955 resultados para Von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor Protein


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The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein (pVHL) suppresses tumor formation by binding the alpha subunits of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) responsible for stimulating tumor angiogenesis and glycolysis, targeting them for ubiquitination and proteasomal destruction. Loss of pVHL leads to the development of sporadic renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). In the present study, we sought to determine whether engineered overexpression of pVHL in tumors other than RCC can inhibit tumor growth, either as a monotherapy, or in combination with antisense HIF-1alpha therapy. Intratumoral injection of subcutaneous EL-4 thymic lymphomas with an expression plasmid encoding pVHL resulted in the downregulation of HIF-1alpha and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). There was a concomitant reduction in tumor angiogenesis and increased tumor cell apoptosis due in part to downregulation of Bcl-2 expression. VHL therapy resulted in the complete regression of small (0.1 cm diameter) tumors whereas, in contrast, large (0.4 cm diameter) EL-4 tumors were only slowed in their growth. Nevertheless, large tumors completely regressed in response to intratumoral injection of a combination of antisense HIF-1alpha and VHL plasmids. Combination therapy resulted in increased losses of HIF-1alpha, VEGF, and tumor blood vessels, and increased tumor cell apoptosis. These novel results suggest that synergistic therapies that simultaneously block the expression or function of HIF-1alpha, and enhance the expression or function of VHL may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer.


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A human endogenous retrovirus type E (HERV-E) was recently found to be selectively expressed in most renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). Importantly, antigens derived from this provirus are immunogenic, stimulating cytotoxic T cells that kill RCC cells in vitro and in vivo. Here, we show HERV-E expression is restricted to the clear cell subtype of RCC (ccRCC) characterized by an inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor-suppressor gene with subsequent stabilization of hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIFs)-1α and -2α. HERV-E expression in ccRCC linearly correlated with HIF-2α levels and could be silenced in tumor cells by either transfection of normal VHL or small interfering RNA inhibition of HIF-2α. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we demonstrated that HIF-2α can serve as transcriptional factor for HERV-E by binding with HIF response element (HRE) localized in the proviral 5' long terminal repeat (LTR). Remarkably, the LTR was found to be hypomethylated only in HERV-E-expressing ccRCC while other tumors and normal tissues possessed a hypermethylated LTR preventing proviral expression. Taken altogether, these findings provide the first evidence that inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene can result in aberrant proviral expression in a human tumor and give insights needed for translational research aimed at boosting human immunity against antigenic components of this HERV-E.


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Inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene causes the familial cancer syndrome, VHL disease, characterized by a predisposition to renal cell carcinoma and other tumor types. Loss of VHL gene function also is found in a majority of sporadic renal carcinomas. A preponderance of the tumor-disposing inherited missense mutations detected in VHL disease are within the elongin-binding domain of VHL. This region mediates the formation of a multiprotein VHL complex containing elongin B, elongin C, cul-2, and Rbx1. This VHL complex is thought to function as an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Here, we report that VHL proteins harboring mutations which disrupt elongin binding are unstable and rapidly degraded by the proteasome. In contrast, wild-type VHL proteins are directly stabilized by associating with both elongins B and C. In addition, elongins B and C are stabilized through their interactions with each other and VHL. Thus, the entire VHL/elongin complex is resistant to proteasomal degradation. Because the elongin-binding domain of VHL is frequently mutated in cancers, these results suggest that loss of elongin binding causes tumorigenesis by compromising VHL protein stability and/or potential VHL ubiquitination functions.


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The product of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene, the gene inactivated in VHL disease and in sporadic clear-cell renal carcinomas, has recently been shown to have as a functional target the transcription elongation complex, elongin (also called SIII). Here it is shown that there is a tightly regulated, cell-density-dependent transport of VHL into and/or out of the nucleus. In densely grown cells, the VHL protein is predominantly in the cytoplasm, whereas in sparse cultures, most of the protein can be detected in the nucleus. We have identified a putative nuclear localization signal in the first 60 and first 28 amino acids of the human and rat VHL protein, respectively. Sequences in the C-terminal region of the VHL protein may also be required for localization to the cytosol. These findings provide the initial indication of a novel cell density-dependent pathway that is responsible for the regulation of VHL cellular localization.


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The rupture of intracranial aneurysms leads to subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is often associated with poor outcome. Preventive treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms is possible and recommended. However, the lack of candidate genes precludes identifying patients at risk by genetic analyses. We observed intracranial aneurysms in 2 patients with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease and the known disease-causing mutation c.292T > C (p.Tyr98His) in the VHL tumor suppressor gene. This study investigates whether the VHL gene is a possible candidate gene for aneurysm formation.


