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Aims: We assessed the lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) of patients with Parkinson`s disease (PD) and their association with different clinical parameters. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 110 patients (84 men), with a mean age of 61.8 +/- 9.6 years. Mean duration of the disease was 12.3 +/- 7.2 years. Neurological impairment was assessed by the Hoehn-Yahr and the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating scales. LUTS were assessed by the International Continence Society questionnaire. We evaluated the impact of age, PD duration, neurological impairment, gender, and use of anti-Parkinsonian drugs on the voiding function. Results: On multivariate analysis, voiding dysfunction increased with the neurological impairment, but not with patient`s age or disease duration. Quality of life (QOL) was affected by the severity of LUTS, and the symptoms with the worst impact were frequency and nocturia. Sixty-three (57.2%) patients were symptomatic. They did not differ with the asymptomatic as to age and disease duration, but had more severe neurological impairment. No impact on LUTS was associated with the use of levodopa, anticholinergics, and dopamine receptor agonists. Men and women were similarly affected by urinary symptoms. Conclusions: The severity of the neurological disease is the only predictive factor for the occurrence of voiding dysfunction, which affects men and women alike. Neztrourol. Urodynam. 28.510-515, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Lower urinary tract dysfunction is a major cause of morbidity and decreased quality of life in elderly men and women. With the progressive aging of the population, it is important to understand common micturitional disorders that may occur in this population. Most urinary problems in the elderly are multifactorial in origin, demanding a comprehensive assessment of the lower urinary tract organs, functional impairments, and concurrent medical diseases. Urodynamics is a highly valuable tool in the investigation of elderly patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. Urodynamic tests are not always necessary, being indicated after excluding potentially reversible conditions outside the urinary tract that may be causing or contributing to the symptoms. Although urodynamic tests may reveal common diagnoses such as bladder outlet obstruction and stress urinary incontinence in the elderly population, findings such as detrusor overactivity and impaired detrusor contractility are common and have important prognostic and therapeutic implications. The purpose of this article is to describe common urologic problems in the elderly and review the indications for and clinical aspects of urodynamic studies in these conditions.


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PURPOSE: To identify the predictive factors for voiding dysfunction after transobturator slings. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of all patients who underwent a transobturator sling between March 2003 and December 2008. A total of 514 women had available data with at least a six-week follow-up. Patients' demographics, preoperative symptoms, urodynamic testing including multichannel voiding studies and surgical variables were tabulated. Voiding dysfunction was defined by a catheterized or ultrasonographic postvoid residual greater than 100 cc (≥six weeks after the procedure) associated with any complaints of abnormal voiding. Univariate logistic regression analysis was performed with respect to postoperative voiding dysfunction. RESULTS: The patient population had a mean age of 58.5±12.9 years. Thirty-three out of 514 patients (6.4%) had postoperative voiding dysfunction according to our definition, and 4 (0.78%) required sling transection. No differences were observed between normal and dysfunctional voiders in age, associated prolapse surgery, preoperative postvoid residual, preoperative urinary flow rate, prior pelvic surgery, and menopausal status. Valsalva efforts during the preoperative pressure flow study was the only predictive factor for postoperative voiding dysfunction, 72.4% dysfunctional versus 27.6% normal (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Preoperative Valsalva maneuver during the micturition could identify those at risk for voiding dysfunction after transobturator sling, and it should be noted during preoperative counseling.


