996 resultados para WAVEWATCH III
A key component of robotic path planning is ensuring that one can reliably navigate a vehicle to a desired location. In addition, when the features of interest are dynamic and move with oceanic currents, vehicle speed plays an important role in the planning exercise to ensure that vehicles are in the right place at the right time. Aquatic robot design is moving towards utilizing the environment for propulsion rather than traditional motors and propellers. These new vehicles are able to realize significantly increased endurance, however the mission planning problem, in turn, becomes more difficult as the vehicle velocity is not directly controllable. In this paper, we examine Gaussian process models applied to existing wave model data to predict the behavior, i.e., velocity, of a Wave Glider Autonomous Surface Vehicle. Using training data from an on-board sensor and forecasting with the WAVEWATCH III model, our probabilistic regression models created an effective method for forecasting WG velocity.
We detected the responses of summertime extreme wave heights (H-top10, average of the highest 10% of significant wave heights in June, July and August) to local climate variations in the East China Sea by applying an empirical orthogonal function analysis to Htop10 derived from the WAVEWATCH- III wave model driven by 6 hourly sea surface wind fields from ERA-40 reanalysis over the period 1958-2002. Decreases in H-top10 in the northern East China Sea ( Yellow Sea) correspond to attenuation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon, while increases in the south are primarily due to enhancement of tropical cyclone activities in the western North Pacific.
波候研究对于解释全球气候变化的内在物理机制,理解全球气候变化后人们的生产、生活环境由此而产生的相关变化都具有重要的现实意义。 本文利用了欧洲中尺度气象中心(ECMWF)所提供的最新的近45年(1957-2002)全球同化资料集,该资料集提供每天4次天气尺度的环境要素信息。本研究从中提取海面矢量风场信息,并以此来驱动第三代海洋波浪模式WAVEWATCH-III v2.22,从而构建了历时45年的西北太平洋地区的波候资料。 使用日本气象厅(Japan Meteorological Agency)所提供的B22001号浮标的实地观测资料,以及美国的TOPEX/POSEIDON 卫星高度计资料对本研究通过数值模拟所获取的波候资料进行验证,发现通过这一方法所重建的历史波候资料完全满足对东中国海波候状况进行分析的精度要求。通过参考前人的研究成果,本研究所获取的波候时间序列满足对气候问题进行评估时所必需的数据序列一致性的基本要求,可以用于长时间序列的分析。 运用经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)分析方法,本研究提取了东中国海地区的极值波高的分布特征。根据分析结果,本研究将时间序列分成“1977年前”和“1977年后”两段,并据此比较两段的变化特征。研究发现,东中国海北部地区(黄海)的极值波高在最近45年内存在缓慢的衰减现象,导致这一现象的原因主要是由于该地区的东亚夏季风正在慢慢减弱。而东中国海南部的极值波高在最近45年内则存在增强的现象,这主要是由于活跃在西北太平洋上的热带气旋正在慢慢加强,由于这些热带气旋所产生的涌浪对东中国近海的影响也在慢慢加深。 通过将本研究的研究成果和前人的成果进行对比,我们不难发现:西北太平洋地区热带气旋活动的增强已经是一个比较普遍接受的事实,而这一变化对东中国近海所能构成的影响范围足以影响到整个东中国海的中南部地区。而东亚季风减弱对东中国海波候所造成的影响,也从另一个角度提示我们,从能量的角度重新审视全球气候变化的内在物理机制或许是非常必要的。
针对目前海浪同化中没有适合东中国海区的业务应用系统,以及缺乏集合卡尔曼滤波方法(Ensemble Kalman Filter,EnKF)的应用的现状,设计了东中国海区域海浪同化系统。首先比较了目前常用的各种资料同化方法,指出各种同化方法的实质都是一种滤波过程,并选取最优插值方法(Optimal Interpolation,OI)和EnKF方法开展同化试验,动力模式选取WAVEWATCH III,观测资料为Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计观测波高。然后用观测法研究了模式预报误差协方差的统计性质,指出误差相关距离尺度在3°至6°之间。最后用22001号浮标观测资料验证了两个同化系统2000年8月的有效波高计算值,结果表明OI方案的同化系统对有效波高的均方根误差减少了9.0%,系统运行稳定,可应用于业务化部门;EnKF方案的同化系统在集合样本数为50的情况下,对有效波高的均方根误差减少了6.0%,用EnKF方法同化有效波高是可行的。
