937 resultados para WELDED-JOINTS
With the aim of investigating a laser-welded dissimilar joint of TWIP and TRIP steel sheets, the microstructure was characterized by means of OM, SEM, and EBSD to differentiate the fusion zone, heat-affected zone, and the base material. OIM was used to differentiate between ferritic, bainitic, and martensitic structures. Compositions were measured by means of optical emission spectrometry and EDX to evaluate the effect of manganese segregation. Microhardness measurements and tensile tests were performed to evaluate the mechanical properties of the joint. Residual stresses and XRD phase quantification were used to characterize the weld. Grain coarsening and martensitic areas were found in the fusion zone, and they had significant effects on the mechanical properties of the weld. The heat-affected zone of the TRIP steel and the corresponding base material showed considerable differences in the microstructure and properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
Kolmen eri hitsausliitoksen väsymisikä arvio on analysoitu monimuuttuja regressio analyysin avulla. Regression perustana on laaja S-N tietokanta joka on kerätty kirjallisuudesta. Tarkastellut liitokset ovat tasalevy liitos, krusiformi liitos ja pitkittäisripa levyssä. Muuttujina ovat jännitysvaihtelu, kuormitetun levyn paksuus ja kuormitus tapa. Paksuus effekti on käsitelty uudelleen kaikkia kolmea liitosta ajatellen. Uudelleen käsittelyn avulla on varmistettu paksuus effektin olemassa olo ennen monimuuttuja regressioon siirtymistä. Lineaariset väsymisikä yhtalöt on ajettu kolmelle hitsausliitokselle ottaen huomioon kuormitetun levyn paksuus sekä kuormitus tapa. Väsymisikä yhtalöitä on verrattu ja keskusteltu testitulosten valossa, jotka on kerätty kirjallisuudesta. Neljä tutkimustaon tehty kerättyjen väsymistestien joukosta ja erilaisia väsymisikä arvio metodeja on käytetty väsymisiän arviointiin. Tuloksia on tarkasteltu ja niistä keskusteltu oikeiden testien valossa. Tutkimuksissa on katsottu 2mm ja 6mm symmetristäpitkittäisripaa levyssä, 12.7mm epäsymmetristä pitkittäisripaa, 38mm symmetristä pitkittäisripaa vääntökuormituksessa ja 25mm/38mm kuorman kantavaa krusiformi liitosta vääntökuormituksessa. Mallinnus on tehty niin lähelle testi liitosta kuin mahdollista. Väsymisikä arviointi metodit sisältävät hot-spot metodin jossa hot-spot jännitys on laskettu kahta lineaarista ja epälineaarista ekstrapolointiakäyttäen sekä paksuuden läpi integrointia käyttäen. Lovijännitys ja murtumismekaniikka metodeja on käytetty krusiformi liitosta laskiessa.
On yleisesti tiedossa, että väsyttävän kuormituksen alaisena olevat hitsatut rakenteet rikkoutuvat juuri hitsausliitoksista. Täyden tunkeuman hitsausliitoksia sisältävien rakenteiden asiantunteva suunnittelu janykyaikaiset valmistusmenetelmät ovat lähes eliminoineet väsymisvauriot hitsatuissa rakenteissa. Väsymislujuuden parantaminen tiukalla täyden tunkeuman vaatimuksella on kuitenkin epätaloudellinen ratkaisu. Täyden tunkeuman hitsausliitoksille asetettavien laatuvaatimuksien on määriteltävä selkeät tarkastusohjeet ja hylkäämisperusteet. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia geometristen muuttujien vaikutusta kuormaa kantavien hitsausliitosten väsymislujuuteen. Huomio kiinnitettiin pääasiassa suunnittelumuuttujiin, joilla on vaikutusta väsymisvaurioiden syntymiseen hitsauksen juuren puolella. Nykyiset määräykset ja standardit, jotka perustuvat kokeellisiin tuloksiin; antavat melko yleisiä ohjeita hitsausliitosten väsymismitoituksesta. Tämän vuoksi muodostettiin kokonaan uudet parametriset yhtälöt sallitun nimellisen jännityksen kynnysarvon vaihteluvälin, ¿¿th, laskemiseksi, jotta vältettäisiin hitsausliitosten juuren puoleiset väsymisvauriot. Lisäksi, jokaiselle liitostyypille laskettiin hitsin juuren puolen väsymisluokat (FAT), joita verrattiin olemassa olevilla mitoitusohjeilla saavutettuihin tuloksiin. Täydentäviksi referensseiksi suoritettiin useita kolmiulotteisia (3D) analyysejä. Julkaistuja kokeellisiin tuloksiin perustuvia tietoja käytettiin apuna hitsausliitosten väsymiskäyttäytymisen ymmärtämiseksi ja materiaalivakioiden määrittämiseksi. Kuormaa kantavien vajaatunkeumaisten hitsausliitosten väsymislujuus määritettiin käyttämällä elementtimenetelmää. Suurimman pääjännityksen kriteeriä hyödynnettiin murtumiskäyttäytymisen ennakoimiseksi. Valitulle hitsatulle materiaalille ja koeolosuhteille murtumiskäyttäytymistä mallinnettiin särön kasvunopeudella da/dN ja jännitysintensiteettikertoimen vaihteluvälillä, 'K. Paris:n yhtälön numeerinen integrointi suoritettiin FRANC2D/L tietokoneohjelmalla. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan laskea FAT tutkittavassa tapauksessa. ¿¿th laskettiin alkusärön jännitysintensiteettikertoimen vaihteluvälin ja kynnysjännitysintensiteettikertoimen, 'Kth, perusteella. ¿Kth arvoa pienemmällä vaihteluvälillä särö ei kasva. Analyyseissäoletuksena oli hitsattu jälkikäsittelemätön liitos, jossa oli valmis alkusärö hitsin juuressa. Analyysien tulokset ovat hyödyllisiä suunnittelijoille, jotka tekevät päätöksiä koskien geometrisiä parametreja, joilla on vaikutusta hitsausliitosten väsymislujuuteen.
The future of high technology welded constructions will be characterised by higher strength materials and improved weld quality with respect to fatigue resistance. The expected implementation of high quality high strength steel welds will require that more attention be given to the issues of crack initiation and mechanical mismatching. Experiments and finite element analyses were performed within the framework of continuum damage mechanics to investigate the effect of mismatching of welded joints on void nucleation and coalescence during monotonic loading. It was found that the damage of undermatched joints mainly occurred in the sandwich layer and the damageresistance of the joints decreases with the decrease of the sandwich layer width. The damage of over-matched joints mainly occurred in the base metal adjacent to the sandwich layer and the damage resistance of the joints increases with thedecrease of the sandwich layer width. The mechanisms of the initiation of the micro voids/cracks were found to be cracking of the inclusions or the embrittled second phase, and the debonding of the inclusions from the matrix. Experimental fatigue crack growth rate testing showed that the fatigue life of under-matched central crack panel specimens is longer than that of over-matched and even-matched specimens. Further investigation by the elastic-plastic finite element analysis indicated that fatigue crack closure, which originated from the inhomogeneousyielding adjacent to the crack tip, played an important role in the fatigue crack propagation. The applicability of the J integral concept to the mismatched specimens with crack extension under cyclic loading was assessed. The concept of fatigue class used by the International Institute of Welding was introduced in the parametric numerical analysis of several welded joints. The effect of weld geometry and load condition on fatigue strength of ferrite-pearlite steel joints was systematically evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics. Joint types included lap joints, angle joints and butt joints. Various combinations of the tensile and bending loads were considered during the evaluation with the emphasis focused on the existence of both root and toe cracks. For a lap joint with asmall lack-of-penetration, a reasonably large weld leg and smaller flank angle were recommended for engineering practice in order to achieve higher fatigue strength. It was found that the fatigue strength of the angle joint depended strongly on the location and orientation of the preexisting crack-like welding defects, even if the joint was welded with full penetration. It is commonly believed that the double sided butt welds can have significantly higher fatigue strength than that of a single sided welds, but fatigue crack initiation and propagation can originate from the weld root if the welding procedure results in a partial penetration. It is clearly shown that the fatigue strength of the butt joint could be improved remarkably by ensuring full penetration. Nevertheless, increasing the fatigue strength of a butt joint by increasing the size of the weld is an uneconomical alternative.
