999 resultados para Wave Loads


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This paper deals with the problem of estimating wave pressure loads acting on Oscillating Wave Surge Converters (OWSC) for assessment of fatigue on their components. Recent wave loading data issued from experimental testing of a 25th scale model of a box-shaped OWSC are here used to review the accuracy of the predictions made by an engineering method previously developed to derive wave pressure loads on OWSCs from experimental data. Predictions are shown underestimate wave pressure loads, and other methods subsequently developed are presented. A simplistic experimental method taking in consideration variations of the wetted surface area of the flap is shown to lead to relatively good estimates of wave pressure loads that could be used for fatigue calculations.


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Large loads result in expensive foundations which are a substantial proportion of the capital cost of flap-type Wave Energy Converters (WECs). Devices such as Oyster 800, currently deployed at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), comprise a single flap for the full width of the machine. Splitting a flap-type device into smaller vertical flap modules, to make a ‘modular-flap’, might reduce the total foundation loads, whilst still providing acceptable performance in terms of energy conversion.
This paper investigates the foundation loads of an undamped modular-flap device, comparing them to those for a rigid flap of an equivalent width. Physical modelling in a wave tank is used, with loads recorded using a six degree of freedom (DoF) load cell. Both fatigue and extreme loading analysis was conducted. The rotations of the flaps were also recorded, using a motion-tracking system.


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Submarine pipelines are always trenched within a seabed for reducing wave loads and thereby enhancing their stability. Based on Biot’s poroelastic theory, a two-dimensional finite element model is developed to investigate non-linear wave-induced responses of soil around a trenched pipeline, which is verified with the flume test results by Sudhan et al. [Sudhan, C.M., Sundar, V., Rao, S.N., 2002. Wave induced forces around buried pipeline. Ocean Engineering, 29, 533–544] and Turcotte et al. [Turcotte, B.R., Liu, P.L.F., Kulhawy, F.H., 1984. Laboratory evaluation of wave tank parameters for wave-sediment interaction. Joseph H. Defree Hydraulic Laboratory Report 84-1, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University]. Non-linear wave-induced transient pore pressure around pipeline at various phases of wave loading is examined firstly. Unlike most previous investigations, in which only a single sediment layer and linear wave loading were concerned, in this study, the influences of the non-linearity of wave loading, the physical properties of backfill materials and the geometry profile of trenches on the excess pore pressures within the soil around pipeline, respectively, were explored, taking into account the in situ conditions of buried pipeline in the shallow ocean zones. Based on the parametric study, it is concluded that the shear modulus and permeability of backfill soils significantly affect the wave-induced excess pore pressures around trenched pipeline, and that the effect of wave non-linearity becomes more pronounced and comparable with that of trench depth, especially at high wave steepness in shallow water.


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The accurate definition of the extreme wave loads which act on offshore structures represents a significant challenge for design engineers and even with decades of empirical data to base designs upon there are still failures attributed to wave loading. The environmental conditions which cause these loads are infrequent and highly non-linear which means that they are not well understood or simple to describe. If the structure is large enough to affect the incident wave significantly further non-linear effects can influence the loading. Moreover if the structure is floating and excited by the wave field then its responses, which are also likely to be highly non-linear, must be included in the analysis. This makes the description of the loading on such a structure difficult to determine and the design codes will often suggest employing various tools including small scale experiments, numerical and analytical methods, as well as empirical data if available.
Wave Energy Converters (WECs) are a new class of offshore structure which pose new design challenges, lacking the design codes and empirical data found in other industries. These machines are located in highly exposed and energetic sites, designed to be excited by the waves and will be expected to withstand extreme conditions over their 25 year design life. One such WEC is being developed by Aquamarine Power Ltd and is called Oyster. Oyster is a buoyant flap which is hinged close to the seabed, in water depths of 10 to 15m, piercing the water surface. The flap is driven back and forth by the action of the waves and this mechanical energy is then converted to electricity.
It has been identified in previous experiments that Oyster is not only subject to wave impacts but it occasionally slams into the water surface with high angular velocity. This slamming effect has been identified as an extreme load case and work is ongoing to describe it in terms of the pressure exerted on the outer skin and the transfer of this short duration impulsive load through various parts of the structure.
This paper describes a series of 40th scale experiments undertaken to investigate the pressure on the face of the flap during the slamming event. A vertical array of pressure sensors are used to measure the pressure exerted on the flap. Characteristics of the slam pressure such as the rise time, magnitude, spatial distribution and temporal evolution are revealed. Similarities are drawn between this slamming phenomenon and the classical water entry problems, such as ship hull slamming. With this similitude identified, common analytical tools are used to predict the slam pressure which is compared to that measured in the experiment.


