888 resultados para Voice as extension of movement
Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Artes Performativas – especialização em Teatro-‐Música.
The CASMIN Project is arguably the most influential contemporary study of class mobility in the world. However, CASMIN results with respect to weak vertical status effects on class mobility have been extensively criticized. Drawing on arguments about how to model vertical mobility, Hout and Hauser (1992) show that class mobility is strongly determined by vertical socioeconomic differences. This paper extends these arguments by estimating the CASMIN model while explicitly controlling for individual determinants of socioeconomic attainment. Using the 1972 Oxford Mobility Data and the 1979 and 1983 British Election Studies, the paper employs mixed legit models to show how individual socioeconomic factors and categorical differences between classes shape intergenerational mobility. The findings highlight the multidimensionality of class mobility and its irreducibility to vertical movement up and down a stratification hierarchy.
Modulations in the excitability of spinal reflex pathways during passive rhythmic movements of the lower limb have been demonstrated by a number of previous studies [4]. Less emphasis has been placed on the role of supraspinal pathways during passive movement, and on tasks involving the upper limb. In the present study, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to subjects while undergoing passive flexion-extension movements of the contralateral wrist. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and abductor pollicus brevis (APB) muscles were recorded. Stimuli were delivered in eight phases of the movement cycle during three different frequencies of movement. Evidence of marked modulations in pathway excitability was found in the MEP amplitudes of the FCR muscle, with responses inhibited and facilitated from static values in the extension and flexion phases, respectively. The results indicated that at higher frequencies of movement there was greater modulation in pathway excitability. Paired-pulse TMS (sub-threshold conditioning) at short interstimulus intervals revealed modulations in the extent of inhibition in MEP amplitude at high movement frequencies. In the APE muscle, there was some evidence of phasic modulations of response amplitude, although the effects were less marked than those observed in FCR. It is speculated that these modulatory effects are mediated via Ia afferent pathways and arise as a consequence of the induced forearm muscle shortening and lengthening. Although the level at which this input influences the corticomotoneuronal pathway is difficult to discern, a contribution from cortical regions is suggested. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Slit is expressed in the midline of the central nervous system both in vertebrates and invertebrates. In Drosophila, it is the midline repellent acting as a ligand for the Roundabout (Robo) protein, the repulsive receptor which is expressed on the growth cones of the commissural neurons. We have isolated cDNA fragments of the zebrafish slit2 and slit3 homologues and found that both genes start to be expressed by the midgastrula stage well before the axonogenesis begins in the nervous system, both in the axial mesoderm, and slit2 in the anterior margin of the neural plate and slit3 in the polster at the anterior end of the prechordal mesoderm. Later, expression of slit2 mRNA is detected mainly in midline structures such as the floor plate cells and the hypochord, and in the anterior margins of the neural plates in the zebrafish embryo, while slit3 expression is observed in the anterior margin of the prechordal plate, the floorplate cells in the hindbrain, and the motor neurons both in the hindbrain and the spinal cord. To study the role of Slit in early embryos, we overexpressed Slit2 in the whole embryos either by injection of its mRNA into one-cell stage embryos or by heat-shock treatment of the transgenic embryos which carries the slit2 gene under control of the heat-shock promoter. Overexpression of Slit2 in such ways impaired the convergent extension movement of the mesoderm and the rostral migration of the cells in the dorsal diencephalon and resulted in cyclopia. Our results shed light on a novel aspect of Slit function as a regulatory factor of mesodermal cell movement during gastrulation. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Inconclusive findings have been shown in previous studies comparing lumbar range of movement (LROM) and lumbar lordosis between back pain patients and healthy subjects. In these studies, confounding variables such as age, gender, height, obesity, and pain level were usually not well controlled. The present study aimed to compare LROM and lumbar lordosis between back pain patients and matched controls. Fifteen male back pain patients and 15 age-, height-, obesity-, and physical activity-matched male controls were investigated. To minimize the effect of pain on the measurements, only patients with minimal or no pain at the time of testing were included in the study. Inclinometer technique was used for the evaluation of LROM in flexion, extension and lateral flexion as well as lumbar lordosis. A lumbar rotameter was used for measuring axial rotation. Pelvic motion was limited by a pelvic restraint device during LROM measurements. Results showed that there were no significant differences between the back pain and control groups in flexion, extension, lateral flexion and axial rotation LROM and also in lumbar lordosis. This may indicate that when a back pain patient is not in pain, LROM and lumbar lordosis may not be the measures that distinguish between back pain patients and subjects without back pain.
