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In 2008, academic researchers and public service officials created a university extension studies platform based on online and on-site meetings denominated "Work-Related Accidents Forum: Analysis, Prevention, and Other Relevant Aspects. Its aim was to help public agents and social partners to propagate a systemic approach that would be helpful in the surveillance and prevention of work-related accidents. This article describes and analyses such a platform. Online access is free and structured to: support dissemination of updated concepts; support on-site meetings and capacity to build educational activities; and keep a permanent space for debate among the registered participants. The desired result is the propagation of a social-technical-systemic view of work-related accidents that replaces the current traditional view that emphasizes human error and results in blaming the victims. The Forum uses an educational approach known as permanent health education, which is based on the experience and needs of workers and encourages debate among participants. The forum adopts a problematizing pedagogy that starts from the requirements and experiences of the social actors and stimulates support and discussions among them in line with an ongoing health educational approach. The current challenge is to turn the platform into a social networking website in order to broaden its links with society.


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In 2008, academic researchers and public service officials created a university extension studies platform based on online and on-site meetings denominated "Work-Related Accidents Forum: Analysis, Prevention, and Other Relevant Aspects. Its aim was to help public agents and social partners to propagate a systemic approach that would be helpful in the surveillance and prevention of work-related accidents. This article describes and analyses such a platform. Online access is free and structured to: support dissemination of updated concepts; support on-site meetings and capacity to build educational activities; and keep a permanent space for debate among the registered participants. The desired result is the propagation of a social-technical-systemic view of work-related accidents that replaces the current traditional view that emphasizes human error and results in blaming the victims. The Forum uses an educational approach known as permanent health education, which is based on the experience and needs of workers and encourages debate among participants. The forum adopts a problematizing pedagogy that starts from the requirements and experiences of the social actors and stimulates support and discussions among them in line with an ongoing health educational approach. The current challenge is to turn the platform into a social networking website in order to broaden its links with society.


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Background Osteoporosis is a debilitating disease and its risk can be reduced through adequate calcium consumption and physical activity. This protocol paper describes a workplace-based intervention targeting behaviour change in premenopausal women working in sedentary occupations. Method/Design A cluster-randomised design was used, comparing the efficacy of a tailored intervention to standard care. Workplaces were the clusters and units of randomisation and intervention. Sample size calculations incorporated the cluster design. Final number of clusters was determined to be 16, based on a cluster size of 20 and calcium intake parameters (effect size 250 mg, ICC 0.5 and standard deviation 290 mg) as it required the highest number of clusters. Sixteen workplaces were recruited from a pool of 97 workplaces and randomly assigned to intervention and control arms (eight in each). Women meeting specified inclusion criteria were then recruited to participate. Workplaces in the intervention arm received three participatory workshops and organisation wide educational activities. Workplaces in the control/standard care arm received print resources. Intervention workshops were guided by self-efficacy theory and included participatory activities such as goal setting, problem solving, local food sampling, exercise trials, group discussion and behaviour feedback. Outcomes measures were calcium intake (milligrams/day) and physical activity level (duration: minutes/week), measured at baseline, four weeks and six months post intervention. Discussion This study addresses the current lack of evidence for behaviour change interventions focussing on osteoporosis prevention. It addresses missed opportunities of using workplaces as a platform to target high-risk individuals with sedentary occupations. The intervention was designed to modify behaviour levels to bring about risk reduction. It is the first to address dietary and physical activity components each with unique intervention strategies in the context of osteoporosis prevention. The intervention used locally relevant behavioural strategies previously shown to support good outcomes in other countries. The combination of these elements have not been incorporated in similar studies in the past, supporting the study hypothesis that the intervention will be more efficacious than standard practice in osteoporosis prevention through improvements in calcium intake and physical activity.


