970 resultados para Viral Hemorragic Disease


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As key prey, the wild rabbit downsize constitutes a major drawback on the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) re-introduction in the Iberia. Several captive breeding units mostly located in Alentejo, endeavour the wild rabbit repopulation of depleted areas assigned for the lynx re-introduction. Here we report an RHDV2 outbreak that occurred in early 2016 in a wild rabbit captive breeding unit located in Barrancos municipality. The estimated mortality rate between March and April 2016 was approximately 8.67%. Anatomopathologic examination was carried out for 13 victimized rabbits. Molecular characterization was based on the complete vp60 capsid gene. The 13 rabbit carcasses investigated showed typical macroscopic RHD lesions testing positive to RHDV2- RNA. Comparison of the vp60 nucleotide sequences obtained from two specimens with others publically available disclosed similarities below 98.22% with RHDV2 strains originated in the Iberia and Azores and revealed that the two identical strains from Barrancos-2016 contain six unique single synonymous nucleotide polymorphisms. In the phylogenetic analysis performed, the Barrancos-2016 strains clustered apart from other known strains, meaning they may represent new evolutionary RHDV2 lineages. No clear epidemiological link could be traced for this outbreak where the mortalities were lower compared with previous years. Yet, network analysis suggested a possible connection between the missing intermediates from which the strains from Barrancos 2013, 2014 and 2016 have derived. It is therefore possible that RHDV2 has circulated endemically in the region since 2012, with periodic epizootic occurrences. Still, six years after its emergence in wild rabbits, RHDV2 continues to pose difficulties to the establishment of natural wild rabbit populations that are crucial for the self-sustainability of the local ecosystems.


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RNA interference (RNAi) is widely used to silence genes in plants and animals. It operates through the degradation of target mRNA by endonuclease complexes guided by approximately 21 nucleotide (nt) short interfering RNAs (siRNAs). A similar process regulates the expression of some developmental genes through approximately 21 nt microRNAs. Plants have four types of Dicer-like (DCL) enzyme, each producing small RNAs with different functions. Here, we show that DCL2, DCL3 and DCL4 in Arabidopsis process both replicating viral RNAs and RNAi-inducing hairpin RNAs (hpRNAs) into 22-, 24- and 21 nt siRNAs, respectively, and that loss of both DCL2 and DCL4 activities is required to negate RNAi and to release the plant's repression of viral replication. We also show that hpRNAs, similar to viral infection, can engender long-distance silencing signals and that hpRNA-induced silencing is suppressed by the expression of a virus-derived suppressor protein. These findings indicate that hpRNA-mediated RNAi in plants operates through the viral defence pathway.


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Recent studies suggest that regulatory T cells (Tregs) are associated with disease severity and progression in papilloma virus induced neoplasia. Bovine papilloma virus (BPV) is recognised as the most important aetiological factor in equine sarcoid (ES) disease. The aim of this study was to compare expression levels of Treg markers and associated cytokines in tissue samples of ES-affected equids with skin samples of healthy control horses. Eleven ES-affected, and 12 healthy horses were included in the study. Expression levels of forkhead box protein 3 (FOXP3), interleukin 10 (IL10), interleukin 4 (IL4) and interferon gamma (IFNG) mRNA in lesional and tumour-distant samples from ES-affected horses, as well as in dermal samples of healthy control horses were measured using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Expression levels were compared between lesional and tumour-distant as well as between tumour-distant and control samples. Furthermore, BPV-1 E5 DNA in samples of ES-affected horses was quantified using quantitative PCR, and possible associations of viral load, disease severity and gene expression levels were evaluated. Expression levels of FOXP3, IL10 and IFNG mRNA and BPV-1 E5 copy numbers were significantly increased in lesional compared to tumour-distant samples. There was no difference in FOXP3 and cytokine expression in tumour-distant samples from ES- compared with control horses. In tumour-distant samples viral load was positively correlated with IL10 expression and severity score. The increased expression of Treg markers in tumour-associated tissues of ES-affected equids indicates a local, Treg-induced immune suppression.


