991 resultados para WINTER SURVIVAL


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We conducted a whole year research on the ecology of Mansonia indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, Costanera Sur Reserve, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The usage of different floating plants by immature instars and their overwintering was analized. The percentage of usage of the available floating macrophytes (Pistia, Limnobium, and Salvinia) by the larvae and pupae was studied. Also, we defined positivity (P+) as the percentage of plants with immature instars for each plant genus on a monthly basis. Ma. immature instars were captured throughout the year and Pistia was the resource most commonly exploited by the mosquitoes. The percentage of fourth-instar larvae and pupae on Pistia roots with respect to total immature instars captured was assessed on a monthly and seasonal basis. The proportion of fourth-instar larvae and pupae from both species of Mansonia on water lettuce roots, showed significant differences between months and seasons. Our results suggest that the populations of Ma. indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, survive during winter mainly as fourth-instar larvae.


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To test the hypothesis that enhanced tolerance of oxidative stress would improve winter survival, two clones of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) were transformed with a Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) targeted to the mitochondria or to the chloroplast. Although Mn-SOD activity increased in most primary transgenic plants, both cytosolic and chloroplastic forms of Cu/Zn-SOD had lower activity in the chloroplast SOD transgenic plants than in the nontransgenic plants. In a field trial at Elora, Ontario, Canada, the survival and yield of 33 primary transgenic and control plants were compared. After one winter most transgenic plants had higher survival rates than control plants, with some at 100%. Similarly, some independent transgenic plants had twice the herbage yield of the control plants. Prescreening the transgenic plants for SOD activity, vigor, or freezing tolerance in the greenhouse was not effective in identifying individual transgenic plants with improved field performance. Freezing injury to leaf blades and fibrous roots, measured by electrolyte leakage from greenhouse-grown acclimated plants, indicated that the most tolerant were only 1°C more freezing-tolerant than alfalfa clone N4. There were no differences among transgenic and control plants for tetrazolium staining of field-grown plants at any freezing temperature. Therefore, although many of the transgenic plants had higher winter survival rates and herbage yield, there was no apparent difference in primary freezing injury, and therefore, the trait is not associated with a change in the primary site of freezing injury.


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Any occupation of northern Europe by Lower Palaeolithic hominins, even those occurring during full interglacials, must have addressed the challenges of marked seasonality and cold winters. These would have included the problems of: wind-chill and frostbite; duration, distribution and depth of snow-cover; reduced daylight hours; and distribution and availability of animal and plant foods. Solutions can essentially be characterised as a ‘stick or twist’ choice: i.e. year-round presence on a local scale vs. extensive annual mobility. However these options, and the ‘interim’ strategies that lie between them, present various problems, including maintaining core body temperature, meeting the energetic demands of mobility, coping with reduced resource availability and increasing patchiness, and meeting nutritional requirements. The feasibility of different winter survival strategies are explored with reference to Lower Palaeolithic palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and on-site behavioural evidence. Emphasis is placed upon possible strategies for (i) avoiding the excessive lean meat protein problem of ‘rabbit starvation’ (e.g. through exploitation of ‘residential’ species with significant winter body fat and/or by targeting specific body parts, following modern ethnographic examples, supplemented by the exploitation of winter plants); and (ii) maintaining body temperatures (e.g. through managed pyrotechnology, and/or other forms of cultural insulation). The paper concludes with a suggested winter strategy.


