957 resultados para Visual perception


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La retina juega un rol esencial en el funcionamiento del sistema circadiano de los vertebrados al ser la encargada de sensar las condiciones de iluminación ambiental que ajustan el reloj interno con el fotoperíodo exterior a través de un circuito no-visual. Este circuito es independiente de la vía de formación de imágenes e involucra a las células ganglionares retinianas (CGRs) que proyectan a varias estructuras no-visuales del cerebro; esta vía es la encargada de regular el reflejo pupilar, la sincronización de los ritmos diarios de actividad, el sueño y la supresión de melatonina pineal. La retina contiene además un reloj autónomo que genera ritmos diarios autosostenidos en distintas funciones bioquímicas y fisiológicas, que le confiere la capacidad de predecir el tiempo y anticiparse en su fisiología a los cambios lumínicos a lo largo del ciclo día-noche. Este laboratorio ha demostrado por 1ra vez que las CGRs de pollo poseen osciladores endógenos que generan variaciones diarias en la biosíntesis de fosfolípidos (Guido et al, J Neurochem. 2001; Garbarino et al., J Neurosci Res. 2004a) y de la hormona melatonina con niveles máximos durante el día (Garbarino et al., J Biol Chem 2004b). Aún más, cultivos primarios de CGRs responden a la luz a través de una cascada bioquímica de fototransducción similar a la de invertebrados y que involucra la activación de la enzima fosfolipasa C (PLC) (Contin et al., FASEB J 2006). Estos cultivos fueron obtenidos a estadios embrionarios muy tempranos en dónde solo las CGRs son postmitóticas y mayoritariamente maduras. A estos estadios, los cultivos expresan marcadores de especificación de células ganglionares (pax6, brn3), la proteina Gq y los fotopigmentos melanopsina y criptocromos con gran homología con marcadores descriptos para fotorreceptores rabdoméricos de invertebrados (Contin et al, 2006). Recientemente comenzamos a investigar la percepción de luz en pollos GUCY1*, un modelo de ceguera, en animales que carecen de células fotorreceptoras-conos y bastones-funcionales. Resultados preliminares indicarían que la retina interna, y potencialmente las CGRs de estos animales conservarían la capacidad de responder a la luz regulando el reflejo pupilar y sincronizando los ritmos diarios de alimentación. La convergencia de osciladores y fotopigmentos en la población de CGRs podría contribuir al control temporal de la fisiología del organismo y regulación de funciones no-visuales. Son objetivos de este proyecto: a) Investigar el rol de las CGRs en el sistema circadiano estudiando: i- su habilidad para sintetizar melatonina y, su regulación por luz y dopamina; ii- su capacidad fotorreceptora intrínseca, investigando la presencia de fotopigmentos y componentes de la cascada de fototransducción fundamentalmente la vía de los fosfoinosítidos y la activación de PLC, mediante ensayos moleculares, bioquímicos y farmacológicos; b) Extender estos estudios a cultivos primarios de CGRs inmunopurificadas midiendo la respuesta a la luz sobre la síntesis de melatonina, y los niveles de los mensajeros 2rios Ca2+ y AMP cíclico, la inducción de genes tempranos y la regulación de la actividad NAT, enzima clave en la síntesis de melatonina; y c) Investigar la percepción de luz en pollos GUCY1*(ciegos), sobre distintas funciones no-visuales tales como el reflejo pupilar, la sincronización de los ritmos diarios de alimentación, la síntesis de melatonina y la expresión génica en animales expuestos a estimulación lumínica de distintas intensidades y longitudes de onda. Estos estudios permitirán construir el espectro de acción de la respuesta a la luz en los pollos ciegos a fin de identificar el/los fotopigmentos intervinientes en este fenómeno. Este proyecto profundizará el conocimiento sobre la capacidad fotorreceptora-no visual de la retina interna y particularmente de las CGRs, de la naturaleza de la cascada bioquímica que opera en las mismas y de los mecanismos de regeneración del cromóforo utilizado.


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The visual perception of size in different regions of external space was studied in Parkinson's disease (PD). A group of patients with worse left-sided symptoms (LPD) was compared with a group with worse right-sided symptoms (RPD) and with a group of age-matched controls on judgements of the relative height or width of two rectangles presented in different regions of external space. The relevant dimension of one rectangle (the 'standard') was held constant, while that of the other (the 'variable') was varied in a method of constant stimuli. The point of subjective equality (PSE) of rectangle width or height was obtained by probit analysis as the mean of the resulting psychometric function. When the standard was in left space, the PSE of the LPD group occurred when the variable was smaller, and when the standard was in right space, when the variable was larger. Similarly, when the standard rectangle was presented in upper space, and the variable in lower space, the PSE occurred when the variable was smaller, an effect which was similar in both left and right spaces. In all these experiments, the PSEs for both the controls and the RPD group did not differ significantly, and were close to a physical match, and the slopes of the psychometric functions were steeper in the controls than the patients, though not significantly so. The data suggest that objects appear smaller in the left and upper visual spaces in LPD, probably because of right hemisphere impairment. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent theories propose that semantic representation and sensorimotor processing have a common substrate via simulation. We tested the prediction that comprehension interacts with perception, using a standard psychophysics methodology.While passively listening to verbs that referred to upward or downward motion, and to control verbs that did not refer to motion, 20 subjects performed a motion-detection task, indicating whether or not they saw motion in visual stimuli containing threshold levels of coherent vertical motion. A signal detection analysis revealed that when verbs were directionally incongruent with the motion signal, perceptual sensitivity was impaired. Word comprehension also affected decision criteria and reaction times, but in different ways. The results are discussed with reference to existing explanations of embodied processing and the potential of psychophysical methods for assessing interactions between language and perception.


