985 resultados para Viscoelastic Jets


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The dynamics of drop formation and pinch-off have been investigated for a series of low viscosity elastic fluids possessing similar shear viscosities, but differing substantially in elastic properties. On initial approach to the pinch region, the viscoelastic fluids all exhibit the same global necking behavior that is observed for a Newtonian fluid of equivalent shear viscosity. For these low viscosity dilute polymer solutions, inertial and capillary forces form the dominant balance in this potential flow regime, with the viscous force being negligible. The approach to the pinch point, which corresponds to the point of rupture for a Newtonian fluid, is extremely rapid in such solutions, with the sudden increase in curvature producing very large extension rates at this location. In this region the polymer molecules are significantly extended, causing a localized increase in the elastic stresses, which grow to balance the capillary pressure. This prevents the necked fluid from breaking off, as would occur in the equivalent Newtonian fluid. Alternatively, a cylindrical filament forms in which elastic stresses and capillary pressure balance, and the radius decreases exponentially with time. A (0+1)-dimensional finitely extensible nonlinear elastic dumbbell theory incorporating inertial, capillary, and elastic stresses is able to capture the basic features of the experimental observations. Before the critical "pinch time" t(p), an inertial-capillary balance leads to the expected 2/3-power scaling of the minimum radius with time: R-min similar to(t(p)-t)(2/3). However, the diverging deformation rate results in large molecular deformations and rapid crossover to an elastocapillary balance for times t>t(p). In this region, the filament radius decreases exponentially with time R-min similar to exp[(t(p)-t)/lambda(1)], where lambda(1) is the characteristic time constant of the polymer molecules. Measurements of the relaxation times of polyethylene oxide solutions of varying concentrations and molecular weights obtained from high speed imaging of the rate of change of filament radius are significantly higher than the relaxation times estimated from Rouse-Zimm theory, even though the solutions are within the dilute concentration region as determined using intrinsic viscosity measurements. The effective relaxation times exhibit the expected scaling with molecular weight but with an additional dependence on the concentration of the polymer in solution. This is consistent with the expectation that the polymer molecules are in fact highly extended during the approach to the pinch region (i.e., prior to the elastocapillary filament thinning regime) and subsequently as the filament is formed they are further extended by filament stretching at a constant rate until full extension of the polymer coil is achieved. In this highly extended state, intermolecular interactions become significant, producing relaxation times far above theoretical predictions for dilute polymer solutions under equilibrium conditions. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics


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Size distributions of expiratory droplets expelled during coughing and speaking and the velocities of the expiration air jets of healthy volunteers were measured. Droplet size was measured using the Interferometric Mie imaging (IMI) technique while the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique was used for measuring air velocity. These techniques allowed measurements in close proximity to the mouth and avoided air sampling losses. The average expiration air velocity was 11.7 m/s for coughing and 3.9 m/s for speaking. Under the experimental setting, evaporation and condensation effects had negligible impact on the measured droplet size. The geometric mean diameter of droplets from coughing was 13.5m and it was 16.0m for speaking (counting 1 to 100). The estimated total number of droplets expelled ranged from 947 – 2085 per cough and 112 – 6720 for speaking. The estimated droplet concentrations for coughing ranged from 2.4 - 5.2cm-3 per cough and 0.004 – 0.223 cm-3 for speaking.


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Background. In isotropic materials, the speed of acoustic wave propagation is governed by the bulk modulus and density. For tendon, which is a structural composite of fluid and collagen, however, there is some anisotropy requiring an adjustment for Poisson's ratio. This paper explores these relationships using data collected, in vivo, on human Achilles tendon and then compares estimates of elastic modulus and hysteresis against published values from in vitro mechanical tests. Methods. Measurements using conventional B-model ultrasound imaging, inverse dynamics and acoustic transmission techniques were used to determine dimensions, loading conditions and longitudinal speed of sound in the Achilles tendon during a series of isometric plantar flexion exercises against body weight. Upper and lower bounds for speed of sound versus tensile stress in the tendon were then modelled and estimates of the elastic modulus and hysteresis of the Achilles tendon derived. Results. Axial speed of sound varied between 1850 and 2090 ms-1 with a non-linear, asymptotic dependency on the level of tensile stress (5-35 MPa) in the tendon. Estimates derived for the elastic modulus of the Achilles tendon ranged between 1-2 GPa. Hysteresis derived from models of the stress-strain relationship, ranged from 3-11%. Discussion. Estimates of elastic modulus agree closely with those previously reported from direct measurements obtained via mechanical tensile tests on major weight bearing tendons in vitro [1,2]. Hysteresis derived from models of the stress-strain relationship is consistent with direct measures from various mamalian tendon (7-10%) but is lower than previous estimates in human tendon (17-26%) [3]. This non-invasive method would appear suitable for monitoring changes in tendon properties during dynamic sporting activities.


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Cold atmospheric-pressure plasma jets have recently attracted enormous interest owing to numerous applications in plasma biology, health care, medicine, and nanotechnology. A dedicated study of the interaction between the upstream and downstream plasma plumes revealed that the active species (electrons, ions, excited OH, metastable Ar, and nitrogen-related species) generated by the upstream plasma plume enhance the propagation of the downstream plasma plume. At gas flows exceeding 2 l/min, the downstream plasma plume is longer than the upstream plasma plume. Detailed plasma diagnostics and discharge species analysis suggest that this effect is due to the electrons and ions that are generated by the upstream plasma and flow into the downstream plume. This in turn leads to the relatively higher electron density in the downstream plasma. Moreover, high-speed photography reveals a highly unusual behavior of the plasma bullets, which propagate in snake-like motions, very differently from the previous reports. This behavior is related to the hydrodynamic instability of the gas flow, which results in non-uniform distributions of long-lifetime active species in the discharge tube and of surface charges on the inner surface of the tube.