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Maize streak virus (MSV; Genus Mastrevirus, Family Geminiviridae) occurs throughout Africa, where it causes what is probably the most serious viral crop disease on the continent. It is obligately transmitted by as many as six leafhopper species in the Genus Cicadulina, but mainly by C. mbila Naudé and C. storeyi. In addition to maize, it can infect over 80 other species in the Family Poaceae. Whereas 11 strains of MSV are currently known, only the MSV-A strain is known to cause economically significant streak disease in maize. Severe maize streak disease (MSD) manifests as pronounced, continuous parallel chlorotic streaks on leaves, with severe stunting of the affected plant and, usuallly, a failure to produce complete cobs or seed. Natural resistance to MSV in maize, and/or maize infections caused by non-maize-adapted MSV strains, can result in narrow, interrupted streaks and no obvious yield losses. MSV epidemiology is primarily governed by environmental influences on its vector species, resulting in erratic epidemics every 3-10 years. Even in epidemic years, disease incidences can vary from a few infected plants per field, with little associated yield loss, to 100% infection rates and complete yield loss. Taxonomy: The only virus species known to cause MSD is MSV, the type member of the Genus Mastrevirus in the Family Geminiviridae. In addition to the MSV-A strain, which causes the most severe form of streak disease in maize, 10 other MSV strains (MSV-B to MSV-K) are known to infect barley, wheat, oats, rye, sugarcane, millet and many wild, mostly annual, grass species. Seven other mastrevirus species, many with host and geographical ranges partially overlapping those of MSV, appear to infect primarily perennial grasses. Physical properties: MSV and all related grass mastreviruses have single-component, circular, single-stranded DNA genomes of approximately 2700 bases, encapsidated in 22 × 38-nm geminate particles comprising two incomplete T = 1 icosahedra, with 22 pentameric capsomers composed of a single 32-kDa capsid protein. Particles are generally stable in buffers of pH 4-8. Disease symptoms: In infected maize plants, streak disease initially manifests as minute, pale, circular spots on the lowest exposed portion of the youngest leaves. The only leaves that develop symptoms are those formed after infection, with older leaves remaining healthy. As the disease progresses, newer leaves emerge containing streaks up to several millimetres in length along the leaf veins, with primary veins being less affected than secondary or tertiary veins. The streaks are often fused laterally, appearing as narrow, broken, chlorotic stripes, which may extend over the entire length of severely affected leaves. Lesion colour generally varies from white to yellow, with some virus strains causing red pigmentation on maize leaves and abnormal shoot and flower bunching in grasses. Reduced photosynthesis and increased respiration usually lead to a reduction in leaf length and plant height; thus, maize plants infected at an early stage become severely stunted, producing undersized, misshapen cobs or giving no yield at all. Yield loss in susceptible maize is directly related to the time of infection: Infected seedlings produce no yield or are killed, whereas plants infected at later times are proportionately less affected. Disease control: Disease avoidance can be practised by only planting maize during the early season when viral inoculum loads are lowest. Leafhopper vectors can also be controlled with insecticides such as carbofuran. However, the development and use of streak-resistant cultivars is probably the most effective and economically viable means of preventing streak epidemics. Naturally occurring tolerance to MSV (meaning that, although plants become systemically infected, they do not suffer serious yield losses) has been found, which has primarily been attributed to a single gene, msv-1. However, other MSV resistance genes also exist and improved resistance has been achieved by concentrating these within individual maiz genotypes. Whereas true MSV immunity (meaning that plants cannot be symptomatically infected by the virus) has been achieved in lines that include multiple small-effect resistance genes together with msv-1, it has proven difficult to transfer this immunity into commercial maize genotypes. An alternative resistance strategy using genetic engineering is currently being investigated in South Africa. Useful websites: 〈http://www.mcb.uct.ac.za/MSV/mastrevirus.htm〉; 〈http://www. danforthcenter.org/iltab/geminiviridae/geminiaccess/mastrevirus/Mastrevirus. htm〉. © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)是我国北方重要养殖扇贝种类,在海湾扇贝和虾夷扇贝引进以前,其年产量占我国扇贝总产量的80%。但自1997 年以来,我国北方大部分养殖区连续发生养殖栉孔扇贝大批死亡事件,严重影响和损害了栉孔扇贝养殖业的发展。我国栉孔扇贝大规模死亡是多种因素综合作用的结果。大致可分为生物因素与非生物因素:非生物的因素有夏季水温过高、养殖密度过高、养殖环境退化等。生物因素有流行性病原生物的侵害和扇贝种质的退化等。其中,急性病毒性坏死症(Acute Viral Necrobiotic Disease, AVND)病毒造成栉孔扇贝大规模死亡现象的研究已经开展。本研究通过生理学、免疫学技术和手段研究栉孔扇贝对急性病毒性坏死症病毒的生理和免疫应答,以期更好的了解栉孔扇贝对这一病毒的防御机制,为扇贝病害防治提供资料。 本研究对不同温度下栉孔扇贝感染AVND 病毒后的耗氧率和排氨率进行了测定。结果显示,在17℃下,病毒组和注射生理盐水组栉孔扇贝的耗氧率逐渐升高,但两者无显著差异;方差分析显示,各组间排氨率的变化无显著差异。在25℃下,栉孔扇贝闭壳肌注射AVND 病毒和注射生理盐水组栉孔扇贝的耗氧率逐渐升高,在12 小时取得最大值,对照组则变化不大。方差分析显示,注射病毒组与注射生理盐水组和对照组之间有显著差异(P<0.05)。同时,对栉孔扇贝感染AVND 病毒的致病剂量进行了研究,在25℃水温下,栉孔扇贝肌肉注射感染AVND 病毒后,只有150 μl 组表现出明显患病症状并在第三天开始出现死亡现象,注射50、100 μl 组则无明显症状;17℃下栉孔扇贝感染AVND 病毒后无明显患病症状,表明AVND 病毒对栉孔扇贝的感染致病具有剂量和温度依赖性。 对于25℃水温下栉孔扇贝感染AVND 病毒后血清中相关免疫酶类活力变化进行了测定。栉孔扇贝感染AVND 病毒后血清中SOD 的活性逐渐升高,在48小时达到最大值,方差分析显示不同时间点之间的SOD 活性有显著差异(P<0.05),在48 小时,病毒组和生理盐水组间的SOD 活性有显著差异(P<0.05),在其它时间点无显著差异。酸性磷酸酶(ACP)的活力在感染病毒2 小时后升高,在12 小时下降,然后又升高,在48 小时达到最大值。方差分析显示不同时间点之间的ACP 活性有显著差异(P<0.05),在2 小时和48 小时,病毒组和生理盐水组间的ACP 活性有显著差异(P<0.05)。碱性磷酸酶(AKP)的活力变化趋势与ACP 相同,在24 小时达到最大值。方差分析显示不同时间点之间的AKP 活性有显著差异(P<0.05)。在2 小时、12 小时、24 小时病毒组和生理盐水组间有显著差异(P<0.05)。栉孔扇贝酚氧化酶的活性最大值在48 小时,但与生理盐水对照组之间无显著差异。溶菌酶(Lysozyme)活性在病毒组和生理盐水对照组间无显著差异,病毒组最大值在2 小时取得,对照组在24 小时取得。结果表明栉孔扇贝通过升高或调节自身免疫相关蛋白酶类合成应对AVND 病毒侵染。 采用荧光实时定量PCR 技术,对栉孔扇贝感染AVND 病毒后免疫相关基因的时空表达规律进行了研究。水温17℃下,栉孔扇贝肌肉注射感染AVND 病毒后超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)基因mRNA 的表达量逐渐上升,在注射后24 小时达到最大值,约为空白对照组的1.8 倍,方差分析显示,病毒组SOD 的表达量不同时间点之间有显著变化(P<0.05);但与生理盐水对照组相比较,病毒组SOD表达量无显著差异。在水温25℃下SOD 基因mRNA 的表达量逐渐上升,在注射后6 小时达到最大值,约为对照组的1.5 倍,空白对照组的2.2 倍。病毒组SOD的表达量不同时间点之间有显著差异(P<0.05);在感染后2、6、12、24 小时病毒组SOD 表达量比对照组有显著升高(P<0.05)。溶菌酶基因在肝胰脏中的表达升高,在6 小时达到最大值,约为生理盐水对照组的1.5 倍,空白对照组的2.7倍,在48 小时取得最小值(低于空白对照组)。病毒感染后不同时间之间溶菌酶基因表达有显著差异(P<0.05),感染后6、24 和48 小时病毒组溶菌酶基因表达比对照组有显著升高(P<0.05)。在AVND 病毒感染后6 小时,在肝胰脏、性腺、肌肉、鳃中溶菌酶mRNA 量急剧增加,分别达到了空白对照组的4.7 倍、3.8 倍、13.43 倍和25.15 倍。方差分析显示在不同组织部位的表达有显著差异(P<0.05)。表明AVND 病毒感染后栉孔扇贝免疫相关基因的表达具有时序性和组织部位特异性。


