979 resultados para Volcanic plume


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Direct-sampling and remote-sensing measurements were made at the crater rim of Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) to sample the aerosol plume emanating from the active vent. We report the first measurements of the size distribution of fine silicate particles (d <10 mu m) in Masaya's plume, by automated scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) analysis of a particle filter. The particle size distribution was approximately lognormal with modal d similar to 1.15 mu m. The majority of these particles were found to be spherical. These particles are interpreted to be droplets of quenched magma produced by a spattering process. Compositional analyses confirm earlier reports that the fine silicate particles show a range of compositions between that of the degassing magma and nearly pure silica and that the extent of compositional variability decreases with increasing particle size. These results indicate that fine silicate particles are altered owing to reactions with acidic droplets in the plume. The emission flux of fine silicate particles was estimated as similar to 10(11) s(-1), equivalent to similar to 55 kg d(-1). Sun photometry, aerosol spectrometry, and thermal precipitation were used to determine the overall particle size distribution of the plume (0.01 < d(mu m) < 10). Sun photometry and aerosol spectrometry measurements indicate the presence of a large number of particles (assumed to be aqueous) with d similar to 1 mu m. Aerosol spectrometry measurements further show an increase in particle size as the nighttime approached. The emission flux of particles from Masaya was estimated as similar to 10(17) s(-1), equivalent to similar to 5.5 Mg d(-1) where d < 4 mu m.


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Abstract Volcanic plumes generate lightning from the electrification of plume particles. Volcanic plume charging at over 1200 km from its source was observed from in situ balloon sampling of the April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull plume over Scotland. Whilst upper and lower edge charging of a horizontal plume is expected from fair weather atmospheric electricity, the plume over Scotland showed sustained positive charge well beneath the upper plume edge. At these distances from the source, the charging cannot be a remnant of the eruption itself because of charge relaxation in the finite conductivity of atmospheric air.


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The volcanic aerosol plume resulting from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland in April and May 2010 was detected in clear layers above Switzerland during two periods (17–19 April 2010 and 16–19 May 2010). In-situ measurements of the airborne volcanic plume were performed both within ground-based monitoring networks and with a research aircraft up to an altitude of 6000 m a.s.l. The wide range of aerosol and gas phase parameters studied at the high altitude research station Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.) allowed for an in-depth characterization of the detected volcanic aerosol. Both the data from the Jungfraujoch and the aircraft vertical profiles showed a consistent volcanic ash mode in the aerosol volume size distribution with a mean optical diameter around 3 ± 0.3 μm. These particles were found to have an average chemical composition very similar to the trachyandesite-like composition of rock samples collected near the volcano. Furthermore, chemical processing of volcanic sulfur dioxide into sulfate clearly contributed to the accumulation mode of the aerosol at the Jungfraujoch. The combination of these in-situ data and plume dispersion modeling results showed that a significant portion of the first volcanic aerosol plume reaching Switzerland on 17 April 2010 did not reach the Jungfraujoch directly, but was first dispersed and diluted in the planetary boundary layer. The maximum PM10 mass concentrations at the Jungfraujoch reached 30 μgm−3 and 70 μgm−3 (for 10-min mean values) duri ng the April and May episode, respectively. Even low-altitude monitoring stations registered up to 45 μgm−3 of volcanic ash related PM10 (Basel, Northwestern Switzerland, 18/19 April 2010). The flights with the research aircraft on 17 April 2010 showed one order of magnitude higher number concentrations over the northern Swiss plateau compared to the Jungfraujoch, and a mass concentration of 320 (200–520) μgm−3 on 18 May 2010 over the northwestern Swiss plateau. The presented data significantly contributed to the time-critical assessment of the local ash layer properties during the initial eruption phase. Furthermore, dispersion models benefited from the detailed information on the volcanic aerosol size distribution and its chemical composition.


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Plume-top altitude time series of the volcanic plume during the eruption of Grímsvötn in Iceland 21-28 May 2011. The altitude was estimated from weather radar echo top data from two weather radars, Keflavik and Klaustur. Keflavik radar is a fixed position C-band weather radar close to Keflavik International Airport, at 64°01.583'N, 22°38.150'W. The height of the antenna is 47 m a.s.l. and the distance to Grímsvötn volcano is 257 km. Klaustur radar is a mobile X-band weather radar located close to Kirkjubaejarklaustur, at 63°46.500'N, 17°57.817'W. The height of the antenna is also 47 m a.s.l. and the distance to Grímsvötn volcano is 75 km.


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The eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano in 2010 lasted for 39 days, 14 April-23 May. The eruption had two explosive phases separated by a phase with lava formation and reduced explosive activity. The height of the plume was monitored every 5 min with a C-band weather radar located in Keflavík International Airport, 155 km distance from the volcano. Furthermore, several web cameras were mounted with a view of the volcano, and their images saved every five seconds. Time series of the plume-top altitude were constructed from the radar observations and images from a web camera located in the village Hvolsvöllur at 34 km distance from the volcano. This paper presents the independent radar and web camera time series and performs cross validation.