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ZusammenfassungNierenzellkarzinome (NZK) sind häufig gekennzeichnet durch den Funktionsverlust des von Hippel-Lindau Tumorsuppressorgens (VHL TSG). Man kennt heute eine Reihe potentieller Kandidatengene, die eventuell in Wechselwirkung mit dem VHL-Genprodukt stehen (VEGF, c-fos, c-myc). Zur Aufklärung der molekularen Vorgänge, die zur Pathogenese der gut vaskularisierten Nierenzellkarzinome beitragen, wurden NZK-Zellinien untersucht. Vektorkonstrukte wurden generiert, um das in vitro und in vivo Wachstumsverhalten vor und nach Transfektion zu beobachten. Mit Hilfe eines GFP-Fusionsproteins wurden zusätzlich Hinweise auf die intrazelluläre Lokalisation des VHL-Genproduktes (pVHL) geliefert. Nach Abschluß der vorliegenden Studien zeigte sich eine direkte Abhängigkeit der beiden Gene VHL und VEGF. Sowohl die in vitro als auch die in vivo Ansätze bewiesen eine Interaktion der beiden Gene. Die Frage nach einer Interaktion von pVHL mit den Genprodukten Fos und Myc läßt sich jedoch nicht eindeutig beantworten. Die Expressionsveränderungen dieser Gene erfolgten scheinbar willkürlich, eine Interaktion konnte nicht bestätigt werden.Die Lokalisation des VHL-Genproduktes ist von Fall zu Fall unterschiedlich, ein Zusammenhang mit den verschiedenen Funktionen des VHL-Gens ist demnach wahrscheinlich. Zusammenfassend läßt sich sagen, daß das VHL TSG eine Rolle bei der Kontrolle der Angiogenese spielt, eine Interaktion mit VEGF ist mehr als wahrscheinlich. Zukünftig sind bei der Aufklärung des Pathomechanismus von Nierenzellkarzinomen deshalb vor allem Studien nötig, die dem VHL TSG als Angiogeneseinhibitor eine zentrale Bedeutung bei der Heilung sporadischer Tumoren mit starker Vaskularisierung zukommen lassen.


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During my PhD I have been involved in several projects regarding the morphogenesis of the follicular epithelium, such as the analysis of the pathways that correlate follicular epithelium patterning and eggshell genes expression. Moreover, I used the follicular epithelium as a model system to analyze the function of the Drosophila homolog of the human von Hippel-Lindau (d-VHL) during oogenesis, in order to gain insight into the role of h-VHL for the pathogenesis of VHL disease. h-VHL is implicated in a variety of processes and there is now a greater appreciation of HIF-independent h-VHL functions that are relevant to tumour development, including maintenance and organization of the primary cilium, maintenance of the differentiated phenotype in renal cells and regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. However, the function of h-VHL gene during development has not been fully understood. It was previously shown that d-VHL down-regulates the motility of tubular epithelial cells (tracheal cells) during embryogenesis. Epithelial morphogenesis is important for organogenesis and pivotal for carcinogenesis, but mechanisms that control it are poorly understood. The Drosophila follicular epithelium is a genetically tractable model to understand these mechanisms in vivo. Therefore, to examine whether d-VHL has a role in epithelial morphogenesis and maintenance, I performed genetic and molecular analyses by using in vivo and in vitro approaches. From my analysis, I determined that d-VHL binds to and stabilizes microtubules. Loss of d-VHL depolymerizes the microtubule network during oogenesis, leading to a possible deregulation in the subcellular trafficking transport of polarity markers from Golgi apparatus to the different domains in which follicle cells are divided. The analysis carried out has allowed to establish a significant role of d-VHL in the maintenance of the follicular epithelium integrity.


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Inheritance of a mutant allele of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene predisposes affected individuals to develop renal cysts and clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation in single renal tubular cells has indirectly been showed by immunohistochemical staining for the hypoxia-inducible factor alpha target gene product carbonic anhydrase IX. In this study we were able to show von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion in carbonic anhydrase IX positive nonneoplastic renal tubular cells, in epithelial cells lining renal cysts and in a clear cell renal cell carcinoma of a von Hippel-Lindau patient. This was carried out by means of laser confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry in combination with fluorescence in situ hybridization. Carbonic anhydrase IX negative normal renal tubular cells carried no von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion. Furthermore, recent studies have indicated that the von Hippel-Lindau gene product is necessary for the maintenance of primary cilia stability in renal epithelial cells and that disruption of the cilia structure by von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation induces renal cyst formation. In our study, we show a significant shortening of primary cilia in epithelial cells lining renal cysts, whereas, single tubular cells with a von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion display to a far lesser extent signs of cilia shortening. Our in vivo results support a model in which renal cysts represent precursor lesions for clear cell renal cell carcinoma and arise from single renal tubular epithelial cells owing to von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion.