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Aims: The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) plays a major role in cardiovascular diseases in postmenopausal women, but little is known about its importance to lower urinary tract symptoms. In this study we have used the model of ovariectomized (OVX) estrogen-deficient rats to investigate the role of RAS in functional and molecular alterations in the urethra and bladder. Main methods: Responses to contractile and relaxant agents in isolated urethra and bladder, as well as cystometry were evaluated in 4-month OVX Sprague-Dawley rats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and Western blotting for AT1/AT2 receptors were examined. Key findings: Cystometric evaluations in OVX rats showed increases in basal pressure, capacity and micturition frequency, as well as decreased voiding pressure. Angiotensin II and phenylephrine produced greater urethral contractions in OVX compared with Sham group. Carbachol-induced bladder contractions were significantly reduced in OVX group. Relaxations of urethra and bladder to sodium nitroprusside and BAY 41-2272 were unaffected by OVX. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity was 2.6-fold greater (p < 0.05) in urethral tissue of OVX group, whereas enzyme activity in plasma and bladder remained unchanged. Expressions of AT1 and AT2 receptors in the urethra were markedly higher in OVX group. In bladder, AT1 receptors were not detected, whereas AT2 receptor expression was unchanged between groups. 17β-Estradiol replacement (0.1 mg/kg, weekly) or losartan (30 mg/kg/day) largely attenuated most of the alterations seen in OVX group. Significance: Prolonged estrogen deprivation leads to voiding dysfunction and urethral hypercontractility that are associated with increased ACE activity and up-regulation of angiotensin AT1/AT2 receptor in the urethral tissue. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aims: The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) plays a major role in cardiovascular diseases in postmenopausal women, but little is known about its importance to lower urinary tract symptoms. In this study we have used the model of ovariectomized (OVX) estrogen-deficient rats to investigate the role of RAS in functional and molecular alterations in the urethra and bladder. Main methods: Responses to contractile and relaxant agents in isolated urethra and bladder, as well as cystometry were evaluated in 4-month OVX Sprague–Dawley rats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and Western blotting for AT1/AT2 receptors were examined. Key findings: Cystometric evaluations in OVX rats showed increases in basal pressure, capacity and micturition frequency, as well as decreased voiding pressure. Angiotensin II and phenylephrine produced greater urethral contractions in OVX compared with Sham group. Carbachol-induced bladder contractions were significantly reduced in OVX group. Relaxations of urethra and bladder to sodium nitroprusside and BAY 41-2272 were unaffected by OVX. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity was 2.6-fold greater (p < 0.05) in urethral tissue of OVX group,whereas enzyme activity in plasma and bladder remained unchanged. Expressions of AT1 and AT2 receptors in the urethra were markedly higher in OVX group. In bladder, AT1 receptors were not detected, whereas AT2 receptor expression was unchanged between groups. 17β-Estradiol replacement (0.1 mg/kg, weekly) or losartan (30 mg/kg/day) largely attenuated most of the alterations seen in OVX group. Significance: Prolonged estrogen deprivation leads to voiding dysfunction and urethral hypercontractility that are associated with increased ACE activity and up-regulation of angiotensin AT1/AT2 receptor in the urethral tissue.


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Aims: We evaluated the effect of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injections in the trigone on the antireflux mechanism and evaluated its short-term efficacy. Materials and Methods: Between April and December 2006, 21 patients (10 men and 11 women) were prospectively evaluated. All were incontinent due to refractory NDO and underwent detrusor injection of 300 units of BTX-A, including 50 units into the trigone. Baseline and postoperative evaluation after eight weeks included cystogram, urinary tract ultrasound and urodynamics. Results: At baseline, 20 patients had no vesicoureteral (VUR) and one had grade II unilateral VUR. Postoperative evaluation revealed no cases of de novo VUR and the patient with preinjection VUR had complete resolution of the reflux. Ultrasound showed 5 (23.8%) patients with hydronephrosis before BTX-A injection and only one (4.8%) at the followup evaluation (p=0.066). After treatment, 9 (42.8%) patients became dry, 11 (52.4%) were improved and one (4.8%) had no improvement. Improved patients received antimuscarinic treatment and 8 (38.1%) became dry, with a final total continence rate of 80.1%. Cystometric capacity increased from 271 +/- 92 to 390 +/- 1189 ml (p = 0.002), reflex volume varied from 241 +/- 96 to 323 +/- 201 ml (p = 0.020) and maximum detrusor pressure reduced from 66 +/- 39 to 38 +/- 37 cm H2O (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our results confirm the safety of trigone injections of BTX-A in terms of development of VUR and upper urinary tract damage. Whether they are beneficial for patients with NDO or other causes of voiding dysfunction will need further studies.


