999 resultados para Weak Organic Electrolytes


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Second-order nonlinearities (beta) of five weak organic acids in protic solvents have been measured by the double-quantum Rayleigh scattering (DRS) technique. beta is found to bear a linear relationship to the pK(a) of these compounds in those solvents. A direct implication of this observation is that the DRS technique can be used to determine the pK(a) of weak organic acids in any solvent.


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The first hyperpolarizabilities (beta) of some weak aromatic organic acids have been measured in protic solvents by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) technique at low concentrations. The measured hyperpolarizability (beta(m)) varies between the two extreme limits: the hyperpolarizability of the acid form (beta(HA)) at the lower side and that of the basic form (beta(A-)) at the higher side. The degree of dissociation (alpha) of the acid in a solvent is related to the measured hyperpolarizability, beta(m), by the following relationship: beta(m)(2)=(1-alpha)beta(HA)(2)+alpha beta(A-)(2). The calculated beta's including solvent effects in terms of an Onsager field do not reproduce the experimentally measured hyperpolarizabilities. Other solvent-induced effects like hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions seem to influence the first hyperpolarizability and, thus, indirectly the extent of dissociation of these weak acids in these protic solvents.


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Carbon and graphene-based materials often show some amount of pseudocapacitance due to their oxygen-functional groups. However, such pseudocapacitance is generally negligible in organic electrolytes and has not attracted much attention. In this work, we report a large pseudocapacitance of zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC) based on the oxygen-functional groups in 1 M tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate dissolved in propylene carbonate (Et4NBF4/PC). Due to its significant amount of active edge sites, a large amount of redox-active oxygen functional groups are introduced into ZTC, and ZTC shows a high specific capacitance (330 F g−1). Experimental results suggest that the pseudocapacitance could be based on the formation of anion and cation radicals of quinones and ethers, respectively. Moreover, ZTC shows pseudocapacitance also in 1 M lithium hexafluorophosphate dissolved with a mixture of ethylene carbonate and diethyl carbonate (LiPF6/EC+DEC) which is used for lithium-ion batteries and lithium-ion capacitors.


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Adsorption of p-cresol, nitrobenzene and p-nitrophenol on treated and untreated carbons is investigated systematically. The effects of carbon surface chemistry and solution pH are studied and discussed. All adsorption experiments were carried out in pH-controlled solutions to examine the adsorption properties of the adsorption systems where the solutes are in molecular as well as ionic forms. Using the homogeneous Langmuir equation, the single solute parameters are determined. These parameters are then used to predict the binary solute adsorption isotherms and gain further insights into the adsorption process. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of p-nitrophenol in one untreated activated carbon (F100) and three treated activated carbons (H-2, H2SO4 and Urea treated F100) was carried out at undissociated and dissociated conditions. To characterize the carbon, N-2 and CO2 adsorption were used. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was used to analyze the surface of the activated carbon. The experimental isotherms are fitted via the Langmuir homogenous model and Langmuir binary model. Variation of the model parameters with the solution pH is studied. Both Q(max) and the adsorption affinity coefficient (K-1) were dependent on the PZC of the carbons and solution pH. The Effect of pH must be considered due to its combined effects on the carbon surface and on the solute molecules. Adsorption of p-nitrophenol at higher pH was found to be dependent on the concentration of the anionic form of the solute.


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The process of adsorption of two dissociating and two non-dissociating aromatic compounds from dilute aqueous solutions on an untreated commercially available activated carbon (B.D.H.) was investigated systematically. All adsorption experiments were carried out in pH controlled aqueous solutions. The experimental isotherms were fitted into four different models (Langmuir homogenous Models, Langmuir binary Model, Langmuir-Freundlich single model and Langmuir-Freundlich double model). Variation of the model parameters with the solution pH was studied and used to gain further insight into the adsorption process. The relationship between the model parameters and the solution pH and pK(a) was used to predict the adsorption capacity in molecular and ionic form of solutes in other solution. A relationship was sought to predict the effect of pH on the adsorption systems and for estimating the maximum adsorption capacity of carbon at any pH where the solute is ionized reasonably well. N-2 and CO2 adsorption were used to characterize the carbon. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) measurement was used for surface elemental analysis of the activated carbon.


