924 resultados para Visual Nervous system
OBJECTIVE: CNS or peripheral nervous system dysfunction sometimes occurs in Henoch-Schönlein patients. METHODS: We review all Henoch-Schönlein cases published after 1969 with CNS dysfunction without severe hypertension and neuroimaging studies (n = 35), cranial or peripheral neuropathy (n = 15), both CNS and peripheral nervous system dysfunction without severe hypertension (n = 2) or nervous system dysfunction with severe hypertension (n = 2). Forty-four of the 54 patients were <20 years of age. RESULTS: In patients with CNS dysfunction without or with severe hypertension the following presentations were observed in decreasing order of frequency: altered level of consciousness, convulsions, focal neurological deficits, visual abnormalities and verbal disability. Imaging studies disclosed the following lesions: vascular lesions almost always involving two or more vessels, intracerebral haemorrhage, posterior subcortical oedema, diffuse brain oedema and thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus. Following lesions were noted in the subjects with cranial or peripheral neuropathy without severe hypertension: peroneal neuropathy, peripheral facial palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, brachial plexopathy, posterior tibial nerve neuropathy, femoral neuropathy, ulnar neuropathy and mononeuritis multiplex. Persisting signs of either CNS (n = 9) or peripheral (n = 1) nervous system dysfunction were sometimes reported. CONCLUSIONS: In Henoch-Schönlein syndrome, signs of nervous system dysfunction are uncommon but clinically relevant. This review helps clinicians managing Henoch-Schönlein syndrome with nervous system dysfunction.
The human brain assembles an incredible network of over a billion neurons. Understanding how these connections form during development in order for the brain to function properly is a fundamental question in biology. Much of this wiring takes place during embryonic development. Neurons are generated in the ventricular zone, migrate out, and begin to differentiate. However, neurons are often born in locations some distance from the target cells with which they will ultimately form connections. To form connections, neurons project long axons tipped with a specialized sensing device called a growth cone. The growing axons interact directly with molecules within the environment through which they grow. In order to find their targets, axonal growth cones use guidance molecules that can either attract or repel them. Understanding what these guidance cues are, where they are expressed, and how the growth cone is able to transduce their signal in a directionally specific manner is essential to understanding how the functional brain is constructed. In this chapter, we review what is known about the mechanisms involved in axonal guidance. We discuss how the growth cone is able to sense and respond to its environment and how it is guided by pioneering cells and axons. As examples, we discuss current models for the development of the spinal cord, the cerebral cortex, and the visual and olfactory systems. (c) 2005, Elsevier Inc.
The binding issue of th is thesis was the examination of workload, induced by relinotopic and spatiotopic stimuli, on both the ocu lomotor and cardiovascular systems together with investigating the covariation between the two systems - the 'eye-heart' link. Further, the influence of refractive error on ocular accommodation and cardiovascular function was assessed. A clinical evaluation was undertaken to assess the newly available open-view infrared Shin-Nippon NVision-K 5001 optometer, its benefit being the capability to measure through pupils = 2.3 mm. Measurements of refractive error taken with the NVision-K were found to be both accurate (Difference in Mean Spherical Equivalent: 0.14 ± 0.35 D; p = 0.67) and repeatable when compared to non-cycloplegic subjective refraction. Due to technical difficulties, however, the NVision-K could not be used for the purpose of the thesis, as such, measures of accommodation were taken using the continuously recording Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 openview infrared optometer, coupled with a piezo-electric finger pulse transducer to measure pulse. Heart rate variability (HRV) was spectrally analysed to determine the systemic sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). A large sample (n = 60), cross-sectional study showed late-onset myopes (LOMs) display less accurate responses when compared to other refractive groups at high accommodative demand levels (3 .0 0 and 4.0D). Tonic accommodation (TA) was highest in the hypermetropes, fo llowed by emmetropes and early-onset myopes while the LOM subjects demonstrated statistically significant lower levels of TA. The root-meansquare (RMS) value of the accommodative response was shown to amplify with increased levels of accommodative demand. Changes in refractive error only became significant between groups at higher demand levels (3.0 D and 4.0 D) with the LOMs showing the largest magnification in oscilIations. Examination of the stimulus-response cross-over point with the unit ratio line and TA showed a correlation between the two (r = 0.45, p = 0.001), where TA is approximately twice the dioptric value of the stimulus-response cross-over point. Investigation of the relationship between ocular accommodation and systemic ANS function demonstrated covariation between the systems. Subjects with a faster heart rate (lower heart period) tended to have a higher TA value (r = -0.27, p < 0.05). Further, an increase in accommodative demand accompanies a faster heart rate. The influence of refractive error on the cardiovascular response to changes in accommodative demand, however, was equivocal. Examination of the microfluctuations ofacconunodation demonstrated a correlation between the temporal frequency location of the accommodative high Frequency component (HFC) and the arterial pulse frequency. The correlation was present at a range of accommodative demands from 0.0 D to 4.0 D and in all four refractive groups, suggesting that the HFC was augmented by physiological factors. Examination of the effect of visual cognition on ocular accommodation and the ANS confirmed that increasing levels of cognition affect the accommodative mechanism. The accommodative response shifted away from the subject at both near and far. This shift in accommodative response accompanied a decay in the systemic parasympathetic innervation to the heart. Differences between refractive groups also existed with LOMs showing less accurate responses compared to emmetropes. This disparity, however, appeared to be augmented by the systemic sympathetic nervous system. The investigations discussed explored Ihe role of oculomotor and cardiovascular fu nction in workload enviromnents, providing evidence for a behavioural link between the cardiovascular and oculomotor systems.
