23 resultados para Vocals
L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte ha estat examinar en profunditat la proximitat perceptiva entre vocals catalanes i angleses introduint una metodologia millorada i avaluant el màxim de vocals i diftongs anglesos i catalans. L’estudi de la proximitat perceptiva entre llengües és el primer pas en tot estudi sobre adquisició del sistema fonològic. Un problema metodològic per resoldre, però, és la manera de mesurar la proximitat interlingüística. Aquest projecte ha avaluat dos tipus de tasques perceptives: la comparació directa entre estímuls vocàlics catalans i anglesos i la comparació indirecta entre estímuls no natius i representacions mentals dels sons natius. Per a dur a terme aquestes tasques s’han recollit dades de producció de parlants natius de català, a Catalunya, i de l’anglès, a Anglaterra. La selecció dels estímuls per a les tasques de similitud perceptiva s’ha fet mitjançant proves d’identificació i puntuació d’estímuls amb oients parlants natius de català i aprenents de l’anglès com a llengua estrangera. Conjuntament, els resultats de la preparació i de la implementació d’aquestes tasques representen l’estudi contrastiu i perceptiu de l’anglès i el català més complert fet fins ara, amb el major nombre de vocals i diftongs i mitjançant dues tasques de percepció complementàries i innovadores. Els resultats indiquen que algunes vocals angleses són consistentment assimilades a categories catalanes mentre que explorables en estudis posteriors. Metodològicament, proposem que els dos tipus de tasques poden servir propòsits diferents, essent una més adient com a tasca inicial i l’altre com a tasca a aplicar longitudinalment.
Se presentan doce dibujos en cada ficha con su correspondiente palabra en el reverso
We present a descriptive overview of the meteorology in the south eastern subtropical Pacific (SEP) during the VOCALS-REx intensive observations campaign which was carried out between October and November 2008. Mainly based on data from operational analyses, forecasts, reanalysis, and satellite observations, we focus on spatio-temporal scales from synoptic to planetary. A climatological context is given within which the specific conditions observed during the campaign are placed, with particular reference to the relationships between the large-scale and the regional circulations. The mean circulations associated with the diurnal breeze systems are also discussed. We then provide a summary of the day-to-day synoptic-scale circulation, air-parcel trajectories, and cloud cover in the SEP during VOCALS-REx. Three meteorologically distinct periods of time are identified and the large-scale causes for their different character are discussed. The first period was characterised by significant variability associated with synoptic-scale systems interesting the SEP; while the two subsequent phases were affected by planetary-scale disturbances with a slower evolution. The changes between initial and later periods can be partly explained from the regular march of the annual cycle, but contributions from subseasonal variability and its teleconnections were important. Across the whole of the two months under consideration we find a significant correlation between the depth of the inversion-capped marine boundary layer (MBL) and the amount of low cloud in the area of study. We discuss this correlation and argue that at least as a crude approximation a typical scaling may be applied relating MBL and cloud properties with the large-scale parameters of SSTs and tropospheric temperatures. These results are consistent with previously found empirical relationships involving lower-tropospheric stability.
During the VOCALS campaign spaceborne satellite observations showed that travelling gravity wave packets, generated by geostrophic adjustment, resulted in perturbations to marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds over the south-east Pacific Ocean (SEP). Often, these perturbations were reversible in that passage of the wave resulted in the clouds becoming brighter (in the wave crest), then darker (in the wave trough) and subsequently recovering their properties after the passage of the wave. However, occasionally the wave packets triggered irreversible changes to the clouds, which transformed from closed mesoscale cellular convection to open form. In this paper we use large eddy simulation (LES) to examine the physical mechanisms that cause this transition. Specifically, we examine whether the clearing of the cloud is due to (i) the wave causing additional cloud-top entrainment of warm, dry air or (ii) whether the additional condensation of liquid water onto the existing drops and the subsequent formation of drizzle are the important mechanisms. We find that, although the wave does cause additional drizzle formation, this is not the reason for the persistent clearing of the cloud; rather it is the additional entrainment of warm, dry air into the cloud followed by a reduction in longwave cooling, although this only has a significant effect when the cloud is starting to decouple from the boundary layer. The result in this case is a change from a stratocumulus to a more patchy cloud regime. For the simulations presented here, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) scavenging did not play an important role in the clearing of the cloud. The results have implications for understanding transitions between the different cellular regimes in marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds.