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The physiological responses of sugarcane (Succharion officinarum L.) to oxidative stress induced by methyl viologen (paraquat) were examined with respect to photochemical activity, chlorophyll content, lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities. Thirty-day-old sugarcane plants were sprayed with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mM methyl viologen (MV). Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured after 18 It and biochemical analyses were performed after 24 and 48 h. Concentrations of MV above 2 mM caused significant damage to photosystem II (PSII) activity. Potential and effective quantum efficiency of PSII and apparent electron transport rate were greatly reduced or practically abolished. Both chlorophyll and soluble protein contents steadily decreased with MV concentrations above 2 mM after 24 It of exposure, which became more pronounced after 48 It, achieving a 3-fold decrease. Insoluble protein contents were little affected by MV. Oxidative stress induced by MV was evidenced by increases in lipid peroxidation. Specific activity of SOD increased, even after 48 h of exposure to the highest concentrations of MV, but total activity on a fresh weight basis did not change significantly. Nondenaturing YAGE assayed with H2O2 and KCN showed that treatment with MV did not change Cu/Zn-SOD and MnSOD isoform activities. In contrast, APX specific activity increased at 2 mM MV but then dropped at higher doses. Oxidative damage induced by MV was inversely related to APX activity. It is suggested that the major MV-induced oxidative damages in sugarcane leaves were related to excess H2O2, probably in chloroplasts, caused by an imbalance between SOD and APX activities, in which APX was a limiting step. Reduced photochemical activity allowed the early detection of the ensuing oxidative stress. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Polyphenisms, as opposed to polymorphism, refers to coexistence of several distinct phenotypes having a common genotype. Polyphenism can be selected for in unpredictable environments. Here we document and anlyse a case of siphenism in the north-European fairy shrinp Siphonophanes grubii (Dybowski), in relation to the temporary and unpredictable nature of its habitat. The active part of this species'life cycle usually consists of a single, short-lived, spring cohort. Here we report field observations on autumnal hatching and on a long-lived, overwintering cohort; we show that the winter cohort runs the risk of total failure, due to the pond freezing entirely or drying up during winter. If, however, environmental conditions allow winter survival, animals reach a larger size, reproduce for a longer time, and display higher fecundity, than do animals from the spring cohort. Laboratory experiments support the theory that these differences are purely phenotypic and dependent on temperatur. Using an analytical model adapted from Cohen (1966), we propose that the coexistence of both a winter and a spring cohort in the same ponds can be interpreted as a diversified bet-hedging strategy.


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A selection gradient was recently suggested as one possible cause for a clinal distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes along an altitudinal transect in the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula (Ehinger et al. 2002). One mtDNA haplotype (H1) rare in lowland, became widespread when approaching the altitudinal margin of the distribution. As H1 differs from the main lowland haplotype by several nonsynonymous mutations (including on ATP6), and as mitochondria play a crucial role in metabolism and thermogenesis, distribution patterns might stem from differences in the thermogenic capacity of different mtDNA haplotypes. In order to test this hypothesis, we measured the nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) associated with different mtDNA haplotypes. Sixty-two shrews, half of which had the H1 haplotype, were acclimated in November at semioutdoor conditions and measured for NST throughout winter. Our results showed the crucial role of NST for winter survival in C. russula. The individuals that survived winter displayed a higher significant increase in NST during acclimation, associated with a significant gain in body mass, presumably from brown fat accumulation. The NST capacity (ratio of NST to basal metabolic rate) was exceptionally high for such a small species. NST was significantly affected by a gender x haplotype interaction after winter-acclimation: females bearing the H1 haplotype displayed a better thermogenesis at the onset of the breeding season, while the reverse was true for males. Altogether, our results suggest a sexually antagonistic cyto-nuclear selection on thermogenesis.


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In newly formed groups, informal hierarchies emerge automatically and readily. In this study, we argue that emergent group hierarchies enhance group performance (Hypothesis 1) and we assume that the more the power hierarchy within a group corresponds to the task-competence differences of the individual group members, the better the group performs (Hypothesis 2). Twelve three-person groups and 28 four-person groups were investigated while solving the Winter Survival Task. Results show that emerging power hierarchies positively impact group performance but the alignment between task-competence and power hierarchy did not affect group performance. Thus, emergent power hierarchies are beneficial for group performance and although they were on average created around individual group members' competence, this correspondence was not a prerequisite for better group performance.


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Bien que les infections à Besnoitia tarandi sont documentées chez l’espèce Rangifer sp. depuis 1922, les données récoltées sur l’écologie et la distribution de cette parasitose demeurent rares. Les objectifs de cette étude ont donc été (i) d’identifier le meilleur tissu à échantillonner pour détecter les infections à Besnoitia tarandi dans les populations de caribous, (ii) de calculer la sensibilité et la spécificité de l’examen visuel comparativement à l’examen microscopique et (iii) d’identifier les facteurs de risques intrinsèques et extrinsèques associés à cette parasitose afin (iv) de comparer la prévalence et la densité des kystes parasitaires entre certains troupeaux. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'examen microscopique du derme superficiel d’une section de peau provenant du tiers moyen antérieur du métatarse devrait être privilégié pour dépister les infections par B. tarandi et en évaluer l'intensité. L’examen microscopique est également un outil très sensible comparativement à l’examen visuel des kystes parasitaires. Besnoitia tarandi, qui semble être absent du Groenland, a été observé dans environ un tiers des caribous nord-américains. Une variation saisonnière de prévalence et d'intensité de B. tarandi a été détectée; le parasite étant plus abondant chez cet hôte intermédiaire durant la période de l'automne/hiver comparativement à celle du printemps/été. Cet effet saisonnier pourrait être associé à une augmentation de l'abondance du parasite suite à la saison des insectes (i.e. été), supportant ainsi le rôle présumé des arthropodes piqueurs comme vecteurs de la maladie. Cette différence saisonnière pourrait aussi être expliquée par la diminution de la charge parasitaire par le système immunitaire et/ou par un taux de survie inférieur des animaux les plus parasités durant la saison froide. Les niveaux d'infection étaient légèrement plus élevés chez les mâles que chez les femelles, ce qui suggère soit une diminution du taux de mortalité, soit une exposition accrue ou une plus grande susceptibilité au parasite des mâles en comparaison aux femelles. La densité d’infection supérieure dans le troupeau Rivière-aux-Feuilles (Nunavik) suggère des niveaux d'exposition au parasite plus élevés et/ou une diminution des niveaux de résistance de ces caribous à ce protozoaire. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que B. tarandi peut réduire les chances de survie des caribous infectés. Il sera donc important de continuer à surveiller les infections à B. tarandi surtout en cette période de changements climatiques.


