1000 resultados para Visual Pigments


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In the present thesis, questions of spectral tuning, the relation of spectral and thermal properties of visual pigments, and evolutionary adaptation to different light environments were addressed using a group of small crustaceans of the genus Mysis as a model. The study was based on microspectrophotometric measurements of visual pigment absorbance spectra, electrophysiological measurements of spectral sensitivities of dark-adapted eyes, and sequencing of the opsin gene retrieved through PCR. The spectral properties were related to the spectral transmission of the respective light environments, as well as to the phylogentic histories of the species. The photoactivation energy (Ea) was estimated from temperature effects on spectral sensitivity in the long-wavelength range, and calculations were made for optimal quantum catch and optimal signal-to-noise ratio in the different light environments. The opsin amino acid sequences of spectrally characterized individuals were compared to find candidate residues for spectral tuning. The general purpose was to clarify to what extent and on what time scale adaptive evolution has driven the functional properties of (mysid) visual pigments towards optimal performance in different light environments. An ultimate goal was to find the molecular mechanisms underlying the spectral tuning and to understand the balance between evolutionary adaptation and molecular constraints. The totally consistent segregation of absorption maxima (λmax) into (shorter-wavelength) marine and (longer-wavelength) freshwater populations suggests that truly adaptive evolution is involved in tuning the visual pigment for optimal performance, driven by selection for high absolute visual sensitivity. On the other hand, the similarity in λmax and opsin sequence between several populations of freshwater M. relicta in spectrally different lakes highlights the limits to adaptation set by evolutionary history and time. A strong inverse correlation between Ea and λmax was found among all visual pigments studied in these respects, including those of M. relicta and 10 species of vertebrate pigments, and this was used to infer thermal noise. The conceptual signal-to-noise ratios thus calculated for pigments with different λmax in the Baltic Sea and Lake Pääjärvi light environments supported the notion that spectral adaptation works towards maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio rather than quantum catch as such. Judged by the shape of absorbance spectra, the visual pigments of all populations of M. relicta and M. salemaai used exclusively the A2 chromophore (3, 4-dehydroretinal). A comparison of amino acid substitutions between M. relicta and M. salemaai indicated that mysid shrimps have a small number of readily available tuning sites to shift between a shorter - and a longer -wavelength opsin. However, phylogenetic history seems to have prevented marine M. relicta from converting back to the (presumably) ancestral opsin form, and thus the more recent reinvention of marine spectral sensitivity has been accomplished by some other novel mechanism, yet to be found


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A microspectrophotometric study was conducted on the retinal photoreceptors of four species of bird: cut-throat finches (Amadina fasciata), gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae), white-headed munias (Lonchura maja) and plum-headed finches (Neochmia modesta). Spectral characteristics of the photoreceptors in all four species were very similar. Rods contained a medium-wavelength-sensitive visual pigment with a wavelength of maximum absorbance at 502-504 nm. Four spectrally distinct types of single cone contained a visual pigment with wavelength of maximum absorbance at either 370-373 nm (ultraviolet-sensitive), 440-447 nm (short-wavelength-sensitive); 500 nm (medium-wavelength-sensitive) or 562-565 nm (long-wavelength-sensitive). Oil droplets in the ultraviolet-sensitive single cones showed no detectable absorption between 330 nm and 800 nm. Oil droplets in the short-, medium-, and long-wavelength-sensitive single cones had cut-off wavelengths at 415-423 nm, 510-520 nm and 567-575 nm, respectively. Double cones contained the visual pigment with wavelength of maximum absorbance at 562-565 nm observed in long-wavelength-sensitive single cones. Only the principal member of the double cone pair contained an oil droplet (P-type, cut-off wavelength at 414-489 nm depending on species and retinal location). Spectral transmittance of the intact ocular media of each species was measured along the optic axis. Wavelengths of 0.5 transmittance for all species were very similar (316-318 nm).


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The spectral absorption characteristics of the retinal photoreceptors of the blue tit (Pal trs caeruleus) and blackbird (Turdus merula) were investigated using microspectrophotometry. The retinae of both species contained rods, double cones and four spectrally distinct types of single cone. Whilst the visual pigments and cone oil droplets in the other receptor types are very similar in both species, the wavelength of maximum sensitivity (lambda(max)) of long-wavelength-sensitive single and double cone visual pigment occurs at a shorter wavelength (557 nm) in the blackbird than in the blue tit (563 nm). Oil droplets located in the long-wavelength-sensitive-single cones of both species cut off wavelengths below 570-573 nm, theoretically shifting cone peak spectral sensitivity some 40 nm towards the long-wavelength end of the spectrum. This raises the possibility that the precise lambda(max) of the long-wavelength-sensitive visual pigment is optimised for the visual function of the double cones. The distribution of cone photoreceptors across the retina, determined using conventional light and fluorescence microscopy also varies between the two species and may reflect differences in their visual ecology.