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The structure of time dependent jets in rotating fluids using similarity transformations is studied theoretically for which exact solutions are discussed. Approximate solution using a modified yon Mises transformation is also explored.


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Experimental investigations are carried out in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel on film cooling effectiveness of a single jet (diameter 2 mm and 0.9 mm), and an array forward facing of micro-jets (diameter 300 mu m each) of same effective area (corresponding to the respective single jet). The single jet and the corresponding micro-jets are injected from the stagnation zone of a blunt cone model (58, apex angle and nose radius of 35 mm). Nitrogen and Helium are injected as coolant gases. Experiments are performed at freestream Mach number 5.9, at 0 degrees angle of attack, with a stagnation enthalpy of 1.84 MJ/kg, with and without injections. The ratios of the jet stagnation pressure to the freestream pitot pressure used in the present study are 1.2 and 1.45. Up to 50% reduction in surface heat transfer rate was observed with the array of micro-jets, compared to that of the respective single jet with nitrogen as the coolant, while the corresponding eduction was up to 37% for helium injection, with the schlieren flow visualizations showing no major change in the shock standoff distance, and thus no major changes in other aerodynamic aspects such as drag.


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The existing models of drop breakage in stirred turbulent dispersions are applicable only to purely viscous dispersed phases. In their present form, they are found to underpredict the diameters of the largest stable drops formed when a viscoelastic fluid is dispersed into a Newtonian liquid. In purely viscous fluids, the turbulent stresses are opposed both by the stresses due to interfacial tension and the viscous stresses generated as the drop deforms. In viscoelastic fluids, drop deformation produces additional retractive elastic stresses which also oppose turbulent stresses. As the deformation rates are large, the retractive stresses can be large in magnitude. Assuming that these additional stresses decay with time, a model of viscoelastic drop breakage in turbulent stirred dispersions has been developed. The new model quantitatively predicts the dmax of viscoelastic fluids. The model, however, does not predict the observation that when the time constant of the fluid becomes large (λ > 0.5 s), the fluid can not be dispersed into droplets up to agitator speeds of about 10 rps in our equipment.


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THE PROCESS of mass transfer from saturated porous surfaces virtual origin ; exposed to turbulent air streams finds many practical applitransverse coordinate; cations. In many cases, the air stream will be in the form of a height of nozzle above flat plate--radial wall jet; wall jet over the porous surface. The aerodynamics of both plane and radial wall jets have been investigated in detail and a vast amount of literature is available on the subject [l-3].


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Abstract is not available.


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The interfacial shear rheological properties of a continuous single-crystalline film of CuS and a 3D particulate gel of CdS nanoparticles (3−5 nm in diameter) formed at toluene−water interfaces have been studied. The ultrathin films (50 nm in thickness) are formed in situ in the shear cell through a reaction at the toluene−water interface between a metal−organic compound in the organic layer and an appropriate reagent for sulfidation in the aqueous layer. Linear viscoelastic spectra of the nanofilms reveal solid-like rheological behavior with the storage modulus higher than the loss modulus over the range of angular frequencies probed. Large strain amplitude sweep measurements on the CdS nanofilms formed at different reactant concentrations suggest that they form a weakly flocculated gel. Under steady shear, the films exhibit a yield stress, followed by a steady shear thinning at high shear rates. The viscoelastic and flow behavior of these films that are in common with those of many 3D “soft” materials like gels, foams, and concentrated colloidal suspensions can be described by the “soft” glassy rheology model.


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This paper investigates numerically the heat transfer characteristics of confined slot jet impingement on a pin-fin heat sink. A variety of pin-fin heat sinks is investigated, and the resulting enhancement of heat transfer studied. The distribution of heat transfer coefficient on the top surface of the base plate and that along the fin height are examined. Both steady and pulsated jets are studied. It is observed that for a steady jet impingement on a pin-fin heat sink, the effective heat transfer coefficient increases with fin height, leading to a corresponding decrease in base plate temperature for the same heat flux. In the case of pulsated jets, the influence of pulse frequency and the Reynolds number is examined, and their effect on the effective heat transfer coefficient is studied.


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Force-free equilibrium configurations of magnetic-pressure-dominated magnetized supersonic jets confined by slowly varying external pressure are investigated analytically. For the case where internal dissipation mechanisms are active, the lowest-energy field configuration is found to be the superposition of an axisymmetric mode and a helical mode with a wavelength equal to 5 times the jet radius, and the pressure below which the nonaxisymmetric mode becomes energetically favorable is given as 2700 times the product of the 4th power of the magnetic helicity per unit length and the -6th power of the magnetic flux. A model of the total and polarized emission of such a configuration is developed and applied to the extended well-collimated astronomically resolved jet NGC 6251. The model is shown to reproduce significant features such as transverse oscillations of the ridge line, width oscillations and emission knots, the projected magnetic-field configuration, oscillations of the degree of polarization, and the distribution of the Faraday rotation measure.