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Synesthesia entails a special kind of sensory perception, where stimulation in one sensory modality leads to an internally generated perceptual experience of another, not stimulated sensory modality. This phenomenon can be viewed as an abnormal multisensory integration process as here the synesthetic percept is aberrantly fused with the stimulated modality. Indeed, recent synesthesia research has focused on multimodal processing even outside of the specific synesthesia-inducing context and has revealed changed multimodal integration, thus suggesting perceptual alterations at a global level. Here, we focused on audio-visual processing in synesthesia using a semantic classification task in combination with visually or auditory-visually presented animated and in animated objects in an audio-visual congruent and incongruent manner. Fourteen subjects with auditory-visual and/or grapheme-color synesthesia and 14 control subjects participated in the experiment. During presentation of the stimuli, event-related potentials were recorded from 32 electrodes. The analysis of reaction times and error rates revealed no group differences with best performance for audio-visually congruent stimulation indicating the well-known multimodal facilitation effect. We found enhanced amplitude of the N1 component over occipital electrode sites for synesthetes compared to controls. The differences occurred irrespective of the experimental condition and therefore suggest a global influence on early sensory processing in synesthetes.


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The aim of this work was to isolate and investigate subcortical and cortical lateral interactions involved in flicker perception. We quantified the perceived flicker strength (PFS) in the center of a test stimulus which was simultaneously modulated with a surround stimulus (50% Michelson contrast in both stimuli). Subjects were requested to adjust the modulation depth of a separate matching stimulus that was physically identical to the center of the test stimulus but without the surround. Using LCD goggles, synchronized to the frame rate of a CRT screen, the center and surround could be presented monoptically or dichoptically. In the monoptic condition, center-surround interactions can have both subcortical and cortical origins. In the dichoptic condition, center-surround interactions cannot occur in the retina and the LGN, therefore isolating a cortical mechanism. Results revealed both a strong monoptic (subcortical plus cortical) lateral interaction and a weaker dichoptic (cortical) lateral interaction. Subtraction of the dichoptic from the monoptic data revealed a subcortical mechanism of the lateral interaction. While the modulation of the cortical PFS component showed a low-pass temporal-frequency tuning, the modulation of the subcortical PFS component was maximal at 6 Hz. These findings are consistent with two separate temporal channels influencing the monoptic PFS, each with distinct lateral interactions strength and frequency tuning characteristics. We conclude that both subcortical and cortical lateral interactions modulate flicker perception.


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Our goal in this thesis is to provide a result of existence of the degenerate non-linear, non-divergence PDE which describes the mean curvature flow in the Lie group SE(2) equipped with a sub-Riemannian metric. The research is motivated by problems of visual completion and models of the visual cortex.


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Background: Visuoperceptual deficits in dementia are common and can reduce quality of life. Testing of visuoperceptual function is often confounded by impairments in other cognitive domains and motor dysfunction. We aimed to develop, pilot, and test a novel visuocognitive prototype test battery which addressed these issues, suitable for both clinical and functional imaging use. Methods: We recruited 23 participants (14 with dementia, 6 of whom had extrapyramidal motor features, and 9 age-matched controls). The novel Newcastle visual perception prototype battery (NEVIP-B-Prototype) included angle, color, face, motion and form perception tasks, and an adapted response system. It allows for individualized task difficulties. Participants were tested outside and inside the 3T functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were analyzed using SPM8. Results: All participants successfully completed the task inside and outside the scanner. Functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis showed activation regions corresponding well to the regional specializations of the visual association cortex. In both groups, there was significant activity in the ventral occipital-temporal region in the face and color tasks, whereas the motion task activated the V5 region. In the control group, the angle task activated the occipitoparietal cortex. Patients and controls showed similar levels of activation, except on the angle task for which occipitoparietal activation was lower in patients than controls. Conclusion: Distinct visuoperceptual functions can be tested in patients with dementia and extrapyramidal motor features when tests use individualized thresholds, adapted tasks, and specialized response systems.


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Visuo-perceptual abnormalities are a prominent feature in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and also occur in Alzheimer's disease (AD) to a lesser extent. We studied the progression of visuo-perceptual abnormalities over a 12-month period in DLB and AD by using a novel computerised test battery.