992 resultados para Visual estimate
A regime shift in the North Sea circa 1988 linked to changes in the North Sea horse mackerel fishery
After 1987, Phytoplankton Colour (a visual estimate of chlorophyll) measured on samples taken by the continuous plankton recorder (CPR) in the North Sea increased substantially, both in level and seasonal extent, compared to earlier years since 1946. Many species of phytoplankton and zooplankton showed marked changes in abundance at about the same time. These events coincided with a large increase in catches of the western stock of the horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) in the northern North Sea reflecting a northerly expansion of the stock along the shelf edge from the Bay of Biscay to the North Sea after 1987. Using a 3D hydrodynamic model, with input from measured wind parameters, monthly transport of oceanic water into the North Sea has been calculated for the period 1976–1994, integrated for a section from Orkney to Shetland to Norway. A substantial increase in oceanic inflow occurred in the winter months, December to March, from 1988. Higher sea surface temperatures were also measured after 1987 especially in spring and summer months. These biological and physical events may be a response to observed changes in pressure distribution over the North Atlantic. From 1988 onwards, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, the pressure difference between Iceland and the Azores, increased to the highest positive level observed in this century. Positive NAO anomalies are associated with stronger and more southerly tracks of the westerly winds and higher temperatures in western Europe. These changing wind distributions may have led to an increase in the northerly advection of water along the western edge of the European shelf and may have assisted the migration of the horse mackerel. This study is possibly a unique demonstration of a correlation between three different trophic levels of a marine ecosystem and hydrographic and atmospheric events at decadal and regional scales. The results emphasise the importance of maintaining into the future long term programmes such as the CPR.
During the 1980s, a rapid increase in the Phytoplankton Colour Index (PCI), a semiquantitative visual estimate of algal biomass, was observed in the North Sea as part of a regionwide regime shift. Two new data sets created from the relationship between the PCI and SeaWiFS chlorophyll a (Chl a) quantify differences in the previous and current regimes for both the anthropogenically affected coastal North Sea and the comparatively unaffected open North Sea. The new regime maintains a 13% higher Chl a concentration in the open North Sea and a 21% higher concentration in coastal North Sea waters. However, the current regime has lower total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations than the previous regime, although the molar N: P ratio in coastal waters is now well above the Redfield ratio and continually increasing. Besides becoming warmer, North Sea waters are also becoming clearer (i.e., less turbid), thereby allowing the normally light-limited coastal phytoplankton to more effectively utilize lower concentrations of nutrients. Linear regression analyses indicate that winter Secchi depth and sea surface temperature are the most important predictors of coastal Chl a, while Atlantic inflow is the best predictor of open Chl a; nutrient concentrations are not a significant predictor in either model. Thus, despite decreasing nutrient concentrations, Chl a continues to increase, suggesting that climatic variability and water transparency may be more important than nutrient concentrations to phytoplankton production at the scale of this study.
Questions: A multiple plot design was developed for permanent vegetation plots. How reliable are the different methods used in this design and which changes can we measure? Location: Alpine meadows (2430 m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Alps. Methods: Four inventories were obtained from 40 m(2) plots: four subplots (0.4 m(2)) with a list of species, two 10m transects with the point method (50 points on each), one subplot (4 m2) with a list of species and visual cover estimates as a percentage and the complete plot (40 m(2)) with a list of species and visual estimates in classes. This design was tested by five to seven experienced botanists in three plots. Results: Whatever the sampling size, only 45-63% of the species were seen by all the observers. However, the majority of the overlooked species had cover < 0.1%. Pairs of observers overlooked 10-20% less species than single observers. The point method was the best method for cover estimate, but it took much longer than visual cover estimates, and 100 points allowed for the monitoring of only a very limited number of species. The visual estimate as a percentage was more precise than classes. Working in pairs did not improve the estimates, but one botanist repeating the survey is more reliable than a succession of different observers. Conclusion: Lists of species are insufficient for monitoring. It is necessary to add cover estimates to allow for subsequent interpretations in spite of the overlooked species. The choice of the method depends on the available resources: the point method is time consuming but gives precise data for a limited number of species, while visual estimates are quick but allow for recording only large changes in cover. Constant pairs of observers improve the reliability of the records.
