994 resultados para Video-Stream Filtering


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The aim of this paper is to review some of the standards, connected with multimedia and their metadata. We start with MPEG family. MPEG-21 provides an open framework for multimedia delivery and consumption. MPEG- 7 is a multimedia content description standard. With the Internet grow several format were proposed for media scenes description. Some of them are open standards such as: VRML1, X3D2, SMIL3, SVG4, MPEG-4 BIFS, MPEG-4, XMT, MPEG-4, LaSER, COLLADA5, published by ISO, W3C, etc. Television has become the most important mass medium. Standards such as MHEG, DAVIC, Java TV, MHP, GEM, OCAP and ACAP have been developed. Efficient video-streaming is presented. There exist a large number of standards for representing audiovisual metadata. We cover the Material Exchange Format (MXF), the Digital Picture Exchange (DPX), and the Digital Cinema Package (DCP).


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The use of perspective projection in tracking a target from a video stream involves nonlinear observations. The target dynamics, however, are modeled in Cartesian coordinates and result in a linear system. In this paper we provide a robust version of a linear Kalman filter and perform a measurement conversion technique on the nonlinear optical measurements. We show that our linear robust filter significantly outperforms the Extended Kalman Filter. Moreover, we prove that the state estimation error is bounded in a probabilistic sense.


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Scalable video coding of H.264/AVC standard enables adaptive and flexible delivery for multiple devices and various network conditions. Only a few works have addressed the influence of different scalability parameters (frame rate, spatial resolution, and SNR) on the user perceived quality within a limited scope. In this paper, we have conducted an experiment of subjective quality assessment for video sequences encoded with H.264/SVC to gain a better understanding of the correlation between video content and UPQ at all scalable layers and the impact of rate-distortion method and different scalabilities on bitrate and UPQ. Findings from this experiment will contribute to a user-centered design of adaptive delivery of scalable video stream.


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This thesis introduces improved techniques towards automatically estimating the pose of humans from video. It examines a complete workflow to estimating pose, from the segmentation of the raw video stream to extract silhouettes, to using the silhouettes in order to determine the relative orientation of parts of the human body. The proposed segmentation algorithms have improved performance and reduced complexity, while the pose estimation shows superior accuracy during difficult cases of self occlusion.


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A robust visual tracking system requires an object appearance model that is able to handle occlusion, pose, and illumination variations in the video stream. This can be difficult to accomplish when the model is trained using only a single image. In this paper, we first propose a tracking approach based on affine subspaces (constructed from several images) which are able to accommodate the abovementioned variations. We use affine subspaces not only to represent the object, but also the candidate areas that the object may occupy. We furthermore propose a novel approach to measure affine subspace-to-subspace distance via the use of non-Euclidean geometry of Grassmann manifolds. The tracking problem is then considered as an inference task in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo framework via particle filtering. Quantitative evaluation on challenging video sequences indicates that the proposed approach obtains considerably better performance than several recent state-of-the-art methods such as Tracking-Learning-Detection and MILtrack.


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In this paper, a new blind and readable H.264 compressed domain watermarking scheme is proposed in which the embedding/extracting is performed using the syntactic elements of the compressed bit stream. As a result, it is not necessary to fully decode a compressed video stream both in the embedding and extracting processes. The method also presents an inexpensive spatiotemporal analysis that selects the appropriate submacroblocks for embedding, increasing watermark robustness while reducing its impact on visual quality. Meanwhile, the proposed method prevents bit-rate increase and restricts it within an acceptable limit by selecting appropriate quantized residuals for watermark insertion. Regarding watermarking demands such as imperceptibility, bit-rate control, and appropriate level of security, a priority matrix is defined which can be adjusted based on the application requirements. The resulted flexibility expands the usability of the proposed method.


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This research establishes the feasibility of using a network centric technology, Jini, to provide a grid framework on which to perform parallel video encoding. A solution was implemented using Jini and obtained real-time on demand encoding of a 480 HD video stream. Further, a projection is made concerning the encoding of 1080 HD video in real-time, as the current grid was not powerful enough to achieve this above 15fps. The research found that Jini is able to provide a number of tools and services highly applicable in a grid environment. It is also suitable in terms of performance and responds well to a varying number of grid nodes. The main performance limiter was found to be the network bandwidth allocation, which when loaded with a large number of grid nodes was unable to handle the traffic.


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We address the problem of virtual-videoconferencing. The proposed solution is effected in terms of a generic framework based on an in-house Virtual Reality system. The framework is composed of a number of distinct components: model acquisition, head tracking, expression analysis, network transmission and avatar reconstruction. The framework promises to provide a unique, cheap, and fast system for avatar construction, transmission and animation. This approach affords a conversion from the traditional video stream approach to the management of an avatar remotely and consequently makes minimal demands on network resources.