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Tem sido descrita uma correlação estreita entre infecção urinária, refluxo vesico-ureteral e disfunção miccional na criança. A obstrução funcional causada pela disfunção vesical/uretral representa um elevado risco de recorrência de infecção urinária, indução e perpetuação do refluxo (mesmo após correcção cirúrgica) é de lesão renal permanente. A normalização da alteração da micção como problema primário, é crítica na resolução de problemas secundários tais como a infecção urinária e o refluxo vesico-ureteral. Trinta e sete crianças com refluxo vesicoureteral secundário a disfunção miccional foram detectadas, avaliadas e tratadas entre 1990 e 1995 (5 anos). Foram estudados 49 ureteres. A infecção urinária foi o sintoma revelador em todas as crianças, ocorrendo entre 1 mês e os 13 anos de idade (mediana de 3,5 anos). Todas as crianças eram neurologicamente e estruturalmenle normais, detectando-se sintomatologia sugestiva de instabilidade ou imaturidade vesical em 34 (91,9%) e sugestiva de obstrução esfiocteriana funcional em três (8,1 %). Os estudos ecográfico e cistográfico efectuado em todas as crianças, com o apoio do estudo urodinâmico em 17 (45,9%) confirmaram o diagnóstico clínico. Em 29 (78,4%) das crianças foi efectuada cintigrafia com DMSA (Addo Dimercaptosuccínico), revelando cicatriz renal em 26 (89,6%) dos exames. Foi incentivado um programa de reeducação vesical e regularização dos hábitos intestinais em todas as crianças, associado a terapêutica anticolinérgica em 23 (62,2%) e/ou relaxantes musculares em três (8,1%) e fenoxibenzamina e algaliação intermitente (1,5 mês) em uma (2,7%), para além da quimioprofilaxia da infecção urinária instituida em 34 (91,9%) das crianças. Houve resolução completa da infecção urinária em 35 (94,6%) com redução da sua frequência nas outras duas (5,4%), cura do RVU em 32 (86,5%) e melhoria em quatro (10,8%). Verificou-se desaparecimento dos sinais de disfunção vesical em 22 (59,5%) casos com redução na intensidade e frequência em 14 (37,8%), mantendo-se uma criança (2,7%) com síndrome de urgência e refluxo vesico-ureteral inalterado. Estes dados implicam que a detecção e traramento da disfunção vesical/esfincteriana, são essenciais em todas as crianças com o complexo infecção urinária recorrente e refluxo vesicoureteral.


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PURPOSE: Williams-Beuren syndrome is a rare multiple anomalies/mental retardation syndrome caused by deletion of contiguous genes at chromosome region 7q11.23. The aim of this work was to determine the frequency and the types of renal and urinary tract anomalies in 20 patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome. METHODS: The fluorescence in situ hybridization test using a LSI Williams syndrome region DNA probe was performed for all 20 patients to confirm the diagnosis of Williams-Beuren syndrome. A prospective study was performed in order to investigate renal and urinary aspects using laboratory assays to check renal function, ultrasonography of the kidneys and urinary tract, voiding cystourethrogram and urodynamics. RESULTS: Deletion of the elastin gene (positive fluorescence in situ hybridization test) was found in 17 out of 20 patients. Renal alterations were diagnosed in 5 of 17 (29%) the patients with the deletion and in 1 of 3 patients without the deletion. Fourteen patients with the deletion presented dysfunctional voiding. Arterial hypertension was diagnosed in 3 patients with deletions and 1 of these presented bilateral stenosis of the renal arteries. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the high incidence of renal and urinary abnormalities in Williams-Beuren syndrome, performing a systematic laboratory and sonographic evaluation of the patients is recommended.


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There is increasing evidence to support a significant role for chronic non-bacterial, prostatic inflammation in the development of human voiding dysfunction and prostate cancer. Their increased prevalence with age suggests that the decrease of testosterone concentration and/or the ratio of testosterone-to-estradiol in serum may have a role in their development. The main objective of this study was to explore prostatic inflammation and its relationship with voiding dysfunction and prostate carcinogenesis by developing an experimental model. A novel selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), fispemifene, was tested for the prevention and treatment of prostatic inflammation in this model. Combined treatment of adult Noble rats with testosterone and estradiol for 3 to 6 weeks induced gradually developing prostatic inflammation in the dorsolateral prostatic lobes. Inflammatory cells, mainly T-lymphocytes, were first seen around capillaries. Thereafter, the lymphocytes migrated into the stroma and into periglandular space. When the treatment time was extended to 13 weeks, the number of inflamed acini increased. Urodynamical recordings indicated voiding dysfunction. When the animals had an above normal testosterone and estradiol concentrations but still had a decreased testosterone-to-estradiol ratio in serum, they developed obstructive voiding. Furthermore, they developed precancerous lesions and prostate cancers in the ducts of the dorsolateral prostatic lobes. Interestingly, inflammatory infiltrates were observed adjacent to precancerous lesions but not in the adjacency of adenocarcinomas suggesting that inflammation has a role in the early stages of prostate carcinogenesis. Fispemifene, a novel SERM tested in this experimental model, showed anti-inflammatory action by attenuating the number of inflamed acini in the dorsolateral prostate. Fispemifene exhibited also antiestrogenic properties by decreasing expression of estrogen-induced biomarkers in the acinar epithelium. These findings suggest that SERMs could be considered as a new therapeutic possibility in the prevention and in the treatment of chronic prostatic inflammation