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Our understanding on how ash particles in volcanic plumes react with coexisting gases and aerosols is still rudimentary, despite the importance of these reactions in influencing the chemistry and dynamics of a plume. In this study, six samples of fine ash (<100 μm) from different volcanoes were measured for their specific surface area, as, porosity and water adsorption properties with the aim to provide insights into the capacity of silicate ash particles to react with gases, including water vapour. To do so, we performed high-resolution nitrogen and water vapour adsorption/desorption experiments at 77 K and 303 K, respectively. The nitrogen data indicated as values in the range 1.1-2.1 m2/g, except in one case where as of 10 m2/g was measured. This high value is attributed to incorporation of hydrothermal phases, such as clay minerals, in the ash surface composition. The data also revealed that the ash samples are essentially non-porous, or have a porosity dominated by macropores with widths >500 Å All the specimens had similar pore size distributions, with a small peak centered around 50 Å These findings suggest that fine ash particles have relatively undifferentiated surface textures, irrespective of the chemical composition and eruption type. Adsorption isotherms for water vapour revealed that the capacity of the ash samples for water adsorption is systematically larger than predicted from the nitrogen adsorption as values. Enhanced reactivity of the ash surface towards water may result from (i) hydration of bulk ash constituents; (ii) hydration of surface compounds; and/or (iii) hydroxylation of the surface of the ash. The later mechanism may lead to irreversible retention of water. Based on these experiments, we predict that volcanic ash is covered by a complete monolayer of water under ambient atmospheric conditions. In addition, capillary condensation within ash pores should allow for deposition of condensed water on to ash particles before water reaches saturation in the plume. The total mass of water vapour retained by 1 g of fine ash at 0.95 relative water vapour pressure is calculated to be ∼10-2 g. Some volcanic implications of this study are discussed. © Springer-Verlag 2004.


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Volcanic lightning, perhaps the most spectacular consequence of the electrification of volcanic plumes, has been implicated in the origin of life on Earth, and may also exist in other planetary atmospheres. Recent years have seen volcanic lightning detection used as part of a portfolio of developing techniques to monitor volcanic eruptions. Remote sensing measurement techniques have been used to monitor volcanic lightning, but surface observations of the atmospheric electric Potential Gradient (PG) and the charge carried on volcanic ash also show that many volcanic plumes, whilst not sufficiently electrified to produce lightning, have detectable electrification exceeding that of their surrounding environment. Electrification has only been observed associated with ash-rich explosive plumes, but there is little evidence that the composition of the ash is critical to its occurrence. Different conceptual theories for charge generation and separation in volcanic plumes have been developed to explain the disparate observations obtained, but the ash fragmentation mechanism appears to be a key parameter. It is unclear which mechanisms or combinations of electrification mechanisms dominate in different circumstances. Electrostatic forces play an important role in modulating the dry fallout of ash from a volcanic plume. Beyond the local electrification of plumes, the higher stratospheric particle concentrations following a large explosive eruption may affect the global atmospheric electrical circuit. It is possible that this might present another, if minor, way by which large volcanic eruptions affect global climate. The direct hazard of volcanic lightning to communities is generally low compared to other aspects of volcanic activity.


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[EN] The submarine volcano eruption off El Hierro Island (Canary Islands) on 10 October 2011 promoted dramatic perturbation of the water column leading to changes in the distribution of pelagic fauna. To study the response of the scattering biota, we combined acoustic data with hydrographic profiles and concurrent sea surface turbidity indexes from satellite imagery. We also monitored changes in the plankton and nekton communities through the eruptive and post-eruptive phases. Decrease of oxygen, acidification, rising temperature and deposition of chemicals in shallow waters resulted in a reduction of epipelagic stocks and a disruption of diel vertical migration (nocturnal ascent) of mesopelagic organisms. Furthermore, decreased light levels at depth caused by extinction in the volcanic plume resulted in a significant shallowing of the deep acoustic scattering layer. Once the eruption ceased, the distribution and abundances of the pelagic biota returned to baseline levels. There was no evidence of a volcano-induced bloom in the plankton community.


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Turrialba is one of the largest and most active stratovolcanoes in the Central Cordillera of Costa Rica and an excellent target for validation of satellite data using ground based measurements due to its high elevation, relative ease of access, and persistent elevated SO2 degassing. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard the Aura satellite makes daily global observations of atmospheric trace gases and it is used in this investigation to obtain volcanic SO2 retrievals in the Turrialba volcanic plume. We present and evaluate the relative accuracy of two OMI SO2 data analysis procedures, the automatic Band Residual Index (BRI) technique and the manual Normalized Cloud-mass (NCM) method. We find a linear correlation and good quantitative agreement between SO2 burdens derived from the BRI and NCM techniques, with an improved correlation when wet season data are excluded. We also present the first comparisons between volcanic SO2 emission rates obtained from ground-based mini-DOAS measurements at Turrialba and three new OMI SO2 data analysis techniques: the MODIS smoke estimation, OMI SO2 lifetime, and OMI SO2 transect techniques. A robust validation of OMI SO2 retrievals was made, with both qualitative and quantitative agreements under specific atmospheric conditions, proving the utility of satellite measurements for estimating accurate SO2 emission rates and monitoring passively degassing volcanoes.


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[EN] Between October 2011 and March 2012 submarine volcanic eruptions took place at El Hierro (Canary Islands). The event produced plumes of discolored waters due to the discharge of volcanic matter, gases and fluids. Field samples of Chl-a and sulphur reduced species were collected by some oceanographic cruises (Instituto Español de Oceanografía, IEO).


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There is an increased interest on the use of UAVs for environmental research and to track bush fire plumes, volcanic plumes or pollutant sources. The aim of this paper is to describe the theory and results of a bio-inspired plume tracking algorithm. A memory based and gradient based approach, were developed and compared. A method for generating sparse plumes was also developed. Results indicate the ability of the algorithms to track plumes in 2D and 3D.