A análise do galgamento de estruturas portuárias não só é importante para a avaliação da segurança de bens, pessoas e equipamentos e das atividades junto a elas desenvolvidas, como também a nível económico e financeiro. A finalidade deste trabalho é a aplicação da metodologia desenvolvida pelo Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a avaliação do risco de galgamento de estruturas portuárias ao Porto de Ponta Delgada, Açores, num período de dois anos (2011 e 2012), para cinco secções nele enquadradas. A metodologia desenvolvida ao longo desde trabalho apresenta como componentes essenciais a caraterização da agitação marítima a que estão sujeitas as secções em estudo e o cálculo do caudal médio de galgamento por metro linear de estrutura. Estas duas variáveis, inicialmente estudadas e indispensáveis neste trabalho, são obtidas com base em dados de agitação marítima em águas profundas fornecidas pelo modelo regional de previsão de agitação WAVEWATCH III, que, acoplado ao modelo espetral SWAN e ao modelo de declive suave DREAMS, permite a obtenção da agitação marítima incidente na entrada do porto e no seu interior, respetivamente. Os resultados do modelo SWAN são validados mediante uma comparação com dados medidos in situ pela boia ondógrafo localizada ao largo da zona em estudo. Os parâmetros de agitação marítima obtidos para as cinco secções em análise permitem determinar o caudal médio de galgamento, com recurso à ferramenta NN_OVERTOPPING, baseada em redes neuronais.Em seguida, como resultado da combinação entre os valores de probabilidades e de consequências associadas, quando ultrapassado um determinado caudal médio de galgamento admissível anteriormente estabelecido para cada zona em estudo, é obtido um grau de risco de galgamento para cada zona analisada, o que permite criar um mapa de risco que servirá de informação para o planeamento de operações e de futuras intervenções nessa envolvente.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
This paper provides a description of the wave climate off the Brazilian coast based on an eleven-year time series (Jan/1997-Dec/2007) obtained from the NWW3 operational model hindcast reanalysis. Information about wave climate in Brazilian waters is very scarce and mainly based on occasional short-term observations, the present analysis being the first covering such temporal and spatial scales. To define the wave climate, six sectors were defined and analyzed along the Brazilian shelf-break: South (W1), Southeast (W2), Central (W3), East (W4), Northeast (W5) and North (W6). W1, W2 and W3 wave regimes are determined by the South Atlantic High (SAH) and the passage of synoptic cold fronts; W4, W5 and W6 are controlled by the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and its meridional oscillation. The most energetic waves are from the S, generated by the strong winds associated to the passage of cold fronts, which mainly affect the southern region. Wave power presents a decrease in energy levels from south to north, with its annual variation showing that the winter months are the most energetic in W1 to W4, while in W5 and W6 the most energetic conditions occur during the austral summer. The information presented here provides boundary conditions for studies related to coastal processes, fundamental for a better understanding of the Brazilian coastal zone.