O monitoramento da vegetação aquática permite avaliar a evolução das comunidades e determinar o potencial de danos associados a essas populações. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar as plantas aquáticas e os níveis de infestação de cada espécie, presentes no reservatório de Bariri. Foram avaliados todos os focos de vegetação aquática presente na represa (194 pontos), e os pontos foram demarcados com um aparelho de GPS. As plantas foram identificadas e realizou-se uma estimativa visual do valor geográfico do ponto (tamanho da área) e a distribuição proporcional das plantas no foco de infestação. Foram encontradas 15 espécies de plantas aquáticas vegetando na represa de Bariri. Considerando que as principais espécies ocorreram com níveis de infestação acima de 10%, as mais importantes foram: Brachiaria mutica (27,0% da área e 97,4% de freqüência), B. subquadripara (22,7% da área e 96,9% de freqüência), Eichhornia crassipes (13,8% da área e 85,6% de freqüência) e Typha angustifolia (16,7% da área e 72,7% de freqüência). Outra espécie que pode ser destacada e que apresentou um bom potencial de infestação foi Enidra sessilis, que ocorreu em 8,9% de ocupação na área vegetada e com 76,3% de freqüência.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as plantas aquáticas e os níveis de infestação de cada espécie em Porto Primavera antes do enchimento final do reservatório. Foram avaliados todos os focos de vegetação aquática no reservatório (72 pontos), sendo os pontos demarcados com um aparelho de GPS. As espécies foram identificadas e estimouse visualmente (tamanho da área) a distribuição proporcional das plantas no foco de infestação. Após a identificação, foram encontradas 18 espécies de plantas aquáticas vegetando no reservatório, das quais foram determinadas a frequência de espécie de planta aquática e a distribuição dentro do sistema de geração de energia. As espécies encontradas no reservatório foram: Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia azurea, Pistia stratiotes, Paspalum repens, Cyperus brevifolius, Paspalum conspersum, Echinochloa polystachya, Egeria densa, Egeria najas, Polygonum hidropiperoides, Polygonum lapathifolium, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Eleocharis sellowiana, Nymphaea ampla, Pontederia cordata, Salvinia auriculata, Salvinia rotundifolia e Typha angustifolia. As maiores frequências relativas foram observadas em: E. azurea (36,11%), E. crassipes (16,67%), P. stratiotes (13,89%), S. auriculata (13,89%), C. brevifolius (11,11%) e P. lapathifolium (6,94%).
Digital techniques have been developed and validated to assess semiquantitatively immunohistochemical nuclear staining. Currently visual classification is the standard for qualitative nuclear evaluation. Analysis of pixels that represents the immunohistochemical labeling can be more sensitive, reproducible and objective than visual grading. This study compared two semiquantitative techniques of digital image analysis with three techniques of visual analysis imaging to estimate the p53 nuclear immunostaining. Methods: Sixty-three sun-exposed forearm-skin biopsies were photographed and submitted to three visual analyses of images: the qualitative visual evaluation method (0 to 4 +), the percentage of labeled nuclei and HSCORE. Digital image analysis was performed using ImageJ 1.45p; the density of nuclei was scored per ephitelial area (DensNU) and the pixel density was established in marked suprabasal epithelium (DensPSB). Results: Statistical significance was found in: the agreement and correlation among the visual estimates of evaluators, correlation among the median visual score of the evaluators, the HSCORE and the percentage of marked nuclei with the DensNU and DensPSB estimates. DensNU was strongly correlated to the percentage of p53-marked nuclei in the epidermis, and DensPSB with the HSCORE. Conclusion: The parameters presented herein can be applied in routine analysis of immunohistochemical nuclear staining of epidermis. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
A detailed study of the Fe-Ti oxides in four basalt samples-one from each of the four holes drilled into basement on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 (Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715) has been performed. Ilmenite is present only in samples from Sites 706 and 715. In the sample from Site 715, Ti-magnetite intergrowths are characteristic of subaerial (?) high-temperature oxy-exsolution; Ti-magnetite in the other three samples has experienced pervasive low-temperature oxidation to Ti-maghemite, as evidenced by the double-humped, irreversible, saturation magnetization vs. temperature (Js/T) curves. The bulk susceptibility of these samples, which are similar in terms of major element chemistry, varies by a factor of ~20 and correlates semiquantitatively with the modal abundance of Fe-Ti spinel, as determined by image analysis with an electron microprobe. The variation in Fe-Ti oxide abundance correlates with average grain size: fine-grained samples contain less Fe-Ti oxide. This prompts the speculation that the crystallization rate may also influence Fe-Ti oxide abundance.
