicios (fuerza, resistencia, resistencia combinada con fuerza, y las recomendaciones de actividad física (grupo control)) en combinación con dieta de adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad, después de la intervención, así como los cambios de la composición corporal 3 años más tarde. Diseño de la investigación. Los datos empleados en el análisis de esta tesis son parte del proyecto “Programas de Nutrición y Actividad Física para el tratamiento de la obesidad” (PRONAF). El proyecto PRONAF es un estudio clínico sobre programas de nutrición y actividad física para el sobrepeso y la obesidad, desarrollado en España durante varios años de intervención. Fue diseñado, en parte, para comparar diferentes tipos de intervención, con el objetivo de evaluar su impacto en las dinámicas de pérdida de peso, en personas con sobrepeso y obesidad. Como diseño experimental, el estudio se basó en una restricción calórica, a la que, en algunos casos, se le añadió un protocolo de entrenamiento (fuerza, resistencia, o combinado, en igualdad de volumen e intensidad). Las principales variables para la investigación que comprende esta tesis fueron: el peso corporal y la composición corporal (masa grasa y masa libre de grasa). Conclusiones. En esta tesis, para los programas de pérdida de peso en personas con sobrepeso y obesidad con un 25-30% de la restricción calórica, el peso corporal se redujo significativamente en ambos sexos, sin tener en cuenta la edad y el tipo de tratamiento seguido. Según los resultados del estudio, la pérdida de peso realizada por un individuo (hombre o mujer) durante los seis meses puede ser representada por cualquiera de las cinco funciones (lineal, potencial, exponencial, logarítmica y cuadrática) en ambos sexos, siendo la cuadrática la que tiende a representarlo mejor. Además, se puede concluir que la pérdida de peso corporal se ve afectada por el índice de masa corporal inicial y el sexo, siendo mayor para las personas obesas que para las de sobrepeso, que muestran diferencias entre sexos sólo en la condición de sobrepeso. Además, es posible calcular el peso corporal final de cualquier participante involucrado en una intervención utilizando la metodología del proyecto PRONAF sólo conociendo sus variables iniciales de composición corporal. Además, los cuatro tipos de tratamientos tuvieron resultados similares en cambios en la composición corporal al final del período de intervención, con la única excepción de la masa libre de grasa, siendo los grupos de entrenamiento los que la mantuvieron durante la restricción calórica. Por otro lado, sólo el grupo combinado logra mantener la reducción de la masa grasa (%) 3 años después del final de la intervención. ABSTRACT Introduction. Obesity can be defined as a chronic metabolic disease from a multifactorial origin, which leads to physical and psychological impacts to the person, with associated pathologies that limit the life expectancy and deteriorate the quality of it, being determinant for the social and labor areas of the person. This chronic metabolic disorder is characterized by an excessive accumulation of energy in the body as fat, leading to increased weight relative to the value expected by sex, age and height. The management and treatment of obesity have wider objectives than weight loss alone and include risk reduction and health improvement. These may be achieved by modest weight loss (i.e. 5–10% of initial body weight), improved nutritional content of the diet and modest increases in physical activity and fitness. Weight loss through diet is one of the most popular approaches to lose body weight. Exercise is another alternative to lose body weight. The increase of exercise causes an imbalance when the caloric intake is maintained. It also has advantages such as improved muscle tone, cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility, increases the basal metabolism and improves immune system. Objectives. The aim of this thesis is to contribute with an interventional study to clarify the evolution of the body weight during a diet and exercise intervention. For this, the effects of age, sex, initial body mass index and type of treatment on weight loss tendencies were evaluated. Another objective of the thesis was to create a multiple linear regression model able to predict the body weight loss after the intervention period. And, finally, to determine the effect upon body composition (body weight, body mass index, fat mass, and fat-free mass of different exercise-based interventions (strength, endurance, combined endurance and strength, and physical activity recommendations group (control group)) combined with diet in overweight and obese adults, after intervention as well as body composition changes 3 years later. Research Design. The data used in the analysis of this thesis are part of the project "Programs of Nutrition and Physical Activity for the treatment of obesity" (PRONAF). The PRONAF project is a clinical trial program about nutrition and physical activity for overweight and obesity, developed in Spain for several years of intervention. It was designed, in part, to compare different types of intervention, in order to assess their impact on the dynamics of weight loss in overweight and obese people. As experimental design, the study was based on caloric restriction, which, in some cases, added a training protocol (strength, endurance, or combined in equal volume and intensity). The main research variables comprising this thesis were: body weight and body composition outcomes (fat mass and fat-free mass). Conclusions. In this thesis, for weight loss programs in overweight and obese people with 25-30% of caloric restriction, the body weight was significantly decreased in both sexes, regardless the age and type of followed treatment. According to the results of the study, the weight loss performed by an individual (male or female) during six months can be represented by any of the five functions (linear, power law, exponential, logarithmic and quadratic) in both sexes, being the quadratic one which tends to represent it better. In addition, it can be concluded that the body weight loss is affected by the initial body mass index and sex condition, being greater for the obese people than for the overweight one, showing differences between sexes only in the overweight condition. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the final body weight of any participant engaged in an intervention using the PRONAF Project methodology only knowing their initial body composition variables. Furthermore, the four types of treatments had similar results on body composition changes at the end of the intervention period, with the only exception of fat-free mass, being the training groups the ones that maintained it during the caloric restriction. On the other hand, only the combined group achieved to maintain the fat mass (%) reduced 3 years after the end of the intervention.


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The early stages of dieting to lose weight have been associated with neuro-psychological impairments. Previous work has not elucidated whether these impairments are a function solely of unsupported or supported dieting. Raised cortico-steroid levels have been implicated as a possible causal mechanism. Healthy, overweight, pre-menopausal women were randomised to one of three conditions in which they dieted either as part of a commercially available weight loss group, dieted without any group support or acted as non-dieting controls for 8 weeks. Testing occurred at baseline and at 1, 4 and 8 weeks post baseline. During each session, participants completed measures of simple reaction time, motor speed, vigilance, immediate verbal recall, visuo-spatial processing and (at Week 1 only) executive function. Cortisol levels were gathered at the beginning and 30 min into each test session, via saliva samples. Also, food intake was self-recorded prior to each session and fasting body weight and percentage body fat were measured at each session. Participants in the unsupported diet condition displayed poorer vigilance performance (p=0.001) and impaired executive planning function (p=0.013) (along with a marginally significant trend for poorer visual recall (p=0.089)) after 1 week of dieting. No such impairments were observed in the other two groups. In addition, the unsupported dieters experienced a significant rise in salivary cortisol levels after 1 week of dieting (p<0.001). Both dieting groups lost roughly the same amount of body mass (p=0.011) over the course of the 8 weeks of dieting, although only the unsupported dieters experienced a significant drop in percentage body fat over the course of dieting (p=0.016). The precise causal nature of the relationship between stress, cortisol, unsupported dieting and cognitive function is, however, uncertain and should be the focus of further research. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Weight loss failure is a widely recognized occurrence following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This study aims to identify predictors associated with weight loss failure. It is a retrospective cohort which enrolled 187 subjects who underwent RYGB. Comparisons were made between patients' features at baseline and 24 months after surgery. A weight loss failure rate of 11.2% was found. Advanced age and diabetes were statistically associated with failure. The results found were close to previous reports. As weight loss failure represents an important concern, there is the possibility to perform revisional surgeries, which may emphasize the restrictive or malabsorptive characteristics of RYGB, leading to varied results. It is reinforced that weight loss cannot be used as the unique outcome to evaluate the success of surgery.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that in obese children: 1) Ventilatory efficiency (VentE) is decreased during graded exercise; and 2) Weight loss through diet alone (D) improves VentE, and 3) diet associated with exercise training (DET) leads to greater improvement in VentE than by D. Thirty-eight obese children (10 +/- 0.2 years; BMI > 95(th) percentile) were randomly divided into two Study groups: D (n=17; BMI = 30 +/- 1 kg/m(2)) and DET (n = 21; 28 +/- 1 kg/m(2)). Ten lean children were included in a control group (10 +/- 0.3 years; 17 +/- 0.5 kg/m(2)). All children performed maximal treadmill testing with respiratory gas analysis (breath-by-breath) to determine the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT) and peak oxygen consumption (VO(2) peak). VentE was determined by the VE/VCO(2) method at VAT. Obese children showed lower VO(2) peak and lower VentE than controls (p < 0.05). After interventions, all obese children reduced body weight (p < 0.05). D group did not improve in terms of VO(2) peak or VentE (p > 0.05). In contrast, the DET group showed increased VO(2) peak (p = 0.01) and improved VentE(Delta VE/VCO(2) = -6.1 +/- 0.9; p = 0.01). VentE is decreased in obese children, where weight loss by means of DET, but not D alone, improves VentE and cardiorespiratory fitness during graded exercise.