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Congenital or familial erythrocytosis/polycythemia can have many causes, and an emerging cause is genetic disruption of the oxygen-sensing pathway that regulates the Erythropoietin (EPO) gene. More specifically, recent studies have identified erythrocytosis-associated mutations in the HIF2A gene, which encodes for Hypoxia Inducible Factor-2a (HIF-2a), as well as in two genes that encode for proteins that regulate it, Prolyl Hydroxylase Domain protein 2 (PHD2) and the von Hippel Lindau tumor suppressor protein (VHL). We report here the identification of two new heterozygous HIF2A missense mutations, M535T, and F540L, both associated with erythrocytosis. Met-535 has previously been identified as a residue mutated in other patients with erythrocytosis; although, the mutation of this particular residue to Thr has not been reported. In contrast, Phe-540 has not been reported as a residue mutated in erythrocytosis, and we present evidence here that this mutation impairs interaction of HIF-2a with both VHL and PHD2. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Mutations in the VHL tumor suppressor gene result in constitutive expression of many hypoxia-inducible genes, at least in part because of increases in the cellular level of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor HIF1α, which in normal cells is rapidly ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome under normoxic conditions. The recent observation that the VHL protein is a subunit of an Skp1-Cul1/Cdc53-F-box (SCF)-like E3 ubiquitin ligase raised the possibility that VHL may be directly responsible for regulating cellular levels of HIF1α by targeting it for ubiquitination and proteolysis. In this report, we test this hypothesis directly. We report development of methods for production of the purified recombinant VHL complex and present direct biochemical evidence that it can function with an E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme and E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme to activate HIF1α ubiquitination in vitro. Our findings provide new insight into the function of the VHL tumor suppressor protein, and they provide a foundation for future investigations of the mechanisms underlying VHL regulation of oxygen-dependent gene expression.


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Mutations of the VHL tumor suppressor gene occur in patients with VHL disease and in the majority of sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas (VHL−/− RCC). Loss of VHL protein function is associated with constitutive expression of mRNAs encoding hypoxia-inducible proteins, such as vascular endothelial growth factor. Overproduction of angiogenic factors might explain why VHL−/− RCC tumors are so highly vascularized, but whether this overproduction is sufficient for oncogenesis still remains unknown. In this report, we examined the activity of transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α), another VHL-regulated growth factor. We show that TGF-α mRNA and protein are hypoxia-inducible in VHL−/− RCC cells expressing reintroduced VHL. In addition to its overexpression by VHL−/− RCC cells, TGF-α can also act as a specific growth-stimulatory factor for VHL−/− RCC cells expressing reintroduced wild-type VHL, as well as primary renal proximal tubule epithelial cells, the likely site of origin of RCC. This role is in contrast to those of other growth factors overexpressed by VHL−/− RCC cells, such as vascular endothelial growth factor and TGF-β1, which do not stimulate RCC cell proliferation. A TGF-α-specific antisense oligodeoxynucleotide blocked TGF-α production in VHL−/− RCC cells, which led to the dependence of those cells on exogenous growth factors to sustain growth in culture. Growth of VHL−/− RCC cells was also significantly reduced by a drug that specifically inhibits the epidermal growth factor receptor, the receptor through which TGF-α stimulates proliferation. These results suggest that the generation of a TGF-α autocrine loop as a consequence of VHL inactivation in renal proximal tubule epithelial cells may provide the uncontrolled growth stimulus necessary for the initiation of tumorigenesis.