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 There are a number of published studies on workplace suicide prevention activities, and an even larger number of activities that are not reported on in academic literature. The aim of this review was to provide a systematic assessment of workplace suicide prevention activities, including short-term training activities, as well as suicide prevention strategies designed for occupational groups at risk of suicide. The search was based on Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) Guidelines. The databases used for the searches were the Cochrane Trials Library and PubMed. A range of suicide prevention websites were also searched to ascertain the information on unpublished workplace suicide prevention activities. Key characteristics of retrieved studies were extracted and explained, including whether activities were short-term training programmes or developed specifically for occupations at risk of suicide. There were 13 interventions relevant for the review after exclusions. There were a few examples of prevention activities developed for at-risk occupations (e.g. police, army, air force and the construction industry) as well as a number of general awareness programmes that could be applied across different settings. Very few workplace suicide prevention initiatives had been evaluated. Results from those that had been evaluated suggest that prevention initiatives had beneficial effects. Suicide prevention has the potential to be integrated into existing workplace mental health activities. There is a need for further studies to develop, implement and evaluate workplace suicide prevention programmes.


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BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a debilitating disease. Adequate calcium consumption and physical activity are the two major modifiable risk factors. This paper describes the major outcomes and efficacy of a workplace-based targeted behaviour change intervention to improve the dietary and physical activity behaviours of working women in sedentary occupations in Singapore.

METHODS: A cluster-randomized design was used, comparing the efficacy of a tailored intervention to standard care. Workplaces were the units of randomization and intervention. Sixteen workplaces were recruited from a pool of 97, and randomly assigned to intervention and control arms (eight workplaces in each). Women meeting specified inclusion criteria were then recruited to participate. Workplaces in the intervention arm received three participatory workshops and organization-wide educational activities. Workplaces in the control/standard care arm received print resources. Outcome measures were calcium intake (milligrams/day) and physical activity level (duration: minutes/week), measured at baseline, 4 weeks and 6 months post intervention. Adjusted cluster-level analyses were conducted comparing changes in intervention versus control groups, following intention-to-treat principles and CONSORT guidelines.

RESULTS: Workplaces in the intervention group reported a significantly greater increase in calcium intake and duration of load-bearing moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) compared with the standard care control group. Four weeks after intervention, the difference in adjusted mean calcium intake was 343.2 mg/day (95 % CI = 337.4 to 349.0, p < .0005) and the difference in adjusted mean load-bearing MVPA was 55.6 min/week (95 % CI = 54.5 to 56.6, p < .0005). Six months post intervention, the mean differences attenuated slightly to 290.5 mg/day (95 % CI = 285.3 to 295.7, p < .0005) and 50.9 min/week (95 % CI =49.3 to 52.6, p < .0005) respectively.

CONCLUSION: This workplace-based intervention substantially improved calcium intake and load-bearing moderate to vigorous physical activity 6 months after the intervention began. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australia New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry ACTRN12616000079448 . Registered 25 January 2016 (retrospectively registered).


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Este trabalho pretende avaliar a relação da estratégia de comunicação com a cultura de segurança e como aquela é capaz de influenciar os comportamentos dos actores e o seu empenho em aumentar as condições de segurança nos estaleiros da construção, com o objectivo de implementar medidas de controlo para a prevenção do risco e para a redução do número de acidentes de trabalho. Neste contexto, a formação proporcionada em teatro de trabalho assume particular relevância na consciencialização para a cultura de segurança. Foi usado um questionário de elaboração própria para a recolha de dados em estaleiros das PME da construção civil com sede no distrito de Leiria que abrangeu 202 trabalhadores de 33 empresas. Os resultados do estudo empírico evidenciam que os participantes manifestam atitudes mais favoráveis face à cultura organizacional, seguindo-se a cultura de segurança, a formação e a comunicação de segurança. Assim, quanto mais forte é a cultura organizacional melhor é a cultura de segurança e, de modo análogo, quanto melhor é a cultura organizacional, melhor são a formação e a comunicação de segurança. Os resultados mostram que há uma forte ligação entre a comunicação de segurança e a cultura de segurança. A diminuição dos acidentes de trabalho tem génese na modificação das condições de segurança, dos comportamentos inseguros ou numa combinação de ambos. Por isso, e com base na análise dos resultados e na proposta do modelo teórico derivado da análise da pesquisa de campo, nós sugerimos que haja respeito recíproco entre as chefias e os trabalhadores, e de todos por conceitos e ideias expostas; e, ainda, que o processo de comunicação horizontal passado a processo de comunicação ascendente retrate a realidade, codificando e descodificando a mensagem, para a manutenção dos princípios de comunicação e de cultura de segurança.