A produção de biomassa comercial é uns dos principais indicadores para seleção de progênies e clones de erva-mate. Técnicas tradicionais para se obter tais informações dependem da colheita das árvores e apresentam, dentre outras limitações, elevado custo e reduzida praticidade. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de métodos indiretos, por meio de estimativa de biomassa comercial e escore de produtividade em função de diferentes procedências, sexo e morfotipos. Em um teste de progênies e procedências instalado em 1997, foram avaliadas em agosto de 2015 (dois anos após a última colheita) duas metodologias de análise visual. Para tanto, participaram cinco avaliadores treinados que determinaram, para cada planta, uma estimativa de biomassa comercial (kg), e uma nota, com base em um escore de produtividade (0-10). Para avaliação da produtividade pelas técnicas tradicionais, todas as plantas foram podadas e tiveram sua biomassa comercial (folhas e ramos finos menores de 7 mm de diâmetro) colhida e avaliada por meio de pesagem (Kg.planta-1). As avaliações foram realizadas em experimento instalado em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições, sete procedências e 126 progênies, totalizando 5292 plantas avaliadas. Os métodos avaliados foram eficientes na estimativa da biomassa comercial. Os avaliadores apresentaram boa acuidade nas estimativas, expressando de forma eficiente a maior produtividade determinada por comparação de médias entre as procedências, sexo das matrizes e morfotipos. As maiores correlações foram verificadas na análise geral das médias e a estimativa de biomassa comercial é a melhor metodologia para estimar a biomassa comercial aferida em plantas adultas de erva-mate.
This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of estimating the motion of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). Our approach is based on the integration of the incremental measurements which are provided by a vision system. When the vehicle is close to the underwater terrain, it constructs a visual map (so called "mosaic") of the area where the mission takes place while, at the same time, it localizes itself on this map, following the Concurrent Mapping and Localization strategy. The proposed methodology to achieve this goal is based on a feature-based mosaicking algorithm. A down-looking camera is attached to the underwater vehicle. As the vehicle moves, a sequence of images of the sea-floor is acquired by the camera. For every image of the sequence, a set of characteristic features is detected by means of a corner detector. Then, their correspondences are found in the next image of the sequence. Solving the correspondence problem in an accurate and reliable way is a difficult task in computer vision. We consider different alternatives to solve this problem by introducing a detailed analysis of the textural characteristics of the image. This is done in two phases: first comparing different texture operators individually, and next selecting those that best characterize the point/matching pair and using them together to obtain a more robust characterization. Various alternatives are also studied to merge the information provided by the individual texture operators. Finally, the best approach in terms of robustness and efficiency is proposed. After the correspondences have been solved, for every pair of consecutive images we obtain a list of image features in the first image and their matchings in the next frame. Our aim is now to recover the apparent motion of the camera from these features. Although an accurate texture analysis is devoted to the matching pro-cedure, some false matches (known as outliers) could still appear among the right correspon-dences. For this reason, a robust estimation technique is used to estimate the planar transformation (homography) which explains the dominant motion of the image. Next, this homography is used to warp the processed image to the common mosaic frame, constructing a composite image formed by every frame of the sequence. With the aim of estimating the position of the vehicle as the mosaic is being constructed, the 3D motion of the vehicle can be computed from the measurements obtained by a sonar altimeter and the incremental motion computed from the homography. Unfortunately, as the mosaic increases in size, image local alignment errors increase the inaccuracies associated to the position of the vehicle. Occasionally, the trajectory described by the vehicle may cross over itself. In this situation new information is available, and the system can readjust the position estimates. Our proposal consists not only in localizing the vehicle, but also in readjusting the trajectory described by the vehicle when crossover information is obtained. This is achieved by implementing an Augmented State Kalman Filter (ASKF). Kalman filtering appears as an adequate framework to deal with position estimates and their associated covariances. Finally, some experimental results are shown. A laboratory setup has been used to analyze and evaluate the accuracy of the mosaicking system. This setup enables a quantitative measurement of the accumulated errors of the mosaics created in the lab. Then, the results obtained from real sea trials using the URIS underwater vehicle are shown.