This chapter investigates the significance of specialized journals for the development of modern language teaching. It begins by explaining the development of language journals up to the point at which language teaching reform really took off with the emergence of the so-called Reform Movement in the 1880s. The principal journal for this movement was Phonetische studien [Phonetic Studies] founded in 1888 and renamed Die neueren Sprachen [Modern languages] in 1894. The style of the early issues of this journal allows modern readers an insight into the discourse practices of that community of language scholars and teachers, the opportunity to hear its characteristic ‘voice’ and recreate the means by which modern foreign language teaching became an independent discipline.
An extension of the uniform invariance principle for ordinary differential equations with finite delay is developed. The uniform invariance principle allows the derivative of the auxiliary scalar function V to be positive in some bounded sets of the state space while the classical invariance principle assumes that. V <= 0. As a consequence, the uniform invariance principle can deal with a larger class of problems. The main difficulty to prove an invariance principle for functional differential equations is the fact that flows are defined on an infinite dimensional space and, in such spaces, bounded solutions may not be precompact. This difficulty is overcome by imposing the vector field taking bounded sets into bounded sets.
Pitzer`s equation for the excess Gibbs energy of aqueous solutions of low-molecular electrolytes is extended to aqueous solutions of polyelectrolytes. The model retains the original form of Pitzer`s model (combining a long-range term, based on the Debye-Huckel equation, with a short-range term similar to the virial equation where the second osmotic virial coefficient depends on the ionic strength). The extension consists of two parts: at first, it is assumed that a constant fraction of the monomer units of the polyelectrolyte is dissociated, i.e., that fraction does not depend on the concentration of the polyelectrolyte, and at second, a modified expression for the ionic strength (wherein each charged monomer group is taken into account individually) is introduced. This modification is to account for the presence of charged polyelectrolyte chains, which cannot be regarded as punctual charges. The resulting equation was used to correlate osmotic coefficient data of aqueous solutions of a single polyelectrolyte as well as of binary mixtures of a single polyelectrolyte and a salt with low-molecular weight. It was additionally applied to correlate liquid-liquid equilibrium data of some aqueous two-phase systems that might form when a polyelectrolyte and another hydrophilic but neutral polymer are simultaneously dissolved in water. A good agreement between the experimental data and the correlation result is observed for all investigated systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A method based on a specific power-law relationship between the hydraulic head and the Boltzmann variable was recently presented. We generalized this relationship to a range of powers and extended the solution to include the saturated zone. As a result, the new solution satisfies the Bruce and Klute equation exactly.
Microsatellites and gene-derived markers are still underrepresented in the core molecular linkage map of common bean compared to other types of markers. In order to increase the density of the core map, a set of new markers were developed and mapped onto the RIL population derived from the `BAT93` x `Jalo EEP558` cross. The EST-SSR markers were first characterized using a set of 24 bean inbred lines. On average, the polymorphism information content was 0.40 and the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.7. In addition, AFLP and RGA markers based on the NBS-profiling method were developed and a subset of the mapped RGA was sequenced. With the integration of 282 new markers into the common bean core map, we were able to place markers with putative known function in some existing gaps including regions with QTL for resistance to anthracnose and rust. The distribution of the markers over 11 linkage groups is discussed and a newer version of the common bean core linkage map is proposed.
Studies concerning the processing of natural scenes using eye movement equipment have revealed that observers retain surprisingly little information from one fixation to the next. Other studies, in which fixation remained constant while elements within the scene were changed, have shown that, even without refixation, objects within a scene are surprisingly poorly represented. Although this effect has been studied in some detail in static scenes, there has been relatively little work on scenes as we would normally experience them, namely dynamic and ever changing. This paper describes a comparable form of change blindness in dynamic scenes, in which detection is performed in the presence of simulated observer motion. The study also describes how change blindness is affected by the manner in which the observer interacts with the environment, by comparing detection performance of an observer as the passenger or driver of a car. The experiments show that observer motion reduces the detection of orientation and location changes, and that the task of driving causes a concentration of object analysis on or near the line of motion, relative to passive viewing of the same scene.
