998 resultados para WEIGHTING FUNCTIONS


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We propose a new weighting function which is computationally simple and an approximation to the theoretically derived optimum weighting function shown in the literature. The proposed weighting function is perceptually motivated and provides improved vector quantization performance compared to several weighting functions proposed so far, for line spectrum frequency (LSF) parameter quantization of both clean and noisy speech data.


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What is the best luminance contrast weighting-function for image quality optimization? Traditionally measured contrast sensitivity functions (CSFs), have been often used as weighting-functions in image quality and difference metrics. Such weightings have been shown to result in increased sharpness and perceived quality of test images. We suggest contextual CSFs (cCSFs) and contextual discrimination functions (cVPFs) should provide bases for further improvement, since these are directly measured from pictorial scenes, modeling threshold and suprathreshold sensitivities within the context of complex masking information. Image quality assessment is understood to require detection and discrimination of masked signals, making contextual sensitivity and discrimination functions directly relevant. In this investigation, test images are weighted with a traditional CSF, cCSF, cVPF and a constant function. Controlled mutations of these functions are also applied as weighting-functions, seeking the optimal spatial frequency band weighting for quality optimization. Image quality, sharpness and naturalness are then assessed in two-alternative forced-choice psychophysical tests. We show that maximal quality for our test images, results from cCSFs and cVPFs, mutated to boost contrast in the higher visible frequencies.


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Three experiments measured constancy in speech perception, using natural-speech messages or noise-band vocoder versions of them. The eight vocoder-bands had equally log-spaced center-frequencies and the shapes of corresponding “auditory” filters. Consequently, the bands had the temporal envelopes that arise in these auditory filters when the speech is played. The “sir” or “stir” test-words were distinguished by degrees of amplitude modulation, and played in the context; “next you’ll get _ to click on.” Listeners identified test-words appropriately, even in the vocoder conditions where the speech had a “noise-like” quality. Constancy was assessed by comparing the identification of test-words with low or high levels of room reflections across conditions where the context had either a low or a high level of reflections. Constancy was obtained with both the natural and the vocoded speech, indicating that the effect arises through temporal-envelope processing. Two further experiments assessed perceptual weighting of the different bands, both in the test word and in the context. The resulting weighting functions both increase monotonically with frequency, following the spectral characteristics of the test-word’s [s]. It is suggested that these two weighting functions are similar because they both come about through the perceptual grouping of the test-word’s bands.


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Monotonicity with respect to all arguments is fundamental to the definition of aggregation functions, which are one of the basic tools in knowledge-based systems. The functions known as means (or averages) are idempotent and typically are monotone, however there are many important classes of means that are non-monotone. Weak monotonicity was recently proposed as a relaxation of the monotonicity condition for averaging functions. In this paper we discuss the concepts of directional and cone monotonicity, and monotonicity with respect to majority of inputs and coalitions of inputs. We establish the relations between various kinds of monotonicity, and illustrate it on various examples. We also provide a construction method for cone monotone functions.


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Monotonicity with respect to all arguments is fundamental to the definition of aggregation functions. It is also a limiting property that results in many important nonmonotonic averaging functions being excluded from the theoretical framework. This work proposes a definition for weakly monotonic averaging functions, studies some properties of this class of functions, and proves that several families of important nonmonotonic means are actually weakly monotonic averaging functions. Specifically, we provide sufficient conditions for weak monotonicity of the Lehmer mean and generalized mixture operators. We establish weak monotonicity of several robust estimators of location and conditions for weak monotonicity of a large class of penalty-based aggregation functions. These results permit a proof of the weak monotonicity of the class of spatial-tonal filters that include important members such as the bilateral filter and anisotropic diffusion. Our concept of weak monotonicity provides a sound theoretical and practical basis by which (monotonic) aggregation functions and nonmonotonic averaging functions can be related within the same framework, allowing us to bridge the gap between these previously disparate areas of research.


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Weak monotonicity was recently proposed as a relaxation of the monotonicity condition for averaging aggregation, and weakly monotone functions were shown to have desirable properties when averaging data corrupted with outliers or noise. We extended the study of weakly monotone averages by analyzing their ϕ-transforms, and we established weak monotonicity of several classes of averaging functions, in particular Gini means and mixture operators. Mixture operators with Gaussian weighting functions were shown to be weakly monotone for a broad range of their parameters. This study assists in identifying averaging functions suitable for data analysis and image processing tasks in the presence of outliers.


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Risk taking is central to human activity. Consequently, it lies at the focal point of behavioral sciences such as neuroscience, economics, and finance. Many influential models from these sciences assume that financial risk preferences form a stable trait. Is this assumption justified and, if not, what causes the appetite for risk to fluctuate? We have previously found that traders experience a sustained increase in the stress hormone cortisol when the amount of uncertainty, in the form of market volatility, increases. Here we ask whether these elevated cortisol levels shift risk preferences. Using a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over protocol we raised cortisol levels in volunteers over eight days to the same extent previously observed in traders. We then tested for the utility and probability weighting functions underlying their risk taking, and found that participants became more risk averse. We also observed that the weighting of probabilities became more distorted among men relative to women. These results suggest that risk preferences are highly dynamic. Specifically, the stress response calibrates risk taking to our circumstances, reducing it in times of prolonged uncertainty, such as a financial crisis. Physiology-induced shifts in risk preferences may thus be an under-appreciated cause of market instability.