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Revisión sistemática de la literatura tomando ensayos clínicos aleatorizados sobre el uso de la inyección intraprostática de la toxina botulínica en los pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna evaluando una escala validada de síntomas del tracto urinario bajo como desenlace primario


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Purpose: Williams-Beuren syndrome is a genomic disorder caused by a hemizygous contiguous gene deletion on chromosome 7q11.23. Lower urinary tract symptoms are common in children with Williams-Beuren syndrome. However, there are few data on the management of voiding symptoms in this population. We report our experience using oxybutynin to treat urinary symptoms in children with Williams-Beuren syndrome. Materials and Methods: We prospectively analyzed 42 patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome and significant lower urinary tract symptoms due to detrusor overactivity diagnosed on urodynamics in a 12-week, open-label study. Urological assessment included symptomatic evaluation, the impact of lower urinary tract symptoms on quality of life, frequency-volume chart, urodynamics and urinary tract sonography. After 12 weeks of treatment with 0.6 mg/kg oxybutynin per day given in 3 daily doses, patients were assessed for treatment efficacy and side effects. Results: A total of 17 girls and 19 boys completed medical therapy and were assessed at 12 weeks. Mean +/- SD patient age was 9.2 +/- 4.3 years (range 3 to 18). The most common urinary complaint was urgency, which occurred in 31 patients (86.1%), followed by urge incontinence, which was seen in 29 (80.5%). Compared to baseline, urinary symptoms were substantially improved. The negative impact of storage symptoms on quality of life was significantly decreased from a mean +/- SD of 3.3 +/- 1.7 to 0.5 +/- 0.9 (p <0.001). Mean +/- SD maximum urinary flow improved from 14.2 +/- 15.0 to 20.5 +/- 6.4 ml per second (p <0.001). Conclusions: A total of 12 weeks of therapy with 0.6 mg/kg oxybutynin daily resulted in improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms, quality of life and maximum flow rate in most patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome.


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PURPOSE: We assessed the effect of terazosin (Hytrin(R)) on functional bladder outlet obstruction in women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Functional bladder outlet obstruction was defined as a maximum flow rate of less than 12 ml per second combined with a detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate of more than 20 cm H2O in pressure flow studies in the absence of neurological disorders or mechanical causes. In a prospective pilot study 15 women with functional bladder outlet obstruction were treated with terazosin. Terazosin was initiated at 1 mg daily and gradually increased to the maintenance dose of 5 mg daily during 2 weeks. Symptoms and urodynamic parameters were assessed before and 3 to 4 weeks after the initiation of alpha-blocker therapy. RESULTS: While on terazosin, voiding symptoms subjectively improved greater than 50% in 10 of the 15 women (p = 0.002). Median maximum urethral closure pressure at rest decreased significantly from 98 to 70 cm H2O (p = 0.001), median maximum detrusor pressure decreased from 45 to 35 cm H2O (p = 0.008), median detrusor pressure at maximum flow decreased from 34 to 27 ml per second and median post-void residual urine decreased from 120 to 40 ml (p = 0.006 and 0.002, respectively). There was a significant increase in the median maximum flow rate from 9 to 20 ml per second and in median voided volume from 300 to 340 ml (p = 0.0005 and 0.021, respectively). Storage symptoms, functional urethral length and maximum cystometric capacity did not change significantly with alpha-blocker therapy (p > 0.05). Overall terazosin resulted in a significant improvement in symptoms and urodynamic parameters in 10 of the 15 women (67%). CONCLUSIONS: Terazosin had a significant symptomatic and urodynamic effect in two-thirds of our patients. These results suggest that terazosin may be an effective treatment option in women with voiding dysfunction due to functional bladder outlet obstruction.