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The thesis analyses the hydrodynamic induced by an array of Wave energy Converters (WECs), under an experimental and numerical point of view. WECs can be considered an innovative solution able to contribute to the green energy supply and –at the same time– to protect the rear coastal area under marine spatial planning considerations. This research activity essentially rises due to this combined concept. The WEC under exam is a floating device belonging to the Wave Activated Bodies (WAB) class. Experimental data were performed at Aalborg University in different scales and layouts, and the performance of the models was analysed under a variety of irregular wave attacks. The numerical simulations performed with the codes MIKE 21 BW and ANSYS-AQWA. Experimental results were also used to calibrate the numerical parameters and/or to directly been compared to numerical results, in order to extend the experimental database. Results of the research activity are summarized in terms of device performance and guidelines for a future wave farm installation. The device length should be “tuned” based on the local climate conditions. The wave transmission behind the devices is pretty high, suggesting that the tested layout should be considered as a module of a wave farm installation. Indications on the minimum inter-distance among the devices are provided. Furthermore, a CALM mooring system leads to lower wave transmission and also larger power production than a spread mooring. The two numerical codes have different potentialities. The hydrodynamics around single and multiple devices is obtained with MIKE 21 BW, while wave loads and motions for a single moored device are derived from ANSYS-AQWA. Combining the experimental and numerical it is suggested –for both coastal protection and energy production– to adopt a staggered layout, which will maximise the devices density and minimize the marine space required for the installation.


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Tension leg platform (TLP) is an important kind of working station for deep water exploration and development in ocean, whose dynamic responses deserve a serious thought. It is shown that for severe sea state, the effects of nonlinearities induced by large displacements of TLP may be noteworthy, and then employment of small displacements model should be restrained. In such situation, large amplitude motion model may be an appropriate alternative. The numerical experiments are performed to study the differences of dynamic responses between the two models. It is shown that for most cases, differences between results of the two models are significant. The variances of the differences vs. the wave period are the most remarkable, and that of the differences vs. wave heading angle are also apparent.


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The slack-taut state of tether is a particular Averse circumstance, which may influence the normal operation stale of tension leg platform (TLP). The dynamic responses of TLP with slack-taut tether are studied with consideration of several nonlinear factors introduced by large amplitude motions. The time histories of stresses of tethers of a typical TLP in slack-taut state are given. In addition, the sensitivities of slack to stiffness and mass are investigated by varying file stiffness of tether and mass of TLP. It is found that slack is sensitive to the mass of TLP. The critical culled surfaces (over which indicates the slack) for the increase of mass are obtained.


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La presencia de un monolito en la coronación de un dique rompeolas tiene como principales ventajas la reducción del volumen de elementos necesarios en el manto y la mejora de la operatividad de los muelles que abriga, lo que supone un importante ahorro de coste tanto de ejecución como de explotación y mantenimiento. Por ello, la utilización del espaldón en los diques rompeolas se encuentra generalizada desde hace décadas en numerosos puertos de todo el mundo. Para el diseño de este elemento se han ido desarrollando diversas metodologías, siendo la primera de ellas (Iribarren y Nogales) propuesta en la década de los cincuenta, y la última (Berenguer y Baonza) en el año 2006. Estos procedimientos se basan en series de ensayos en modelo físico y tienen como filosofía la determinación de las cargas que genera el oleaje al impactar contra el paramento vertical para poder dimensionar un monolito estable frente a tales acciones. Sin embargo, las averías que se han producido en este elemento particular, incluso en la pasada década, ponen de relieve la gran sensibilidad de este elemento frente a estas y otras acciones de diseño. El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el desarrollo de un método de diseño alternativo a los existentes, basado en la observación de diques reales que se encuentran en funcionamiento en la actualidad y mediante el cual se obtenga directamente como resultado las dimensiones principales del monolito en lugar de las cargas debidas al impacto de la ola incidente. Para ello, se ha realizado el análisis comparativo de los métodos de diseño de espaldones disponibles hasta la fecha. Antes de establecer una nueva metodología primeramente se ha estudiado el Estado del Arte, del cual se ha realizado un análisis crítico, donde se indican las posibles incertidumbres y limitaciones que presenta cada metodología. Para lograr el objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral se desarrolla una investigación basada en los datos de veintitrés diques ubicados en la fachada mediterránea española, considerando variables tanto climáticas como geométricas del propio dique. Se ha seguido el principio del Teorema Π para formar monomios adimensionales y, a través de combinaciones entre ellos, establecer relaciones de dependencia. Con los resultados obtenidos se ha elaborado una metodología de diseño que se propone como respuesta al objetivo planteado. Wall erected on top of a breakwater has two main advantages: lower amount of armour elements and better operating capacity of the inner harbor, which means an appreciable construction, operating and maintenance saving. Therefore, many breakwaters have been designed with crown wall all over the world. Different design methods have been developed through the years. The first one (Iribarren & Nogales) was set in the fifties, and the latest (Berenguer & Baonza) was developed in 2006. All of them are based on laboratory tests series and their common philosophy is to calculate the wave forces on the wall in order to design an element stable against these forces. However, crown wall failures have occured even in last decade, which point the high sensitivity of this element. The objective of this Thesis is to develop an alternative design procedure based on real breakwaters data, which gave as a direct result the most important measures of the crown wall instead of wave loads. In order to achieve the objective, firstly a critical analysis of the State of the Art has been carried out, determining ranges of application and detecting uncertainties. A research on twenty-three breakwaters of the Mediterranean Spanish coast has been carried out to fulfill the objective of this Thesis, taking into account both climatic and geometric parameters. It has been followed Theorem Π to make non-dimensional monomials and, through combinations among them, identify dependency rates. Obtained results lead to a design method.