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Murid gammaherpesvirus 4 (MuHV-4) is widely used as a small animal model for understanding gammaherpesvirus infections in man. However, there have been no epidemiological studies of the virus in wild populations of small mammals. As MuHV-4 both infects cells associated with the respiratory and immune systems and attempts to evade immune control via various molecular mechanisms, infection may reduce immunocompetence with potentially serious fitness consequences for individuals. Here we report a longitudinal study of antibody to MuHV-4 in a mixed assemblage of bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) and wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the UK. The study was conducted between April 2001 and March 2004. Seroprevalence was higher in wood mice than bank voles, supporting earlier work that suggested wood mice were the major host even though the virus was originally isolated from a bank vole. Analyses of both the probability of having antibodies and the probability of initial seroconversion indicated no clear seasonal pattern or relationship with host density. Instead, infection risk was most closely associated with individual characteristics, with heavier males having the highest risk. This may reflect individual variation in susceptibility, potentially related to variability in the ability to mount an effective immune response.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJECTIVE Involvement of the pancreato-biliary system has been occasionally noted in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Furthermore, cases of this vasculitis syndrome sometimes develop in the context of a viral hepatitis or after hepatitis vaccination. METHODS We completed a review of the literature. RESULTS Fifty reports published between 1977 and 2015 were retained for the analysis. A pancreato-biliary involvement was recognized in 34 individually well-described patients (♂:♀ = 19:15) with severe abdominal pain: pancreatitis (N = 20), acalculous cholecystitis (N = 11), both pancreatitis and cholecystitis (N = 3). In all of the pancreatitis patients, full recovery occurred (within ≤3 weeks in three-fourths of the patients). Cholecystectomy was performed in 8 cholecystitis patients. Seventeen Henoch-Schönlein patients (♂:♀ = 9:8) were associated with a viral liver disease and 4 (♂:♀ = 1:3) with a hepatitis vaccination. The vasculitis syndrome rapidly remitted in the 7 patients accompanying hepatitis A or E, in 2 patients of hepatitis B, and in the 4 patients preceded by a vaccination. Henoch-Schönlein purpura seemed to be serious in 5 patients with chronic hepatitis B and in 3 with chronic hepatitis C. CONCLUSIONS This analysis indicates that pancreato-biliary involvement is unusual in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. This complication deserves consideration in patients with especially severe abdominal pain. Finally, viral hepatitides and hepatitis vaccinations seem to be rare triggers of Henoch-Schönlein purpura.


