126 resultados para WARFARIN
Background: The incidence of venous lesions following transvenous cardiac device implantation is high. Previous implantation of temporary leads ipsilateral to the permanent devices, and a depressed left ventricular ejection fraction have been associated with an increased risk of venous lesions, though the effects of preventive strategies remain controversial. This randomized trial examined the effects of warfarin in the prevention of these complications in high-risk patients. Method: Between February 2004 and September 2007, we studied 101 adults who underwent a first cardiac device implantation, and who had a left ventricular ejection fraction <= 0.40, or a temporary pacing system ipsilateral to the permanent implant, or both. After device implantation, the patients were randomly assigned to warfarin to a target international normalized ratio of 2.0-3.5, or to placebo. Clinical and laboratory evaluations were performed regularly up to 6 months postimplant. Venous lesions were detected at 6 months by digital subtraction venography. Results: Venous obstructions of various degrees were observed in 46 of the 92 patients (50.0%) who underwent venography. The frequency of venous obstructions was 60.4% in the placebo, versus 38.6% in the warfarin group (P = 0.018), corresponding to an absolute risk reduction of 22% (relative risk = 0.63; 95% confidence interval = 0.013-0.42). Conclusions: Warfarin prophylaxis lowered the frequency of venous lesions after transvenous devices implantation in high-risk patients. (PACE 2009; 32:S247-S251)
BACKGROUND: Whether the oral factor Xa inhibitor edoxaban can be an alternative to warfarin in patients with venous thromboembolism is unclear. METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind, noninferiority study, we randomly assigned patients with acute venous thromboembolism, who had initially received heparin, to receive edoxaban at a dose of 60 mg once daily, or 30 mg once daily (e.g., in the case of patients with creatinine clearance of 30 to 50 ml per minute or a body weight below 60 kg), or to receive warfarin. Patients received the study drug for 3 to 12 months. The primary efficacy outcome was recurrent symptomatic venous thromboembolism. The principal safety outcome was major or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding. RESULTS: A total of 4921 patients presented with deep-vein thrombosis, and 3319 with a pulmonary embolism. Among patients receiving warfarin, the time in the therapeutic range was 63.5%. Edoxaban was noninferior to warfarin with respect to the primary efficacy outcome, which occurred in 130 patients in the edoxaban group (3.2%) and 146 patients in the warfarin group (3.5%) (hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.70 to 1.13; P<0.001 for noninferiority). The safety outcome occurred in 349 patients (8.5%) in the edoxaban group and 423 patients (10.3%) in the warfarin group (hazard ratio, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.71 to 0.94; P=0.004 for superiority). The rates of other adverse events were similar in the two groups. A total of 938 patients with pulmonary embolism had right ventricular dysfunction, as assessed by measurement of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels; the rate of recurrent venous thromboembolism in this subgroup was 3.3% in the edoxaban group and 6.2% in the warfarin group (hazard ratio, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.28 to 0.98). CONCLUSIONS: Edoxaban administered once daily after initial treatment with heparin was noninferior to high-quality standard therapy and caused significantly less bleeding in a broad spectrum of patients with venous thromboembolism, including those with severe pulmonary embolism. (Funded by Daiichi-Sankyo; Hokusai-VTE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00986154.).
Relatamos o caso de uma paciente em terapia anticoagulante oral com Warfarin, apresentando obstrução intestinal aguda. A tomografia computadorizada revelou hematoma intramural duodenal. O tratamento baseou-se na correção das provas de coagulação e medidas expectantes. Este caso ilustra o valor da tomografia computadorizada e da abordagem conservadora nos pacientes em terapia anticoagulante com obstrução aguda do intestino delgado.
