920 resultados para Web-actor theory
Este trabalho busca compor um quadro das práticas cotidianas de jovens frequentadores das oficinas de jazz oferecidas pelo Centro Cultural Cartola (CCC). Contextualizado dentro de um universo tradicionalmente conhecido por sua origem no samba, esse território de arte e de expressão através do corpo e da música contempla outros movimentos musicais, principalmente o jazz e o moderno, possibilitando um conjunto de múltiplos sentidos e ressignificações na vida destes participantes. Como fundamentação epistemológica, foi utilizada a Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR), concebida como forma de abordar a fabricação dos fatos, ao abranger, simetricamente, natureza e sociedade, humano e não humano. Foram igualmente consideradas as possíveis configurações de interação e sociabilidade que envolvem território, sujeito e demais atores da rede, os quais conseguem reconhecer-se diante do outro, do diferente, e construírem um projeto individual e coletivo frente à sociedade multicultural em que estão inseridos. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas que, por sua vez, são complementos à descrição interpretativa registrada no diário de campo, permitindo a dimensão de improviso, de manejo das situações e de envolvimento nas incessantes redefinições processuais. O campo explorado foi, estritamente, o de jovens adolescentes, num recorte etário de 14 a 21 anos. Todos deveriam estar matriculados na escola ensino fundamental e médio e residir em comunidade, não sendo necessariamente a Mangueira. As abordagens contemplaram também as incontáveis participações do professor da oficina de jazz. Durante o processo, emanou-se a existência de um apaixonamento e de uma apropriação por parte de todos os envolvidos com a oficina: parte administrativa, pedagógica e docente, garantindo autonomia e diferencial no universo social do grupo, cujas escolhas legitimam o quanto o investimento na cultura produz artistas conscientes da beleza inerente à própria arte e aos afetamentos daí advindos. Interessante ressaltar que o samba funciona como marca histórica e temporal do CCC, mas a principal motivação ali percebida estava no encontro mediado pela dança, junção corpo/música, presente na vida dos participantes desde a infância, além do prazer de pertencerem a um grupo afim, movido por histórias semelhantes. Junto a isso, o professor exercia o papel de liderança velada, a mediar as relações e a produzir efeitos de coesão grupal, com suas ideias e incentivo à expressão pela dança, de modo a dar lugar a novas descobertas e ressignificação
Web数据挖掘是将数据挖掘技术和理论应用于对WWW资源进行挖掘的一个新兴的研究领域,本文介绍了Web数据挖掘的基本概念,分类,并给出 Web数据挖掘的基本原理,基本方法,最后指出 Web数据挖掘的用途,展望了其美好的发展前景。
Refinement in software engineering allows a specification to be developed in stages, with design decisions taken at earlier stages constraining the design at later stages. Refinement in complex data models is difficult due to lack of a way of defining constraints, which can be progressively maintained over increasingly detailed refinements. Category theory provides a way of stating wide scale constraints. These constraints lead to a set of design guidelines, which maintain the wide scale constraints under increasing detail. Previous methods of refinement are essentially local, and the proposed method does not interfere very much with these local methods. The result is particularly applicable to semantic web applications, where ontologies provide systems of more or less abstract constraints on systems, which must be implemented and therefore refined by participating systems. With the approach of this paper, the concept of committing to an ontology carries much more force. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents findings from a study of an organisationally mandated assimilation process of an enterprise-wide information system in a radiology practice in Australia. A number of interviews with radiologists, radiographers and administrative staff are used to explore the impact of institutional structures on the assimilation process. The case study develops an argument that culture within and outside the Australian Radiology Practice (ARP), social structures within the ARP and organisational-level management mandates have impacted on the assimilation process. The study develops a theoretical framework that integrates elements of social actor theory (Lamb & Kling, 2003) to provide a more fine-grained analysis concentrating on the relationship among the radiology practitioners, the technology (an enterprise-wide Health Information System) and a larger social milieu surrounding its use. This study offers several theoretical and practical implications for technology assimilation in the health and radiology industry regarding the important roles social interactions, individual self-perceptions, organisational mandates and policies can play in assimilating new ICTs.
Non-monotonic reasoning typically deals with three kinds of knowledge. Facts are meant to describe immutable statements of the environment. Rules define relationships among elements. Lastly, an ordering among the rules, in the form of a superiority relation, establishes the relative strength of rules. To revise a non-monotonic theory, we can change either one of these three elements. We prove that the problem of revising a non-monotonic theory by only changing the superiority relation is a NP-complete problem.