This paper examines upper-body movement kinematics in individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA) and Asperger's disorder (AD). In general, the results indicate that HFA is more consistently associated with impaired motoric preparation/initiation than AD. The data further suggest that this quantitative difference in motor impairment is not necessarily underpinned by greater executive dysfunction vulnerability in autism relative to AD. Quantitative motoric dissociation between autism and AD may have down-stream effects on later stages of movement resulting in qualitative differences between these disorder groups, e.g. motor clumsiness in AD versus abnormal posturing in autism. It will be important for future research to map the developmental trajectory of motor abnormalities in these disorder groups.
This study aimed to quantify the efficiency and smoothness of voluntary movement in Huntington's disease (HD) by the use of a graphics tablet that permits analysis of movement profiles. In particular, we aimed to ascertain whether a concurrent task (digit span) would affect the kinematics of goal-directed movements. Twelve patients with HD and their matched controls performed 12 vertical zig-zag movements, with both left and right hands (with and without the concurrent task), to large or small circular targets over long or short extents. The concurrent task was associated with shorter movement times and reduced right-hand superiority. Patients with HD were overall slower, especially with long strokes, and had similar peak velocities for both small and large targets, so that controls could better accommodate differences in target size. Patients with HD spent more time decelerating, especially with small targets, whereas controls allocated more nearly equal proportions of time to the acceleration and deceleration phases of movement, especially with large targets. Short strokes were generally less force inefficient than were long strokes, especially so for either hand in either group in the absence of the concurrent task, and for the right hand in its presence. With the concurrent task, however, the left hand's behavior changed differentially for the two groups; for patients with HD, it became more force efficient with short strokes and even less efficient with long strokes, whereas for controls, it became more efficient with long strokes. Controls may be able to divert attention away from the inferior left hand, increasing its automaticity, whereas patients with HD, because of disease, may be forced to engage even further online visual control under the demands of a concurrent task. Patients with HD may perhaps become increasingly reliant on terminal visual guidance, which indicates an impairment in constructing and refining an internal representation of the movement necessary for its. effective execution. Basal ganglia dysfunction may impair the ability to use internally generated cues to guide movement.
The acquisition of movement skills: Practice enhances the dynamic stability of bimanual coordination
During bimanual movements, two relatively stable inherent patterns of coordination (in-phase and anti-phase) are displayed (e.g., Kelso, Am. J. Physiol. 246 (1984) R1000). Recent research has shown that new patterns of coordination can be learned. For example, following practice a 90 degrees out-of-phase pattern can emerge as an additional, relatively stable, state (e.g., Zanone & Kelso, J. Exp. Psychol.: Human Performance and Perception 18 (1992) 403). On this basis, it has been concluded that practice leads to the evolution and stabilisation of the newly learned pattern and that this process of learning changes the entire attractor layout of the dynamic system. A general feature of such research has been to observe the changes of the targeted pattern's stability characteristics during training at a single movement frequency. The present study was designed to examine how practice affects the maintenance of a coordinated pattern as the movement frequency is scaled. Eleven volunteers were asked to perform a bimanual forearm pronation-supination task. Time to transition onset was used as an index of the subjects' ability to maintain two symmetrically opposite coordinated patterns (target task - 90 degrees out-of-phase - transfer task - 270 degrees out-of-phase). Their ability to maintain the target task and the transfer task were examined again after five practice sessions each consisting of 15 trials of only the 90 degrees out-of-phase pattern. Concurrent performance feedback (a Lissajous figure) was available to the participants during each practice trial. A comparison of the time to transition onset showed that the target task was more stable after practice (p = 0.025). These changes were still observed one week (p = 0.05) and two months (p = 0.075) after the practice period. Changes in the stability of the transfer task were not observed until two months after practice (p = 0.025). Notably, following practice, transitions from the 90 degrees pattern were generally to the anti-phase (180 degrees) pattern, whereas, transitions from the 270 degrees pattern were to the 90 degrees pattern. These results suggest that practice does improve the stability of a 90 degrees pattern, and that such improvements are transferable to the performance of the unpractised 270 degrees pattern. In addition, the anti-phase pattern remained more stable than the practised 90 degrees pattern throughout. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.