The effective notch stress approach for the fatigue strength assessment of welded structures as included in the Fatigue Design Recommendation of the IIW requires the numerical analysis of the elastic notch stress in the weld toe and weld root which is fictitiously rounded with a radius of 1mm. The goal of this thesis work was to consider alternate meshing strategies when using the effective notch stress approach to assess the fatigue strength of load carrying partial penetration fillet-welded cruciform joints. In order to establish guidelines for modeling the joint and evaluating the results, various two-dimensional (2D) finite element analyses were carried out by systematically varying the thickness of the plates, the weld throat thickness, the degree of bending, and the shape and location of the modeled effective notch. To extend the scope of this work, studies were also carried out on the influence of
Experiments were carried out to determine the properties of the welded joints in 8mm thick high-strength steels produced by quenching and tempering and thermomechanical rolling with accelerated cooling (tensile strength 821–835 MPa). The dependence of the strength, elongation, hardness, impact energy and crack opening displacement on the heat input in the range 1.0–0.7 kJ mm21 was determined. The results show that the dependence of the strength of the welded joints decreases and that of the elongation increases. The heat input has only a slight effect on the impact energy and crack opening displacement in the heat-affected zone.
In this study, finite element analyses and experimental tests are carried out in order to investigate the effect of loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength of three different non-load carrying welded joints. The current codes and recommendations do not give explicit instructions how to consider degree of bending in loading and the effect of symmetry in the fatigue assessment of welded joints. The fatigue assessment is done by using effective notch stress method and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Transverse attachment and cover plate joints are analyzed by using 2D plane strain element models in FEMAP/NxNastran and Franc2D software and longitudinal gusset case is analyzed by using solid element models in Abaqus and Abaqus/XFEM software. By means of the evaluated effective notch stress range and stress intensity factor range, the nominal fatigue strength is assessed. Experimental tests consist of the fatigue tests of transverse attachment joints with total amount of 12 specimens. In the tests, the effect of both loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength is studied. Finite element analyses showed that the fatigue strength of asymmetric joint is higher in tensile loading and the fatigue strength of symmetric joint is higher in bending loading in terms of nominal and hot spot stress methods. Linear elastic fracture mechanics indicated that bending reduces stress intensity factors when the crack size is relatively large since the normal stress decreases at the crack tip due to the stress gradient. Under tensile loading, experimental tests corresponded with finite element analyzes. Still, the fatigue tested joints subjected to bending showed the bending increased the fatigue strength of non-load carrying welded joints and the fatigue test results did not fully agree with the fatigue assessment. According to the results, it can be concluded that in tensile loading, the symmetry of joint distinctly affects on the fatigue strength. The fatigue life assessment of bending loaded joints is challenging since it depends on whether the crack initiation or propagation is predominant.
Friction welding is a solid state joining process that produces coalescence in materials, using the heat developed between surfaces through a combination of mechanical induced rubbing motion and applied load. In rotary friction welding technique heat is generated by the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy at the interface of the work pieces during rotation under pressure. Traditionally friction welding is carried out on a dedicated machine because of its adaptability to mass production. In the present work, steps were made to modify a conventional lathe to rotary friction welding set up to obtain friction welding with different interface surface geometries at two different speeds and to carry out tensile characteristic studies. The surface geometries welded include flat-flat, flat-tapered, tapered-tapered, concave-convex and convex-convex. A comparison of maximum load, breaking load and percentage elongation of different welded geometries has been realized through this project. The maximum load and breaking load were found to be highest for weld formed between rotating flat and stationary tapered at 500RPM and the values were 19.219kN and 14.28 kN respectively. The percentage elongation was found to be highest for weld formed between rotating flat and stationary flat at 500RPM and the value was 21.4%. Hence from the studies it is cleared that process parameter like “interfacing surface geometries” of weld specimens have strong influence on tensile characteristics of friction welded joints