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To have color vision, having at least two cone photopigment types with different spectral sensitivities present in distinct photoreceptors is necessary together with the neural circuitry necessary to extract color information. Visual pigments are highly conserved molecules, but differences can be found among vertebrate groups. Primates have a variety of cone photopigments (i.e., opsins) that are expressed by polymorphic genes. This article examines the diversity of cone photopigments in New World monkeys and their behavioral relevance.


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In vertebrate visual pigments, a glutamic acid serves as a negative counterion to the positively charged chromophore, a protonated Schiff base of retinal. When photoisomerization leads to the Schiff base deprotonating, the anionic glutamic acid becomes protonated, forming a neutral species that activates the visual cascade. We show that in octopus rhodopsin, the glutamic acid has no anionic counterpart. Thus, the “counterion” is already neutral, so no protonated form of an initially anionic group needs to be created to activate. This helps to explain another observation—that the active photoproduct of octopus rhodopsin can be formed without its Schiff base deprotonating. In this sense, the mechanism of light activation of octopus rhodopsin is simpler than for vertebrates, because it eliminates one of the steps required for vertebrate rhodopsins to achieve their activating state.


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Three different cone photoreceptor visual pigments in the retina of striped marlin Tetrapturus audax were found with the aid of microspectrophotometry. This provides the first evidence for the basis of colour vision in the Istiophoridae. Furthermore, regional variations in photoreceptor density, type and spatial arrangement indicate differing visual capabilities along different visual axes. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Microspectrophotometric examination of the retina of a procellariiform marine bird, the wedge-tailed shearwater Puffinus pacificus, revealed the presence of five different types of vitamin A(1)-based visual pigment in seven different types of photoreceptor. A single class of rod contained a medium-wavelength sensitive visual pigment with a wavelength of maximum absorbance (lambda(max)) at 502 nm. Four different types of single cone contained visual pigments maximally sensitive in either the violet (VS, lambda(max) 406 nm), short (SWS, lambda(max) 450 nm), medium (MWS, lambda(max) 503 nm) or long (LWS, lambda(max) 566 nm) spectral ranges. In the peripheral retina, the SWS, MWS and LWS single cones contained pigmented oil droplets in their inner segments with cut-off wavelengths (lambda(cut)) at 445 (C-type), 506 (Y-type) and 562 nm (R-type), respectively. The VS visual pigment was paired with a transparent (T-type) oil droplet that displayed no significant absorption above at least 370 run. Both the principal and accessory members of the double cone pair contained the same 566 nm lambda(max) visual pigment as the LWS single cones but only the principal member contained an oil droplet, which had a lambda(cut) at 413 nm. The retina had a horizontal band or 'visual streak' of increased photoreceptor density running across the retina approximately 1.5 mm dorsal to the top of the pecten. Cones in the centre of the horizontal streak were smaller and had oil droplets that were either transparent/colourless or much less pigmented than at the periphery. It is proposed that the reduction in cone oil droplet pigmentation in retinal areas associated with high visual acuity is an adaptation to compensate for the reduced photon capture ability of the narrower photoreceptors found there. Measurements of the spectral transmittance of the ocular media reveal that wavelengths down to at least 300 nm would be transmitted to the retina.


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Primates have X chromosome genes for cone photopigments with sensitivity maxima from 535 to 562 nm. Old World monkeys and apes (catarrhines) and the New World ( platyrrhine) genus Alouatta have separate genes for 535-nm ( medium wavelength; M) and 562-nm ( long wavelength; L) pigments. These pigments, together with a 425-nm ( short wavelength) pigment, permit trichromatic color vision. Other platyrrhines and prosimians have a single X chromosome gene but often with alleles for two or three M/L photopigments. Consequently, heterozygote females are trichromats, but males and homozygote females are dichromats. The criteria that affect the evolution of M/L alleles and maintain genetic polymorphism remain a puzzle, but selection for finding food may be important. We compare different types of color vision for detecting more than 100 plant species consumed by tamarins ( Saguinus spp.) in Peru. There is evidence that both frequency-dependent selection on homozygotes and heterozygote advantage favor M/L polymorphism and that trichromatic color vision is most advantageous in dim light. Also, whereas the 562-nm allele is present in all species, the occurrence of 535- to 556-nm alleles varies between species. This variation probably arises because trichromatic color vision favors widely separated pigments and equal frequencies of 535/543- and 562-nm alleles, whereas in dichromats, long-wavelength pigment alleles are fitter.