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The theoretical estimation of the dissociation constant, or pK(a), of weak acids continues to be a challenging field. Here, we show that ab initio CarParrinello molecular dynamics simulations in conjunction with metadynamics calculations of the free-energy profile of the dissociation reaction provide reasonable estimates of the pK(a) value. Water molecules, sufficient to complete the three hydration shells surrounding the acid molecule, were included explicitly in the computation procedure. The free-energy profiles exhibit two distinct minima corresponding to the dissociated and neutral states of the acid, and the difference in their values provides the estimate for pK(a). We show for a series of organic acids that CPMD simulations in conjunction with metadynamics can provide reasonable estimates of pK(a) values. The acids investigated were aliphatic carboxylic acids, chlorine-substituted carboxylic acids, cis- and trans-butenedioic acid, and the isomers of hydroxybenzoic acid. These systems were chosen to highlight that the procedure could correctly account for the influence of the inductive effect as well as hydrogen bonding on pK(a) values of weak organic acids. In both situations, the CPMD metadynamics procedure faithfully reproduces the experimentally observed trend and the magnitudes of the pK(a) values.


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In the United Kingdom, as in other regions of Europe and North America, recent decreases in surface water sulphate concentrations, due to reduced sulphur emissions, have coincided with marked increases in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Since many of the compounds comprising DOC are acidic, the resulting increases in organic acidity may have the potential to offset the benefits of a decrease in mineral (sulphate) acidity. To test this, we used a triprotic model of organic acid dissociation to estimate the proportional organic acid buffering of reduced mineral acidity as measured in the 22 lakes and streams monitored by the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network. For an average non-marine sulphate decrease of 30 μeq l− 1 over 15 years from 1988–2003, we estimate that around 28% was counterbalanced by rising strong organic acids, 20% by rising alkalinity (partly attributable to an increase in weak organic acids), 11% by falling inorganic aluminium and 41% by falling non-marine base cations. The situation is complicated by a concurrent decrease in marine ion concentrations, and the impact this may have had on both DOC and acidity, but results clearly demonstrate that organic acid increases have substantially limited the amount of recovery from acidification (in terms of rising alkalinity and falling aluminium) that have resulted from reducing sulphur emissions. The consistency and magnitude of sulphate and organic acid changes are consistent with a causal link between the two, possibly due to the effects of changing acidity, ionic strength and aluminium concentrations on organic matter solubility. If this is the case, then organic acids can be considered effective but partial buffers to acidity change in organic soils, and this mechanism needs to be considered in assessing and modelling recovery from acidification, and in defining realistic reference conditions. However, large spatial variations in the relative magnitude of organic acid and sulphate changes, notably for low-deposition sites in northwestern areas where organic acid increases apparently exceed non-marine sulphate decreases, suggest that additional factors, such as changes in sea-salt deposition and climatic factors, may be required to explain the full magnitude of DOC increases in UK surface waters.


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Metal-air batteries are a well-established technology that can offer high energy densities, low cost and environmental responsibility. Despite these favourable characteristics and utilisation of oxygen as the cathode reactant, these devices have been limited to primary applications, due to a number of problems that occur when the cell is recharged, including electrolyte loss and poor efficiency. Overcoming these obstacles is essential to creating a rechargeable metal-air battery that can be utilised for efficiently capturing renewable energy. Despite the first metal-air battery being created over 100 years ago, the emergence of reactive metals such as lithium has reinvigorated interest in this field. However the reactivity of some of these metals has generated a number of different philosophies regarding the electrolyte of the metal-air battery. Whilst much is already known about the anode and cathode processes in aqueous and organic electrolytes, the shortcomings of these electrolytes (i.e. volatility, instability, flammability etc.) have led some of the metal-air battery community to study room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) as non-volatile, highly stable electrolytes that have the potential to support rechargeable metal-air battery processes. In this perspective, we discuss how some of these initial studies have demonstrated the capabilities of RTILs as metal-air battery electrolytes. We will also show that much of the long-held mechanistic knowledge of the oxygen electrode processes might not be applicable in RTIL based electrolytes, allowing for creative new solutions to the traditional irreversibility of the oxygen reduction reaction. Our understanding of key factors such as the effect of catalyst chemistry and surface structure, proton activity and interfacial reactions is still in its infancy in these novel electrolytes. In this perspective we highlight the key areas that need the attention of electrochemists and battery engineers, in order to progress the understanding of the physical and electrochemical processes in RTILs as electrolytes for the various forms of rechargeable metal-air batteries.


