939 resultados para Visually impared persons


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PURPOSE: To verify perceptions and conduct of students with visual impairment regarding devices and equipment utilized in schooling process. METHODS: A transversal descriptive study on a population of 12-year-old or older students in schooling process, affected by congenital or acquired visual impairment, inserted in the government teaching system of Campinas during the year 2000. An interview quiz, created based on an exploratory study was applied. RESULTS: A group of 26 students, 46% of them with low vision and 53.8% affected by blindness was obtained. Most of the students were from fundamental teaching courses (65.4%), studying in schools with classrooms provided with devices (73.1%). Among the resources used in reading and writing activities, 94.1% of the students reported they used the Braille system and 81.8% reported that the reading subject was dictated by a colleague. Most of the students with low vision wore glasses (91.7%), and 33.3% utilized a magnifying glass as optical devices. Among the non-optical devices, the most common were the environmental ones, getting closer to the blackboard (75.0%) and to the window (66.7%) for better lighting. CONCLUSIONS: It became evident that students with low vision eye-sight made use of devices meant for bearers of blindness, such as applying the Braille system. A reduced number of low vision students making use of optical and non-optical devices applicable to their problems were observed, indicating a probable unawareness of their visual potential and the appropriate devices to improve efficiency.


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The objectives were to develop and evaluate an assistive technology for the use of the male condom by visually impaired men. It was a technology development study with the participation of seven subjects. Three workshops were performed between April and May of 2010; they were all filmed and the statements of the participants were transcribed and analyzed by content. Three categories were established: Sexuality of the visually impaired; Utilization of the text, For avoiding STDs, condoms we will use, divided in two subcategories, Concept discussion and Text evaluation; and Construction of a simple penile prosthesis. The knowledge transmitted related to STD, the utilization of the condom on the penile prosthesis made by the subjects themselves, and the interaction during the workshops were effective factors for the study. In the context of sexual health, the necessity of developing works involving the visually impaired was noted, addressing sexually transmitted diseases and focusing on the use of the condom by this population.


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OBJECTIVE To validate assistive technology for visually impaired women to learn how to use the female condom. METHOD a methodological development study conducted on a web page, with data collection between May and October 2012. Participants were 14 judges; seven judges in sexual and reproductive health (1st stage) and seven in special education (2nd stage). RESULTS All items have reached the adopted parameter of 70% agreement. In Stage 1 new materials were added to represent the cervix, and instructions that must be heard twice were included in the 2nd stage. CONCLUSION The technology has been validated and is appropriate for its objectives, structure / presentation and relevance. It is an innovative, low cost and valid instrument for promoting health and one which may help women with visual disabilities to use the female condom.


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PURPOSES: To describe and interpret teachers' opinions about and responsiveness to guidance on optical aids for low vision. METHODS: It was conducted a cross-sectional analytical study. The convenience, non-random sample consisted of 58 teachers from the public school network of the city of Campinas. It was constructed and applied a structured questionnaire, available online at the assessed website. For qualitative data collection it was conducted an exploratory study using the focus group technique. RESULTS: Responses expressed, for the most part, a marked interest in the website, its easiness of access, and the comprehensive nature of the information provided. Most people reported frequent use of the Internet to seek information, and found it easier to access the Internet at home. Among the qualitative aspects of the evaluation, we should mention the perceived importance of the website as a source of information, despite some criticism about the accessibility and reliability of the information found on the Internet. CONCLUSION: Teachers' need for training to deal with visually impaired students and their positive response to advice and information lead to the conclusion that web-based guidelines on the use of optical aids were considered beneficial to ease the understanding of visual impairment and the rehabilitation of the affected subjects.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a ocorrência dos erros refracionais em escolares de nosso meio. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal avaliando crianças da pré-escola e do ensino básico, quanto ao sexo, tipo de erro refracional, acuidade visual e tratamento realizado. RESULTADOS: Quatro mil seiscentos e vinte e três crianças foram submetidas a exame de acuidade visual, das quais 8,1% apresentaram necessidade de exame oftalmológico completo. Houve 63,2% de portadores de astigmatismo hipermetrópico, 15,7% de astigmatismo miópico, 12,5% de astigmatismo misto, 4,9% de hipermetropia e 3,7% de miopia. Foi indicada a prescrição de lentes corretoras para 48,7% da amostra estudada. A frequência de erros refracionais na população foi de 3,9%. CONCLUSÃO: O astigmatismo hipermetrópico foi o erro de refracional mais frequente, havendo necessidade de tratamento em cerca de 50% das crianças triadas com frequência de 3,9% de erro refracional passível de correção na população de estudo.