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Visual pigments of different animal species must have evolved at some stage to match the prevailing light environments, since all visual functions depend on their ability to absorb available photons and transduce the event into a reliable neural signal. There is a large literature on correlation between the light environment and spectral sensitivity between different fish species. However, little work has been done on evolutionary adaptation between separated populations within species. More generally, little is known about the rate of evolutionary adaptation to changing spectral environments. The objective of this thesis is to illuminate the constraints under which the evolutionary tuning of visual pigments works as evident in: scope, tempo, available molecular routes, and signal/noise trade-offs. Aquatic environments offer Nature s own laboratories for research on visual pigment properties, as naturally occurring light environments offer an enormous range of variation in both spectral composition and intensity. The present thesis focuses on the visual pigments that serve dim-light vision in two groups of model species, teleost fishes and mysid crustaceans. The geographical emphasis is in the brackish Baltic Sea area with its well-known postglacial isolation history and its aquatic fauna of both marine and fresh-water origin. The absorbance spectrum of the (single) dim-light visual pigment were recorded by microspectrophotometry (MSP) in single rods of 26 fish species and single rhabdoms of 8 opossum shrimp populations of the genus Mysis inhabiting marine, brackish or freshwater environments. Additionally, spectral sensitivity was determined from six Mysis populations by electroretinogram (ERG) recording. The rod opsin gene was sequenced in individuals of four allopatric populations of the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). Rod opsins of two other goby species were investigated as outgroups for comparison. Rod absorbance spectra of the Baltic subspecies or populations of the primarily marine species herring (Clupea harengus membras), sand goby (P. minutus), and flounder (Platichthys flesus) were long-wavelength-shifted compared to their marine populations. The spectral shifts are consistent with adaptation for improved quantum catch (QC) as well as improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of vision in the Baltic light environment. Since the chromophore of the pigment was pure A1 in all cases, this has apparently been achieved by evolutionary tuning of the opsin visual pigment. By contrast, no opsin-based differences were evident between lake and sea populations of species of fresh-water origin, which can tune their pigment by varying chromophore ratios. A more detailed analysis of differences in absorbance spectra and opsin sequence between and within populations was conducted using the sand goby as model species. Four allopatric populations from the Baltic Sea (B), Swedish west coast (S), English Channel (E), and Adriatic Sea (A) were examined. Rod absorbance spectra, characterized by the wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax), differed between populations and correlated with differences in the spectral light transmission of the respective water bodies. The greatest λmax shift as well as the greatest opsin sequence difference was between the Baltic and the Adriatic populations. The significant within-population variation of the Baltic λmax values (506-511 nm) was analyzed on the level of individuals and was shown to correlate well with opsin sequence substitutions. The sequences of individuals with λmax at shorter wavelengths were identical to that of the Swedish population, whereas those with λmax at longer wavelengths additionally had substitution F261F/Y in the sixth transmembrane helix of the protein. This substitution (Y261) was also present in the Baltic common gobies and is known to redshift spectra. The tuning mechanism of the long-wavelength type Baltic sand gobies is assumed to be the co-expression of F261 and Y261 in all rods to produce ≈ 5 nm redshift. The polymorphism of the Baltic sand goby population possibly indicates ambiguous selection pressures in the Baltic Sea. The visual pigments of all lake populations of the opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) were red-shifted by 25 nm compared with all Baltic Sea populations. This is calculated to confer a significant advantage in both QC and SNR in many humus-rich lakes with reddish water. Since only A2 chromophore was present, the differences obviously reflect evolutionary tuning of the visual protein, the opsin. The changes have occurred within the ca. 9000 years that the lakes have been isolated from the Sea after the most recent glaciation. At present, it seems that the mechanism explaining the spectral differences between lake and sea populations is not an amino acid substitution at any other conventional tuning site, but the mechanism is yet to be found.