73 resultados para Volvo 244DL.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Introdução: O Volvo gástrico é uma doença rara em idade pediátrica. Estão descritos casos crónicos recorrentes e agudos, mas a sua incidência real é desconhecida. Apresentamos a descrição cirúrgica de um caso de volvo gástrico crónico, recorrente, diagnosticado no período neonatal, tratado com sucesso por via laparoscópica. Caso clínico: Recém-nascido, do sexo masculino, portador de anomalia de Ebstein, com vómitos não biliosos recorrentes, desidratação e perda ponderal. O estudo contrastado, do tubo digestivo superior, mostrou volvo gástrico organoaxial, tendo sido submetido a gastropexia por via laparoscópica. Discussão: Segundo a maioria dos autores, a correcção cirúrgica do volvo gástrico é mandatória para prevenção de recorrências e complicações. A gastropexia por via minimamente invasiva é simples e segura.
A case of torsion of the gallbladder is presented. This is a rare condition that occurs when it is associated with anatomical variants related to abnormal fixation of the gallbladder to the liver bed. The blood irrigation is insufficient and the gallbladder develops necrosis. The abnormal implantation occurs in 4% of the population. If the gallbladder losses its fixations to the inferior margin of the liver with the presence of a 1011.g mesocyst a torsion can occur when this gallbladder twists axially with subsequent occlusion of the blood flow. The signs and symptoms are similar to those of severe acute cholecystitis: abrupt onset of the pain and large palpable mass below the right costal margin. The ultrasound can show a very large and anteriorly floating gallbladder: In this case, the ultrasound did not show any abnormal signs, so it is usually diagnosed at laparotomy and the treatement consists of cholecystectomy. This condition should be suspected in acute abdominal pain of unknown origin.
The authors report a case of acute gastric volvulus in a 20-year-old male, complicated by perforation near the gastroesophageal junction and generalized peritonitis. This is an uncommon and potentially lethal conditon although our patient has been handled successfully with a partial gastrectomy.
Cecal volvulus (CV) establishes the main appearance of the anomalies related to intestinal malrotation. Diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms compatible to intestinal obstructions and complementary examinations as: single radiography form abdomen, opaque enema, computerized tomography and colonoscopy. Therapeutics modalities include: colonoscopy reducing, cecopexy and right colectomy. This article reports a CV case giving emphasis in different diagnosis and therapeutics behaviors.
Cecal volvulus is an uncommon cause of acute bowel obstruction in adults. The mechanism is torsion of the enlarged, poorly-fixed or hypermobile cecum. Patients with this condition may display highly variable clinical presentations, ranging from intermittent, self-limiting abdominal discomfort to acute abdominal pain associated with intestinal strangulation and sepsis. The treatment needs to be individualized for each case, but surgical management is required in almost every case. In the presence of gangrene or perforation of the cecum, resection and primary ileocolic anastomosis is recommended. However, in non-complicated cases detorsion and cecopexy are adequate. The authors report one case of cecal volvulus in a 55-year-old women treated with cecopexy that complicated with septic jaundice.
kuv., 15 x 23 cm
kuv., 15 x 23 cm
kuv., 21 x 28 cm
kuv., 15 x 22 cm
15 x 22 cm
kuv., 21 x 14 cm
kuv., 15 x 21 cm
kuv., 18 x 12 cm
kuv., 15 x 21 cm