999 resultados para Water-buffalo
The aim of this study was to determine the congenital infection by Neospora caninum in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), a natural intermediate host. Nine pregnant water buffalos, raised under free-grazing condition, were slaughtered, and their fetuses were collected. Samples of brain and thoracic fluid were obtained from those fetuses, with gestational ages ranging from 2 to 5 months. The DNA of N. caninum was detected and identified in the brain of one of those fetuses, using two PCR assays, one directed to the Nc5 gene and the other, to the common toxoplasmatiid ITS1 sequence. The DNA fragments produced on PCR were sequenced, and N. caninum was confirmed in the samples. No antibodies to N. caninum were detected on any sample of thoracic fluid by immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT < 25). This is the first confirmation of congenital transmission of N. caninum in water buffalos.
The objectives of this investigation were to understand transplacental transport of iron by secreted uteroferrin (UF) and haemophagous areas of water buffalo placenta and clarify the role(s) of blood extravasation at the placental-maternal interface. Placentomes and interplacentomal region of 51 placentae at various stages of gestation were fixed, processed for light and transmission electron microscopy, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Haemophagous areas were present in placentomes collected between 4 and 10 months of pregnancy. Perl`s reaction for ferric iron was negative in placentomes, but positive in endometrial glands. Positive staining for UF indicated areas in which it was being taken up by phagocytosis and/or fluid phase pinocytosis in areolae of the interplacentomal mesenchyme, with little staining in endometrial stroma. Imunohistochemistry detected UF in trophectoderm of haemophagous regions of placentomes and in other parts of the foetal villous tree, but the strongest immunostaining was in the epithelial cells and lumen of uterine glands. Ultrastructural analyses indicated that erythrophagocytosis was occurring and that erythrocytes were present inside cells of the chorion that also contained endocytic vesicles and caveolae. Results of this study indicate that both the haemophagous areas of placentomes and the areolae at the interface between chorion and endometrial glands are important sites for iron transfer from mother to foetal-placental tissues in buffalo throughout pregnancy.
Optimizing the composition of manure has the potential to reduce nutrient losses to the environment and to increase crop yields. In this study the effect of dietary ratios of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) to soluble carbohydrates (SC) on faeces composition of water buffalo heifers was assessed. Two digestibility trials were conducted with 12 animals each, fed one control and four test diets composed to achieve (1) high C/N and high NDF/SC ratios (HH), (2) low C/N and low NDF/SC ratios (LL), (3) high C/N and low NDF/SC ratios (HL) and (4) low C/N and high NDF/SC (LH) ratios. Faecal C/N ratios were generally lower than dietary C/N ratios, but the reduction was especially large for high C/N ratio diets (HH=55 %, HL=51 %). Faecal N concentration was positively correlated (r^2 = 0.6; P < 0.001) with N intake, but the increase in faecal N was more pronounced for diets that supplied low amounts of N. Faecal NDF concentration was positively related to NDF intake (r^2 = 0.42; P < 0.001), as well as the faecal C/N ratio (r^2 = 0.3; P < 0.001). Results demonstrate that C/N ratio and NDF concentration of buffalo manure were affected by diet composition. Diets with high C/N ratio and low NDF/SC ratio are preferable with regard to manure quality, but may not satisfy the nutritional requirements of producing animals, since N concentration in these diets was low and fibre concentration simultaneously high.
Humoral immune response of water buffalo naturally infected with Toxocara vitulorum was monitored using three different antigens of this parasite in serum and colostrum of buffalo cows and calves. Soluble extract (Ex) and excretory/secretory (ES) larval antigens and perienteric fluid antigen (Pe) of adult T vitulorum were used to measure the antibody levels by an indirect ELISA. Serum of 7-12 buffalo cows for the first 365 days and colostrum of the same number of buffalo cows for the first 60 days of parturition, and serum of 8-10 buffalo calves for the first 365 days afterbirth were assayed. The ELISA detected antibodies against all three T vitulorum antigens in the colostrum and serum of 100% of buffalo cows and calves examined. The highest antibody levels against Ex, ES and Pe antigens were detected in the buffalo cow sera during the perinatal period and were maintained at high levels through 300 days after parturition. on the other hand, colostrum antibody concentrations of all three antigens were highest on the first day post-parturition, but decreased sharply during the first 15 days. Concomitantly to the monitoring of immune response, the parasitic status of the calves was also evaluated. In calves, antibodies passively acquired were at the highest concentrations 24 h after birth and remained at high levels until 45 days coincidentally with the peak of T vitulorum infection. The rejection of the worms by the calves occurred simultaneously with the decline of antibody levels, which reached their lowest levels between 76 and 150 days. Thereafter, probably because of the presence of adults/larvae stimulation, the calves acquired active immunity and the antibodies started to increase slightly in the serum and plateaued between the days 211 and 365. All three antigens were detected by the serum antibodies of buffalo calves; however, the concentration of anti-Pe antibody was higher than anti-EX and anti-ES, particularly after 90 days of age. By conclusion, the buffalo cows develop immunity and keep high levels of antibodies against T vitulorum-Ex, ES and Pe antigens and these antibodies are transferred to their calves through the colostrum. This passively acquired immunity does not protect the calves against the acquisition of the infection, but these antibodies, passively or actively acquired, may have an important role during worm rejection by the calves and prevention of intestinal reinfection. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Toxocara vitulorum is a pathogenic nematode from the small intestine of very young buffalo calves. To understand the development of the inflammatory responses in the wall of the gut, samples of tissues were removed from the duodenum, jejunum and ileum of buffalo calves naturally infected with T. vitulorum during the beginning of the infection, at the peak of egg output, as well as during the periods of rejection of the worms and post-rejection. Two additional control groups of uninfected calves (by anti-helminthic therapy of their mothers and after the birth) were also necropsied on days 30 and 50 after birth. Blood samples were fortnightly collected from birth to 174 days post-birth. Blood smears were prepared and stained with Giemsa for eosinophils. The parasitological status of buffalo calves was evaluated through weekly fecal egg counts (EPG) from 1 to 106 days after birth, which revealed that T. vitulorum egg shedding started on day 11, reached the peak of the infection on day 49 and finally expelled the parasites between days 50 and 85 after birth. In the infected buffalo calves, the mast cell population increased significantly, by two-fold in the mucosa (villus-crypt unit (VCU)) of the duodenum and four-fold in the proximal jejunum; but these increases were statistically significant only at the peak of the infection. Although mast cell numbers increased in the mucosa of the ileum as well as in both the submucosal and muscle tissues of the duodenum, proximal jejunum and ileum, the data was not significantly different from the controls. Eosinophil numbers increased in the mucosa of the duodenum (two-five times higher than the control) and proximal jejunum (three-five-fold) during the period of the infection (beginning, peak and rejection). The relative numbers of eosinophils increased in the blood stream from the second to the seventh week. In conclusion, T. vitulorum infection elicited mastocytosis and tissue eosinophilia in the duodenum and proximal jejunum, as well as eosinophilia in the blood stream, during the beginning, at the peak and during the rejection of the worm. After the rejection of the worms, the numbers of these cells returned to normal levels suggesting that these cells may have a role in the process of rejection of T. vitulorum by the host. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is an autosomal recessive hereditary pigmentation disorder affecting humans and several other animal species. Oculocutaneous albinism was studied in a herd of Murrah buffalo to determine the clinical presentation and genetic basis of albinism in this species.Results: Clinical examinations and pedigree analysis were performed in an affected herd, and wild-type and OCA tyrosinase mRNA sequences were obtained. The main clinical findings were photophobia and a lack of pigmentation of the hair, skin, horns, hooves, mucosa, and iris. The results of segregation analysis suggest that this disease is acquired through recessive inheritance. In the OCA buffalo, a single-base substitution was detected at nucleotide 1,431 (G to A), which leads to the conversion of tryptophan into a stop codon at residue 477.Conclusion: This premature stop codon produces an inactive protein, which is responsible for the OCA buffalo phenotype. These findings will be useful for future studies of albinism in buffalo and as a possible model to study diseases caused by a premature stop codon.
The water buffalo is vital to the lives of small farmers and to the economy of many countries worldwide. Not only are they draught animals, but they are also a source of meat, horns, skin and particularly the rich and precious milk that may be converted to creams, butter, yogurt and many cheeses. Genome analysis of water buffalo has advanced significantly in recent years. This review focuses on currently available genome resources in water buffalo in terms of cytogenetic characterization, whole genome mapping and next generation sequencing. No doubt, these resources indicate that genome science comes of age in the species and will provide knowledge and technologies to help optimize production potential, reproduction efficiency, product quality, nutritional value and resistance to diseases. As water buffalo and domestic cattle, both members of the Bovidae family, are closely related, the vast amount of cattle genetic/genomic resources might serve as shortcuts for the buffalo community to further advance genome science and biotechnologies in the species.
Objective-To develop and apply the liquid-phase blocking sandwich ELISA (BLOCKING-ELISA) for the quantification of antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) strains O-1 Campos, A(24) Cruzeiro, and C-3 Indaial.Design-Antibody quantification.Sample Population-158 water buffalo from various premises of São Paulo Stale-Brazil. The sera were collected either from systemically vaccinated or nonvaccinated animals.Procedure-The basic reagents of BLOCKING-ELISA (capture and detector antibodies, virus antigens, and conjugate) were prepared and the reaction was optimized and standardized to quantify water buffalo antibodies against FMDV. An alternative procedure based on mathematical interpolation was adopted to estimate more precisely the antibody 50% competition liters in the BLOCKING-ELISA. These titers were compared with the virus-neutralization test (VNT) titers to determine the correlation between these techniques. The percentages of agreement, cutoff points, and reproducibility also were determined.Results-The antibody liters obtained in the BLOCKING-ELISA had high positive correlation coefficients with VNT, reaching values of 0.90 for O-1 Campos and C-3 Indaial, and 0.82 for the A(24) Cruzeiro (P < 0.0005). The cutoff points obtained by use of the copositivity and conegativity curves allowed determination of high levels of agreement between BLOCKLNG-ELISA and VNT antibody titers against the 3 FMDV strains analyzed.Conclusions-The results characterized by high cor relation coefficients, levels of agreement, and reproducibility indicate that the BLOCKING-ELISA may replace the conventional VNT for detection and quantification of antibodies from water buffalo sera to FMDV.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)