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Embora o objectivo de redução de acidentes laborais seja frequentemente invocado para justificar uma aplicação preventiva de testes de álcool e drogas no trabalho, há poucas evidências estatisticamente relevantes do pressuposto nexo de causalidade e correlação negativa entre a sujeição aos testes e os posteriores acidentes. Os dados dos testes e dos acidentes ocorridos com os colaboradores de uma empresa transportadora portuguesa, durante anos recentes, são explorados, em busca de relações entre estas e outras variáveis biográficas. Os resultados preliminares obtidos sugerem que a sujeição a testes aleatórios no local de trabalho está associada a menos acidentes posteriores que os ocorridos na ausência desses testes, e que existe uma frequência óptima de testes acima da qual não se verifica redução de acidentes que justifique o investimento em aumento de testes. - Although the aim of reducing occupational accidents is frequently cited to justify preventive drug and alcohol testing at work, there is little statistically significant evidence of the assumed causality relationship and negative correlation between exposure to testing and subsequent accidents. Data mining of tests and accidents involving employees of a Portuguese transportation company, during recent years, searches for relations between these and other biographical variables. Preliminary results indicate that being subjected to random testing in the workplace is associated with fewer subsequent accidents that occur in the absence of such tests, and also that there is an optimum frequency of tests, above which there is no reduction of accidents to justify an increase of investment in testing.


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The paper draws on a three year Australian Research Council funded project entitled Sexual Harassment in Australia: Context Outcomes and Prevention. The research to date suggests there is some slippage between legal definitions and community understandings of what constitutes sexual harassment. Moreover, while sexual harassment is often seen by the community and within organisations as the fault of one aberrant individual, in certain workplace contexts sexual harassment is used to ‘police the gender borders’, that is to exclude women and men who do not conform to the dominant workplace gender norms. This type of sexual harassment is a collective form of behaviour often perpetrated by co-workers in male-dominated workplaces which is designed to humiliate ‘outsiders’ so they appear incompetent and will be forced to leave the organisation. While much previous research that has focused on this type of sexual harassment has taken place in military and policing settings, our emerging findings suggest that it is present in a far broader range of workplace contexts. Prevention of this form of sexual harassment is challenging and goes to the heart of organisational culture and work organisation.


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Ce mémoire vise à étudier l’effet d’un défi santé centré sur la perte de poids, au sein d’un programme de santé et de mieux-être, dans une organisation du Québec, sur les invalidités de courte durée, les accidents du travail et le retour sur investissement qui en résulte. Les analyses quantitatives ont été réalisées à partir d’une base de données existante dans laquelle 1 981 employés ont été retenus dans une grande compagnie canadienne employant plus de 2 400 personnes. Les données ont été analysées sur une période de 15 mois, soit six mois avant l’intervention (période pré-intervention), trois mois durant l’intervention et six mois suivant l’intervention (période post-intervention). Les résultats indiquent que seule la fréquence des accidents du travail est significativement plus importante chez les non-participants lorsqu’on les compare avec les participants dans la période post-intervention. Lorsqu’on compare ces deux groupes entre les périodes pré et post-intervention, on remarque que les résultats des participants sont demeurés stables dans le temps tandis que ceux des non-participants se sont détériorés quant à la fréquence et à la durée des absences reliées à des invalidités de courte durée et à celle des accidents du travail. Aussi, l’âge des participants exerce un effet modérateur sur les accidents du travail puisque les résultats montrent que les participants plus jeunes (18 à 44 ans) obtiennent une fréquence d’accidents du travail inférieure à celle des employés plus âgés (45 ans et plus) du même groupe. Par contre, le genre n’a pas un tel effet de modération. Enfin, le retour sur investissement du programme est estimé à six dollars pour chaque dollar investi. Finalement, les résultats obtenus permettent de montrer aux employeurs qu’investir dans un défi santé centré sur la perte poids génère des effets quantitatifs et qualitatifs positifs importants sur leur main-d’œuvre. Ce programme permet de sensibiliser les employés à bien s’alimenter et à faire de l’activité physique, ce qui favorise l’atteinte d’un poids santé et ainsi de freiner l’augmentation annuelle de l’absentéisme que l’on observe sur le marché du travail.