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We present a video browsing approach, termed Temporal Semantic Compression (TSC), that uses automated measures of interest to support today's foraging behaviours. Conventional browsers 'compress' a video stream using simple 2x or 8x fast-forward. TSC browsers dynamically filter video based on a single user gesture to leave out more or less of the boring bits. We demonstrate a browser with an example interest measure, derived from an automated estimate of movie tempo, to forage in terms of narrative structures such as crises, climaxes, and action sequence book-ends. Media understanding algorithms facilitate browsing, and interactivity enables the human-in-the-loop to cope when those algorithms fail to cross the semantic gap.


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This paper addresses the area of video annotation, indexing and retrieval, and shows how a set of tools can be employed, along with domain knowledge, to detect narrative structure in broadcast news. The initial structure is detected using low-level audio visual processing in conjunction with domain knowledge. Higher level processing may then utilize the initial structure detected to direct processing to improve and extend the initial classification.

The structure detected breaks a news broadcast into segments, each of which contains a single topic of discussion. Further the segments are labeled as a) anchor person or reporter, b) footage with a voice over or c) sound bite. This labeling may be used to provide a summary, for example by presenting a thumbnail for each reporter present in a section of the video. The inclusion of domain knowledge in computation allows more directed application of high level processing, giving much greater efficiency of effort expended. This allows valid deductions to be made about structure and semantics of the contents of a news video stream, as demonstrated by our experiments on CNN news broadcasts.


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This paper examines a new problem in large scale stream data: abnormality detection which is localized to a data segmentation process. Unlike traditional abnormality detection methods which typically build one unified model across data stream, we propose that building multiple detection models focused on different coherent sections of the video stream would result in better detection performance. One key challenge is to segment the data into coherent sections as the number of segments is not known in advance and can vary greatly across cameras; and a principled way approach is required. To this end, we first employ the recently proposed infinite HMM and collapsed Gibbs inference to automatically infer data segmentation followed by constructing abnormality detection models which are localized to each segmentation. We demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed framework in a real-world surveillance camera data over 14 days.


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Esta tesis estudia la monitorización y gestión de la Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) en los servicios de distribución de vídeo sobre IP. Aborda el problema de cómo prevenir, detectar, medir y reaccionar a las degradaciones de la QoE desde la perspectiva de un proveedor de servicios: la solución debe ser escalable para una red IP extensa que entregue flujos individuales a miles de usuarios simultáneamente. La solución de monitorización propuesta se ha denominado QuEM(Qualitative Experience Monitoring, o Monitorización Cualitativa de la Experiencia). Se basa en la detección de las degradaciones de la calidad de servicio de red (pérdidas de paquetes, disminuciones abruptas del ancho de banda...) e inferir de cada una una descripción cualitativa de su efecto en la Calidad de Experiencia percibida (silencios, defectos en el vídeo...). Este análisis se apoya en la información de transporte y de la capa de abstracción de red de los flujos codificados, y permite caracterizar los defectos más relevantes que se observan en este tipo de servicios: congelaciones, efecto de “cuadros”, silencios, pérdida de calidad del vídeo, retardos e interrupciones en el servicio. Los resultados se han validado mediante pruebas de calidad subjetiva. La metodología usada en esas pruebas se ha desarrollado a su vez para imitar lo más posible las condiciones de visualización de un usuario de este tipo de servicios: los defectos que se evalúan se introducen de forma aleatoria en medio de una secuencia de vídeo continua. Se han propuesto también algunas aplicaciones basadas en la solución de monitorización: un sistema de protección desigual frente a errores que ofrece más protección a las partes del vídeo más sensibles a pérdidas, una solución para minimizar el impacto de la interrupción de la descarga de segmentos de Streaming Adaptativo sobre HTTP, y un sistema de cifrado selectivo que encripta únicamente las partes del vídeo más sensibles. También se ha presentado una solución de cambio rápido de canal, así como el análisis de la aplicabilidad de los resultados anteriores a un escenario de vídeo en 3D. ABSTRACT This thesis proposes a comprehensive approach to the monitoring and management of Quality of Experience (QoE) in multimedia delivery services over IP. It addresses the problem of preventing, detecting, measuring, and reacting to QoE degradations, under the constraints of a service provider: the solution must scale for a wide IP network delivering individual media streams to thousands of users. The solution proposed for the monitoring is called QuEM (Qualitative Experience Monitoring). It is based on the detection of degradations in the network Quality of Service (packet losses, bandwidth drops...) and the mapping of each degradation event to a qualitative description of its effect in the perceived Quality of Experience (audio mutes, video artifacts...). This mapping is based on the analysis of the transport and Network Abstraction Layer information of the coded stream, and allows a good characterization of the most relevant defects that exist in this kind of services: screen freezing, macroblocking, audio mutes, video quality drops, delay issues, and service outages. The results have been validated by subjective quality assessment tests. The methodology used for those test has also been designed to mimic as much as possible the conditions of a real user of those services: the impairments to evaluate are introduced randomly in the middle of a continuous video stream. Based on the monitoring solution, several applications have been proposed as well: an unequal error protection system which provides higher protection to the parts of the stream which are more critical for the QoE, a solution which applies the same principles to minimize the impact of incomplete segment downloads in HTTP Adaptive Streaming, and a selective scrambling algorithm which ciphers only the most sensitive parts of the media stream. A fast channel change application is also presented, as well as a discussion about how to apply the previous results and concepts in a 3D video scenario.