Für Sportvereine als Interessenorganisationen scheint die Rückbindung der Vereinsziele an die Mitgliederinteressen von zentraler Bedeutung zu sein. In der Vereinsrealität dürfte aber diese Rückbindung nur teilweise gewährleistet sein und folglich Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen eher die Norm als die Ausnahme darstellen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, welche Ursachen für Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen verantwortlich zu machen sind und welche Auswirkungen sich daraus für die Vereine ergeben. Dieser Frage geht der vorliegende Beitrag nach, indem auf der Grundlage des Akteurtheoretischen Mehr-Ebenen-Modells zur Analyse der Entwicklung von Sportvereinen die struktur- und handlungsbedingten Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Divergenzen auf der Vereins- und Mitgliederebene beleuchtet werden. Mit Blick auf die Ursachen wurde der Einfluss der korporativen Vereinsstrukturen und der individuellen Handlungsorientierungen der Mitglieder auf Divergenzen untersucht. Die Befunde hierzu zeigen, dass Divergenzen einerseits durch einem zunehmenden Differenzierungs- und Hierarchisierungsgrad (z.B. Vereinsgröße, Umweltvernetzung, Oligarchisierung) begünstigt werden und andererseits vor allem bei einer primären Verfolgung von Eigeninteressen der Mitglieder auftreten. Hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen wurden die individuellen Mitgliederreaktionen und die korporativen Vereinsreaktionen auf Divergenzen analysiert. Diesbezüglich zeigen die Befunde, dass sowohl die Mitglieder als auch die Vereinsführung überwiegend konstruktiv auf Divergenzen reagieren (z.B. durch Problemansprache, Vertrauen, Kompromissfindung), so dass es vielen Vereinen offenbar relativ gut gelingt, Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen bis zu einem gewissen Grad sowohl aushalten als auch aufarbeiten zu können.
The aim of this research paper is to analyse the key political posters made for the campaigns of Irish political party Fianna Fáil framed in the Celtic Tiger (1997-2008) and post-Celtic Tiger years (2009-2012). I will then focus on the four posters of the candidate in the elections that took place in 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2011 with the intention of observing first how the leader is represented, and later on pinpointing the similarities and possible differences between each. This is important in order to observe the main linguistic and visual strategies used to persuade the audience to vote that party and to highlight the power of the politician. Critical discourse analysis tools will be helpful to identify the main discursive strategies employed to persuade the Irish population to vote in a certain direction. Van Leeuwen’s (2008) social actor theory will facilitate the understanding of how participants are represented in the corpus under analysis. Finally, the main tools of Kress and van Leeuwen’s visual grammar (2006) will be applied for the analysis of the images. The study reveals that politicians are represented in a consistently positive way, with status and formal appearance so that people are persuaded to vote for the party they represent because they trust them as political leaders. The study, thus, points out that the poster is a powerful tool used in election campaigns to highlight the power of political parties.
This thesis analysed the theoretical and ontological issues of previous scholarship concerning information technology and indigenous people. As an alternative, the thesis used the framework of actor-network-theory, especially through historiographical and ethnographic techniques. The thesis revealed an assemblage of indigenous/digital enactments striving for relevance and avoiding obsolescence. It also recognised heterogeneities- including user-ambivalences, oscillations, noise, non-coherences and disruptions - as part of the milieu of the daily digital lives of indigenous people. By taking heterogeneities into account, the thesis ensured that the data “speaks for itself” and that social inquiry is not overtaken by ideology and ontology.
In this class, we will discuss network theory fundamentals, including concepts such as diameter, distance, clustering coefficient and others. We will also discuss different types of networks, such as scale-free networks, random networks etc. Readings: Graph structure in the Web, A. Broder and R. Kumar and F. Maghoul and P. Raghavan and S. Rajagopalan and R. Stata and A. Tomkins and J. Wiener Computer Networks 33 309--320 (2000) [Web link, Alternative Link] Optional: The Structure and Function of Complex Networks, M.E.J. Newman, SIAM Review 45 167--256 (2003) [Web link] Original course at: http://kmi.tugraz.at/staff/markus/courses/SS2008/707.000_web-science/
A sociologist's description of the Web as a socially constructed/discovered/encountered piece of technology.
This lecture introduces UX theory and focusses on applying this to web based design.