La Vitamine K (VK) est largement reconnue pour son rôle dans la coagulation sanguine toutefois, de plus en plus de travaux indiquent son implication dans la fonction cérébrale. La VK est requise pour l'activation de différentes protéines, par exemple la protéine Gas6, et la ménaquinone-4 (MK-4), le principal vitamère K dans le cerveau, est impliquée dans le métabolisme des sphingolipides. Dans un rapport précédent, nous avons montré qu'un régime alimentaire faible en VK tout au long de la vie était associé à des déficits cognitifs chez des rats âgés. La warfarine sodique est un puissant antagoniste de la VK qui agit en bloquant le cycle de la VK, provoquant un «déficit relatif de VK » au niveau cellulaire. À la lumière du rôle émergent de la VK dans le cerveau, la warfarine pourrait représenter un facteur de risque pour la fonction cérébrale. Ce travail est donc pertinente en raison de la forte proportion d'adultes traîtés à la warfarine sodique. Dans la présente étude, 14 rats mâles Wistar ont été traités avec 14 mg de warfarine/kg /jour (dans l'eau potable) et des injections sous-cutanées de VK (85 mg/kg), 3x/sem, pendant 10 semaines. Quatorze rats témoins ont été traités avec de l'eau normale et injectés avec une solution saline. Les rats ont été soumis à différents tests comportementaux après quoi les niveaux de phylloquinone, MK-4, sphingolipides (cérébroside, sulfatide, sphingomyéline, céramide et gangliosides), et les sous-types de gangliosides (GT1b, GD1a, GM1, GD1b), ont été évalués dans différentes régions du cerveau. Comparativement aux rats du groupe contrôle, les rats traités à la warfarine présentaient des latences plus longues au test de la piscine de Morris (p <0,05) ainsi qu'une hypoactivité et un comportement exploratoire plus faible au test de « l’open field » (p <0,05). Le traitement par warfarine a également entraîné une diminution spectaculaire du niveau de MK-4 dans toutes les régions du cerveau (p <0,001), une altération des concentrations de sphingolipidiques, en particulier dans le cortex frontal et le mésencéphale (p <0,05), et une perte de différences régionales sphingolipidiques, notamment pour les gangliosides. Le traitement par warfarine a été associé à un niveau inférieur de GD1a dans l'hippocampe et un niveau supérieur de GT1b dans le cortex préfrontal et le striatum. En conclusion, la déficience en VK induite par warfarine altère les niveaux de VK et sphingolipides dans le cerveau, avec de potentiels effets néfastes sur les fonctions cérébrales.
Warfarin is a first generation anticoagulant that relies on multiple feeding events to achieve lethality in susceptible rodents. For the Bandicoot rat, warfarin susceptibility baselines were established using the lethal feeding period (LFP) test methodology. Against a 0.003% warfarin formulation, LFP50 values of 2 and 4 days, and LFP99 values of 16 and 10 days were obtained for males and females respectively. However, consumption of rodenticide was significantly reduced after the 4th and 5th days of test, at a time when animals would be expected to experience symptoms of warfarin toxicity. This would seriously compromise the Probit analysis, particularly for estimates of higher percentiles. Possible modifications to the methodology are discussed to overcome this problem. Although the majority of animals were highly susceptible to warfarin, one female animal that survived a high dose of active ingredient (79.1 mg kg-1) may bode for future resistance
A dosing algorithm including genetic (VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotypes) and nongenetic factors (age, weight, therapeutic indication, and cotreatment with amiodarone or simvastatin) explained 51% of the variance in stable weekly warfarin doses in 390 patients attending an anticoagulant clinic in a Brazilian public hospital. The VKORC1 3673G>A genotype was the most important predictor of warfarin dose, with a partial R(2) value of 23.9%. Replacing the VKORC1 3673G>A genotype with VKORC1 diplotype did not increase the algorithm`s predictive power. We suggest that three other single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (5808T>G, 6853G>C, and 9041G>A) that are in strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) with 3673G>A would be equally good predictors of the warfarin dose requirement. The algorithm`s predictive power was similar across the self-identified ""race/color"" subsets. ""Race/color"" was not associated with stable warfarin dose in the multiple regression model, although the required warfarin dose was significantly lower (P = 0.006) in white (29 +/- 13 mg/week, n = 196) than in black patients (35 +/- 15 mg/week, n = 76).