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Separation of microbial cells by flotation recovery is usually carried out in industrial reactors or wastewater treatment systems, which contain a complex mixture of microbial nutrients and excretion products. In the present study, the separation of yeast cells by flotation recovery was carried out using a simple flotation recovery systems containing washed yeast cells resuspended in water in order to elucidate the effects of additives (defined amounts of organic and inorganic acids, ethanol, surfactants and sodium chloride) on the cellular interactions at interfaces (cell/aqueous phase and cell/air bubble). When sodium chloride, organic acids (notably propionic, succinic and acetic acids) and organic surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and Nonidet P40) were added to the flotation recovery system, significant increases in the cell recovery of yeast hydrophobic cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain FLT-01) were observed. The association of ethanol to acetic acid solution (a minor by-product of alcoholic fermentation) in the flotation recovery system, containing washed cells of strain FLT-01 resuspended in water, leading to an increased flotation recovery at pH 5.5. Thus, the association among products of the cellular metabolism (e.g., ethanol and acetic acid) can improve yeast cell recovery by flotation recovery. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order for sodium batteries to become a safe, lower cost option for large scale energy storage, minimising the price of all components is important. We report here on the application of a pyrrolidinium room temperature ionic liquid comprising the dicyanamide anion as a successful electrolyte system for sodium metal batteries that does not contain expensive fluorinated species. The effects of plating/stripping of sodium from Na metal electrodes has been investigated in a symmetrical Na | electrolyte | Na configuration at a current density of 10 μA cm− 2. Comparisons are drawn to reference organic electrolytes comprising propylene carbonate-fluoroethylene carbonate. Residual water molecules in the ionic liquid electrolyte are observed to have a significant effect upon the surface film and subsequent favourable plating/stripping behaviour of symmetrical cells and this is explored in detail. An increase of the moisture content from 90 ppm to 400 ppm impedes both electrodeposition and electrodissolution of the Na+/Na. This is investigated at Ni electrodes using cyclic voltammetry at different Na+-salt concentrations to further understand the mechanism.


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Although numerous theoretical efforts have been put forth, a systematic, unified and predictive theoretical framework that is able to capture all the essential physics of the interfacial behaviors of ions, such as the Hofmeister series effect, Jones-Ray effect and the salt effect on the bubble coalescence remain an outstanding challenge. The most common approach to treating electrostatic interactions in the presence of salt ions is the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. However, there are many systems for which the PB theory fails to offer even a qualitative explanation of the behavior, especially for ions distributed in the vicinity of an interface with dielectric contrast between the two media (like the water-vapor/oil interface). A key factor missing in the PB theory is the self energy of the ion.

In this thesis, we develop a self-consistent theory that treats the electrostatic self energy (including both the short-range Born solvation energy and the long-range image charge interactions), the nonelectrostatic contribution of the self energy, the ion-ion correlation and the screening effect systematically in a single framework. By assuming a finite charge spread of the ion instead of using the point-charge model, the self energy obtained by our theory is free of the divergence problems and gives a continuous self energy across the interface. This continuous feature allows ions on the water side and the vapor/oil side of the interface to be treated in a unified framework. The theory involves a minimum set of parameters of the ion, such as the valency, radius, polarizability of the ions, and the dielectric constants of the medium, that are both intrinsic and readily available. The general theory is first applied to study the thermodynamic property of the bulk electrolyte solution, which shows good agreement with the experiment result for predicting the activity coefficient and osmotic coefficient.

Next, we address the effect of local Born solvation energy on the bulk thermodynamics and interfacial properties of electrolyte solution mixtures. We show that difference in the solvation energy between the cations and anions naturally gives rise to local charge separation near the interface, and a finite Galvani potential between two coexisting solutions. The miscibility of the mixture can either increases or decreases depending on the competition between the solvation energy and translation entropy of the ions. The interfacial tension shows a non-monotonic dependence on the salt concentration: it increases linearly with the salt concentration at higher concentrations, and decreases approximately as the square root of the salt concentration for dilute solutions, which is in agreement with the Jones-Ray effect observed in experiment.

Next, we investigate the image effects on the double layer structure and interfacial properties near a single charged plate. We show that the image charge repulsion creates a depletion boundary layer that cannot be captured by a regular perturbation approach. The correct weak-coupling theory must include the self-energy of the ion due to the image charge interaction. The image force qualitatively alters the double layer structure and properties, and gives rise to many non-PB effects, such as nonmonotonic dependence of the surface energy on concentration and charge inversion. The image charge effect is then studied for electrolyte solutions between two plates. For two neutral plates, we show that depletion of the salt ions by the image charge repulsion results in short-range attractive and long-range repulsive forces. If cations and anions are of different valency, the asymmetric depletion leads to the formation of an induced electrical double layer. For two charged plates, the competition between the surface charge and the image charge effect can give rise to like- charge attraction.

Then, we study the inhomogeneous screening effect near the dielectric interface due to the anisotropic and nonuniform ion distribution. We show that the double layer structure and interfacial properties is drastically affected by the inhomogeneous screening if the bulk Debye screening length is comparable or smaller than the Bjerrum length. The width of the depletion layer is characterized by the Bjerrum length, independent of the salt concentration. We predict that the negative adsorption of ions at the interface increases linearly with the salt concentration, which cannot be captured by either the bulk screening approximation or the WKB approximation. For asymmetric salt, the inhomogeneous screening enhances the charge separation in the induced double layer and significantly increases the value of the surface potential.