This study is the first to investigate the effect of prolonged reading on reading performance and visual functions in students with low vision. The study focuses on one of the most common modes of achieving adequate magnification for reading by students with low vision, their close reading distance (proximal or relative distance magnification). Close reading distances impose high demands on near visual functions, such as accommodation and convergence. Previous research on accommodation in children with low vision shows that their accommodative responses are reduced compared to normal vision. In addition, there is an increased lag of accommodation for higher stimulus levels as may occur at close reading distance. Reduced accommodative responses in low vision and higher lag of accommodation at close reading distances together could impact on reading performance of students with low vision especially during prolonged reading tasks. The presence of convergence anomalies could further affect reading performance. Therefore, the aims of the present study were 1) To investigate the effect of prolonged reading on reading performance in students with low vision 2) To investigate the effect of prolonged reading on visual functions in students with low vision. This study was conducted as cross-sectional research on 42 students with low vision and a comparison group of 20 students with normal vision, aged 7 to 20 years. The students with low vision had vision impairments arising from a range of causes and represented a typical group of students with low vision, with no significant developmental delays, attending school in Brisbane, Australia. All participants underwent a battery of clinical tests before and after a prolonged reading task. An initial reading-specific history and pre-task measurements that included Bailey-Lovie distance and near visual acuities, Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity, ocular deviations, sensory fusion, ocular motility, near point of accommodation (pull-away method), accuracy of accommodation (Monocular Estimation Method (MEM)) retinoscopy and Near Point of Convergence (NPC) (push-up method) were recorded for all participants. Reading performance measures were Maximum Oral Reading Rates (MORR), Near Text Visual Acuity (NTVA) and acuity reserves using Bailey-Lovie text charts. Symptoms of visual fatigue were assessed using the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) for all participants. Pre-task measurements of reading performance and accuracy of accommodation and NPC were compared with post-task measurements, to test for any effects of prolonged reading. The prolonged reading task involved reading a storybook silently for at least 30 minutes. The task was controlled for print size, contrast, difficulty level and content of the reading material. Silent Reading Rate (SRR) was recorded every 2 minutes during prolonged reading. Symptom scores and visual fatigue scores were also obtained for all participants. A visual fatigue analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess visual fatigue during the task, once at the beginning, once at the middle and once at the end of the task. In addition to the subjective assessments of visual fatigue, tonic accommodation was monitored using a photorefractor (PlusoptiX CR03™) every 6 minutes during the task, as an objective assessment of visual fatigue. Reading measures were done at the habitual reading distance of students with low vision and at 25 cms for students with normal vision. The initial history showed that the students with low vision read for significantly shorter periods at home compared to the students with normal vision. The working distances of participants with low vision ranged from 3-25 cms and half of them were not using any optical devices for magnification. Nearly half of the participants with low vision were able to resolve 8-point print (1M) at 25 cms. Half of the participants in the low vision group had ocular deviations and suppression at near. Reading rates were significantly reduced in students with low vision compared to those of students with normal vision. In addition, there were a significantly larger number of participants in the low vision group who could not sustain the 30-minute task compared to the normal vision group. However, there were no significant changes in reading rates during or following prolonged reading in either the low vision or normal vision groups. Individual changes in reading rates were independent of their baseline reading rates, indicating that the changes in reading rates during prolonged reading cannot be predicted from a typical clinical assessment of reading using brief reading tasks. Contrary to previous reports the silent reading rates of the students with low vision were significantly lower than their oral reading rates, although