INTRODUÇÃO: O ximelagatrano foi recentemente estudada para profilaxia do tromboembolismo venoso (TEV). OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o ximelagatrano comparado com a varfarina melhora a profilaxia do TEV em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortopédica do joelho. FONTE DE DADOS: Estudos randomizados identificados por pesquisa eletrônica na literatura médica, até 2006, cujos dados foram compilados no programa Review Manager, versão 4.2.5. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos três estudos randomizados bem conduzidos envolvendo 4.914 participantes. Foram definidos dois sub-grupos com dosagens diferentes de ximelagatrano (24 mg and 36 mg, duas vezes ao dia). O tratamento com ximelagatrano mostrou freqüência significantemente menor de TEV que o tratamento com varfarina, mas somente na dosagem de 36-mg [risco relativo, RR 0.72 ([intervalo de confiança, IC, 95% 0.64, 0.81), p < 0.00001]. A freqüência de TEV no sub-grupo de 24-mg foi similar a da varfarina [RR 0.86 (IC 95% 0.73, 1.01), p = 0.06]. Para TEV maior, embolia pulmonar, sangramento e sangramento maior não houve diferença entre varfarina e a ximelagatrano. Ao final do tratamento, a elevação da alanino-aminotransferase (ALT) foi menos freqüente no sub-grupo de 24 mg de ximelagatrano que no grupo da varfarina [RR 0.33 (IC 95% 0.12, 0.91) p = 0.03], mas no período de acompanhamento essa elevação foi maior com 36 mg de ximelagatrano [RR 6.97 (IC 95% 1.26, 38.50) p = 0.03]. CONCLUSÃO: O ximelagatrano foi mais efetivo que a varfarina quando usado em dosagens maiores (36 mg, 2 vezes ao dia), mas às expensas de aumento de enzimas hepáticas no período de acompanhamento.
Background Diet composition is one of the factors that may contribute to intraindividual variability in the anticoagulant response to warfarin. Aim of the study To determine the associations between food pattern and anticoagulant response to warfarin in a group of Brazilian patients with vascular disease. Methods Recent and usual food intakes were assessed in 115 patients receiving warfarin; and corresponding plasma phylloquinone (vitamin K-1), serum triglyceride concentrations, prothrombin time (PT), and International Normalized Ratio (INR) were determined. A factor analysis was used to examine the association of specific foods and biochemical variables with anticoagulant data. Results Mean age was 59 +/- 15 years. Inadequate anticoagulation, defined as values of INR 2 or 3, was found in 48% of the patients. Soybean oil and kidney beans were the primary food sources of phylloquinone intake. Factor analysis yielded four separate factors, explaining 56.4% of the total variance in the data set. The factor analysis revealed that intakes of kidney beans and soybean oil, 24-h recall of phylloquinone intake, PT and INR loaded significantly on factor 1. Triglycerides, PT, INR, plasma phylloquinone, and duration of anticoagulation therapy loaded on factor 3. Conclusion Fluctuations in phylloquinone intake, particularly from kidney beans, and plasma phylloquinone concentrations were associated with variation in measures of anticoagulation (PT and INR) in a Brazilian group of patients with vascular disease.
Atrophic gastritis patients have intestinal bacterial overgrowth which could produce menaquinones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between a diet low in phylloquinone and minidoses of warfarin in subjects with and without bacterial overgrowth. Subjects with atrophic gastritis (indicated by serum pepsinogen ratio) and healthy volunteers were studied while fed a restrictive phylloquinone diet and while receiving a minidose of warfarin. Coagulation times, serum osteocalcin, serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin, plasma phylloquinone, plasma K-epoxide, plasma undercarboxylated prothrombin (PIVKA)-II and urinary gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) were measured. At baseline, there were no differences between groups for any variable measured. Comparisons between baseline and post intervention in both groups, showed significant increases in circulating levels of K-epoxide, PIVKA II and undercarboxylated osteocalcin. However, no differences were observed when comparisons were made between groups. Our data do not support the hypothesis that bacterial synthesis of menaquinones in patients with bacterial overgrowth due to atrophic gastritis confers considerable resistance to the effect of warfarin.
CONTEXTO:A melhor dose para o início do tratamento anticoagulante com varfarina vem sendo debatida nos últimos dez anos. Em nosso meio, não observamos nenhum estudo comparativo quanto a estas características.OBJETIVO:Comparar segurança e eficácia de dois esquemas de dosagem inicial de varfarina para tratamento anticoagulante.MÉTODOS:Foram estudados prospectivamente 110 pacientes de ambos os sexos, consecutivos, com indicação de anticoagulação por tromboembolismo venoso ou arterial. Durante os três primeiros dias de tratamento, estes pacientes receberam doses adequadas de heparina (RT - razão dos tempos - alvo entre 1,5 e 2,5) e 5 mg de varfarina, cuja dose foi reajustada a partir do quarto dia pelo Razão Normatizada Internacional - RNI (alvo entre 2 e 3). Esse grupo foi comparado com série histórica de 110 pacientes que receberam 10 mg nos dois primeiros dias, 5 mg a partir do terceiro dia, com ajuste posterior de dose baseado no RNI. Os desfechos foram: recorrência do tromboembolismo, sangramentos e tempo para alcançar níveis terapêuticos.RESULTADOS:A eficácia, a segurança e o tempo de internação foram similares entre os grupos. O grupo que recebeu 10 mg atingiu níveis terapêuticos mais precocemente (média de 4,5 dias × 5,8 dias), sendo as doses na alta menores e os níveis terapêuticos mais adequados na primeira visita de retorno.CONCLUSÃO:O esquema de dosagem de 10 mg proporcionou menor tempo para alcançar nível terapêutico, com menores doses de varfarina na alta e RNI mais adequado no retorno.