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ARTIOLI, G. G., B. GUALANO, E. FRANCHINI, F. B. SCAGLIUSI, M. TAKESIAN, M. FUCHS, and A. H. LANCHA. Prevalence, Magnitude, and Methods of Rapid Weight Loss among Judo Competitors. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 436-442, 2010. Purpose: To identify the prevalence, magnitude, and methods of rapid weight loss among judo competitors. Methods: Athletes (607 males and 215 females; age = 19.3 +/- 5.3 yr, weight = 70 +/- 7.5 kg, height = 170.6 +/- 9.8 cm) completed a previously validated questionnaire developed to evaluate rapid weight loss in judo athletes, which provides a score. The higher the score obtained, the more aggressive the weight loss behaviors. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and frequency analyses. Mean scores obtained in the questionnaire were used to compare specific groups of athletes using, when appropriate, Mann-Whitney U-test or general linear model one-way ANOVA followed by Tamhane post hoc test. Results: Eighty-six percent of athletes reported that have already lost weight to compete. When heavyweights are excluded, this percentage rises to 89%. Most athletes reported reductions of up to 5% of body weight (mean +/- SD: 2.5 +/- 2.3%). The most weight ever lost was 2%-5%, whereas a great part of athletes reported reductions of 5%-10% (mean +/- SD: 6 +/- 4%). The number of reductions underwent in a season was 3 +/- 5. The reductions usually occurred within 7 +/- 7 d. Athletes began cutting weight at 12.6 +/- 6.1 yr. No significant differences were found in the score obtained by male versus female athletes as well as by athletes from different weight classes. Elite athletes scored significantly higher in the questionnaire than nonelite. Athletes who began cutting weight earlier also scored higher than those who began later. Conclusions: Rapid weight loss is highly prevalent in judo competitors. The level of aggressiveness in weight management behaviors seems to not be influenced by the gender or by the weight class, but it seems to be influenced by competitive level and by the age at which athletes began cutting weight.


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In this study, we investigated the effects of rapid weight loss followed by a 4-h recovery on judo-related performance. Seven weight-cycler athletes were assigned to a weight loss group (5% body weight reduction by self-selected regime) and seven non-weight-cyclers to a control group (no weight reduction). Body composition, performance, glucose, and lactate were assessed before and after weight reduction (5-7 days apart; control group kept weight stable). The weight loss group had 4 h to re-feed and rehydrate after the weigh-in. Food intake was recorded during the weight loss period and recovery after the weigh-in. Performance was evaluated through a specific judo exercise, followed by a 5-min judo combat and by three bouts of the Wingate test. Both groups significantly improved performance after the weight loss period. No interaction effects were observed. The energy and macronutrient intake of the weight loss group were significantly lower than for the control group. The weight loss group consumed large amounts of food and carbohydrate during the 4-h recovery period. No changes were observed in lactate concentration, but a significant decrease in glucose during rest was observed in the weight loss group. In conclusion, rapid weight loss did not affect judo-related performance in experienced weight-cyclers when the athletes had 4 h to recover. These results should not be extrapolated to inexperienced weight-cyclers.