Neste trabalho foram feitas simulações numéricas de ondas de gravidade da superfície do mar, utilizando o modelo WAVEWATCH-III versão 1.18 sobre o Atlântico, com a finalidade de avaliar a importância do detalhamento dos ventos para diferentes estados de mar. O domínio escolhido foi delimitado pelos paralelos 18ºS e 45ºS, e pelos meridianos 035ºW e 070ºW, de modo que o centro do domínio ficasse sobre o litoral do RS. Para cada evento, foram inseridos ventos oriundos do modelo de mesoescala RAMS (grade de 0,34º x 0,284º e saída temporal a cada hora) e oriundos do modelo global do NCEP (grade de 2,5º x 2,5º e saída temporal a cada 6 horas), no intuito de verificar a influência das escalas na geração de ondas de superfície do mar. Notou-se que nos eventos extremos, as simulações superestimaram as alturas das ondas. Foi verificado também, que as integrações, alimentadas por dados da Reanálise do NCEP, foram as mais discrepantes dos valores observados in situ, se comparados com os valores resultantes da simulação com os ventos oriundos do modelo RAMS. O comportamento mais preciso dos casos RAMS evidenciou a importância dos fenômenos de mesoescala para a geração dos trens de ondas; ou seja, das ondas que se propagam em grupo. Na ocorrência de calmaria, as ondas foram subestimadas, sendo então levantadas duas linhas de ação: a primeira de ampliar o domínio escolhido, pois esse padrão parece estar associado a ondulações geradas em uma região ainda mais remota e a segunda, iniciar o WW3 com um campo de onda mais realístico.
Recent developments in the physical parameterizations available in spectral wave models have already been validated, but there is little information on their relative performance especially with focus on the higher order spectral moments and wave partitions. This study concentrates on documenting their strengths and limitations using satellite measurements, buoy spectra, and a comparison between the different models. It is confirmed that all models perform well in terms of significant wave heights; however higher-order moments have larger errors. The partition wave quantities perform well in terms of direction and frequency but the magnitude and directional spread typically have larger discrepancies. The high-frequency tail is examined through the mean square slope using satellites and buoys. From this analysis it is clear that some models behave better than the others, suggesting their parameterizations match the physical processes reasonably well. However none of the models are entirely satisfactory, pointing to poorly constrained parameterizations or missing physical processes. The major space-time differences between the models are related to the swell field stressing the importance of describing its evolution. An example swell field confirms the wave heights can be notably different between model configurations while the directional distributions remain similar. It is clear that all models have difficulty in describing the directional spread. Therefore, knowledge of the source term directional distributions is paramount in improving the wave model physics in the future.
The mixed double-decker Eu\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP) (1) was obtained by base-catalysed tetramerisation of 4,5-dicyanobenzo-15-crown-5 using the half-sandwich complex Eu(TPP)(acac) (acac = acetylacetonate), generated in situ, as the template. For comparative studies, the mixed triple-decker complexes Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP)2 (2) and Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4]2(TPP) (3) were also synthesised by the raise-by-one-story method. These mixed ring sandwich complexes were characterised by various spectroscopic methods. Up to four one-electron oxidations and two one-electron reductions were revealed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). As shown by electronic absorption and infrared spectroscopy, supramolecular dimers (SM1 and SM3) were formed from the corresponding double-decker 1 and triple-decker 3 in the presence of potassium ions in MeOH/CHCl3.
The electrochemical characteristics of a series of heteroleptic tris(phthalocyaninato) complexes with identical rare earths or mixed rare earths (Pc)M(OOPc)M(OOPc) [M = Eu...Lu, Y; H2Pc = unsubstituted phthalocyanine, H2(OOPc) = 3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine] and (Pc)Eu(OOPc)Er(OOPc) have been recorded and studied comparatively by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Up to five quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and four one-electron reductions have been revealed. The half-wave potentials of the first, second and fifth oxidations depend on the size of the metal center, but the fifth changes in the opposite direction to that of the first two. Moreover, the difference in redox potentials of the first oxidation and first reduction for (Pc)M(OOPc)M(OOPc), 0.85−0.98 V, also decreases linearly along with decreasing rare earth ion radius, clearly showing the rare earth ion size effect and indicating enhanced π−π interactions in the triple-deckers connected by smaller lanthanides. This order follows the red-shift seen in the lowest energy band of triple-decker compounds. The electronic differences between the lanthanides and yttrium are more apparent for triple-decker sandwich complexes than for the analogous double-deckers. By comparing triple-decker, double-decker and mononuclear [ZnII] complexes containing the OOPc ligand, the HOMO−LUMO gap has been shown to contract approximately linearly with the number of stacked phthalocyanine ligands.