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Circoviruses lack an autonomous DNA polymerase and are dependent on the replication machinery of the host cell for de novo DNA synthesis. Accordingly, the viral DNA needs to cross both the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope before replication can occur. Here we report on the subcellular distribution of the beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) capsid protein (CP) and replication-associated protein (Rep) expressed via recombinant baculoviruses in an insect cell system and test the hypothesis that the CP is responsible for transporting the viral genome, as well as Rep, across the nuclear envelope. The intracellular localization of the BFDV CP was found to be directed by three partially overlapping bipartite nuclear localization signals (NLSs) situated between residues 16 and 56 at the N terminus of the protein. Moreover, a DNA binding region was also mapped to the N terminus of the protein and falls within the region containing the three putative NLSs. The ability of CP to bind DNA, coupled with the karyophilic nature of this protein, strongly suggests that it may be responsible for nuclear targeting of the viral genome. Interestingly, whereas Rep expressed on its own in insect cells is restricted to the cytoplasm, coexpression with CP alters the subcellular localization of Rep to the nucleus, strongly suggesting that an interaction with CP facilitates movement of Rep into the nucleus. Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Integrated viral disease management in vegetable crops.


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Veterinarians have few tools to predict the rate of disease progression in FIV-infected cats. In contrast, in HIV infection, plasma viral RNA load and acute phase protein concentrations are commonly used as predictors of disease progression. This study evaluated these predictors in cats naturally infected with FIV. In older cats (>5 years), log10 FIV RNA load was higher in the terminal stages of disease compared to the asymptomatic stage. There was a significant association between log10 FIV RNA load and both log10 serum amyloid A concentration and age in unwell FIV-infected cats. This study suggests that viral RNA load and serum amyloid A warrant further investigation as predictors of disease status and prognosis in FIV-infected cats.