S’analitza la visió daltònica i les dificultats que aquesta comporta en l'àmbit escolar. D’una banda, partint de les conseqüències del daltonisme com a anomalia genètica i de la seva alta incidència en la població, es subratlla la importància de la detecció i els problemes –en especial psicològics- que es poden derivar de la manca de detecció precoç. A més, prenent d'una mostra d'exercicis reals - extrets de llibres utilitzats a les escoles i instituts de Catalunya- s'analitzen diverses situacions en què per arribar al contingut didàctic cal poder distingir els colors. L'estudi de les dificultats cromàtiques realitzat abarca les tres etapes educatives: infantil (aprenentatge de les vocals a través del color), primària i ESO( principalment els continguts de llibres de text). Finalment, es proposen solucions adreçades a les editorials, educadors, pares, mares i als mateixos afectats.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Music Technology Area (Sound Processing and Control Lab), Faculty of Music, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, from October to December 2005.The aim of this research is to study the singing voice for controlling virtual musical instrument synthesis. It includes analysis and synthesis algorithms based on spectral audio processing. After digitalising the acoustic voice signal in the computer, a number of expressive descriptors of the singer are extracted. This process is achieved synchronously, thus all the nuance of the singer performance have been tracked. In a second stage, the extracted parameters are mapped to a sound synthesizer, the so-called digital musical instruments. In order achieve it, several tests with music students of the Faculty of Music, McGill University have been developed. These experiments have contributed to evaluate the system and to derive new control strategies to integrate: clarinet synthesis, bass guitar, visual representation of voice signals.
En aquest treball es descobreix en quin moment apareix el teatre musical, com a gènere, a Catalunya. També es veu com es va anar perfilant el col·lectiu d'actrius de musical i com va evolucionar la seva tècnica vocal. Finalment, l'anàlisi de les dades recollides mostra quins recursos vocals coneixen i utilitzen aquestes actrius actualment
Extreme Vocal Effects (EVE) in music are so recent that few studies have been carried out about how they are physiologically produced and whether they are harmful or not for the human voice.Voice Transformations in real-time are possible nowadays thanks to new technologies and voice processing algorithms. This Master's Thesis pretends to define and classify these new singing techniques and to create a mapping between the physiological aspect of each EVE to its relative spectrumvariations.Voice Transformation Models based on these mappings are proposed and discussed for each one of these EVEs. We also discuss different transformation methods and strategies in order to obtain better results.A subjective evaluation of the results of the transformations is also presented and discussed along with further work, improvements, and working lines on this field.
In this paper we provide a formal account for underapplication of vowel reduction to schwa in Majorcan Catalan loanwords and learned words. On the basis of the comparison of these data with those concerning productive derivation and verbal inflection, which show analogous patterns, in this paper we also explore the existing and not yet acknowledged correlation between those processes that exhibit a particular behaviour in the loanword phonology with respect to the native phonology of the language, those processes that show lexical exceptions and those processes that underapply due to morphological reasons. In light of the analysis of the very same data and taking into account the aforementioned correlation, we show how there might exist a natural diachronic relation between two kinds of Optimality Theory constraints which are commonly used but, in principle, mutually exclusive: positional faithfulness and contextual markedness constraints. Overall, phonological productivity is proven to be crucial in three respects: first, as a context of the grammar, given that «underapplication» is systematically found in what we call the productive phonology of the dialect (including loanwords, learned words, productive derivation and verbal inflection); second, as a trigger or blocker of processes, in that the productivity or the lack of productivity of a specific process or constraint in the language is what explains whether it is challenged or not in any of the depicted situations, and, third, as a guiding principle which can explain the transition from the historical to the synchronic phonology of a linguistic variety.
En el català de Mallorca, el procés de reducció vocàlica de les vocals mitjanes de la sèrie anterior a e neutra en posició àtona no opera (o subaplica) en determinades circumstàncies: (a) en formes derivades productives amb una vocal àtona situada a la síl·laba esquerra o inicial del radical i alternant amb e tancada o e oberta en el radical de la forma primitiva; (b) en formes verbals amb una vocal àtona situada a la síl·laba esquerra o inicial del radical i alternant amb e tancada en una altra forma verbal del mateix paradigma flexiu; (c) en manlleus i paraules apreses amb una vocal àtona e situada, també, a la síl·laba esquerra o inicial del radical i generalment precedida d"una consonant labial. En aquest treball, argumentem que hi ha dos factors que conspiren perquè això sigui d"aquesta manera: (a) tal com ja s"ha fet notar en treballs anteriors, la voluntat d"aquestes vocals d"assemblar-se a les vocals corresponents que apareixen en mots del mateix paradigma derivatiu o flexiu, i, en el cas de la derivació, sobretot quan la relació derivativa és productiva; (b) l"estatus privilegiat de la síl·laba situada a l"esquerra o a l"inici del radical. Per donar compte del primer factor, proposem una nova interpretació dels fets emmarcada en la Teoria de la Correspondència Transderivacional i el model dels Paradigmes Òptims. Per donar compte del segon factor, que ha passat desapercebut en aproximacions anteriors a les mateixes dades, partim de la Teoria de la Fidelitat Posicional i de la Teoria del Marcatge Posicional.