The etiology of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) remains the subject of continuing investigation. Despite the many known risk factors and mechanism of damage, the principal treatment objectives in POAG still consist of reduction of intraocular pressure, which although straightforward in many cases, often leaves the clinician with the question of how far to pursue a sufficiently low pressure to prevent further damage. Other risk factors such as hemodynamic insufficiency due to vascular dysregulation and abnormal blood pressure are often overlooked in the day-to-day practice; their harmful effects for glaucoma are, it seems, more potent at night while the patient sleeps and when clinical investigation is most difficult. Although the status of autonomic nervous system is an important determinant of the systemic hemodynamic parameters, this issue is usually ignored by the clinician in the process of glaucoma diagnosis. Consequently, there is a lack of alternative therapies tailored to address associated systemic risk factors for POAG on a case and chronological basis; this approach could be more effective in preventing the progression and visual loss in selected glaucoma cases. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Generative systems are now being proposed for addressing major ecological problems. The Complex Urban Systems Project (CUSP) founded in 2008 at the Queensland University of Technology, emphasises the ecological significance of the generative global networking of urban environments. It argues that the natural planetary systems for balancing global ecology are no longer able to respond sufficiently rapidly to the ecological damage caused by humankind and by dense urban conurbations in particular as evidenced by impacts such as climate change. The proposal of this research project is to provide a high speed generative nervous system for the planet by connecting major cities globally to interact directly with natural ecosystems to engender rapid ecological response. This would be achieved by active interactions of the global urban network with the natural ecosystem in the ecological principle of entropy. The key goal is to achieve ecologically positive cities by activating self-organising cities capable of full integration into natural eco-systems and to netowork the cities globally to provide the planet with a nervous system.
This paper presents an image based visual servoing system that is intended to be used for tracking and obtaining scientific observations of the HIFiRE vehicles. The primary aim of this tracking platform is to acquire and track the thermal signature emitted from the surface of the vehicle during the re-entry phase of the mission using an infra-red camera. The implemented visual servoing scheme uses a classical image based approach to identify and track the target using visual kinematic control. The paper utilizes simulation and experimental results to show the tracking performance of the system using visual feedback. Discussions on current implementation and control techniques to further improve the performance of the system are also explored.
Inspection of solder joints has been a critical process in the electronic manufacturing industry to reduce manufacturing cost, improve yield, and ensure product quality and reliability. This paper proposes two inspection modules for an automatic solder joint classification system. The “front-end” inspection system includes illumination normalisation, localisation and segmentation. The “back-end” inspection involves the classification of solder joints using the Log Gabor filter and classifier fusion. Five different levels of solder quality with respect to the amount of solder paste have been defined. The Log Gabor filter has been demonstrated to achieve high recognition rates and is resistant to misalignment. This proposed system does not need any special illumination system, and the images are acquired by an ordinary digital camera. This system could contribute to the development of automated non-contact, non-destructive and low cost solder joint quality inspection systems.
The nervous systems can initially be divided up into the central and peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system is the brain and spinal cord and drugs that modify the central nervous system are considered as a subject in systematic pharmacology (therapeutics) section. Everything neural, other that the central nervous system, can be considered peripheral nervous systems. The peripheral nervous systems can be divided into the autonomic(involuntary) nervous system, which is the system that performs without your conscious help, and the somatic or voluntary nervous system, which you can consciously control(Figure 7.1). In addition the autonomic nervous system is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems...
Drugs and the somatic nervous system 8.1 The somatic nervous system 8.2 Anticholinesterases 8.3 Neuromuscular blockers 8.4 Botox
The standard method of labelling proliferating cells uses the thymidine analogue, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), which incorporates into the DNA during S-phase of the cell cycle. A disadvantage of this method is that the immunochemical processing requires pre-treatment of the cells and tissue with heat or acid to reveal the antigen. This pre-treatment reduces reliability of the method and degrades the specimen, reducing the ability for multiple immuno-fluorescence labelling at high resolution. We report here the utility of a novel thymidine analogue, ethynyl deoxyuridine (EdU), detected with a fluorescent azide via the “click” chemistry reaction (the Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of an organic azide to a terminal acetylene). The detection of EdU requires no heat or acid treatment and the incorporated EdU is covalently conjugated to fluorescent probe. The reaction is quick and compatible with fluorescence immunochemistry and other fluorescent probes. We show here that EdU is non-toxic in vitro and in vivo and can be used in place of BrdU to label cells during neurogenesis and the progeny identified at least 30 days later. The fluorescent labelling of EdU, markedly improves the detection of proliferating cells and allows concurrent high resolution fluorescence immunochemistry.