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Part I: Parkinson’s disease is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder in which particularly the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta degenerate and die. Current conventional treatment is based on restraining symptoms but it has no effect on the progression of the disease. Gene therapy research has focused on the possibility of restoring the lost brain function by at least two means: substitution of critical enzymes needed for the synthesis of dopamine and slowing down the progression of the disease by supporting the functions of the remaining nigral dopaminergic neurons by neurotrophic factors. The striatal levels of enzymes such as tyrosine hydroxylase, dopadecarboxylase and GTP-CH1 are decreased as the disease progresses. By replacing one or all of the enzymes, dopamine levels in the striatum may be restored to normal and behavioral impairments caused by the disease may be ameliorated especially in the later stages of the disease. The neurotrophic factors glial cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurturin have shown to protect and restore functions of dopaminergic cell somas and terminals as well as improve behavior in animal lesion models. This therapy may be best suited at the early stages of the disease when there are more dopaminergic neurons for neurotrophic factors to reach. Viral vector-mediated gene transfer provides a tool to deliver proteins with complex structures into specific brain locations and provides long-term protein over-expression. Part II: The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of two orally dosed COMT inhibitors entacapone (10 and 30 mg/kg) and tolcapone (10 and 30 mg/kg) with a subsequent administration of a peripheral dopadecarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa (30 mg/kg) and L- dopa (30 mg/kg) on dopamine and its metabolite levels in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats using dual-probe in vivo microdialysis. Earlier similarly designed studies have only been conducted in the dorsal striatum. We also confirmed the result of earlier ex vivo studies regarding the effects of intraperitoneally dosed tolcapone (30 mg/kg) and entacapone (30 mg/kg) on striatal and hepatic COMT activity. The results obtained from the dorsal striatum were generally in line with earlier studies, where tolcapone tended to increase dopamine and DOPAC levels and decrease HVA levels. Entacapone tended to keep striatal dopamine and HVA levels elevated longer than in controls and also tended to elevate the levels of DOPAC. Surprisingly in the nucleus accumbens, dopamine levels after either dose of entacapone or tolcapone were not elevated. Accumbal DOPAC levels, especially in the tolcapone 30 mg/kg group, were elevated nearly to the same extent as measured in the dorsal striatum. Entacapone 10 mg/kg elevated accumbal HVA levels more than the dose of 30 mg/kg and the effect was more pronounced in the nucleus accumbens than in the dorsal striatum. This suggests that entacapone 30 mg/kg has minor central effects. Also our ex vivo study results obtained from the dorsal striatum suggest that entacapone 30 mg/kg has minor and transient central effects, even though central HVA levels were not suppressed below those of the control group in either brain area in the microdialysis study. Both entacapone and tolcapone suppressed hepatic COMT activity more than striatal COMT activity. Tolcapone was more effective than entacapone in the dorsal striatum. The differences between dopamine and its metabolite levels in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens may be due to different properties of the two brain areas.


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The white spot viral disease in penaeid shrimp affects the development of the global shrimp industry. This paper reviews the viruses that cause the disease, the transmission of the virus, diagnosis and preventive measures.


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Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a rare autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by the expression of a mutant Huntingtin (muHTT) protein. Therefore, preventing the expression of muHTT by harnessing the specificity of the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway is a key research avenue for developing novel therapies for HD. However, the biggest caveat in the RNAi approach is the delivery of short interfering RNA (siRNAs) to neurons, which are notoriously difficult to transfect. Indeed, despite the great advances in the field of nanotechnology, there remains a great need to develop more effective and less toxic carriers for siRNA delivery to the Central Nervous System (CNS). Thus, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the utility of modified amphiphilic β-cyclodextrins (CDs), oligosaccharide-based molecules, as non-viral vectors for siRNA delivery for HD. Modified CDs were able to bind and complex siRNAs forming nanoparticles capable of delivering siRNAs to ST14A-HTT120Q cells and to human HD fibroblasts, and reducing the expression of the HTT gene in these in vitro models of HD. Moreover, direct administration of CD.siRNA nanoparticles into the R6/2 mouse brain resulted in significant HTT gene expression knockdown and selective alleviation of rotarod motor deficits in this mouse model of HD. In contrast to widely used transfection reagents, CD.siRNA nanoparticles only induced limited cytotoxic and neuroinflammatory responses in multiple brain-derived cell-lines, and also in vivo after single direct injections into the mouse brain. Alternatively, we have also described a PEGylation-based formulation approach to further stabilise CD.siRNA nanoparticles and progress towards a systemic delivery nanosystem. Resulting PEGylated CD.siRNA nanoparticles showed increased stability in physiological saltconditions and, to some extent, reduced protein-induced aggregation. Taken together, the work outlined in this thesis identifies modified CDs as effective, safe and versatile siRNA delivery systems that hold great potential for the treatment of CNS disorders, such as HD.