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Objetivo. Para fortalecer las estrategias preventivas de forma integral, se pretende caracterizar la accidentalidad ocurrida en una empresa del sector de hidrocarburos e identificar los posibles factores de riesgo relacionados con estos eventos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, utilizando las bases de datos SIGA y AUDICOMP del periodo Julio-2010 a Junio-2013, que almacenan información sobre accidentes laborales en trabajadores vinculados a Petrobras, Colombia. Nuestra variable resultado fue el número de accidentes laborales en función de la experiencia laboral y tiempo de contratación en la empresa, estratificada por características demográficas, propias del cargo ocupado y área anatómica lesionada. A las variables continuas se les calculo las medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y a las categóricas la proporción; se estimó el Odds Ratio (OR) de presentar un accidente en < 1 o entre 1-5 años de contratación. Resultados: se presentaron 457 accidentes, 96% (IC95% 94.2-97.8) fueron hombres, la década entre 25-34 años (36.8; IC95% 32.4-41.2) y el tipo de cargo obrero fueron los más frecuentes (35.3%; IC95% 30.9-39.6). Ser obrero (IC95% 2,11-2,65) y contar con experiencia laboral menor a un año (IC95% 1,78-2,33) fueron los principales factores relacionados con un accidente en < 1 año de contratación; el modelo con mayor AUC fue el de hombres entre 18-24 años de edad, contratados para laborar como obrero y con menos de un año de experiencia laboral (AUC 0,973; IC95% 0,865-0,995). Conclusiones. Los hombres entre 18-24 años de edad, contratados para laborar como obrero y con menos de un año de experiencia laboral, tenían mayor riesgo de presentar un accidente en menos de un año desde la contratación. El modelo propuesto ayudó a identificar a trabajadores con alta probabilidad de presentar un accidente en < 1 año desde la contratación.


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Introducción Debido a que los accidentes de origen ocupacional ocupan un lugar importante dentro de las causas de ausentismo, discapacidades y hasta las muertes se realizó la descripción de la accidentalidad, teniendo en cuenta factores como la severidad y tipo de lesión, el tipo de actividad laboral y re accidentalidad ocurrida en una empresa manufacturera en un periodo de 2010 al 2014. Objetivos Establecer la distribución de los accidentes laborales ocurridos en una empresa manufacturera en el periodo de 2010 al 2014 según edad, género, área laboral y tipo de lesión. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en donde se analizaron las características según los trabajadores y la empresa y se realizaron asociaciones para establecer cuáles eran los factores de riesgo para presentar re accidentalidad. Se tomó una empresa manufacturera del sector de producción de alimentos que cuenta con un total de 950 empleados, en riesgo de presentar accidentes laborales. Se seleccionaron 338 accidentes ocurridos en el periodo de 2010 y 2014.Se realizaron análisis de los accidentes según las variables de: género, área de trabajo y tipo de herida para determinar su distribución según dichos factores. Posteriormente se realizaron análisis bivariado por medio de asociaciones estadísticas usando el estadístico Chi cuadrado y pruebas no paramétricas o paramétricas según la distribución de normalidad de las variables cuantitativas. El programa que se usó para el análisis fue el de SPSS versión 22. Resultados El estudio identificó que la proporción de accidentes durante el periodo estudiado con respecto al número de trabajadores fue de 35,6% y de los 950 trabajadores el 28,8% presentaron accidentes que corresponde a los 274 trabajadores. La mediana de edad fue de 35 años y se presentó más frecuente en mujeres (55,6%). El área laboral en la que se presentaron mayor número de accidentes fue el área de manufactura (75,7%). La proporción de mujeres que presentaban mayor accidentes en el área de manufactura si representó una diferencia de 23,4% con respecto a la proporción de hombres que presentaron mayor accidentes en la misma área. Con respecto al tipo de lesión, se presentaron accidentes frecuentemente en miembros superiores y según el género, las mujeres presentaron 2,02% más accidentes en miembros superiores comparado con los hombres. Los análisis en cuanto a re accidentalidad determinaron que el 16,8% de los trabajadores presentaron más de un accidente y un trabajador presentó 5 accidentes en el periodo de tiempo estudiado en la empresa, la edad se relacionó significativamente con el hecho de presentar re accidentalidad.