Welding of high strength and low weight materials like Aluminium Alloys without any defects by conventional welding techniques is a major challenge in industries. Hence research on solid state welding techniques like Friction stir welding and Friction welding techniques have got much importance in joining of Aluminium alloys. However most of the industries are not changing conventional techniques as skilled workers are available on that area. Most common conventional welding techniques used for joining of Aluminium alloys are Gas welding and Arc welding. Friction welding is a solid-state welding process that generates heat through mechanical friction between a moving and a stationary component with the addition of a lateral force called “upset” to plast ically displace and fuse the materials. In this work, experimental study on tensile and micro structural characteristics of welded joints formed from conventional welding techniques and Rotary friction welding(suitable for weld specimens with circular cross section) has been carried out and the same were compared. The process parameters for arc welding used was 50-70 Amp reverse polarity DC and electrodes of 2.3mm diameter. In Gas welding, the parameters were oxy acetylene neural flame at 3200°C and 3mm electrodes . In the case of friction welding an axial pressure loading of 3Mpa with 5 MPa as upsetting pressure and 500 rpm were used to obtain good welded joints. Tensile characteristic studies of Arc welded joints and Gas welded joints showed 48% and 60 % variations respectively from the maximum load bearing characteristics of parent metal. In the case of friction welded joint, the variation was found to 46%. Micro structural evaluation of conventionally welded joints exhibited clear distinct zones of various weld regions. In the case of friction welded joint micro structural photographs showed comparable features both in parent metal and welded region. Thus the tensile characteristic study and microstructure evaluations proved that friction welded joints are good in both aspects compared to conventionally welded joints.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The paper presents a consistent set of results showing the ability of Laser Shock Processing (LSP) in modifying the overall properties of the Friction Stir Welded (FSW) joints made of AA 2024-T351. Based on laser beam intensities above 109 W/cm2 with pulse energies of several Joules and pulses durations of nanoseconds, LSP is able of inducing a compression residual stress field, improving the wear and fatigue resistance by slowing crack propagation and stress corrosion cracking, but also improving the overall behaviour of the structure. After the FSW and LSP procedures are briefly presented, the results of micro-hardness measurements and of transverse tensile tests, together with the corrosion resistance of the native joints vs. LSP treated are discussed. The ability of LSP to generate compressive residual stresses and to improve the behaviour of the FSW joints is underscored.
The paper addresses the fracture propagation and stress corrosion behaviour of laser hybrid welds achieved between low carbon steel and stainless steel thin sheets. The crack propagation within these overmatched in strength welds was investigated by crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) on CT specimens notched transverse to the weld. A Digital Image Correlation System was used to qualify and estimate the initial crack length obtained by fatigue. The results are associated with the fractographic examinations of various regions of laser hybrid joints. Stress corrosion behaviour of the joint is also discussed.
The present investigation addresses the overall and local mechanical performance of dissimilar joints of low carbon steel (CS) and stainless steel (SS) thin sheets achieved by laser welding in case of heat source displacement from the weld gap centreline towards CS. Microstructure characterization and residua! strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction, were used to assess the joints features. It was found that the heat source position influences the base metals dilution and the residua! stress field associated to the welding process; the transverse residual stress is smaller than for the longitudinal component, of magnitudes close to the parent CS yield strength. Furthermore, compressive transverse residual stresses were encountered at the SS-weld interface. The tensile behavior of the joint different zones assessed by using a video-image based system (VIC-2D) reveals that the residual stress field, together with the positive difference in yield between the weld metal and the base materials protects the joint from being piastically deformed. The tensile loadings of flat transverse specimens generate the strain localization and failure in CS, far away from the weld.En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de una investigacion sobre el comportamiento mecanico de soldaduras disimiles acero inoxidable-acero al carbono, realizadas para unir chapas delgadas, desplazando la fuente de calor del eje longitudinal de la union soldada por laser sobre el acero al carbono. Se han determinado las caracteristicas microestructurales de la union soldada, las tensiones residuales generadas (mediante difraccion de neutrones) y las curvas tension-deformacion locales y globales, mediante medidas locales de deformacion empleando el sistema VIC-2D "video image correlation". El desplazamiento de la fuente de calor infiuye en la dilution de los metales base y el campo de tensiones residuales asociado al proceso de soldeo; las tensiones residuales medidas en direction longitudinal se aproximan al limite elastico del acero al carbono, mientras que las tensiones residuales transversales son menores, e incluso de compresion. El ensayo a traccion de la union soldada revela que las tensiones residuales y la diferencia de limite elastico entre los metales base y la soldadura propician que la rotura se produzca por inestabilidad plastica del acero al carbono, lejos de la soldadura, sin que la union plastifique.