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El esquema actual que existe en el ámbito de la normalización y el diseño de nuevos estándares de codificación de vídeo se está convirtiendo en una tarea difícil de satisfacer la evolución y dinamismo de la comunidad de codificación de vídeo. El problema estaba centrado principalmente en poder explotar todas las características y similitudes entre los diferentes códecs y estándares de codificación. Esto ha obligado a tener que rediseñar algunas partes comunes a varios estándares de codificación. Este problema originó la aparición de una nueva iniciativa de normalización dentro del comité ISO/IEC MPEG, llamado Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC). Su principal idea era desarrollar un estándar de codificación de vídeo que actualizase e incrementase progresivamente una biblioteca de los componentes, aportando flexibilidad y la capacidad de tener un código reconfigurable mediante el uso de un nuevo lenguaje orientado a flujo de Actores/datos denominado CAL. Este lenguaje se usa para la especificación de la biblioteca estándar y para la creación de instancias del modelo del decodificador. Más tarde, se desarrolló un nuevo estándar de codificación de vídeo denominado High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), que actualmente se encuentra en continuo proceso de actualización y desarrollo, que mejorase la eficiencia y compresión de la codificación de vídeo. Obviamente se ha desarrollado una visión de HEVC empleando la metodología de RVC. En este PFC, se emplean diferentes implementaciones de estándares empleando RVC. Por ejemplo mediante los decodificadores Mpeg 4 Part 2 SP y Mpeg 4 Part 10 CBP y PHP así como del nuevo estándar de codificación HEVC, resaltando las características y utilidad de cada uno de ellos. En RVC los algoritmos se describen mediante una clase de actores que intercambian flujos de datos (tokens) para realizar diferentes acciones. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un programa que, partiendo de los decodificadores anteriormente mencionados, una serie de secuencia de vídeo en diferentes formatos de compresión y una distribución estándar de los actores (para cada uno de los decodificadores), sea capaz de generar diferentes distribuciones de los actores del decodificador sobre uno o varios procesadores del sistema sobre el que se ejecuta, para conseguir la mayor eficiencia en la codificación del vídeo. La finalidad del programa desarrollado en este proyecto es la de facilitar la realización de las distribuciones de los actores sobre los núcleos del sistema, y obtener las mejores configuraciones posibles de una manera automática y eficiente. ABSTRACT. The current scheme that exists in the field of standardization and the design of new video coding standards is becoming a difficult task to meet the evolving and dynamic community of video encoding. The problem was centered mainly in order to exploit all the features and similarities between different codecs and encoding standards. This has forced redesigning some parts common to several coding standards. This problem led to the emergence of a new initiative for standardization within the ISO / IEC MPEG committee, called Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC). His main idea was to develop a video coding standard and gradually incrementase to update a library of components, providing flexibility and the ability to have a reconfigurable code using a new flow -oriented language Actors / data called CAL. This language is used for the specification of the standard library and to the instantiation model decoder. Later, a new video coding standard called High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), which currently is in continuous process of updating and development, which would improve the compression efficiency and video coding is developed. Obviously has developed a vision of using the methodology HEVC RVC. In this PFC, different implementations using RVC standard are used. For example, using decoders MPEG 4 Part 2 SP and MPEG 4 Part 10 CBP and PHP and the new coding standard HEVC, highlighting the features and usefulness of each. In RVC, the algorithms are described by a class of actors that exchange streams of data (tokens) to perform different actions. The objective of this project is to develop a program that, based on the aforementioned decoders, a series of video stream in different compression formats and a standard distribution of actors (for each of the decoders), is capable of generating different distributions decoder actors on one or more processors of the system on which it runs, to achieve greater efficiency in video coding. The purpose of the program developed in this project is to facilitate the realization of the distributions of the actors on the cores of the system, and get the best possible settings automatically and efficiently.


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We propose an original method to geoposition an audio/video stream with multiple emitters that are at the same time receivers of the mixed signal. The achieved method is suitable for those comes where a list of positions within a designated area is encoded with a degree of precision adjusted to the visualization capabilities; and is also easily extensible to support new requirements. This method extends a previously proposed protocol, without incurring in any performance penalty.


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In this paper, we propose an original method to geoposition an audio/video stream with multiple emitters that are at the same time receivers of the mixed signal. The obtained method is suitable when a list of positions within a known area is encoded with precision tailored to the visualization capabilities of the target device. Nevertheless, it is easily adaptable to new precision requirements, as well as parameterized data precision. This method extends a previously proposed protocol, without incurring in any performance penalty.