We present a flexible framework to calculate the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols at a given relative humidity based on their composition and size distribution. The similarity of this framework to climate model parameterisations allows rapid and extensive sensitivity tests of the impact of uncertainties in data or of new measurements on climate relevant aerosol properties. The data collected by the FAAM BAe-146 aircraft during the EUCAARI-LONGREX and VOCALS-REx campaigns have been used in a closure study to analyse the agreement between calculated and measured aerosol optical properties for two very different aerosol types. The agreement achieved for the EUCAARI-LONGREX flights is within the measurement uncertainties for both scattering and absorption. However, there is poor agreement between the calculated and the measured scattering for the VOCALS-REx flights. The high concentration of sulphate, which is a scattering aerosol with no absorption in the visible spectrum, made the absorption measurements during VOCALS-REx unreliable, and thus no closure study was possible for the absorption. The calculated hygroscopic scattering growth factor overestimates the measured values during EUCAARI-LONGREX and VOCALS-REx by ∼30% and ∼20%, respectively. We have also tested the sensitivity of the calculated aerosol optical properties to the uncertainties in the refractive indices, the hygroscopic growth factors and the aerosol size distribution. The largest source of uncertainty in the calculated scattering is the aerosol size distribution (∼35%), followed by the assumed hygroscopic growth factor for organic aerosol (∼15%), while the predominant source of uncertainty in the calculated absorption is the refractive index of organic aerosol (28–60%), although we would expect the refractive index of black carbon to be important for aerosol with a higher black carbon fraction.
Weather is frequently used in music to frame events and emotions, yet quantitative analyses are rare. From a collated base set of 759 weather-related songs, 419 were analysed based on listings from a karaoke database. This article analyses the 20 weather types described, frequency of occurrence, genre, keys, mimicry, lyrics and songwriters. Vocals were the principal means of communicating weather: sunshine was the most common, followed by rain, with weather depictions linked to the emotions of the song. Bob Dylan, John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote the most weather-related songs, partly following their experiences at the time of writing.
The genus Herpsilochmus is composed mainly of cryptic species, among them is Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus, which is currently represented by four subspecies: H. r. rufimarginatus, H. r. frater, H. r. scapularis and H. r. exiguus. Differences in plumage and vocalization suggest that there are more than one species involved in this complex. Thus this and other subspecific taxa need urgent revision, the disjunct distribution of this species also allows us to infer the relationship between birds that occur in this biome and / or different centers of endemism. This study aims to make a taxonomic revision of the taxa included in the complex time Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus based on morphological, morphometric, vocals and geographical distribution of this bird. Besides creating distribution models current potential and make the reconstruction of the distribution bygone using ecological niche modeling, and testing the niche conservatism and divergence between different subspecies. Consultations for examination of the skins of specimens of the museums: Museum of Zoology, University of São Paulo (MZUSP), National Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MN) and Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG), and the skins deposited at the collection of Ornithological Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (COUFRN). We studied the following measures length of specimens: exposed culmen, culmen and total culmen nostril, tarsus, wing and tail flattened. The voice analysis was performed with vocalizations banks and / or digital banks people where 17 voice parameters were measured. This information and more available in the literature were used to assemble a bunch of data under the limit distribution of taxa and generate ecological niche models. This analyzes carried out in the program Maxent, having as model selection criterion the AUC, and the models were greater than 0.80 are considered good models. Environmental data for the realization of the modeling were downloaded on the website of Worldclim. The morphometric information, vocals and geographic distribution point for the separation of these taxa to be considering various uni and multivariate analyzes. The potential distribution models performed well (AUC> 0.80), and its distribution associated with environmental characteristics of the Amazon forest and Atlantic forest (forests of south and southeast, northeast and forest). The reconstruction of the distribution indicates a possible contact between the southern part of the Atlantic forest in the northern part of the Amazon. The analysis of niche overlap showed a low overlap between taxa and comparisons between the null model and the generated overlay link probably occurring niche conservatism. The data suggest that the taxa that occur in the Amazon and Atlantic forest represent three distinct species
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)