432 resultados para Violences collectives


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Les calculs statistiques ont été effectués à l'aide du logiciel SPSS.


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"Trust and Collectives" is a compilation of articles: (I) "On Rational Trust" (in Meggle, G. (ed.) Social Facts & Collective Intentionality, Dr. Hänsel-Hohenhausen AG (currently Ontos), 2002), (II) "Simulating Rational Social Normative Trust, Predictive Trust, and Predictive Reliance Between Agents" (M.Tuomela and S. Hofmann, Ethics and Information Technology 5, 2003), (III) "A Collective's Trust in a Collective's action" (Protosociology, 18-19, 2003), and (IV) "Cooperation and Trust in Group Contexts" (R. Tuomela and M.Tuomela, Mind and Society 4/1, 2005 ). The articles are tied together by an introduction that dwells deeply on the topic of trust. (I) presents a somewhat general version of (RSNTR) and some basic arguments. (II) offers an application of (RSNTR) for a computer simulation of trust.(III) applies (RSNTR) to Raimo Tuomela's "we-mode"collectives (i.e. The Philosophy of Social Practices, Cambridge University Press, 2002). (IV) analyzes cooperation and trust in the context of acting as a member of a collective. Thus, (IV) elaborates on the topic of collective agency in (III) and puts the trust account (RSNTR) to work in a framework of cooperation. The central aim of this work is to construct a well-argued conceptual and theoretical account of rational trust, viz. a person's subjectively rational trust in another person vis-à-vis his performance of an action, seen from a first-person point of view. The main method is conceptual and theoretical analysis understood along the lines of reflective equilibrium. The account of rational social normative trust (RSNTR), which is argued and defended against other views, is the result of the quest. The introduction stands on its own legs as an argued presentation of an analysis of the concept of rational trust and an analysis of trust itself (RSNTR). It is claimed that (RSNTR) is "genuine" trust and embedded in a relationship of mutual respect for the rights of the other party. This relationship is the growing site for trust, a causal and conceptual ground, but it is not taken as a reason for trusting (viz. predictive "trust"). Relevant themes such as risk, decision, rationality, control, and cooperation are discussed and the topics of the articles are briefly presented. In this work it is argued that genuine trust is to be kept apart from predictive "trust." When we trust a person vis-à-vis his future action that concerns ourselves on the basis of his personal traits and/or features of the specific situation we have a prediction-like attitude. Genuine trust develops in a relationship of mutual respect for the mutual rights of the other party. Such a relationship is formed through interaction where the parties gradually find harmony concerning "the rules of the game." The trust account stands as a contribution to philosophical research on central social notions and it could be used as a theoretical model in social psychology, economical and political science where interaction between persons and groups are in focus. The analysis could also serve as a model for a trust component in computer simulation of human action. In the context of everyday life the account clarifies the difference between predictive "trust" and genuine trust. There are no fast shortcuts to trust. Experiences of mutual respect for mutual rights cannot be had unless there is respect.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os dispositivos que permitem instituir a "violência" na contemporaneidade como uma questão constituinte e mobilizadora de coletivos (para o seu estudo, o seu combate, a sua divulgação, proteção frente à mesma, atendimento às suas vítimas e atendimento ou punição a seus agentes), na cidade de Chapecó. Para esta finalidade, foram utilizados princípios, regras e propriedades metodológicas da Teoria do Ator-Rede, concebida por Bruno Latour, John Law e Michel Callon, que guiaram a etnografia realizada; a Teoria da Sociedade Global de Riscos, proposta por Ulrich Beck, que permitiu compreender configurações contemporâneas; e noções de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari que possibilitaram focar processos vinculados às gestões das violências, como a mídia e as tecnologias de vigilância e controle. A violência foi constituída como um artefato da pesquisa e conduziu ao conhecimento dos vários sentidos tomados no espaço de sua circulação. No lugar de tomar uma definição a priori para relacioná-la ao empírico, o estudo optou por uma forma de compreendê-la, com base nos referenciais escolhidos: não como causa, mas como efeito, configurando redes sociotécnicas que articulam diferentes elementos; não um reservatório que forneceria automaticamente uma explicação, mas o resultado final de um processo, que envolve mediadores em sua fabricação. A pesquisa foi realizada em Chapecó, cidade de porte médio, localizada no Oeste de Santa Catarina, diferenciando-se dos grandes centros urbanos, nos quais as violências vêm sendo predominantemente estudadas. O trabalho de campo englobou diferentes momentos (2004, 2005 e 2006) e trilhou diferentes caminhos para a coleta de indicadores. O primeiro investigando histórias da cidade e região com ênfase nos estudos referentes a situações que ficaram marcadas como violentas. O segundo observando a cidade como um todo, tendo em vista eventos, atores e coletivos que se constituíram vinculados à categoria violência. O terceiro focando e descrevendo cinco eventos contemporâneos específicos vinculados às práticas violentas, à gestão das violências, à produção de segurança e à mídia escrita de Chapecó. A amplitude e a diversidade, abrangidas pela etnografia, evidenciaram que as configurações das práticas violentas se constituem conectadas aos processos de inscrição dessas práticas, aos processos de tradução das categorias que as definem e as estratégias de gestão das violências, que implicam em tecnologias de vigilância e controle. As múltiplas entradas para abordar o tema fizeram ressoar as misturas que envolvem a sua discussão, a infinitude de variáveis em jogo e a multiplicidade que compõe as violências. Os eventos estudados tornaram perceptível a trama de redes que constituem a violência no município, redes que disputam e fazem alianças, conectando uma diversidade de actantes que as fabricam cotidianamente. Dessa forma, a violência não deve ser delegada a alguns atores apenas, mas pode ser compreendida como efeito de redes sociotécnicas extensas que articulam diferentes actantes, a partir dos vínculos que os ligam, da tradução dos interesses que os unem e dos traços que inscrevem os seus deslocamentos.