OBJECTIVE: Anticoagulation is a challenge for the prophylaxis of thromboembolic events in elderly patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. Stable anticoagulation is defined as the time within > 70% of the therapeutic range. However, the dosage required to achieve stable anticoagulation remains unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the warfarin dose necessary for the maintenance of stable oral anticoagulation therapy in elderly patients. METHODS: We analyzed 112 consecutive outpatients with atrial fibrillation who were >= 65 years of age, had received anticoagulation therapy with warfarin for more than 1 year and had a stable international normalized ratio between 2.0 and 3.0 for >= 6 months. The international normalized ratio was measured in the central laboratory using the traditional method. RESULTS: The patients were stratified according to the following age groups:,75 or >= 75 years and <80 or >= 80 years. The mean daily doses of warfarin were similar for patients, <75 or >= 75 years (3.34 +/- 1.71 versus 3.26 +/- 1.27 mg/day, p = 0.794) and <80 or >= 80 years (3.36 +/- 1.49 versus 3.15 +/- 1.23 mg/day, p = 0.433). In 88 (79%) patients, the daily warfarin dose was between 2 and 5 mg/day; in 13 (11%) patients, the daily warfarin dose was,2.0 mg/day; and in 11 (10%) patients, the daily warfarin dose was >5.0 mg/day. The correlation between the daily warfarin dose and the international normalized ratio was 0.22 (p = 0.012). CONCLUSION: Stable anticoagulation was achieved in 80% of patients who received doses of 2 to 5 mg/day of warfarin, and the mean daily dose was similar across the age groups analyzed.
Background In ROCKET AF, rivaroxaban was non-inferior to adjusted-dose warfarin in preventing stroke or systemic embolism among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We aimed to investigate whether the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin is consistent among the subgroups of patients with and without previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Methods In ROCKET AF, patients with AF who were at increased risk of stroke were randomly assigned (1:1) in a double-blind manner to rivaroxaban 20 mg daily or adjusted dose warfarin (international normalised ratio 2-0-3.0). Patients and investigators were masked to treatment allocation. Between Dec 18,2006, and June 17,2009,14 264 patients from 1178 centres in 45 countries were randomly assigned. The primary endpoint was the composite of stroke or non-CNS systemic embolism. In this substudy we assessed the interaction of the treatment effects of rivaroxaban and warfarin among patients with and without previous stroke or TIA. Efficacy analyses were by intention to treat and safety analyses were done in the on-treatment population. ROCKET AF is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00403767. Findings 7468 (52%) patients had a previous stroke (n=4907) or TIA (n=2561) and 6796 (48%) had no previous stroke or TIA. The number of events per 100 person-years for the primary endpoint in patients treated with rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was consistent among patients with previous stroke or TIA (2.79% rivaroxaban vs 2.96% warfarin; hazard ratio [HR] 0-94,95% CI 0.77-1.16) and those without (1.44% vs 1.88%; 0.77, 0.58-1-01; interaction p=0.23). The number of major and non-major clinically relevant bleeding events per 100 person-years in patients treated with rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was consistent among patients with previous stroke or TIA (13.31% rivaroxaban vs 13.87% warfarin; HR 0.96,95% CI 0.87-1-07) and those without (16.69% vs 15.19%; 1.10, 0.99-1.21; interaction p=0.08). Interpretation There was no evidence that the relative efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was different between patients who had a previous stroke or TIA and those who had no previous stroke or TIA. These results support the use of rivaroxaban as an alternative to warfarin for prevention of recurrent as well as initial stroke in patients with AF.