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Le parasite Varroa destructor provoque depuis plus de 30 ans la perte de nombreuses colonies à travers le monde. L’utilisation d’acaricides de synthèse s’est avérée inefficace au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde à la suite de la sélection de varroas résistants. Dans ce contexte, il est devenu impératif de trouver de nouveaux moyens pour contrôler cette peste apicole. Ce travail original de recherche a pour but de déterminer les paramètres fondamentaux d’une lutte intégrée contre la varroase fondée sur l’utilisation périodique de différents pesticides organiques (l’acide oxalique, l’acide formique et le thymol) associée à des seuils d’interventions. Les seuils d’intervention ont été déterminés à l’aide de régressions linéaires entre les taux de parasitisme par V. destructor et la formance zootechnique des colonies d’abeilles mellifères (production de miel et force des colonies). Un total de 154 colonies d’abeilles du Centre de recherche en sciences animales de Deschambault (CRSAD) ont été suivies de septembre 2005 à septembre 2006. Les seuils calculés et proposés à la suite de cette recherche sont de 2 varroas par jour (chute naturelle) au début mai, 10 varroas par jour à la fin juillet et de 9 varroas par jour au début septembre. L’efficacité des traitements organiques avec l’acide oxalique (AO), l’acide formique (AF) et le thymol a été vérifiée en mai (avant la première miellée) en juillet (entre deux miellées), en septembre (après la miellée et pendant le nourrissage des colonies) et en novembre (avant l’hivernage). L’acide oxalique a été appliqué en utilisant la méthode d’égouttement (4% d’AO p/v dans un sirop de sucrose 1 :1 p/v). L’acide formique a été appliquée sous forme de MiteAwayII™ (tampon commercial imbibé d’AF 65% v/v placé sur le dessus des cadres à couvain), Mitewipe (tampons Dri-Loc™ 10/15cm imbibés de 35 mL d’AF 65% v/v placés sur le dessus des cadres à couvain) ou Flash (AF 65% coulé directement sur le plateau inférieur d’une colonie, 2 mL par cadre avec abeilles). Le thymol a été appliqué sous forme d’Apiguard™ (gélose contenant 25% de thymol p/v placée sur le dessus des cadres à couvain). Les essais d’efficacité ont été réalisés de 2006 à 2008 sur un total de 170 colonies (98 appartenant au CRSAD et 72 appartenant au privé). Les résultats montrent que les traitements de printemps testés ont une faible efficacité pour le contrôle des varroas qui sont en pleine croissance durant cette période. Un traitement avec l’AF à la mi-été permet de réduire les taux de parasites sous le seuil en septembre mais il y a risque de contaminer la récolte de miel avec des résidus d’AF. Les traitements en septembre avec le MiteAwayII™ suivis par un traitement à l’acide oxalique en novembre (5 mL par égouttement entre chaque cadre avec abeilles, 4% d’AO p/v dans un sirop de sucrose 1 :1 p/v) sont les plus efficaces : ils réduisent les niveaux de varroase sous le seuil de 2 varroas par jour au printemps. Nos résultats montrent également que les traitements réalisés tôt en septembre sont plus efficaces et produisent des colonies plus fortes au printemps comparativement à un traitement réalisé un mois plus tard en octobre. En conclusion, ce travail de recherche démontre qu’il est possible de contenir le développement de la varroase dans les ruchers au Québec en utilisant une méthode de lutte intégrée basée sur une combinaison d’applications d’acaricides organiques associée à des seuils d’intervention.