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Capacitors are widely used for power-factor correction (PFC) in power systems. When a PFC capacitor is installed with a certain load in a microgrid, it may be in parallel with the filter capacitor of the inverter interfacing the utility grid and the local distributed-generation unit and, thus, change the effective filter capacitance. Another complication is the possibility of occurrence of resonance in the microgrid. This paper conducts an in-depth investigation of the effective shunt-filter-capacitance variation and resonance phenomena in a microgrid due to a connection of a PFC capacitor. To compensate the capacitance-parameter variation, an Hinfin controller is designed for the voltage-source- inverter voltage control. By properly choosing the weighting functions, the synthesized Hinfin controller would exhibit high gains at the vicinity of the line frequency, similar to traditional high- performance P+ resonant controller and, thus, would possess nearly zero steady-state error. However, with the robust Hinfin controller, it will be possible to explicitly specify the degree of robustness in face of parameter variations. Furthermore, a thorough investigation is carried out to study the performance of inner current-loop feedback variables under resonance conditions. It reveals that filter-inductor current feedback is more effective in damping the resonance. This resonance can be further attenuated by employing the dual-inverter microgrid conditioner and controlling the series inverter as a virtual resistor affecting only harmonic components without interference with the fundamental power flow. And finally, the study in this paper has been tested experimentally using an experimental microgrid prototype.


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This thesis is a theoretical work on the space-time dynamic behavior of a nuclear reactor without feedback. Diffusion theory with G-energy groups is used.

In the first part the accuracy of the point kinetics (lumped-parameter description) model is examined. The fundamental approximation of this model is the splitting of the neutron density into a product of a known function of space and an unknown function of time; then the properties of the system can be averaged in space through the use of appropriate weighting functions; as a result a set of ordinary differential equations is obtained for the description of time behavior. It is clear that changes of the shape of the neutron-density distribution due to space-dependent perturbations are neglected. This results to an error in the eigenvalues and it is to this error that bounds are derived. This is done by using the method of weighted residuals to reduce the original eigenvalue problem to that of a real asymmetric matrix. Then Gershgorin-type theorems .are used to find discs in the complex plane in which the eigenvalues are contained. The radii of the discs depend on the perturbation in a simple manner.

In the second part the effect of delayed neutrons on the eigenvalues of the group-diffusion operator is examined. The delayed neutrons cause a shifting of the prompt-neutron eigenvalue s and the appearance of the delayed eigenvalues. Using a simple perturbation method this shifting is calculated and the delayed eigenvalues are predicted with good accuracy.


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Os escoamentos altamente convectivos representam um desafio na simulação pelo método de elementos finitos. Com a solução de elementos finitos de Galerkin para escoamentos incompressíveis, a matriz associada ao termo convectivo é não simétrica, e portanto, a propiedade de aproximação ótima é perdida. Na prática as soluções apresentam oscilações espúrias. Muitos métodos foram desenvolvidos com o fim de resolver esse problema. Neste trabalho apresentamos um método semi- Lagrangeano, o qual é implicitamente um método do tipo upwind, que portanto resolve o problema anterior, e comparamos o desempenho do método na solução das equações de convecção-difusão e Navier-Stokes incompressível com o Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG), um método estabilizador de reconhecido desempenho. No SUPG, as funções de forma e de teste são tomadas em espaços diferentes, criando um efeito tal que as oscilações espúrias são drasticamente atenuadas. O método semi-Lagrangeano é um método de fator de integração, no qual o fator é um operador de convecção que se desloca para um sistema de coordenadas móveis no fluido, mas restabelece o sistema de coordenadas Lagrangeanas depois de cada passo de tempo. Isto prevê estabilidade e a possibilidade de utilizar passos de tempo maiores.Existem muitos trabalhos na literatura analisando métodos estabilizadores, mas não assim com o método semi-Lagrangeano, o que representa a contribuição principal deste trabalho: reconhecer as virtudes e as fraquezas do método semi-Lagrangeano em escoamentos dominados pelo fenômeno de convecção.


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A model of pitch perception, called the Spatial Pitch Network or SPINET model, is developed and analyzed. The model neurally instantiates ideas front the spectral pitch modeling literature and joins them to basic neural network signal processing designs to simulate a broader range of perceptual pitch data than previous spectral models. The components of the model arc interpreted as peripheral mechanical and neural processing stages, which arc capable of being incorporated into a larger network architecture for separating multiple sound sources in the environment. The core of the new model transforms a spectral representation of an acoustic source into a spatial distribution of pitch strengths. The SPINET model uses a weighted "harmonic sieve" whereby the strength of activation of a given pitch depends upon a weighted sum of narrow regions around the harmonics of the nominal pitch value, and higher harmonics contribute less to a pitch than lower ones. Suitably chosen harmonic weighting functions enable computer simulations of pitch perception data involving mistuned components, shifted harmonics, and various types of continuous spectra including rippled noise. It is shown how the weighting functions produce the dominance region, how they lead to octave shifts of pitch in response to ambiguous stimuli, and how they lead to a pitch region in response to the octave-spaced Shepard tone complexes and Deutsch tritones without the use of attentional mechanisms to limit pitch choices. An on-center off-surround network in the model helps to produce noise suppression, partial masking and edge pitch. Finally, it is shown how peripheral filtering and short term energy measurements produce a model pitch estimate that is sensitive to certain component phase relationships.


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A conventional local model (LM) network consists of a set of affine local models blended together using appropriate weighting functions. Such networks have poor interpretability since the dynamics of the blended network are only weakly related to the underlying local models. In contrast, velocity-based LM networks employ strictly linear local models to provide a transparent framework for nonlinear modelling in which the global dynamics are a simple linear combination of the local model dynamics. A novel approach for constructing continuous-time velocity-based networks from plant data is presented. Key issues including continuous-time parameter estimation, correct realisation of the velocity-based local models and avoidance of the input derivative are all addressed. Application results are reported for the highly nonlinear simulated continuous stirred tank reactor process.