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OBJECTIVES: (?) To determine the relationship between waist circumference and body weight in overweight men both before and after participation in a weight loss program; and (2) to make recommendations for the appropriate use of these measures at various stages of weight toss. DESIGN: Weight and waist circumference measures were taken in two diverse groups of men both before and 1-2y after commencing a men's 'waist loss' program. Regression analyses were used to assess the relationship between weight and waist measures. SUBJECTS: One group of 42 retired Caucasian men from New South Wales, and one group of 45 indigenous men from the Torres Strait region of Northern Australia. RESULTS: There were differences in the relationships of weight and waist circumference before the program and change in weight and change in waist circumference after weight loss. These differences were similar in both groups of men (indigenous men and retired Caucasian men), with a 1 cm waist loss being on average equivalent to about 3/4 kg, but with wide variability, suggesting inter-individual variation in fat losses from different depots. This variation suggests that neither weight nor waist alone is a sufficient measure of fat loss for men. CONCLUSIONS: Weight and waist circumference should both be used at various stages in the clinical situation to assess change in body fat in men involved in obesity reduction.


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To determine the duration of lactation which is associated with weight loss in rural Bangladeshi mothers and also to determine the relationship with consumption patterns of principal food items, a cross-sectional study was carried out among 791 lactating rural Bangladeshi mothers aged 18-40 years. Results were compared with 333 non-pregnant and non-lactating mothers of a similar age group. The duration of lactation was up to 60 months. The mean difference in body-weight and body mass index (BMI) of lactating mothers who breastfed their children up to 24 months was significantly lower compared to non-lactating mothers of the same age group, but no differences were observed for those who breastfed beyond 24 months. The frequency of consumption of principal food items was comparable between the non-lactating and the lactating mothers who breastfed beyond 24 months. Results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that body-weight of mothers was negatively correlated with 1-12 month(s) and 13-24 months of lactation after controlling for height, education, and food consumption (slope -1.04, p < 0.05 and slope -1.23, p < 0.05 respectively). Height and consumption of meat and milk were significantly positively correlated with body-weight (slope 0.53, p < 0.001; slope 1.44, p < 0.001; and slope 0.75, p < 0.05 respectively). The study concluded that Bangladeshi women who breastfed up to 24 months were of lower weight than non-lactating mothers, most likely due to the effect of lactation. These mothers were not taking any additional foods during their lactating period. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that mothers consume additional energy-rich foods during the first 24 months of lactation to prevent weight loss.


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Context: Genetic polymorphisms at the perilipin (PLIN) locus have been investigated for their potential utility as markers for obesity and metabolic syndrome (MS). We examined in obese children and adolescents (OCA) aged 7-14 yr the association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) at the PLIN locus with anthropometric, metabolic traits, and weight loss after 20-wk multi-disciplinary behavioral and nutritional treatment without medication. Design: A total of 234 OCA [body mass index (BMI = 30.4 +/- 4.4 kg/m(2); BMI Z-score = 2.31 +/- 0.4) were evaluated at baseline and after intervention. We genotyped four SNPs (PLIN1 6209T -> C, PLIN4 11482G -> A, PLIN5 13041A -> G, and PLIN6 14995A -> T). Results: Allele frequencies were similar to other populations, PLIN1 and PLIN4 were in linkage disequilibrium (D` = 0.999; P < 0.001). At baseline, no anthropometric differences were observed, but minor allele A at PLIN4 was associated with higher triglycerides (111 +/- 49 vs. 94 +/- 42 mg/dl; P = 0.003), lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (40 +/- 9 vs. 44 +/- 10 mg/dl; P = 0.003) and higher homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (4.0 +/- 2.3 vs. 3.5 +/- 2.1; P +/- 0.015). Minor allele A at PLIN4 was associated with MS risk (age and sex adjusted) hazard ratio 2.4 (95% confidence interval = 1.1-4.9) for genotype GA and 3.5 (95% confidence interval = 1.2-9.9) for AA. After intervention, subjects carrying minor allele T at PLIN6 had increased weight loss (3.3 +/- 3.7 vs. 1.9 +/- 3.4 kg; P = 0.002) and increased loss of the BMI Z-score (0.23 +/- 0.18 vs. 0.18 +/- 0.15; P +/- 0.003). Due to group size, risk of by-chance findings cannot be excluded. Conclusion: The minor A allele at PLIN4 was associated with higher risk of MS at baseline, whereas the PLIN6 SNP was associated with better weight loss, suggesting that these polymorphisms may predict outcome strategies based on multidisciplinary treatment for OCA. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93: 4933-4940, 2008)