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We explore collective behavior in biological systems using a cooperative control framework. In particular, we study a hysteresis phenomenon in which a collective switches from circular to parallel motion under slow variation of the neighborhood size in which individuals tend to align with one another. In the case that the neighborhood radius is less than the circular motion radius, both circular and parallel motion can occur. We provide Lyapunov-based analysis of bistability of circular and parallel motion in a closed-loop system of self-propelled particles with coupled-oscillator dynamics. ©2007 IEEE.


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Background: Ineffective risk stratification can delay diagnosis of serious disease in patients with hematuria. We applied a systems biology approach to analyze clinical, demographic and biomarker measurements (n = 29) collected from 157 hematuric patients: 80 urothelial cancer (UC) and 77 controls with confounding pathologies.

Methods: On the basis of biomarkers, we conducted agglomerative hierarchical clustering to identify patient and biomarker clusters. We then explored the relationship between the patient clusters and clinical characteristics using Chi-square analyses. We determined classification errors and areas under the receiver operating curve of Random Forest Classifiers (RFC) for patient subpopulations using the biomarker clusters to reduce the dimensionality of the data.

Results: Agglomerative clustering identified five patient clusters and seven biomarker clusters. Final diagnoses categories were non-randomly distributed across the five patient clusters. In addition, two of the patient clusters were enriched with patients with ‘low cancer-risk’ characteristics. The biomarkers which contributed to the diagnostic classifiers for these two patient clusters were similar. In contrast, three of the patient clusters were significantly enriched with patients harboring ‘high cancer-risk” characteristics including proteinuria, aggressive pathological stage and grade, and malignant cytology. Patients in these three clusters included controls, that is, patients with other serious disease and patients with cancers other than UC. Biomarkers which contributed to the diagnostic classifiers for the largest ‘high cancer- risk’ cluster were different than those contributing to the classifiers for the ‘low cancer-risk’ clusters. Biomarkers which contributed to subpopulations that were split according to smoking status, gender and medication were different.

Conclusions: The systems biology approach applied in this study allowed the hematuric patients to cluster naturally on the basis of the heterogeneity within their biomarker data, into five distinct risk subpopulations. Our findings highlight an approach with the promise to unlock the potential of biomarkers. This will be especially valuable in the field of diagnostic bladder cancer where biomarkers are urgently required. Clinicians could interpret risk classification scores in the context of clinical parameters at the time of triage. This could reduce cystoscopies and enable priority diagnosis of aggressive diseases, leading to improved patient outcomes at reduced costs. © 2013 Emmert-Streib et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Si la famille est en général synonyme d'intimité et de relations de confiance, elle peut également être un lieu d'abus, de contrôle ou de violences. Les diverses formes de violences qui se déroulent dans la sphère privée ont été dénoncées dès les années 1970 par les mouvements féministes. Elles ont alors fait l'objet d'une variété de politiques et d'actions publiques ayant pour vocation de défendre et d'accompagner les victimes, de punir et soigner les agresseurs ou de rétablir des liens familiaux distendus. En s'attachant à la façon dont ces violences ont été définies dans des contextes différents, en Europe, en Amérique du Nord et en Amérique latine, cet article a pour ambition de donner à voir les perspectives variées que recouvrent des catégories d'action publique aussi diverses que violences conjugales, violences domestiques, violences intrafamiliales ou encore féminicides ou fémicides, et les conséquences que ces différentes visions du problème ont sur sa prise en charge. Largement influencé par les études genre et la sociologie des problèmes publics, cet article, notamment à travers la présentation des contributions qui composent ce numéro de la revue Enfances Familles Générations, entend questionner les notions de violences de genre dans le cadre familial, dont les frontières sont fluctuantes et investies de façon variée, ainsi que les formes d'institutionnalisation du problème et les solutions qui sont envisagées.