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Long-distance migrants wintering in tropical regions face a number of critical conservation threats throughout their lives, but seasonal estimates of key demographic parameters such as winter survival are rare. Using mist-netting-based mark-recapture data collected in coastal Costa Rica over a six-year period, we examined variation in within- and between-winter survivorship of the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea; 753 young and 376 adults banded), a declining neotropical habitat specialist that depends on threatened mangrove forests during the nonbreeding season. We derived parallel seasonal survivorship estimates for the Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis; 564 young and 93 adults banded), a cohabitant mangrove specialist that has not shown the same population decline in North America, to assess whether contrasting survivorship might contribute to the observed differences in the species’ population trajectories. Although average annual survival probability was relatively similar between the two species for both young and adult birds, monthly estimates indicated that relative to Northern Waterthrush, Prothonotary Warblers exhibited: greater interannual variation in survivorship, especially within winters; greater variation in survivorship among the three study sites; lower average between-winter survivorship, particularly among females, and; a sharp decline in between-winter survivorship from 2003 to 2009 for both age groups and both sexes. Rather than identifying one seasonal vital rate as a causal factor of Prothonotary Warbler population declines, our species comparison suggests that the combination of variable within-winter survival with decreasing between-winter survival demands a multi-seasonal approach to the conservation of this and other tropical-wintering migrants.


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To identify the causes of population decline in migratory birds, researchers must determine the relative influence of environmental changes on population dynamics while the birds are on breeding grounds, wintering grounds, and en route between the two. This is problematic when the wintering areas of specific populations are unknown. Here, we first identified the putative wintering areas of Common House-Martin (Delichon urbicum) and Common Swift (Apus apus) populations breeding in northern Italy as those areas, within the wintering ranges of these species, where the winter Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which may affect winter survival, best predicted annual variation in population indices observed in the breeding grounds in 1992–2009. In these analyses, we controlled for the potentially confounding effects of rainfall in the breeding grounds during the previous year, which may affect reproductive success; the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO), which may account for climatic conditions faced by birds during migration; and the linear and squared term of year, which account for nonlinear population trends. The areas thus identified ranged from Guinea to Nigeria for the Common House-Martin, and were located in southern Ghana for the Common Swift. We then regressed annual population indices on mean NDVI values in the putative wintering areas and on the other variables, and used Bayesian model averaging (BMA) and hierarchical partitioning (HP) of variance to assess their relative contribution to population dynamics. We re-ran all the analyses using NDVI values at different spatial scales, and consistently found that our population of Common House-Martin was primarily affected by spring rainfall (43%–47.7% explained variance) and NDVI (24%–26.9%), while the Common Swift population was primarily affected by the NDVI (22.7%–34.8%). Although these results must be further validated, currently they are the only hypotheses about the wintering grounds of the Italian populations of these species, as no Common House-Martin and Common Swift ringed in Italy have been recovered in their wintering ranges.


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Seasonal heterothermy—an orchestrated set of extreme physiological responses—is directly responsible for the over-winter survival of many mammalian groups living in seasonal environments. Historically, it was thought that the use of seasonal heterothermy (i.e. daily torpor and hibernation) was restricted to cold-adapted species; it is now known that such thermoregulatory strategies are used by more species than previously appreciated, including many tropical species. The dwarf and mouse lemurs (family Cheirogaleidae) are among the few primates known to use seasonal heterothermy to avoid Madagascar’s harsh and unpredictable environments. These primates provide an ideal study system for investigating a common mechanism of mammalian seasonal heterothermy. The overarching theme of this dissertation is to understand both the intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of heterothermy in three species of the family Cheirogaleidae. By using transcriptome sequencing to characterize gene expression in both captive and natural settings, we identify unique patterns of differential gene expression that are correlated with extreme changes in physiology in two species of dwarf lemurs: C. medius under captive conditions at the Duke Lemur Center and C. crossleyi studied under field conditions in Madagascar. Genes that are differentially expressed appear to be critical for maintaining the health of these animals when they undergo prolonged periods of metabolic depression concurrent with the hibernation phenotype. Further, a comparative analysis of previously studied mammalian heterotherms identifies shared genetic mechanisms underlying the hibernation phenotype across the phylogeny of mammals. Lastly, conducting a diet manipulation study with a captive colony of mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) at the Duke Lemur Center, we investigated the degree to which dietary effects influence torpor patterns. We find that tropical primate heterotherms may be exempt from the traditional paradigms governing cold-adapted heterothermy, having evolved different dietary strategies to tolerate circadian changes in body temperature.