Finally, to account for the ion specificity, we study the self energy of a single ion across the dielectric interface. The ion is considered to be polarizable: its charge distribution can be self-adjusted to the local dielectric environment to minimize the self energy. Using intrinsic parameters of the ions, such as the valency, radius, and polarizability, we predict the specific ion effect on the interfacial affinity of halogen anions at the water/air interface, and the strong adsorption of hydrophobic ions at the water/oil interface, in agreement with experiments and atomistic simulations.

The theory developed in this work represents the most systematic theoretical technique for weak-coupling electrolytes. We expect the theory to be more useful for studying a wide range of structural and dynamic properties in physicochemical, colloidal, soft-matter and biophysical systems.


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Widespread adoption of lead-free materials and processing for printed circuit board (PCB) assembly has raised reliability concerns regarding surface insulation resistance (SIR) degradation and electrochemical migration (ECM). As PCB conductor spacings decrease, electronic products become more susceptible to these failures mechanisms, especially in the presence of surface contamination and flux residues which might remain after no-clean processing. Moreover, the probability of failure due to SIR degradation and ECM is affected by the interaction between physical factors (such as temperature, relative humidity, electric field) and chemical factors (such as solder alloy, substrate material, no-clean processing). Current industry standards for assessing SIR reliability are designed to serve as short-term qualification tests, typically lasting 72 to 168 hours, and do not provide a prediction of reliability in long-term applications. The risk of electrochemical migration with lead-free assemblies has not been adequately investigated. Furthermore, the mechanism of electrochemical migration is not completely understood. For example, the role of path formation has not been discussed in previous studies. Another issue is that there are very few studies on development of rapid assessment methodologies for characterizing materials such as solder flux with respect to their potential for promoting ECM. In this dissertation, the following research accomplishments are described: 1). Long-term temp-humidity-bias (THB) testing over 8,000 hours assessing the reliability of printed circuit boards processed with a variety of lead-free solder pastes, solder pad finishes, and substrates. 2). Identification of silver migration from Sn3.5Ag and Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu lead-free solder, which is a completely new finding compared with previous research. 3). Established the role of path formation as a step in the ECM process, and provided clarification of the sequence of individual steps in the mechanism of ECM: path formation, electrodeposition, ion transport, electrodeposition, and filament formation. 4). Developed appropriate accelerated testing conditions for assessing the no-clean processed PCBs' susceptibility to ECM: a). Conductor spacings in test structures should be reduced in order to reflect the trend of higher density electronics and the effect of path formation, independent of electric field, on the time-to-failure. b). THB testing temperatures should be modified according to the material present on the PCB, since testing at 85oC can cause the evaporation of weak organic acids (WOAs) in the flux residues, leading one to underestimate the risk of ECM. 5). Correlated temp-humidity-bias testing with ion chromatography analysis and potentiostat measurement to develop an efficient and effective assessment methodology to characterize the effect of no-clean processing on ECM.


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The formation and the isolation of fluoroboron salts, (D2BF2+)(PF6-), (DD'BF2+)(PF6-) and (D3BF2+)(PF6-)2, have been carried out. 1,8-Diazabicyclo [5,4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) and 1,5-diazabicyclo[4,3,O]non-5-ene (DBN), extremely strong organic bases, were introduced into the fluoroboron cation systems and induced a complicated redistribution reaction in the D/BF3/BC13 systems. The result was the formation of all BFnCI4-n-, D.BFnCI3-n and fluoroboron cation species which were detected by 19p and 11B NMR spectrometry. The displacement reaction of CI- from these D.BFnCI3-n (n = 1 and 2) species by the second entering ligand is much faster than in other nitrogen donor containing systems which have been previously studied. Tetramethylguanidine, oxazolines and thiazolines can also produce similar reactions in D/BF3/BCI3 systems, but no significant BFnC4-n- species were observed. As well as influences of their basicity and their steric hindrance, N=C-R(X) (X = N, 0 or S) and N=C( X)2 (X = N or S) structures of ligands have significant effects on the fonnationof fluoroboron cations and the related NMR parameters. D3BF2+ and some D2BF2+ show the expected inertness, but (DBU)2BF2+ shows an interestingly high reactivity. (D2BF2+)(X-) formed from weak organic bases such as pyridine can react with stronger organic bases and form DD'BF2+ and D'2BF2+ in acetone or nitromethane. Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry is doubly meaningful to this work. Firstly, FABMS can be directly applied to the complicated fluoroboron cation containing solution systems as an excellent complementary technique to multinuclear NMR. Secondly, the gas-phase ion substitution reaction of (D2BF2+)(PF6-) with the strong organic bases is successfully observed in a FABMS ion source when the B-N bond is not too strong in these cations.