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A engenharia é a ciência que transforma os conhecimentos das disciplinas básicas aplicadas a fatos reais. Nosso mundo está rodeado por essas realizações da engenharia, e é necessário que as pessoas se sintam confortáveis e seguras nas mesmas. Assim, a segurança se torna um fator importante que deve ser considerado em qualquer projeto. Na engenharia naval, um apropriado nível de segurança e, em consequência, um correto desenho estrutural é baseado, atualmente, em estudos determinísticos com o objetivo de obter estruturas capazes de suportar o pior cenário possível de solicitações durante um período de tempo determinado. A maior parte das solicitações na estrutura de um navio se deve à ação da natureza (ventos, ondas, correnteza e tempestades), ou, ainda, aos erros cometidos por humanos (explosões internas, explosões externas e colisões). Devido à aleatoriedade destes eventos, a confiabilidade estrutural de um navio deveria ser considerada como um problema estocástico sob condições ambientais bem caracterizadas. A metodologia probabilística, baseada em estatística e incertezas, oferece uma melhor perspectiva dos fenômenos reais que acontecem na estrutura dos navios. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar resultados de confiabilidade estrutural em projetos e planejamento da manutenção para a chapa do fundo dos cascos dos navios, as quais são submetidas a esforços variáveis pela ação das ondas do mar e da corrosão. Foram estudados modelos estatísticos para a avaliação da estrutura da viga-navio e para o detalhe estrutural da chapa do fundo. Na avaliação da estrutura da viga-navio, o modelo desenvolvido consiste em determinar as probabilidades de ocorrência das solicitações na estrutura, considerando a deterioração por corrosão, com base numa investigação estatística da variação dos esforços em função das ondas e a deterioração em função de uma taxa de corrosão padrão recomendada pela DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV). A abordagem para avaliação da confiabilidade dependente do tempo é desenvolvida com base nas curvas de resistências e solicitações (R-S) determinadas pela utilização do método de Monte Carlo. Uma variação estatística de longo prazo das adversidades é determinada pelo estudo estatístico de ondas em longo prazo e ajustada por uma distribuição com base numa vida de projeto conhecida. Constam no trabalho resultados da variação da confiabilidade ao longo do tempo de um navio petroleiro. O caso de estudo foi simplificado para facilitar a obtenção de dados, com o objetivo de corroborar a metodologia desenvolvida.


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A major difficulty in the design of full scale Wave Energy Converters is the need to design for two conflicting design criteria. In one instance devices must be designed to couple heavily to the incident wave force resulting in the efficient extraction of energy in small sea states, however devices must also be capable of withstanding the harsh conditions encountered during extreme seas. This paper presents an initial investigation of the extreme wave loading of a generic, surface-piercing, pitching flap-type device deployed in near shore wave conditions. Slamming of the flap is selected as the extreme load event for further investigation and the experimental methodologies employed are described. Preliminary results showing both local and global loading under such events are presented for the case of a flap tested in a 3-dimensional environment. Results are presented which show flap slamming effects on the pressures experienced on the front face of the flap.