oral and silent reading was assessed using different methods. Although the visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, near point of convergence and accuracy of accommodation were significantly poorer for the low vision group compared to those of the normal vision group, there were no significant changes in any of these visual functions following prolonged reading in either group. Interestingly, a few students with low vision (n =10) were found to be reading at a distance closer than their near point of accommodation. This suggests a decreased sensitivity to blur. Further evaluation revealed that the equivalent intrinsic refractive errors (an estimate of the spherical dioptirc defocus which would be expected to yield a patient’s visual acuity in normal subjects) were significantly larger for the low vision group compared to those of the normal vision group. As expected, accommodative responses were significantly reduced for the low vision group compared to the expected norms, which is consistent with their close reading distances, reduced visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. For those in the low vision group who had an accommodative error exceeding their equivalent intrinsic refractive errors, a significant decrease in MORR was found following prolonged reading. The silent reading rates however were not significantly affected by accommodative errors in the present study. Suppression also had a significant impact on the changes in reading rates during prolonged reading. The participants who did not have suppression at near showed significant decreases in silent reading rates during and following prolonged reading. This impact of binocular vision at near on prolonged reading was possibly due to the high demands on convergence. The significant predictors of MORR in the low vision group were age, NTVA, reading interest and reading comprehension, accounting for 61.7% of the variances in MORR. SRR was not significantly influenced by any factors, except for the duration of the reading task sustained; participants with higher reading rates were able to sustain a longer reading duration. In students with normal vision, age was the only predictor of MORR. Participants with low vision also reported significantly greater visual fatigue compared to the normal vision group. Measures of tonic accommodation however were little influenced by visual fatigue in the present study. Visual fatigue analogue scores were found to be significantly associated with reading rates in students with low vision and normal vision. However, the patterns of association between visual fatigue and reading rates were different for SRR and MORR. The participants with low vision with higher symptom scores had lower SRRs and participants with higher visual fatigue had lower MORRs. As hypothesized, visual functions such as accuracy of accommodation and convergence did have an impact on prolonged reading in students with low vision, for students whose accommodative errors were greater than their equivalent intrinsic refractive errors, and for those who did not suppress one eye. Those students with low vision who have accommodative errors higher than their equivalent intrinsic refractive errors might significantly benefit from reading glasses. Similarly, considering prisms or occlusion for those without suppression might reduce the convergence demands in these students while using their close reading distances. The impact of these prescriptions on reading rates, reading interest and visual fatigue is an area of promising future research. Most importantly, it is evident from the present study that a combination of factors such as accommodative errors, near point of convergence and suppression should be considered when prescribing reading devices for students with low vision. Considering these factors would also assist rehabilitation specialists in identifying those students who are likely to experience difficulty in prolonged reading, which is otherwise not reflected during typical clinical reading assessments.
Position estimation for planetary rovers has been typically limited to odometry based on proprioceptive measurements such as the integration of distance traveled and measurement of heading change. Here we present and compare two methods of online visual odometry suited for planetary rovers. Both methods use omnidirectional imagery to estimate motion of the rover. One method is based on robust estimation of optical flow and subsequent integration of the flow. The second method is a full structure-from-motion solution. To make the comparison meaningful we use the same set of raw corresponding visual features for each method. The dataset is an sequence of 2000 images taken during a field experiment in the Atacama desert, for which high resolution GPS ground truth is available.