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Introducción: Las estadísticas de siniestralidad laboral son el negativo de las condiciones de trabajo de la economía de un país. Las indeseables condiciones de trabajo que predominan en la actualidad probablemente sean consecuencia de las crecientes contrataciones temporales lo cual conduce a que se incrementen los accidentes de trabajo, debido a la pobre inversión en el área de riesgos laborales. Objetivo: Evaluación de la siniestralidad en pequeñas y medianas empresas de los sectores económicos de la regional centro en una aseguradora de riesgos laborales, Colombia, 2014. Materiales y métodos: Estudio tipo observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo, realizado a 14.994 eventos calificados como accidentes de trabajo en una aseguradora de riesgos laborales dela regional centro durante Enero a Diciembre del años 2014. Resultados: La mayor incidencia de accidentalidad fue en el sector económico de establecimientos financieros, seguros, actividades inmobiliarias y servicios a las empresas, con un 36.9%. Se encontró que el riesgo que genero mayor accidentalidad fue caída a nivel con un 17.2%. El grupo diagnostico que predomino fue el de heridas superficiales y heridas abiertas con un 77.4%. El tipo de atención que genero mayores atenciones fue la atención ambulatoria con 93.1%. Conclusión: El sector económico que se vio mayormente afectado en accidentalidad laboral fue el de establecimientos financieros, seguros, actividades inmobiliarias y servicios a las empresas. Al asociar dicho sector económico con el tipo de riesgo se determinó que el riesgo por lesión en accidente deportivo fue de un 61%, predisponiendo este al desarrollo de accidentalidad laboral. Por lo anterior se deben hacerr estrategias de intervención de prevención y promoción en las pequeñas y medianas empresas y como consecuencia disminuir las tasas de siniestralidad e impactar de manera positiva en la salud de los trabajadores, en las tasas de ausentismo laboral y el costo asistencial.


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Negative outcomes of a poor work environment are more frequent among young workers. The aim of the current study was to study former pupils’ conditions concerning occupational health and safety by investigating the workplaces’, safety climate, the degree of implementation of SWEM and the their introduction programs. Four branches were included in the study: Industrial, Restaurant, Transport and Handicraft, specialising in wood. Semi-structured dialogues were undertaken with 15 employers at companies in which former pupils were employed. They also answered a questionnaire about SWEM. Former pupils and experienced employees were upon the same occasion asked to fill in a questionnaire about safety climate at the workplace. Workplace introduction programs varied and were strongly linked to company size. Most of the former pupils and experienced employees rated the safety climate at their company as high, or good. Employers in three of the branches rated the SWEM implemented at their workplaces to be effective. The Industry companies, which had the largest workplaces, gave the most systematic and workplace introduction for new employees. There are no results from this study explaining the fact that young workers have a higher risk for workplace accidents.


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Workplace cancer prevention initiatives have been least successful with blue-collar workers. This study assesses whether an intervention integrating health promotion with occupational health and safety results in significant and meaningful increases in smoking cessation and consumption of fruits and vegetables, compared to a standard health promotion intervention, for workers overall and for blue-collar workers in particular. Methods: A randomized controlled design was used, with 15 manufacturing worksites assigned to a health promotion (HP) or a health promotion plus occupational health and safety intervention (HP/OHS), and compared from baseline (1997) to final (1999). The response rates to the survey were 80% at baseline (n = 9019) and 65% at final (n = 7327). Both groups targeted smoking and diet; the HP/OHS condition additionally incorporated reduction of occupational exposures. Results: Smoking quit rates among blue-collar workers in the HP/OHS condition more than doubled relative to those in the HP condition (OR=2.13, p=0.04), and were comparable to quit rates of white-collar workers. No statistically significant differences between groups were found for mean changes in fruits and vegetables. Integration of occupational health and safety and health promotion may be an essential means of enhancing the effectiveness of worksite tobacco control initiatives with blue-collar workers.