A combination of X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and Raman spectroscopy was employed to characterise the ageing of alumina hydrolysates synthesised from the hydrolysis of anhydrous tri-sec-butoxyaluminium(III). X-Ray diffraction showed that the alumino-oxy(hydroxy) hydrolysates were pseudoboehmite. For boehmite the lamellar spacings are in the b direction and multiple d(020) peaks are observed for the un-aged hydrolysate. After 4 h of ageing, a single d(020) peak is observed at 6.53 Å. Thermal analysis showed five endotherms at 70, 140, 238, 351 and 445°C. These endotherms are attributed to the dehydration and dehydroxylation of the boehmite-like hydrolysate. Raman spectroscopy shows the presence of bands for the washed hydrolysates at 333, 355, 414, 455, 475, 495, 530 and 675 cm–1. These bands are attributed to pseudoboehmite. Ageing of the hydrolysates results in an increase in the crystallite size of the pseudoboehmite.
The electrochemistry of homoleptic substituted phthalocyaninato rare earth double-decker complexes M(TBPc)2 and M(OOPc)2 [M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2TBPc = 3(4),12(13),21(22),30(31)-tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine, H2OOPc = 3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine] has been comparatively studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M tetra-n-butylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and three or four quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-deckers of two series of substituted complexes, respectively. For comparison, unsubstituted bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues M(Pc)2 (M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2Pc = phthalocyanine) have also been electrochemically investigated. Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and up to five quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-decker compounds. The three bis(phthalocyaninato)cerium compounds display one cerium-centered redox wave between the first ligand-based oxidation and reduction. The half-wave potentials of the first and second oxidations and first reduction for double-deckers of the tervalent rare earths depend on the size of the metal center. The difference between the redox potentials of the second and third reductions for MIII(Pc)2, which represents the potential difference between the first oxidation and first reduction of [MIII(Pc)2]−, lies in the range 1.08−1.37 V and also gradually diminishes along with the lanthanide contraction, indicating enhanced π−π interactions in the double-deckers connected by the smaller, lanthanides. This corresponds well with the red-shift of the lowest energy band observed in the electronic absorption spectra of reduced double-decker [MIII(Pc′)2]− (Pc′ = Pc, TBPc, OOPc).
The infrared (IR) spectroscopic data and Raman spectroscopic properties for a series of 13 “pinwheel-like” homoleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth complexes M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2 [M = Y and Pr–Lu except Pm; H2Pc(α-OC5H11)4 = 1,8,15,22-tetrakis(3-pentyloxy)phthalocyanine] have been collected and comparatively studied. Both the IR and Raman spectra for M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2 are more complicated than those of homoleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues, namely M(Pc)2 and M[Pc(OC8H17)8]2, but resemble (for IR) or are a bit more complicated (for Raman) than those of heteroleptic counterparts M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4], revealing the decreased molecular symmetry of these double-decker compounds, namely S8. Except for the obvious splitting of the isoindole breathing band at 1110–1123 cm−1, the IR spectra of M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2 are quite similar to those of corresponding M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4] and therefore are similarly assigned. With laser excitation at 633 nm, Raman bands derived from isoindole ring and aza stretchings in the range of 1300–1600 cm−1 are selectively intensified. The IR spectra reveal that the frequencies of pyrrole stretching and pyrrole stretching coupled with the symmetrical CH bending of –CH3 groups are sensitive to the rare earth ionic size, while the Raman technique shows that the bands due to the isoindole stretchings and the coupled pyrrole and aza stretchings are similarly affected. Nevertheless, the phthalocyanine monoanion radical Pc′− IR marker band of bis(phthalocyaninato) complexes involving the same rare earth ion is found to shift to lower energy in the order M(Pc)2 > M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4] > M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2, revealing the weakened π–π interaction between the two phthalocyanine rings in the same order.