Visual localization systems that are practical for autonomous vehicles in outdoor industrial applications must perform reliably in a wide range of conditions. Changing outdoor conditions cause difficulty by drastically altering the information available in the camera images. To confront the problem, we have developed a visual localization system that uses a surveyed three-dimensional (3D)-edge map of permanent structures in the environment. The map has the invariant properties necessary to achieve long-term robust operation. Previous 3D-edge map localization systems usually maintain a single pose hypothesis, making it difficult to initialize without an accurate prior pose estimate and also making them susceptible to misalignment with unmapped edges detected in the camera image. A multihypothesis particle filter is employed here to perform the initialization procedure with significant uncertainty in the vehicle's initial pose. A novel observation function for the particle filter is developed and evaluated against two existing functions. The new function is shown to further improve the abilities of the particle filter to converge given a very coarse estimate of the vehicle's initial pose. An intelligent exposure control algorithm is also developed that improves the quality of the pertinent information in the image. Results gathered over an entire sunny day and also during rainy weather illustrate that the localization system can operate in a wide range of outdoor conditions. The conclusion is that an invariant map, a robust multihypothesis localization algorithm, and an intelligent exposure control algorithm all combine to enable reliable visual localization through challenging outdoor conditions.
This paper presents a vision-based method of vehicle localisation that has been developed and tested on a large forklift type robotic vehicle which operates in a mainly outdoor industrial setting. The localiser uses a sparse 3D edgemap of the environment and a particle filter to estimate the pose of the vehicle. The vehicle operates in dynamic and non-uniform outdoor lighting conditions, an issue that is addressed by using knowledge of the scene to intelligently adjust the camera exposure and hence improve the quality of the information in the image. Results from the industrial vehicle are shown and compared to another laser-based localiser which acts as a ground truth. An improved likelihood metric, using peredge calculation, is presented and has shown to be 40% more accurate in estimating rotation. Visual localization results from the vehicle driving an arbitrary 1.5km path during a bright sunny period show an average position error of 0.44m and rotation error of 0.62deg.
In this paper, we outline the sensing system used for the visual pose control of our experimental car-like vehicle, the Autonomous Tractor. The sensing system consists of a magnetic compass, an omnidirectional camera and a low-resolution odometry system. In this work, information from these sensors is fused using complementary filters. Complementary filters provide a means of fusing information from sensors with different characteristics in order to produce a more reliable estimate of the desired variable. Here, the range and bearing of landmarks observed by the vision system are fused with odometry information and a vehicle model, providing a more reliable estimate of these states. We also present a method of combining a compass sensor with odometry and a vehicle model to improve the heading estimate.
Purpose: To compare accuracies of different methods for calculating human lens power when lens thickness is not available. Methods: Lens power was calculated by four methods. Three methods were used with previously published biometry and refraction data of 184 emmetropic and myopic eyes of 184 subjects (age range [18, 63] years, spherical equivalent range [–12.38, +0.75] D). These three methods consist of the Bennett method, which uses lens thickness, our modification of the Stenström method and the Bennett¬Rabbetts method, both of which do not require knowledge of lens thickness. These methods include c constants, which represent distances from lens surfaces to principal planes. Lens powers calculated with these methods were compared with those calculated using phakometry data available for a subgroup of 66 emmetropic eyes (66 subjects). Results: Lens powers obtained from the Bennett method corresponded well with those obtained by phakometry for emmetropic eyes, although individual differences up to 3.5D occurred. Lens powers obtained from the modified¬Stenström and Bennett¬Rabbetts methods deviated significantly from those obtained with either the Bennett method or phakometry. Customizing the c constants improved this agreement, but applying these constants to the entire group gave mean lens power differences of 0.71 ± 0.56D compared with the Bennett method. By further optimizing the c constants, the agreement with the Bennett method was within ± 1D for 95% of the eyes. Conclusion: With appropriate constants, the modified¬Stenström and Bennett¬Rabbetts methods provide a good approximation of the Bennett lens power in emmetropic and myopic eyes.