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Studies have firmly established a key regulatory role for the tumor suppressor pVHL in the regulation of the vascular system and normal spermatogenesis. Here, we report that knockout of the newly identified tumor suppressor U19/Eaf2 also caused vascular system abnormalities and aspermatogenesis, suggesting a potential link between U19/Eaf2 and pVHL. Coimmunoprecipitation and in vitro binding assays showed an association between U19/Eaf2 and pVHL, whereas deletion mutagenesis revealed the requirement of the NH2 terminus of U19/Eaf2 and both the alpha and beta domains of pVHL for this binding. U19/Eaf2 stabilizes pVHL, as shown by protein stability and pulse-chase studies. Testes and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) derived from U19/Eaf2 knockout mice expressed reduced levels of pVHL, indicating that full in vivo expression of pVHL indeed requires U19/Eaf2. As expected, U19/Eaf2 knockout MEF cells exhibited an increased level and activity of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF1 alpha), a protein typically regulated via a pVHL-mediated degradation pathway. Furthermore, angiogenesis in a Matrigel plug assay was significantly increased in U19/Eaf2 knockout mice. The above observations argue that U19/Eaf2 can modulate HIF1 alpha and angiogenesis, possibly via direct binding and stabilization of pVHL. [Cancer Res 2009;69(6):2599-606]


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Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of retinal and central nervous system hemangioblastoma, renal cell carcinoma (RCC), pheochromocytoma and pancreatic islet cell tumors (PICT). The VHL gene maps to chromosome 3p25 and has been shown to be mutated in 57% of sporadic cases of RCC, implicating VHL in the genesis of RCC. We report a multigeneration VHL kindred in which four affected female siblings developed PICT at early ages. Analysis of the three coding exons of the VHL gene in this family revealed a single, missense mutation in codon 238. Inheritance of the 238 mutation has been reported to correlate with a 62% risk of pheochromocytoma development. In this kindred, all affected individuals carried the mutation as well as one additional sibling who showed no evidence of disease. Clinical screening of this individual indicated small ($<$1 cm) pancreatic and kidney tumors. Results suggest that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation does not correlate with early onset pheochromocytoma. Rather, the only individual in the pedigree with pheochromocytoma was the proband's mother who developed bilateral pheochromocytoma at the age of 62. Thus, the VHL codon 238 mutation may predispose to late onset pheochromocytoma in this family; however, it does not explain the preponderance of PICT in the third generation since this mutation has not been reported to increase the risk of developing pancreatic lesions. This suggests that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation and subsequent somatic inactivation of the wild type allele of the VHL gene may not be sufficient to explain the initiation and subsequent progression to malignancy in VHL-associated neoplasms. Since the two tumor types that most frequently progress to malignancy are RCC and PICT, we asked whether loss of heterozygosity (LOH) could be detected proximal to the VHL gene on chromosome 3 in distinct regions of 3p previously implicated by LOH and cytogenetic studies to contain tumor suppressor loci for RCC. LOH was performed on high molecular weight DNA isolated from peripheral blood and frozen tumor tissue of family members using microsatellite markers spanning 3p. Results indicated LOH for all informative 3p loci in tumor tissue from affected individuals with PICT. LOH was detected along the entire length of the chromosome arm and included the proximal region of 3p13-14.2 implicated in the hereditary form of renal cell carcinoma.^ If 3p LOH were a critical event in pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis, then it should be expected that LOH in sporadic islet cell tumors would also be observed. We expanded LOH studies to include sporadic cases of PICT. Consistent LOH was observed on 3p with a highest frequency LOH in the region 3p21.2. This is the first evidence for an association between chromosome 3 loci and pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Mutations of von Hippel–Lindau disease (VHL) tumor-suppressor gene product (pVHL) are found in patients with dominant inherited VHL syndrome and in the vast majority of sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas. The function of the pVHL protein has not been clarified. pVHL has been shown to form a complex with elongin B and elongin C (VBC) and with cullin (CUL)-2. In light of the structural analogy of VBC-CUL-2 to SKP1-CUL-1-F-box ubiquitin ligases, the ubiquitin ligase activity of VBC-CUL-2 was examined in this study. We show that VBC-CUL-2 exhibits ubiquitin ligase activity, and we identified UbcH5a, b, and c, but not CDC34, as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes of the VBC-CUL-2 ubiquitin ligase. The protein Rbx1/ROC1 enhances ligase activity of VBC-CUL-2 as it does in the SKP1-CUL-1-F-box protein ligase complex. We also found that pVHL associates with two proteins, p100 and p220, which migrate at a similar molecular weight as two major bands in the ubiquitination assay. Furthermore, naturally occurring pVHL missense mutations, including mutants capable of forming a complex with elongin B–elongin C-CUL-2, fail to associate with p100 and p220 and cannot exhibit the E3 ligase activity. These results suggest that pVHL might be the substrate recognition subunit of the VBC-CUL-2 E3 ligase. This is also, to our knowledge, the first example of a human tumor-suppressor protein being directly involved in the ubiquitin conjugation system which leads to the targeted degradation of substrate proteins.