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OBJETIVO: A catarata é a principal causa tratável de cegueira e deficiência visual em países subdesenvolvidos. Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar se a catarata continua sendo uma importante causa de cegueira no centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal, de caráter observacional, realizado em cinco cidades da região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, para as quais o centro de referência é a cidade de Botucatu. A amostra estabelecida para este estudo, de forma aleatória, seria composta por 5.555 indivíduos, sendo que foram examinados 4.229 indivíduos (8.458 olhos), ou seja, 78% da amostra pretendida. Os indivíduos foram submetidos a um exame oftalmológico completo que consistia em avaliação da acuidade visual (com e sem correção), tonometria, biomicroscopia, fundoscopia e exame refracional. O diagnóstico de catarata foi dado aos indivíduos que apresentassem opacidade de cristalino na biomicroscopia, de acordo com o Sistema de Classificação de Opacidade do Cristalino II (LOCS II). Olhos apresentando deficiência visual ou cegueira, com a melhor correção e causados por catarata, foram considerados após excluir outras patologias que pudessem causar baixa da acuidade visual (AV). Olhos com deficiência visual foram considerados quando 0,05 < AV < 0,3 e olhos cegos quando AV < 0,05. Indivíduos com deficiência visual foram considerados quando 0,05 < AV < 0,3 e indivíduos cegos quando AV < 0,3, no melhor olho com a melhor correção. Foi considerado o número de olhos com catarata, o número de olhos com deficiência visual e cegueira e o número de indivíduos com deficiência visual e cegueira. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de catarata na população estudada foi de 4,94% (209 indivíduos), afetando principalmente indivíduos com mais de 50 anos (92,34%) e do sexo feminino (61,11%). A catarata foi a causa de deficiência visual para 0,96% e a causa de cegueira para 0,52% de toda a população estudada. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostraram que a prevalência de catarata na população estudada é semelhante aos índices de países desenvolvidos.


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Strategies and resources are primary to the participation of students with visual impairments in physical education classes. The objective of this study was to plan teaching strategies and resource adaptations focusing on educational inclusion of students with visual impairment based on the activities held in the Curriculum Proposal for São Paulo State. Three steps were outlined from the analysis of the Proposal: 1) identify the subjects for each bimester, 2) analyze the teacher's book in terms of learning situations and their development, and 3) plan educational strategies and resource adaptations. Ten teaching strategies were planned, four new resources were indicated and two teaching resources were adapted for the classes. The activities of the Curriculum Proposal allow strategy planning aimed at the participation of students with visual disabilities together with students without disabilities.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Although the world’s attention has on several occasions been turned to the plight of the vision impaired, there has been no international copyright instrument that specifically provides for limitations or exceptions to copyright for their benefit. Such an instrument becomes imperative amidst the grow- ing number of persons in this category and the need to facilitate their access to information that will give them the opportunity to participate in public affairs. Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Mexico (Brazilian group) seek to fill this gap by submitting to the WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights a draft treaty for Improved Access for Blind, Visually Impaired and Other Reading Disabled Persons. How- ever, this proposal has generated a lot of reactions, resulting in three other such proposals being submit- ted to WIPO for deliberations. Copyright owners have also opposed the treaty. Amidst these reactions, this work seeks to analyze the compatibility of the Brazilian group’s proposal with the TRIPS three-step test, which has enjoyed a great deal of international recognition since its inclusion in the Berne Convention. It also seeks to find its compatibility with EU copyright law as harmonized in the Directive 2001/29/EC. In the end, we conclude that the proposed treaty is in harmony with the three-step test, and though it has some variations from the EU Copyright Directive, it nonetheless shares some underlying objectives with the Directive and does not radically depart from what prevails in several EU member states.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física