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AIM: To assess patients' perception of clean intermittent self-catheterization (CISC) for voiding dysfunction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 101 patients performing CISC because of voiding dysfunction were invited to participate in this questionnaire survey. The response rate was 91% (92/101). RESULTS: The mean time over which CISC was performed was 5 years (standard deviation (SD) +/- 6.3) and the mean frequency of CISC per day was three times (SD +/- 2). Almost 80% (72/92) of the patients perceived CISC as easy or very easy and CISC did not interfere at all or interfered a little bit with work or other regular daily activities in more than 80% (76/92). Almost 90% (80/92) reported no or minimal pain while performing CISC. This did not interfere at all or interfered a little bit with work or other regular daily activities in almost 90% (80/92). Quality of life improved considerably due to CISC in more than 60% (56/92) and 12% (11/92) complained of a deterioration. In multivariable analysis, severe pain performing CISC (odds ratio 20.9, 95% confidence interval 1.7-259.9, P = 0.018) was the only factor that predicted poor quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients considered CISC to be an easy and painless procedure which did not interfere with daily activities. Consequently, quality of life improved in more than 60% of the patients. Therefore, CISC does not appear to be a burden for the patient and, from a patient's perspective, can be recommended.


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Purpose. To determine the mechanisms predisposing penile fracture as well as the rate of long-term penile deformity and erectile and voiding functions. Methods. All fractures were repaired on an emergency basis via subcoronal incision and absorbable suture with simultaneous repair of eventual urethral lesion. Patients' status before fracture and voiding and erectile functions at long term were assessed by periodic follow-up and phone call. Detailed history included cause, symptoms, and single-question self-report of erectile and voiding functions. Results. Among the 44 suspicious cases, 42 (95.4%) were confirmed, mean age was 34.5 years (range: 18-60), mean follow-up 59.3 months (range 9-155). Half presented the classical triad of audible crack, detumescence, and pain. Heterosexual intercourse was the most common cause (28 patients, 66.7%), followed by penile manipulation (6 patients, 14.3%), and homosexual intercourse (4 patients, 9.5%). Woman on top was the most common heterosexual position (n = 14, 50%), followed by doggy style (n = 8, 28.6%). Four patients (9.5%) maintained the cause unclear. Six (14.3%) patients had urethral injury and two (4.8%) had erectile dysfunction, treated by penile prosthesis and PDE-5i. No patient showed urethral fistula, voiding deterioration, penile nodule/curve or pain. Conclusions. Woman on top was the potentially riskiest sexual position (50%). Immediate surgical treatment warrants long-term very low morbidity.


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Association between hypertension and bladder symptoms has been described. We hypothesized that micturition dysfunction may be associated with renin-angiotensin system (RAS) acting in urethra. The effects of the anti-hypertensive drugs losartan (AT1 antagonist) and captopril (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) in comparison with atenolol (β1-adrenoceptor antagonist independently of RAS blockade) have been investigated in bladder and urethral dysfunctions during renovascular hypertension in rats. Two kidney-1 clip (2K-1C) rats were treated with losartan (30 mg/kg/day), captopril (50mg/kg/day) or atenolol (90 mg/kg/day) for eight weeks. Cystometric study, bladder and urethra smooth muscle reactivities, measurement of cAMP levels and p38 MAPK phosphorylation in urinary tract were determined. Losartan and captopril markedly reduced blood pressure in 2K-1C rats. The increases in non-voiding contractions, voiding frequency and bladder capacity in 2K-1C rats were prevented by treatments with both drugs. Likewise, losartan and captopril prevented the enhanced bladder contractions to electrical-field stimulation (EFS) and carbachol, along with the impaired relaxations to β-adrenergic-cAMP stimulation. Enhanced neurogenic contractions and impaired nitrergic relaxations were observed in urethra from 2K-1C rats. Angiotensin II also produced greater urethral contractions that were accompanied by higher phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in urethral tissues of 2K-1C rats. Losartan and captopril normalized the urethral dysfunctions in 2K-1C rats. In contrast, atenolol treatment largely reduced the blood pressure in 2K-1C rats but failed to affect the urinary tract smooth muscle dysfunction. The urinary tract smooth muscle dysfunction in 2K-1C rats takes place by local RAS activation irrespective of levels of arterial blood pressure.