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Considering the method of broad-band coupling a series resonant RLC load to a resistive source using a uniform quarter-wave transmission-line inverter, it is shown that the 3-dB bandwidth of the network insertion loss reckoned with respect to a 0-dB loss attains a maximum for a particular value of the center frequency insertion loss in the range 0-3 dB. The center frequency Ioss and the corresponding value of the maximum 3-dB bandwidth are calculated for various loads and the results graphically presented.


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This paper presents a study of the wave propagation responses in composite structures in an uncertain environment. Here, the main aim of the work is to quantify the effect of uncertainty in the wave propagation responses at high frequencies. The material properties are considered uncertain and the analysis is performed using Neumann expansion blended with Monte Carlo simulation under the environment of spectral finite element method. The material randomness is included in the conventional wave propagation analysis by different distributions (namely, the normal and the Weibul distribution) and their effect on wave propagation in a composite beam is analyzed. The numerical results presented investigates the effect of material uncertainties on different parameters, namely, wavenumber and group speed, which are relevant in the wave propagation analysis. The effect of the parameters, such as fiber orientation, lay-up sequence, number of layers, and the layer thickness on the uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load, is thoroughly analyzed. Significant changes are observed in the high frequency responses with the variation in the above parameters, even for a small coefficient of variation. High frequency impact loads are applied and a number of interesting results are presented, which brings out the true effects of uncertainty in the high frequency responses. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4003945]


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Spectral elements are found to be extremely resourceful to study the wave propagation characteristics of structures at high frequencies. Most of the aerospace structures use honeycomb sandwich constructions. The existing spectral elements use single layer theories for a sandwich construction wherein the two face sheets vibrate together and this model is sufficient for low frequency excitations. At high frequencies, the two face sheets vibrate independently. The Extended Higher order SAndwich Plate theory (EHSaPT) is suitable for representing the independent motion of the face sheets. A 1D spectral element based on EHSaPT is developed in this work. The wave number and the wave speed characteristics are obtained using the developed spectral element. It is shown that the developed spectral element is capable of representing independent wave motions of the face sheets. The propagation speeds of a high frequency modulated pulse in the face sheets and the core of a honeycomb sandwich are demonstrated. Responses of a typical honeycomb sandwich beam to high frequency shock loads are obtained using the developed spectral element and the response match very well with the finite element results. It is shown that the developed spectral element is able to represent the flexibility of the core resulting into independent wave motions in the face sheets, for which a finite element method needs huge degrees of freedom. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An electron cyclotron wave resonant methane plasma discharge was used for the high rate deposition of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H). Deposition rates of up to ∼400 Å/min were obtained over substrates up to 2.5 in. in diameter with a film thickness uniformity of ∼±10%. The deposited films were characterised in terms of their mass density, sp3 and hydrogen contents, C-H bonding, intrinsic stress, scratch resistance and friction properties. The deposited films possessed an average sp3 content, mass density and refractive index of ∼58%, 1.76 g/cm3 and 2.035 respectively.Mechanical characterisation indicated that the films possessed very low steady-state coefficients of friction (ca. 0.06) and a moderate shear strength of ∼141 MPa. Nano-indentation measurements also indicated a hardness and elastic modulus of ∼16.1 and 160 GPa respectively. The critical loads required to induce coating failure were also observed to increase with ion energy as a consequence of the increase in degree of ion mixing at the interface. Furthermore, coating failure under scratch test conditions was observed to take place via fracture within the silicon substrate itself, rather than either in the coating or at the film/substrate interface. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Numerous piles are often subjected to the combination of cyclic axial and cyclic lateral loads in service, such as piled foundations for offshore platforms which may suffer swaying and rocking motions owing to wind and wave actions. In this research, centrifuge tests were conducted to investigate the effect of previous cyclic axial loads on the performance of pile groups subjected to subsequent cyclic lateral loads. Different pile installation methods were also applied to study the different behaviour of bored and jacked pile groups subjected to cyclic loads. During lateral load cycling, it is seen that cyclic axial loads to which pile groups were previously subjected could reduce the pile cap permanent lateral displacement in the first lateral load cycle but do not influence the incremental rate of permanent displacement in the following lateral load cycles. Moreover, it is found that previous cyclic axial loads could improve the pile cap cyclic lateral secant stiffness, especially for the pre-jacked pile group. When rocking motions were induced by cyclic lateral loads, pile groups subjected to cyclic axial loads before have smaller permanent settlement than those without the cyclic axial loading effect. The designers of piles that are intended to resist significant lateral loads without excessive deformations in service may wish to deploy cyclic axial preloading, accordingly.