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Les changements climatiques récents ont mené à l’expansion de la répartition de plusieurs espèces méridionales, mais ont aussi causé l’extinction locale d’espèces se retrouvant à la limite de leur tolérance environnementale. Ces populations en expansion peuvent favoriser différentes stratégies d’histoire de vie en répondant à différents facteurs limitants. Dans cette thèse, je vise à déterminer et quantifier l’effet du climat et des évènements extrêmes sur le cycle de vie complet d’une espèce en expansion (le dindon sauvage) pour comprendre les changements au niveau populationnel ainsi que les mécanismes impliqués dans l’expansion de la distribution d’une espèce. J’ai défini les évènements extrêmes de pluie, d’épaisseur de neige au sol et de température, comme un évènement dont la fréquence est plus rare que le 10e et 90e percentile. En utilisant l’approche « Measure-Understand-Predict » (MUP), j’ai tout d’abord suivi trois populations le long d’un gradient latitudinal de sévérité hivernale pour mesurer l’effet de variables météorologiques sur la dynamique des populations. La survie des dindons sauvages diminuait drastiquement lorsque l’accumulation de neige au sol dépassait 30 cm pour une période de 10 jours et diminuait également avec la température. Au printemps, la persistance de la neige affectait négativement le taux d’initiation de la nidification et l’augmentation de la pluie diminuait la survie des nids. Dans une deuxième étape, j’ai examiné l’impact des évènements climatiques extrêmes et des processus démographiques impliqués dans l’expansion du dindon, liés à la théorie des histoires de vie pour comprendre la relation entre la dynamique de ces populations en expansions avec le climat. J’ai démontré que la fréquence des évènements extrêmes hivernaux et, d’une façon moins importante, les évènements extrêmes estivaux limitaient l’expansion nordique des dindons sauvages. J’ai appuyé, à l’aide de données empiriques et de modélisation, les hypothèses de la théorie classique des invasions biologiques en montrant que les populations en établissement priorisaient les paramètres reproducteurs tandis que la survie adulte était le paramètre démographique affectant le plus la dynamique des populations bien établies. De plus, les populations les plus au nord étaient composées d’individus plus jeunes ayant une espérance de vie plus faible, mais avaient un potentiel d’accroissement plus élevé que les populations établies, comme le suggère cette théorie. Finalement, j’ai projeté l’impact de la récolte sur la dynamique des populations de même que le taux de croissance de cette espèce en utilisant les conditions climatiques futures projetées par les modèles de l’IPCC. Les populations en établissement avaient un taux de récolte potentiel plus élevé, mais la proportion de mâles adultes, possédant des caractéristiques recherchées par les chasseurs, diminuait plus rapidement que dans les populations établies. Dans le futur, la fréquence des évènements extrêmes de pluie devrait augmenter tandis que la fréquence des évènements extrêmes de température hivernale et d’accumulation de neige au sol devraient diminuer après 2060, limitant probablement l’expansion nordique du dindon sauvage jusqu’en 2100. Cette thèse améliore notre compréhension des effets météorologiques et du climat sur l’expansion de la répartition des espèces ainsi que les mécanismes démographiques impliqués, et nous a permis de prédire la probabilité de l’expansion nordique de la répartition du dindon sauvage en réponse aux changements climatiques.


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The overwintering of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) at the northern limits of its geographic distribution is not yet well known. With the aim of estimating the survival rate of medfly adults in northeast Spain under natural winter conditions, a two-winter-season trial was carried out. A control was carried out in a climatic chamber at 25°C. The results showed that medfly adults were unable to survive the entire winter season in the Girona area. Climatic conditions, including the daily minimum temperature, daily maximum temperature and the high rainfall, appeared to be involved in adult mortality in winter.


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Abstract In a continuing study to improve the efficiency of dormant bud cryopreservation for tissues hardened in maritime climates, the water status of dormant buds was monitored between -4°C and recovery from liquid nitrogen (LN). Measurement of water content, simple thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry were employed. Buds did not lose water during cooling to, or holding at -30°C indicating that cryodehydration and/or other adaptive responses contributed during this essential step. A bud exotherm that was an artefact of warming was detected due to necessary handling at -4°C before cooling to -30°C. There were no significant differences between cultivars with respect to water status at -30°C or immediately upon rewarming from LN despite significant differences in post-LN survival. Buds rehydrated in 5 days, but up to 14 days may be needed for recovery for some cultivars. In some instances buds could be grafted without rehydration, taking up water across the early graft union.